[PDF] Electricity and Magnetism IIT-JAM 2005-2019 - fiziks


Physics (PHYSICS) 1B Syllabus

This course consists of five units with corresponding practice activities labs

Guidelines on the Calibration of Digital Multimeters

EURAMET Technical Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (see 3.3.5 Adjustment must be performed according to the method prescribed by the manufacturer ...

Academic Standards in Science 2009

24 mai 2010 The next 1 refers to the first substrand The Practice of Science;. • The 2 refers to the second ... including heat and electromagnetism.

REE4EU: Integrated High Temperature Electrolysis (HTE) and Ion

2 déc. 2015 3.3.3 EoL EVs Hybrid cars & Electric Power Steering motors – Levers ... 3.3.5 EoL Air conditioners – Levers and hurdles for REE recovery.

Dual superconductor models of color confinement

2 The symmetry of electromagnetism with respect to electric and magnetic charges 9 3.3.5 The electric field and the magnetic current . . . . . . . 47.

Guidelines on the Calibration of Digital Multimeters

Technical Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (see www.euramet.org). 3.3.5 If the calibration state of the instrument when it arrives at the ACL


3.3.5 Equipment Management best practice in areas of medical physics or clinical engineering. ... dynamics and electromagnetism.


Electrical Workshop Practice. 18. 5. Basic Electronics Workshop Practice. 18. Total. 96. GN201 ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS- II. COMPUTER ENGG. CURRICULUM.

NC Final Exam

14 Which type of chemical bond accounts for the high electrical conductivity in a bar of pure silver (Ag)? PSc.3.3.5 (Energy: Conservation and Transfer).

[PDF] Grade 12 Physics Final Practice Exam Key

3 of 39 Final Practice examination Key G rade 12 P hysics (40s) 3 radiowaves 10 Voltage 4 radiocarbon dating 11 Coulomb 5 Becquerel 12 electric field is E and of magnetic field strength B It then passes into a magnetic field B'

[PDF] Electricity and Magnetism IIT-JAM 2005-2019 - fiziks

loop When it is pulled out of the magnetic field, a total charge of 5 2 10 Q C - = × flows through the coil The magnitude of magnetic field B is (a) 3 1 10 T

[PDF] A treatise on electricity and magnetism - Aproged

theory of electromagnetism, and having shewn how this theory may be 1 3-5 The three fundamental units Length, Time and Mass 2, 3 6 Derived units 5 7 electrified It is the established practice of men of science tocall the vitreous

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[PDF] Electricity and Magnetism IIT-JAM 2005-2019 - fiziks 105_84_ElectricityandMagnetism.pdf fiziks InstituteforNET/JRF,GATE,IITͲJAM,M.Sc.Entrance,JEST,TIFRandGREinPhysics H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498

Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com | Email: fiziks.physics@gmail.com 1

Electricity and Magnetism

IIT-JAM 2005

Q1. A small loop of wire of area


0.01Am, 40Nturns and resistance 20R is

initially kept in a uniform magnetic field

B in such a way that the field is normal to the

loop. When it is pulled out of the magnetic field, a total charge of 5 210QC
flows through the coil. The magnitude of magnetic field B is (a) 3 110T
(b) 3 410T

(c) zero (d) unobtainable, as the data is insufficient

Ans.: (a)

Solution: Magnetic flux through the loop


Induced e.m.f

dtd and induced current dtdQ dtd Ri I1 dQdR 1.

Thus ,



BTB 3 101

Q2. Two point charges

1 qand 2 q are fixed with a finite distance d between them. It is desired to put a third charge 3 q in between these two charges on the line joining them so that the charge 3 q is in equilibrium. This is (a) possible only if 3 qis positive (b) possible only if 3 qis negative (c) possible irrespective of the sign of 3 q (d) not possible at all

Ans. : (c)

Solution: If

3 q is positive, If 3 q is negative, In both case there is possibility that charge 3 q may be in equilibrium. 1 q 3 q 2 F 1 F d 3 q 2 q 1 q 3 q 1 F 2 F d 3 q 2 q fiziks InstituteforNET/JRF,GATE,IITͲJAM,M.Sc.Entrance,JEST,TIFRandGREinPhysics H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498

Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com | Email: fiziks.physics@gmail.com 2

IIT-JAM 2006

Q3. Two electric dipoles


P and

2 P are placed at 0,0,0 and 1, 0, 0 respectively with both of them pointing in the zdirection. Without changing the orientations of the dipoles 2 P is moved to

0,2,0. The ratio of the electrostatic potential energy of the dipoles after

moving to that before moving is (a) 1

16 (b)

21 (c) 41 (d) 81

Ans. : (d)

Solution: Electrostatic potential energy

3 1 r U 81
3 23
1 12 rr UU Q4. A small magnetic dipole is kept at the origin in the -xy plane. One wire 1

L is located at

az in the -xz plane with a current I flowing in the positive x direction. Another wire 2 L is at az in -yz plane with the same current I as in 1

L, flowing in the

positive y-direction. The angle made by the magnetic dipole with respect to the positive x-axis is (a) 0

225 (b)


120 (c)


45 (d)

0 270

Ans.: (a)

Solution: Magnetic field at

0z due to wire at azisyBBˆ.

Magnetic field at

0z due to wire at azisxBBˆ.

