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Chegg Question Answer help is an online service for students' coursework *Electrical Engineering experts: Communications is English Communications

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Chegg Question Answer help is an online service for students' coursework * Electrical Engineering experts: Communications is English Communications

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Q&A Expert Answering


Table of Contents


2.What is Q&A?


4.Answering guidelines

5.Answering directions


7.Things to avoid



What is CheggExpert Q&A?

CheggQuestion & Answer help is an online service for students͛ coursework. Students who need help on assignments post questions on the

CheggQ&A board, where they can receive help 24/7.

Chegg͛steam of Edžpert Answerers (that͛s you͊) proǀides solutions with clear explanations and step-by-step processes. Our in-house team of experts monitors the quality of Expert Answers, ensuring that students receive the best answers possible.


Our content team will be monitoring your answers to ensure that they are accurate, correct, and well-explained.

Remember, we are here to help students learn!

Questions can be skipped for:

Questions in the wrong subject

More information needed to solve


Do not have subject knowledge to answer.

Remember-unnecessary skipping (e.g. skipping until you find easier, shorter questions) is an abuse of your privileges! Our team is keeping a close eye on this, so please be careful.





Read questions carefully to understand exactly what the asker is looking for. Be thorough and concise-make sure that you clearly explain each step of the solution with a well-organized answer. Highlight key points, important steps, and common points of confusion wherever possible. Use step delimiters and empty spaces whenever possible to improve structure and readability of an answer. If necessary, use diagrams, tables, charts, and graphs to illustrate solutions.



Answering methods

Our Experts have different ways of posting their solutions.

Acceptable forms include:


Via word processor, MathType, spreadsheets, etc.

We recommend typing answers when possible to maximize clarity-tools like MathTypeand our built in editor allow you to do this easily


ONLY if you have neat, legible form

Uploaded images must be clear, good quality, and rotated correctly Sometimes, the quickest way to create a diagram or chart is to draw it by hand If your handwriting is less than ideal or you can͛t upload good Ƌuality images for any reason, don͛t worry-we͛ll just ask you to type all of your answers

Both-typing explanations and drawing diagrams

Typed Answers

Typed answers are always

neat and easy to read-great for helping students understand your work

With tools like MathType

and our built in Equation

Editor, it͛s eǀen easy to type

out different types of symbols-like this example with integrals, deltas, and trigonometric functions




Hand-writing answers can be

faster than typing out equations, but one of its biggest perks is how easy it is to draw/label graphs, like this example here

Neat, legible handwriting is key

to submitting clear solutions




Explain solutions step-by-step

Students rely on

us to receive accurate solutions

AND to

understand how to arrive at the solutions

As an Expert, it is

absolutely crucial that you explain to students how you have arrived at your conclusions

Not helpful.


Step by Step

Prefaced properly

All variables stated, when


All equations clearly shown

Every single step clearly


Calculations done


Final answer addressing the

question (always read the question before you answer!)



Multiple Choice


Students often post multiple choice

questions, BUTthese should not receive a multiple choice answer

Since the purpose of Q&A is to help

students learn how to solve problems, please show all work and the steps it took to get to your final answer

Multiple choice

Multiple choice questions

deserve full explanations, no matter how short they are- this example gives a perfect amount of information about

CH3CH2SH and natural gas.

This is helpful!


8 Sometimes, askers post multiple questions at once. In these situations, you can follow this minimumprotocol: Questions with >1 question: answer the first full question *UNLESS a student asks for a specific answer. For instance, they will ask you to ͞answer η3" or ͞answer the second Ƌuestion." Please pay attention to their reƋuest and answer the appropriate question. Questions with >4 subparts: answer at least the first 4 subparts e.g. Question 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d *UNLESS the student asks for a specific answer These are only minimum requirements-we always encourage any efforts to go above and beyond!

