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[PDF] Home Group Bible Study Questions

Home Group Bible Study Questions Philippians 2:1-4 V 1 ✚ Realize that the chapter and verse divisions were not in the original letter “So” in verse 2:1 is a

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Home Group Bible Study Questions

Philippians 2:1-4

V. 1

Realize that the chapter and verse divisions were not in the original le?er. "So" in verse 2:1 is a

conjunction that ties directly to verse 1:27 “live worthy of the gospel" by having “one spirit, with one mind". Paul"s emphasis is unity in the body.

"if there is any . . ." truly - since there is. Paul is not asking a question he is wanting the reader to

say, “Well of course there is". Paul is providing the basis for the command for action/application

found in verses 3 and 4How have you found encouragement in Christ? How have you found any comfort from His love? 

How have you experienced a participation with His Holy Spirit?How have you experienced the affection and sympathy of Christ?

V. 2 What did Paul say would complete (fill up to the brim) his joy? Why do you think this would make him joyful? As the church at Philippi acted out these commands, who would they resem- ble? Does it make you joyful when you live your life in this manner? V. 3

As you read what we have in Christ in verses 1-2, and then you read the words in verse 3 that de-scribe how we actually tend to act, doesn"t it seem dirty?

Paul's point is that we have everything in Christ, but we still have to decide to give Christ first

place. We have to choose to live our lives in His love and unity. How will choosing to not be selsh

and conceited and instead to walk in unity bring about joy in our lives and others?V. 4 Have you ever been depressed and then began to focus on helping others? What happened to your depression? Oen our depression went away as we focused on helping others. Our focus is not to be just about our problems but to intentionally share life with others. How can you share

someone"s burden?Can you live out these verses without experiencing Christ's love in verse 1? Keep returning to

Him. Continually be thankful for what we have in Christ and ask Him to show His love and pres- ence through you to others.

Home Group

Bible Study Questions

Philippians 2:5-11

V. 5

The word "mind" refers to a mind-set, a way of thinking. What is our mind to be like? He says that this mind is “ours in Christ Jesus". We already have this mind, but we have to choose to follow His

mind. V. 6 What did the mind-set of Jesus lead Him to do? The word "form" means what someone is, even

if no one saw them. It is His inherent identity. In form, He is and always will be God. Yet He did

not consider equality with God something to selshly hold on to. In order for Jesus to come to the earth and become a sacrice for our sins, He had to become like us. He had to encase His deity in

the connes of a body. V. 7 What do you think it means that Jesus "emptied Himself"? Now many theological scholars have

debated this for over 1,000 years. Some have said it was His outward glory. For in John 17:5, Jesus

asked His Father to give Him the glory that He had from the beginning. This has to be the outward manifestation of God. When Jesus walked this earth, the demons knew He was God, but human- ity did not immediately recognize that. In the Old Testament when God showed up, you knew it. Oen it was coupled with people falling on their faces in total fear.

en-USWhat was the "form" that Jesus took? Incidentally, this is the same Greek word from verse 6. So

inherently He was a servant, a slave to others. He chose to live His life for others. Compare this

with Mark 10:45.

Jesus was "born in the likeness of men." This does not mean that He was "like" a human, but dierent. He was totally human and yet totally God. He took upon Himself esh and bones. He

was born and grew from an embryo into a man. He had to suer even as we suer. He had to live

His life by choosing to serve others. He was the servant of God and the servant of others. How will

your life look dierently if you lived to serve others? V. 8 What did the obedience of Jesus cost Him? What was that death? How has obedience cost you?

Vs.'s 9-11

What was the reward for Jesus' obedience/humility? In verse 11, every tongue will confess Jesus as Lord. What does this mean? How can we live our

lives today with Him as Lord? If God the Father reward Jesus for His obedience, can we count on Him to reward us for our obedi-

ence? Turn to and read 1 Peter 5:6-11. What will God give us for our obedience and perseverance?

Home Group

Bible Study Questions

Philippians 2:12-18

V. 12

What does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? It sounds like we have to work to earn our salva-tion. Yet we must always look at the context to understand what Paul is saying. First, “work out" means

to carry out a task until it is nished. The idea is not that we are working to earn, but that we are working

out what is already there. God has saved us, not by our works, but by His grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). We are

only living in this new life we have in Christ. We have to work this out. Secondly, did you notice what verse

12 began with? What did he say we are to do? Obeying the truth of God"s word is how we work out our own salvation. Obeying God frees Him to bless us with His presence, wisdom and power.

