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EFR32MG 24 GHz 195 dBm Radio Board BRD4151A Reference

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  • What is efr32mg Radio Board brd4151a?

    EFR32MG 2.4 GHz 19.5 dBm Radio Board BRD4151A Reference Manual The EFR32MG family of Wireless SoCs deliver a high perform- ance, low energy wireless solution integrated into a small form factor package.

  • How do I connect the EFR32 Mighty gecko Radio Board?

    To develop and/or evaluate the EFR32 Mighty Gecko the EFR32MG Radio Board can be connected to the Wireless Starter Kit Mainboard to get access to display, buttons and additional features from Expansion Boards. Integrated PCB antenna, UFL connector (optional). Crystals for LFXO and HFXO: 32.768 kHz and 38.4 MHz. 1. Radio Board Connector

  • What is an EFR32 system-on-chip radio?

    The EFR32 product family features the world’s most energy friendly System-on-Chip radios. The devices are well suited for any battery operated application as well as other systems requiring high performance and low-energy consumption. This section gives a short intro- duction to the full radio and MCU system.

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EFR32MG 24 GHz 195 dBm Radio Board BRD4151A Reference