[PDF] Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring


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Factor theorem state with proof examples and solutions factorise the Polynomials Maths Mutt Solution Here feel some examples of using the Factor Theorem

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[PDF] Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring

the following are all examples of quadratic equations o 2 2 ? 3 ? 5 = 0 we will use the Zero Factor Theorem to solve quadratic equations

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[PDF] Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring

the following are all examples of quadratic equations o 2 2 − 3 − 5 zero, and factor that polynomial, we can use the Zero Factor Theorem to solve it


1 3 1 THE REMAINDER THEOREM AND THE FACTOR THEOREM Definition: Example 1 Is 0 a zero of ( ) 1 2 3 + − = xx xP I DIVISION OF POLYNOMIALS

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[PDF] Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring 101394_6QuadraticEquations,theZeroFactorTheorem,andFactoring.pdf

16-week Lesson 12 (8-week Lesson 10) Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring


Solving quadratic equations will

be the main topic on Exam 3; we will be solving quadratic equations in Lessons 12, 13, 14, and 15. You will still need to understand the (such as rational equations from

Lesson 11) and will cover (such as

equations containing fraction exponents from Lesson 15), but solving quadratic equations will make-up about 75% of Exam 3, so please be prepared.

16-week Lesson 12 (8-week Lesson 10) Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring


Quadratic equation:

- any equation that can be written in the form ܽݔଶ൅ܾݔ൅ܿ o ܾ and/or ܿ can equal zero, but ܽ o if ܽ - the degree of a quadratic equation is always - - the following are all examples of quadratic equations o -ݔଶെ͵ݔെͷൌ- o െݔଶ൅Ͷݔൌ- o ଵ ଶݔଶ൅ଷ ସൌ- o െ͵ݔଶൌ- The first method we will use to solve quadratic equations is factoring. If we can take a quadratic equation, which is just a polynomial set equal to zero, and factor that polynomial, we can use the Zero Factor Theorem to solve it.

Zero Factor Theorem:

- the product of two or more factors is zero if and only if at least one of the factors is zero o ݔݕൌ- if and only if ݔൌ- or ݕൌ- - we will use the Zero Factor Theorem to solve quadratic equations that are in factored form and set equal to zero

o if ሺݔ൅-ሻሺݔെ͵ሻൌ-, then ݔ൅-ൌ- and ݔെ͵ൌ-, which

means ݔൌെ- and ݔൌ͵ - this Theorem does NOT work for any other numbers but zero o if you have an equation in factored form such as

ሺݔെ-ሻሺݔ൅͵ሻൌͳ or ሺݔ൅ͷሻሺݔെͳሻൌെ͵, we CANNOT

simply set each factor equal to the number to solve; the Zero Factor Theorem only works with zero, because the only way to get a product of zero is to multiply by zero When an equation is factorable, we set it equal to zero so we can use the

Zero Factor Theorem to solve it.

16-week Lesson 12 (8-week Lesson 10) Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring


Steps for Solving an Equation by Factoring:

1. write the equation as a polynomial and set it equal to zero

2. factor the polynomial (review the Steps for Factoring if needed)

3. use Zero Factor Theorem to solve

Example 1: Solve the quadratic equation ͳͷݔଶെ-ൌͳ͵ݔ for ݔ and enter exact answers only (no decimal approximations). If there is more than one solution, separate your answers with commas. If there are no real solutions, enter BC 3CD4 CB. ͳͷݔଶെ-ൌͳ͵ݔ Quadratic equations are not the only type of equation that can be solved by

factoring. Other polynomial equations such as -ݔସെͳ͸ͺݔଶ൅Ͷͺ͸ൌ-

(which we will see in a future lesson) that are not quadratic can still be solved by factoring. ࢇࢉ െ͸- ࢈



about the signs of the product and the sum. െͳǡ͸- െ-ǡ͵- െ͵ǡ-- െͶǡͳͷ െͷǡͳ- െ͸ǡͳ-

16-week Lesson 12 (8-week Lesson 10) Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring


Example 2: Solve the quadratic equation ݔሺ͵ݔെ-ͷሻൌെͺ for ݔ and

enter exact answers only (no decimal approximations). If there is more than one solution, separate your answers with commas. If there are no real solutions, enter BC 3CD4 CB. ݔሺ͵ݔെ-ͷሻൌെͺ ࢇࢉ െ͸- ࢈



about the signs of the product and the sum. െͳǡ͸- െ-ǡ͵- െ͵ǡ-- െͶǡͳͷ െͷǡͳ- െ͸ǡͳ-

16-week Lesson 12 (8-week Lesson 10) Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring

5 Example 3: Solve the following equations for ݔ and enter exact answers only (no decimal approximations). If there is more than one solution, separate your answers with commas. If there are no real solutions, enter


a. ݔൌଵହିସ௫మ ଵ଻ b. -͸ݔ൅-Ͷൌͷݔଶ b. b

-ൌ͸ݔଶെͳ͹ݔെͳ- -ൌͷݔଶെ-͸ݔെ-Ͷ

-ൌ͸ݔଶ൅͵ݔെ--ݔെͳ- -ൌͷݔଶ൅Ͷݔെ͵-ݔെ-Ͷ

-ൌ͵ݔሺ-ݔ൅ͳሻെͳ-ሺ-ݔ൅ͳሻ -ൌݔሺͷݔ൅Ͷሻെ͸ሺͷݔ൅Ͷሻ

-ൌሺ-ݔ൅ͳሻሺ͵ݔെͳ-ሻ -ൌሺͷݔ൅Ͷሻሺݔെ͸ሻ

-ൌ-ݔ൅ͳ Ǣ -ൌ͵ݔെͳ- ͷݔ൅Ͷൌ- Ǣ ݔെ͸ൌ-

െଵ ଶൌݔ Ǣ ଵ଴ ଷൌݔ ࢞ൌെ૝ ૞ Ǣ ࢞ൌ૟ ࢇࢉ െͳ-- ࢈ െ-͸


about the signs of the product and the sum.

ͳǡെͳ-- െͳͳͻ

-ǡെ͸- െͷͺ

͵ǡെͶ- െ͵͸

૝ǡെ૜૙ െ૛૟

16-week Lesson 12 (8-week Lesson 10) Quadratic Equations, the Zero Factor Theorem, and Factoring


c. ͳ-൅ͳ͹ݔൌ͸ݔଶ d. ሺݔെͳሻሺݔെ-ሻൌ͸

d. d

-ൌ͸ݔଶെͳ͹ݔെͳ- ݔଶെ͵ݔ൅-ൌ͸

-ൌ͸ݔଶ൅͵ݔെ--ݔെͳ- ݔଶെ͵ݔെͶൌ-

-ൌ͵ݔሺ-ݔ൅ͳሻെͳ-ሺ-ݔ൅ͳሻ ݔଶ൅ݔെͶݔെͶൌ-

-ൌሺ-ݔ൅ͳሻሺ͵ݔെͳ-ሻ ݔሺݔ൅ͳሻെͶሺݔ൅ͳሻൌ-

-ൌ-ݔ൅ͳ Ǣ -ൌ͵ݔെͳ- ሺݔ൅ͳሻሺݔെͶሻൌ-

െ૚ ૛ൌ࢞ Ǣ ૚૙ ૜ൌ࢞ ݔ൅ͳൌ- Ǣ ݔെͶൌ- െଵ ଶൌݔ Ǣ ଵ଴ ଷൌݔ ࢞ൌെ૚ Ǣ ࢞ൌ૝ e. ݔଶെ-ͷൌ- f. ͻݔଶെͳ͸ൌ- Again, this method of solving equations can be used to solve more than just quadratic equations, as we will see in future lessons.

Answers to Examples:

1. ݔൌെଶ

ଵହǡͳ ; 2. ݔൌଵ ଷǡͺ ; 3a. ݔൌെͷǡଷ ସ ; 3b. ݔൌെସ ହǡ͸ ;

3c. ൌ െଵ


ଷ ; 3d. ݔൌെͳǡͶ ; 3e. ൌെͷǡͷ ; 3f. ݔൌെସ

ଷǡସ ଷ ;

Factor Theorem Documents PDF, PPT , Doc

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