[PDF] Benefits and hazards of electromagnetic waves, telecommunication


[PDF] Benefits and hazards of electromagnetic waves, telecommunication

Electromagnetic radiation, Wi-Fi, Mobile phone, Microwave, Computer, FM towers, Magnetic reso- nance imaging, X-ray computed tomography (CT), Chemotherapy

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EMF to achieve particular benefits They are used extensively in medicine for diagnosis and treatment, for example in magnetic resonance

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Definition: An electromagnetic tool attached to a material handling crane or other lifting device to lift, move, and separate ferrous metal

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30 juil 2019 · Modern warfare is highly dependent on the EMS and maintaining an advantage within this discipline is necessary to enable joint force commanders 

[PDF] Benefits and hazards of electromagnetic waves, telecommunication

Electromagnetic radiation, Wi-Fi, Mobile phone, Microwave, Computer, FM towers, Magnetic reso- nance imaging, X-ray computed tomography (CT),

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LESSON PLAN: LESSON 3 3 – ELECTROMAGNETS Page 1 of 6 Compare an electromagnet to a bar magnet Electromagnetic induction takes advantage

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[PDF] Benefits and hazards of electromagnetic waves, telecommunication 86795_33121_3128.pdf 3121
- OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to review the current literature on electromag - netic radiation (EMR): physical, biophysical, and telecommunication. The widespread application of EMR in modern technologies requires tele - communication and healthcare professionals to possess some knowledge of its physical and bi - ological properties. In this review article, we will discuss biophysical principles of EMR, its inter - actions with living organisms and its application in clinical practices. We will discuss here ben - will also discuss the safety guidelines.

Key Words

Electromagnetic radiation, Wi-Fi, Mobile phone,

Microwave, Computer, FM towers, Magnetic reso-

nance imaging, X-ray computed tomography (CT),



Electromagnetic Radiations

Radiations consist of both electric and magnet-

- 1 2-8 - - - - - - 9-13

Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrum

(Ionization and Non-Ionization) - - - - - 14 European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences2019; 23: 3121-3128S. BATOOL 1 , A. BIBI 2 , F. FREZZA 1 , F. MANGINI 3 1 Department of Information Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy 2 Department of Biochemical Sciences, School of Molecular Biology and Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy 3 Santa Lucia Foundation, IRCCS Neuroimage Laboratory, Rome, Italy

Corresponding Author:

Sidra Batool, MD; e-mail: sidra.batool@uniroma1.it

Benefits and hazards of electromagnetic waves,

telecommunication, physical and biomedical: a review

S. Batool, A. Bibi, F. Frezza, F. Mangini


Benefits and Hazards of Electromagnetic

Radiation in the Field of Physical Health

and in the Telecommunication Sector - - - 15 -

Mobile Phones

- emails - 16-18

Figure 1.

Benefits and hazards of electromagnetic waves, telecommunication, physic al and biomedical: a review 3123
19-21 - - 22
- - 24
- 25
Wi-Fi - - - - - 26
- 27
brain antioxidants 29


- - different vegetables like garlic as demonstrated in - - 14

TV, Cell Phone and FM Towers

- 31
- ing et al 32
- - 33
collected cancer data from the - - -

S. Batool, A. Bibi, F. Frezza, F. Mangini

- - - 36

EMR Effect on Biotic Systems

- - - -

Effect on Honey Bees

- - 38

Effect on Birds

- - - - ma 39
have investigated the remarkable decline of

Effect on Mammals and Amphibians

- - - - behavioral changes in bats 41
- 42
- coni et al 43
- -

Effect on Plants

- - - - Benefits and hazards of electromagnetic waves, telecommunication, physic al and biomedical: a review 3125
described the tool

Safety Guidelines in

Telecommunication Sectors

- -

Benefits and Hazards of EMR:

Physical and Bio-Physical Cancer

Treatment Techniques

- - - the treatment of cancer 51
- - 53
- 54
- - 55
described the chemo-

Disease Diagnoses

with Imaging Techniques - 56
the clear vision of the blood vessels and the other - - 57-59
- 56
- - - - - variation leading to cancer 63

S. Batool, A. Bibi, F. Frezza, F. Mangini


Urinary, Kidney and Gall Stones

Treatment Techniques

- stones and gallstones 65
the disease 66
organs 67
- -

Safety Guidelines in Hospital Laboratories

- - -


- - - - -

Conflict of Interests


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