afterpulsing probability Probability

Comparative study of afterpulsing behavior and models in single

We define the total afterpulse probability to be the sum total of the afterpulse probability in each bin of the corrected g(2) histogram for a duration of 900 

[PDF] Single-Photon Avalanche Diode Afterpulse and Sensitivity - CERN

The probability to measure an afterpulse t seconds after an avalanche, R[t], was characterized using a single pulse from a picosecond laser Afterpulses were 

[PDF] A simple method to characterize the afterpulsing effect in single

30 avr 2014 · The afterpulsing probability is obtained through measuring the detection efficiencies of various biasing pulses, while the incident photons 

[PDF] Afterpulsing in InGaAs/InP Single Photon Avalanche Photodetectors

probability The afterpulsing probability is calculated by subtracting the DCR without illumination from the DCR measured when every other pulse is 

[PDF] Modeling crosstalk and afterpulsing in silicon photomultipliers

Probability distribution P 1 (k) (1 primary pixel + k-1 CT-opt) • CT-opt only possible in a neighborhood of pixels around the primary one

[PDF] Afterpulsing in Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes for 106 m

APDs such that the probability of a second photon illuminat- ing the disarmed APD during its hold-off time is low 1 There are several processes that 

[PDF] Modeling crosstalk and afterpulsing in silicon photomultipliers

(k) (1 primary pixel + k-1 CT-opt) • CT-opt only possible in a neighborhood of pixels around the primary one • Same probability to excite any individual neighbor

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Probability Documents PDF, PPT , Doc

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