Multi-part questions

Multiple Questions




Navigate to http://www.chegg.com/my/expertqa

Make sure you͛re logged in with your Edžpert Answerer privileges

Click ͞Start answering Ƌuestions"

The dashboard on the right will track your monthly statistics Remember, our team will be keeping a close eye on skipped questions!

Q&A Answering Homepage



Decision page

Review each question carefully. You have 10 minutes to decide whether to answer or skip a question. If you decide to Answer: an answer field will appear, and you will have 120 minutes to complete a solution. If you decide to Skip: a pop up will ask you why you have skipped the question, and you can select your reason from the list.

Answering page

You have 120 minutes to submit an answer.

The countdown at the top of the page shows you how much time you have left. Once your answer is submitted, you will be shown the next available question in your area of expertise



Tools-Equation Editor

For symbols, equations, and

formulas, the Equation

Editor is built in to the

Answer window.

To access this tool, click on

the fxbutton on the left of the Boldbutton in the toolbar.

Alternatively, you are

welcome to use MathType (many Experts love this tool) or similar third party tools to generate images that you can upload into your solution.

Tools-Image Upload

Some solutions require tables, graphs,

or symbol-heavy equations that you may want to upload as images.

Using the Image Uploader ( ) on the

far left of you Answer Window toolbar, you can upload your images as .jpeg



Answering page-Skip

If you realize now that you are unable to answer the question, you can still skip it: A pop up will ask you why you are skipping the question now-select your reason from the dropdown.

Remember-this list shows you all validreasons for skipping a question! You cannot skip a question because it is too long-you are allotted a maximum of 2 hours to answer.

Skip reason-Question is in a different subject

Sometimes, askers post their questions in the wrong subject. You can re-categorize the question into the correct subject using the provided drop down. PLEASE be carefulwhen moving questions to the proper subject. An incorrect change will prevent the student from getting their answer.

We take these actions very seriously.

*Electrical Engineering experts: Communications is English Communications.



Skip reason-More information needed

You may need to skip a question because more information is needed: Variables are missing, background information is necessary, charts/graphs are needed, symbols are not showing up properly, etc. In these cases, please be as descriptive and clear as possible in the Additional Information field-your comment will be emailed to the asker, who can fill in the missing info.

Skip reason-Abusive/Spam

Askers rarely post inappropriate content on our site.

If it happens, this abuse usually involves spam/solicitation (such as telling people to visit external sites or asking to be contacted via email).

Though this does happen, it is not common. Unless a question is actually abusive in the listed ways, please DO NOT label a question as abusive.


14 Skip reason-Do not have the subject knowledge to answer At times, you may not have the knowledge to answer a certain question. If so, select this reason and move on to the next question. However, as an expert, we do expect that you have sufficient knowledge of your subject. Extremely high skip rates using this reason (compared to Expert Answerer averages) will be closely monitored by our team.

Things to avoid

Incomplete solutions


If you are unsure, skip for ͞Need More Information"

No explanation

Do not post an answer without explaining how to get it! Submitting ǀalues, letters, ͞True"ͬ"False" is NOT HELPFUL͊ Slang, abbreviations, shortened words (e.g. u for you)


Posting personal or company details

Personal email addresses, contact numbers, blog URLs, identity credentials, confidential correspondences, etc.

Posting answers in invalid questions-skip those!

Skipping questions without a valid reason

This negatively impacts other Experts, and remember that our team will pay close attention to this Skipping to find easy or short questions is easily trackable-answer fairly!



Avoid: Answer Editing

Setting placeholders to edit your answers-don͛t do it͊

What does this mean?

Well, writing a short answer or comment in order to save a question is abusive-regardless of whether or not you return to finish your answer later. Sometimes, you may want to save your place and come back later. This can͛t happen͊

Why is this so bad?

Students think the answer is spam! We will get abuse reports from them about answers that they think are inappropriate. Also, what are the chances that you will forget to answer properly later?

We can tell you that those chances are too high.

Bottom line: do not do it.

EXAMPLES OF EXCELLENCEGreat work by our Experts!








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