[PDF] Cheat Sheet for Maya 2011 Essential Training 2 - New Media Wiki


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[PDF] Cheat Sheet for Maya 2011 Essential Training 2 - New Media Wiki

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[PDF] Cheat Sheet for Maya 2011 Essential Training 2  - New Media Wiki 80159_6lynda_cheat_sheet_maya_02_05.pdf

Cheat Sheet for Maya 2011 Essential Training 2. Polygonal Modeling Techniques Highlights: polygons, selections, soft select, extrude, bevel, smoothing Creating polygonal objects • Polygon tab in shelf or Polygons>Create>Polygon Primitives to submenu Sphere, Cube etc. • Channel Box: Select object, then select name of input parameter. Middle mouse button, click and drag in viewport to change object. Highlight more than one parameter and change all at once. • Attribute Editor: Similar. Click on tab with object's name and drag parameter sliders. Working with polygonal components • Polygon components: Most used are faces (planes), edges (lines), vertices (points), multi (all). • Right click on object, select components in marking menu. Select Object Mode to exit components. • Select components, then keyboard shortcut W (move), E (rotate) or R (scale) to manipulate. Selecting polygonal components • Rubber band rectangular marquee vs. lasso irregular marquee • Select components, shift-select to refine selection. • Paint select: Keep tool setting open to change radius, select or unselect. For very precise selection. • Edit>Deselect (no key command equivalent!) • Edge loops: double click on edge component, hit l or r arrow to move, u or d to move other way. Working with Soft Select • In tool settings these rollouts: o Soft select: Falls off from selection in a radius and curve. y Volume - creates sphere around selection. y Surface - walks along surface. y Global - attaches other objects to selection... "jumps the gap" between objects. o Reflection: Creates settings for symmetrical modeling along any axis. Using the Extrude Tool • Polygons>Edit Mesh>Extrude works on all components, face common. Gizmo to scale and move. • In Channel Box, see node called polyExtrudeFaceX. Same name in Attribute editor, can manipulate parameters in history. Keeping faces together • Polygons>Edit Mesh> Uncheck "Keep Faces Together" for additional geometry, radial effects. Extruding along curves • Select face, then curve, Polyons>Edit Mesh>Extrude (check "Keep Faces Together" on). In tool options (box at right of menu item), can change divisions, taper, twist. • Modify also in Attribute Editor after creation. • Moving or redefining shape of curve manipulates entire extrude after creation. Using the Polygon Bevel tool • Select edge component and Polygons>Edit Mesh>Bevel. In polyBevelX node, can change parameters in Channel Box or Attribute Editor. • Also works on vertices for triangulated corners. • On face, creates additional geometry on the face. Smooth and subdivision surfaces • Polygons>Mesh>Smooth collapses mesh into smoother object. Quadruples detail, rounds edges. • Keyboard shortcut 3 smooths without changing geometry... only see final smooth surface. • Keyboard shortcut 2 smooths geometry along with original geometry... creates a subdivision surface. Can use components of bounding box to sculpt contained smoothed object. • Keyboard shortcut 1 shows only bounding box geometry. • polySurfaceXShape node, Subdivision rollout also manipulates subdiv presentation in viewport.

