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  • What is the Immigration Act of 2000?

    The Child Citizenship Act of 2000 allows foreign-born, biological, and adopted children of U.S. citizens to acquire U.S. citizenship if they satisfy certain requirements before age 18.
    The Act applies to children who did not acquire U.S. citizenship at birth.

  • What are the 2 types of citizenship?

    Modern citizenship can be divided into two main categories: birthright (or jus soli) citizenship and acquired (or naturalized) citizenship.
    Citizenship at birth is automatically granted to those born within a particular country's borders.

  • How long do you have to live in Ghana to become a citizen?

    He is ordinarily residence in Ghana, He/She has been resident throughout the period of five years or such shorter period as the Minister may in the special circumstances of any particular case accept, immediately before the application, He/She can speak and understand an indigenous language of Ghana.

  • If you are married to a citizen of Ghana, you can apply to be registered as a citizen of Ghana.
    Marriage to a Ghanaian citizen offers a shorter pathway to citizenship.
    Unlike other general applications for citizenship, you get to have your application assessed under a more favorable regime.
THE CITIZENSHIP ACT, 2000 AN ACT to consolidate with amendments the law relating to citizenship of Ghana; to state in respect of citizenship by birth the legal conditions applicable at the given points in time; to bring the law in conformity with the Constitution as amended and to provide for related matters.

Extract from the Citizenship Act 1955
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