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Floriculture Production and Management

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  • What is a floriculture & nursery production management graduate certificate?

    The Floriculture and Nursery Production Management, Graduate Certificate is designed for: Nursery, greenhouse and garden center industry professionals. Horticulture agents involved in Extension programs. K-12 science teachers particularly those who may wish to pursue a Master of Science degree.

  • Who makes the floriculture production Guide?

    Floriculture Production Guide This guide was produced for commercial producers by the B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, PO Box 9120 STN PROV GOVT, Victoria, BC. The technical portion is copyright © by the British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture.

  • Should floriculture growers use best management practices?

    Floriculture growers are encouraged to use best management practices to avoid direct discharge or run-off losses of manure into watercourses. This concern applies not only to the nutrient and solid fractions, but also to the potential pathogens that may exist in animal manure.

  • What can I do with a degree in horticulture & nursery production management?

    Horticulture agents involved in Extension programs. K-12 science teachers particularly those who may wish to pursue a Master of Science degree. The online graduate certificate in Floriculture and Nursery Production Management offers a selection of courses that focus on floral and nursery crop production including business management.

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Floriculture Production and Management