3. Refininng Polygonal Models Highlights: edge loops, symmetrical modeling, bridge, connecting and splitting, poking and wedging, Booleans, non-linear deformers, lattices Working with edge loops • Groups of edges that circle all the way around the model. Double click to select a loop. Use u and d arrow to change selected loop. • Polygons>Edit Mesh>Slide Edge Tool. Middle mouse click and drag to slide edge along model surface without reshaping model. • Polygons>Edit Mesh> Spin Edge Forward or Backward. Ctrl+Alt+Right or Left arrow can change the orientation of an edge relative to other vertices. Refines faces of model to make better loops. Inserting and offsetting edge loops • Polygons>Edit Mesh>Insert Edge Loop Tool. Click-drag on edge to create a new loop. • Polygons>Edit Mesh>Offset Edge Loop Tool. Click-drag to bracket loop with 2 new loops. • Refines geometry for a roughed-out model. Symmetrical modeling techniques • Tool Settings, Reflection Settings rollout. Only good for existing geometry. • Adding new geometry: Duplicate Special: select all faces on half of model and delete o Polygons>Edit>Duplicate Special dialog box: Select "instance" button and Scale X reflected axis (first field) = -1.00 Combining objects • Polygons>Mesh>Combine • Polygons>Mesh>Separate • Combine good for stitching symmetry model back together. After Combine, use o Polygons>Edit Mesh>Merge Vertex Tool: select vertex and snap to adjacent, or o Polygons>Edit Mesh>Merge Edge Tool: select one and then next edge, hit enter, edges meet in middle, which preserves precise symmetry. Using the Polygon Bridge tool • Delete adjacent sets of faces, return to Object mode and use Polygons>Edit Mesh>Bridge. In Attribute Editor can dial in number of divisions. Connecting components and splitting polygons • Polygons>Edit Mesh>Split Polygon Tool: click edge, drag release, repeat other edges, hit enter. • Select components, use Polygons>Edit Mesh>Connect Components to split sequence by half. Poking and wedging faces • Select face and use Polygons>Edit Mesh>Poke Face to divide face diagonally (X across face). • Select faces and edges, use Polygons>Edit Mesh>Wedge Face to rotate faces against edges. Working with polygon booleans • Booleans combine objects: select 2 intersecting objects and use Polygons>Mesh>Booleans to access submenu options Union, Difference or Intersection. Difference is selection-order-dependent. Modeling with nonlinear deformers • Animation tools that can model: Animation>Create Deformers>Nonlinear to access submenu options Bend, Flare, Sine, Squash, Twist and Wave. In wireframe mode, select deformer handle and use Attribute Editor to change. Move, Rotate and Scale will change application to object. • Edit>Delete by Type>History bakes in the deformation. • Toolbar>Show Manipulator Tool (9th one down) allows interactive viewport change of parameters by creating handles on the deformer manipulator. Modeling with lattices • Animation>Create Deformers>Lattice, right click to select Lattice Point in the marking menu. • Edit>Delete by Type>History bakes in the deformation.

4. NURBS Modeling Techniques Highlights: primitives, curve tools, text, manipulating curves and surfaces, Revolve, Loft, Extrude, Planar and Stitching Introducing NURBS modeling • Based on curves, 4-sided patches. Components: Control Vertex (like polygon vertex), Isoparm (like polygon edge loops), Hull (similar to but not same as subdivided polygon surfaces). NURBS primitives • Surfaces tab in shelf or Surfaces>Create>NURBS Primitives submenu for Sphere, Cube, etc. • Dark isoparm represents tangency of patch, observe by changing sweep in Channel Box. • Faces of planar objects are separate objects. Using the NURBS curve tools • Curves tab in shelf or Surfaces>Create>CV Curve Tool, EP Curve Tool, Bezier Curve Tool, etc. • Select curve and click points to define, hit enter to complete. U handle indicated direction of curve. • Components: Control Vertex, Curve Point (sim to Isoparm), Hull. Creating Bézier curves • Click and drag to create Bezier handles, acts like Illustrator. Control vertices remain Bezier. Creating text • Surfaces>Create>Text submenu and open Tool Options box at right to select font and define form. Manipulating NURBS curves • Use components in marking menu. Can manipulate out of plane. Use arrow keys to step selection. • Surfaces>Edit Curves>Curve Editing Tool to access manipulator. • Surfaces>Edit Curves>Open/Close Curves to toggle open/close at first vertex. Refining NURBS curves • Surfaces>Edit Curves>... : o Add Points Tool to lengthen. Insert Knot to internally add point using Curve Point. o Reverse Curve Direction to flip. Attach Curves or Detach Curves to connect or break. Offsetting NURBS curves • Surfaces>Edit Curves>Offset to echo original curve. Tool Options or Attribute Editor to change. Editing NURBS surfaces • Move, rotate or scale control vertices or hulls. Use arrow keys to "walk around." • Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Surface Editing to Surface Editing Tool. Similar to Curve Editing Tool. • Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Open/Close Surfaces similar to Open/Close Curves. Refining NURBS surfaces • Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Insert Isoparm to add isoparm detail. • Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Detach Surfaces uses isoparm to split, and Attach Surfaces to join. Using NURBS Revolve • Select curve and Surfaces>Surfaces>Revolve to revolve curve around pivot point. To move pivot point hit Home (fn-left arrow on laptop keyboard) on Mac, select and drag point. Snap to grid or points (status line, top line of icons) helpful. • Pivot point for new revolved surface defaults to origin. To move: Surfaces>Modify>Center Pivot. Using NURBS Loft • Select curves and Surfaces>Surfaces>Loft to "skin" curves with surface. Loft defined by curve (i.e. will change if curve changes) until Edit>Delete by Type>History bakes it. Using NURBS Extrude • Select profile curve and path curve , then Surfaces>Surfaces>Extrude. Attribute Editor changes. Using NURBS Planar • Create flat closed curve and select Surfaces>Surfaces>Planar to make cutout-like shapes. Edit>Delete by Type>History bakes it. Stitching NURBS surfaces • Joining surfaces together: Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Stitch to submenu... o Stitch Edges Tool, select edges, snaps second to first. Zipper manipulator defines amount. o Stitch Surface Points, select control vertices to snap. o Global Stitch snaps multiple complex patches together.

