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Soft power: the evolution of a concept

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  • What is the concept of soft power?

    In politics (and particularly in international politics), soft power is the ability to co-opt rather than coerce (in contrast with hard power).
    It involves shaping the preferences of others through appeal and attraction.
    Soft power is non-coercive, using culture, political values, and foreign policies to enact change.

  • What is hard power and soft power theory?

    It is the capacity to coerce another to act in ways in which that entity would not have acted otherwise.
    A military invasion is hard power.
    Economic sanctions are hard power.
    In contrast, coopted or soft power is the capacity to persuade others to do what one wants.

  • What are the modes of soft power?

    Soft water is water that has had dissolved ions, with the exception of sodium ions, removed and has an ion concentration of 17mg/L or less.
    Rainwater is considered soft water; water becomes hard as it travels through the ground and absorbs minerals.

  • Hard power encompasses a wide range of coercive policies, such as coercive diplomacy, economic sanctions, military action, and the forming of military alliances for deterrence and mutual defense.
    Hard power can be used to establish or change a state of political hegemony or balance of power.

The London School of Economics and Political Science
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Soft power: the evolution of a concept