In what spirit are we to work out our own salvation? Why do you think Paul asks us to do so with "fear and

trembling"? Who are we to fear and tremble before? [Fear and trembling means that we have an awe- some respect and reverence for God so that our lives are paerned aer Him.]

V. 13 Who is working in us and through us?

How is He working in us? ["will and to work" God gives us the desire and the ability to accomplish His

work.] Why does God do this in our lives?V. 14

Have you ever complained or argued with others? Are there any benefits to grumbling and disputing with

one another? V. 15

Why does Paul say we should not grumble or dispute with one another? What three things does Paul say Christians should be?

If we live our lives in reverence for Christ and in Christ, how does this effect the world? What does Paul say we become to the world?V. 16

How are we to keep living a life of reverence for Christ? "Hold fast" means to keep God's Word desper-

ately before you so that you will continue to obey and follow what you are learning. How are you holding

fast to God"s word? Do you have a time set for each day that you can read and meditate on God"s word?

According to Paul, if the people of Philippi did not hold fast to God"s Word then he failed in his ministry to them.

Verses 17-18

What does "poured out as a drink offering" sound like? He saw h is life in prison as an act of worship. He

was worshiping God with his obedience to the gospel. That brought him joy. Our joy ows from being

obedient to the gospel. Are you experiencing the joy of the Lord now? In what way?

Home Group

Bible Study Questions

Philippians 2:19-30

V. 19-24: Paul Sends Timothy

V. 19 Who is Timothy? (See Acts 16:1-3)

Why was Paul sending Timothy to them? If only they had the internet. Communication took some time in that

time period. They were going to receive news about Paul when Timothy came to them with this leer. And they also would be sending back news to Paul through Timothy. That is a lot of work.

How are you communicating with others? Do you check up on those who are in your small group? V. 20

What did Paul say about Timothy's character? "Genuinely concerned" means to be sincerely caring about the

needs of the people. Timothy cared about the people, not what they could do for him. Sometimes we can love

people because of what they can do for us. Yet if we are to be Christ-like, we must love people without any

requirements. We love people because He loves them.

What would people say about your character? Is there enough proof that you are a follower of Jesus Christ?

What areas do you need Christ to work on?

V. 21 What did Paul say about other leaders whom he knew? What does it mean to seek your own interests? How do your interests dier from that of Jesus? V. 22

en-US How did they know Timothy's proven [to be tested, approved of or tried] character? Acts 16 tells us that

Timothy was with Paul when he planted the church. He had also travelled with Paul through Philippi several

times with Philip, and Philip had gone to the church at Philippi several times as well for Paul.

V. 23-24

What was Paul waiting on? Why was he in Rome at this time? [Paul is waiting on his appearance before the

emperor. Once he was set free, he could travel to see them.] What was Paul's hope?

V. 25-30: Epaphroditus [Epaphroditus was from Philippi. He was the one chosen to carry the gi?s from Philippi

to Paul. He brought money and other items that Paul had need of. He also carried to Paul news from the

Philippian church. He was a well-respected leader in the church.]

V. 25-26

What are the five things Paul said of Epaphroditus? My brother: How was he his brother? By blood or Spirit?

Fellow worker: What was Paul's work? (It was not making tents. Paul did this at times to support the


Fellow soldier: What do you think about when minsters are called soldiers? How is ministry like a ba?le?

Read Ephesians 6:10-20.

Your messenger: Who did he represent as a messenger? Minister to my need: How did he meet Paul's need?

Why did Paul think it was important to send Epaphroditus to them? (See verse 26: two reasons are given.)

He apparently had to be sick for some time. Remember how long it takes to get messages back and forth. The

church had already heard he was sick.

V. 27-28

How sick did Paul say Epaphroditus was?

How did God show mercy to Paul? What do you think he meant by "sorrow upon sorrow?" God delights in

showing Himself merciful to our everyday situations. Is there a need in your life now that requires God"s mercy?

Is there someone you know that needs God"s intervention?

V. 29-30

Why should they honor people like Epaphroditus? What have you risked for following Christ?

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