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Analysis of iterative methods for saddle point problems: a unified

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  • What are the conditions for the convergence of the iteration method for solving?

    If the function f is continuously differentiable, a sufficient condition for convergence is that the spectral radius of the derivative is strictly bounded by one in a neighborhood of the fixed point.
    If this condition holds at the fixed point, then a sufficiently small neighborhood (basin of attraction) must exist.

  • What is iterative convergence method?

    Iterative convergence relates to the number of iterations required to obtain residuals that are sufficiently close to zero, either for a steady-state problem or for each time step in an unsteady problem.

  • What is saddle point in differential equation?

    In mathematics, a saddle point or minimax point is a point on the surface of the graph of a function where the slopes (derivatives) in orthogonal directions are all zero (a critical point), but which is not a local extremum of the function.

  • In a matrix, an element is called the saddle point that is the minimum (or smallest) element row-wise and maximum (or largest) element column-wise.
    The term saddle point is widely used in game theory.
    Note that a matrix may have more than one, and may not have saddle points.

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Analysis of iterative methods for saddle point problems: a unified