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Lecture 17: object detection

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  • What is the best object detection model for 2023?

    In conclusion, YOLOv7 is the best real-time object detection algorithm with the highest accuracy.
    However, there are several other popular object detection techniques, such as Viola-Jones object detection, SIFT, HOG, and R-CNNs.
    Other notable object detection models include Faster R-CNN, HOG, and SSD.

  • Which library is best for object detection?

    The YOLOv3_TensorFlow library is one of the oldest implementations of the YOLO architecture for object detection processing and computation.

  • Which algorithm is best for object detection?

    Most Popular Object Detection Algorithms.
    Popular algorithms used to perform object detection include convolutional neural networks (R-CNN, Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks), Fast R-CNN, and YOLO (You Only Look Once).
    The R-CNN's are in the R-CNN family, while YOLO is part of the single-shot detector family.

  • The Vision API can detect and extract multiple objects in an image with Object Localization.
    Object localization identifies multiple objects in an image and provides a LocalizedObjectAnnotation for each object in the image.

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Lecture 17: object detection