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Internet 101: What is the Internet?

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  • What is the Internet?

    The Internet is a global network of billions of computers and other electronic devices.
    With the Internet, it's possible to access almost any information, communicate with anyone else in the world, and do much more.
    You can do all of this by connecting a computer to the Internet, which is also called going online.

  • How does the Internet work 101?

    The internet works by sending data from one computer to another.
    This data is sent through a system of wires, cables, and wifi that connects the many different computers together.
    The data that is sent through the internet is divided into small packets.

  • What is the Internet Internet Basics?

    The Internet is a worldwide telecommunications system that provides connectivity for millions of other, smaller networks; therefore, the Internet is often referred to as a network of networks.
    It allows computer users to communicate with each other across distance and computer platforms.

  • It's a global system of networks that connect computers all over the world.
    You can use a device, such as a computer, tablet or a smartphone, to connect to the internet and access information and services.
The Internet is a network of networks. Internet service providers connect with one another to share traffic, enabling any Internet-connected device to communicate with any other. URLs may list the application protocol, host name, domain name, path name, and file name, in that order.

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Internet 101: What is the Internet?