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Graph Mining

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  • What is an example of graph data mining?

    Examples include the graph of hyperlinks linking HTML documents on the Web, the social network graph of friendships between people, the bipartite graphs connecting users to the movies they like, and so on.

  • What is graph pattern in data mining?

    Graph pattern mining is the mining of frequent subgraphs (also called (sub)graph patterns) in one or a set of graphs.
    Methods for mining graph patterns can be categorized into Apriori-based and pattern growth–based approaches.

  • What is graph based data in data mining?

    Hence, the time series data representation have gained popularity over the years, which ease the task of mining, analysis and visualization.
    Graph based representation is one such emerging tool in which the time series data is represented as nodes and edges of graph.

  • The graph is used in data mining to discover subgraph patterns for discrimination, classification, data clustering, etc.
    Graph analysis is a process that uses it.
    Graphs can be used to create networks like the internet, computer networks, social networks, etc. by connecting the different nodes.
Graph mining uses features to see how a set of observations are related from a user facing similarity signal. Graphs represent relationships (edges) between entities (nodes) which are formulated based on distance.

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Graph Mining