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National Strategy for the Development of Statistics

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  • What is the plan for national statistical development?

    The Third Plan for National Statistical Development (PNSD III) is the national framework for guiding statistical production and development in Uganda for FY2020/21 to FY2024/25 in keeping with the Third National Development Plan (NDP III), regional, and global agendas.

  • What is the role of statistics in national development?

    From the authors' point of view, statistics is very crucial for the development process because it helps in the implementation, execution, and monitoring process of the plans towards achieving national development.

  • What are the strategies for national development?

    A national development strategy is a concerted economic action that has the nation as its collective actor, the state and its political leadership as their basic instruments, and economic growth as its objective; it is a group of diagnostics and objectives, and of laws and policies that guide decision-making by

  • It defined National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) as “a coordinated, participatory and iterative process of thoughts and actions to achieve economic, environmental and social objectives in a balanced and integrative manner”.
An NSDS is a national strategy which enables developing countries to build a reliable statistical system that produces the data necessary to design, implement and monitor national development policies and programmes. They also help countries meet their regional and international commitment with respect to statistics.

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National Strategy for the Development of Statistics