5. Refining NURBS Models Highlights: Extracting curves, creating and projecting curves on a surface, trimming, fillet, sculpting, converting NURBS to polygons Extracting NURBS curves from surfaces • Select curve or create isoparm, , then Surfaces>Edit Curves>Duplicate Surface Curves. Can duplicate and move to detach from surface. • Selecting extracted curve attached to surface is facilitated by turning off the Select Surface Objects mask (status line, top line of icons). Surfaces>Modify>Center Pivot is sometimes needed. Creating curves on a surface • Create surface, make live (click magnet icon in status line), can draw curve which sticks on surface. • Combine with duplicating surface curves and loft or extrude as basis for other NURBS objects. • Edit>Delete by Type>History detaches copied curves. Projecting curves on surfaces • Draw curve away from surface, shift-select surface to project to, go to Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Project Curve on Surface, clicking on Tool Options box at left allows options in box. • Edit>Delete by Type>History detaches projected curve. Trimming NURBS surfaces • On make live surface, draw closed curve. Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Trim Tool, click on part to keep and hit enter. Using the NURBS Fillet tool • Creates fillet for non-coplanar, non-touching surfaces. Surfaces>Edit NURBS>Surface Fillet to... o Select first surface and right-click to select edge isoparm, then right-click second surface and shift-select its edge isoparm, then click Circular Fillet from submenu. o Select isoparms as above and click Freeform Fillet for non-circular fillets. o Click Fillet Blend from submenu, then select curve + enter for left side, next curve + enter for right side to define fillet. Sculpting NURBS and polygonal surfaces • Ramp up detail on surface, go to Polygons>Mesh>Sculpt Geometry Tool, make sure to select Tool Options box. Under Stroke rollout in Tool Options, can select Reflect for symmetry. • Click and drag brush tool over surface, using controls from Tool Options. • Change brush size by hitting B on the keyboard. • Works for NURBS and Polygons. Converting NURBS to polygons • Given a NURBS object go to Polygons>Modify>NURBS to Polygons and select Tool Options box. o Type: Quads or triangles (quads are generally preferred, makes simpler geometry). o Tesselation: y General allows selection of # of quads per isoparm, y Count limits to a number (good for game engine conversion), y Standard Fit lets Maya decide complexity depending on curves, y Control Points converts Hull to polygon object.

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