Resultant magnetic field at

0z makes an angle of


45 withxˆ and


225 with xˆ.

fiziks InstituteforNET/JRF,GATE,IITͲJAM,M.Sc.Entrance,JEST,TIFRandGREinPhysics H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498

Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com | Email: fiziks.physics@gmail.com 3

IIT-JAM 2007

Q5. A uniform and constant magnetic field B coming out of the plane of the paper exists in a rectangular region as shown in the figure. A conducting rod

PQ is rotated about O with a

uniform angular speed in the plane of the paper. The emf PQ E induced between P and Q is best represented by the graph (a) (b) (c) (d)

Ans.: (a)

Solution: When point

P is inside due to motional emf, potential PQ is positive. When point Q is inside potential

QP is positive or potential PQ is negative.

IIT-JAM 2008

Q6. If the electrostatic potential at a point,xy is given by 24Vxyvolts, the electrostatic energy density at that point 3 /in J m is (a) 0

5 (b)


10 (c)


20 (d)

2 0


Ans.: (b)

B P O Q tO PQ E t O PQ E t O PQ E t O PQ E fiziks InstituteforNET/JRF,GATE,IITͲJAM,M.Sc.Entrance,JEST,TIFRandGREinPhysics H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498

Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com | Email: fiziks.physics@gmail.com 4

Solution: yxVEˆ4ˆ220 /EVm

Electrostatic energy density

3 002 0 /102021


IIT-JAM 2009

Q7. An oscillating voltage

0 cosVt V t is applied across a parallel plate capacitor having a plate separation d. The displacement current density through the capacitor is (a) dtV cos 00 (b) dtV cos 000 (c) dtV cos 000 (d) dtV sin 00

Ans.: (d)

Solution: Displacement current density

dtV ttV dtEJ d sin 000 0

Q8. An electric field



exists in space. What will be the total charge enclosed in a sphere of unit radius centered at the origin? (a) 0

4 (b)


4 (c)


4 (d)

0 4

Ans.: (a)


02 00


rddrradEQ enc tVtVcos 0 d fiziks InstituteforNET/JRF,GATE,IITͲJAM,M.Sc.Entrance,JEST,TIFRandGREinPhysics H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498

Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com | Email: fiziks.physics@gmail.com 5

IIT-JAM 2010

Q9. The magnetic field associated with the electric field vector jtkzEEˆsin 0 is given by (a) itkzcEBˆsin 0 (b) itkzcEBˆsin 0 (c) jtkzcEBˆsin 0 (d) ktkzcEBˆsin 0

Ans.: (a)



ˆˆsinkz E kz t jkEB


ˆˆsin sinkE Ekz t i kz t ic

Q10. Assume that

0z plane is the interface between two linear and homogeneous dielectrics

(see figure). The relative permittivities are 5 r for

0z and 4

r for0z. The electric field in the region

0z ismVkkjiE


1. If there are

no free charges on the interface, the electric field in the region

0z is given by

(a) mVkkjiEˆˆ45ˆ432 (b)mVkkjiE


2 (c) mVkkjiE


2 (d) mVkkjiE



Ans.: (d)


12 2


EE E i j

and 0 f kkEEDDˆ5ˆ445 1 21
mVkkjiEˆ5ˆ5ˆ32 z 0z 4 r 5 r fiziks InstituteforNET/JRF,GATE,IITͲJAM,M.Sc.Entrance,JEST,TIFRandGREinPhysics H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498

Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com | Email: fiziks.physics@gmail.com 6 Q11. A closed Gaussian surface consisting of a hemisphere and a circular disc of radiusR, is placed in a uniform electric field E , as shown in the figure. The circular disc makes an angle 0

30 with the vertical. The flux of the electric field vector coming out of the

curved surface of the hemisphere is (a) 2 1 2


(b) 2 3 2 RE (c) 2 RE (d) 2 2RE

Ans.: (b)


xEzExEzEEˆ21ˆ23ˆ30sinˆ30cos rddRxEzEadE SE


2 G 2/ 02 0 2 sincossin21cos23 ddEER E 2/ 02 0 2 sincos23 ddER E 2/ 02 0 22
cossin21 ddER ERER E 22


OR 02 cos30 E S

Eda E R

2 3 2 RE E zˆ xˆ 0 30
E fiziks InstituteforNET/JRF,GATE,IITͲJAM,M.Sc.Entrance,JEST,TIFRandGREinPhysics H.No. 40-D, Ground Floor, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016

Phone: 011-26865455/+91-9871145498

Website: www.physicsbyfiziks.com | Email: fiziks.physics@gmail.com 7

IIT-JAM 2011

Q12. Equipotential surface corresponding to a particular charge distribution are given by 222
i xyzV , where the values of i

V are constants. The electric field E

at the origin is (a) 0E (b) ˆ2Ex (c) ˆ4Ey (d) ˆ4Ey

Ans.: (d)


ˆˆ ˆˆ8 2 2 2 0,0,0 4EVxxyyzzE y

IIT-JAM 2012

Q13. A parallel plate air-gap capacitor is made up of two plates of area 2

10cm each kept at a

distance of

0.88mm. A sine wave of amplitude 10V and


50Hz is applied across the capacitor as shown in the

figure. The amplitude of the displacement current density (in 2 /mA m) between the plates will be closest to (a)

0.03 (b) 0.30 (c) 3.00 (d) 30.00

Ans.: (a)

Solution: Displacement current density,

dtV ttV dtEJ d sin 000 0 Amplitude of the displacement current density (in mA/m 2 ) , 00 00 0 2 d


20 0095


d fVJmAmd u

Electricity And Magnetism Documents PDF, PPT , Doc

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