[PDF] 23 Factor and remainder theorems


[PDF] 6 The factor theorem

The factor theorem Geometric version If f(x) is a polynomial whose graph crosses the x-axis at x=a, then (x 

[PDF] 23 Factor and remainder theorems

1 Factorise polynomial expressions 2 3 2 Divide a polynomial by a linear or quadratic factor 2 3 3 Apply the remainder theorem 2 3 4 Apply the factor theorem

[PDF] 32 The Factor Theorem and The Remainder Theorem

In this case, The Remainder Theorem tells us the remainder when p(x) is divided by (x - c), namely p(c), is 0, which means (x - c) is a factor of p What we 

[PDF] The Remainder Theorem If a polynomial f(x) is divided by (x ba) then

Corollary (The Factor Theorem) A polynomial f(x) has (x b a) as a factor if and only if f(a) = 0 The Remainder Theorem follows immediately from the definition 

[PDF] The Remainder Theorem and the Factor Theorem

Factor Theorem: The value a is a root of the polynomial p(x) if and only if (x?a) is a factor of p(x) Proof: 1 (=?) Assume that a is a root of the 

[PDF] The Factor Theorem

The Factor Theorem Chapter 11 11-4 BIG IDEA If P(x) is a polynomial, then a is a solution to the equation P(x) = 0 if and only if x - a is a factor of 

[PDF] Zeros of a Polynomial Function

An important consequence of the Factor Theorem is that finding the zeros of a polynomial is really the same thing as factoring it into linear factors

[PDF] Factor Theorem Examples And Solutions

2 Remainder and Factor Theorems Interactive Mathematics Factor theorem state with proof examples and solutions factorise the Polynomials Maths Mutt

[PDF] 428 - The Factor Theorem - Scoilnet

4 2 8 - The Factor Theorem 4 2 - Algebra - Solving Equations Leaving Certificate Mathematics Higher Level ONLY 4 2 - Algebra - Solving Equations

[PDF] AMSG11Remainder and Factor Theorempdf

remainder and factor theorems to factorise and to solve polynomials that are of degree higher than 2 From the above examples, we saw that a polynomial

[PDF] 23 Factor and remainder theorems 101389_62_3_factor_and_remainder_theorems.pdf

2.3 Factor and remainder theorems

Dr Richard Harrison

FEPS Mathematics Support Framework




1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 9.1 10.1 11.1 11.5

2.3 Introduction

The aim of this unit is to assist you in consolidating and developing your knowledge and skills in working with the factor and remainder theorems. It will also refresh your skills in algebraic manipulation and in solving two linear equations simultaneously.

While studying

the slides. After studying the slides, you should attempt the Consolidation Questions. #uniofsurrey2

2.3 Learning checklist




NotesTick when



Your turn




2.3 Learning objectives

After completing this unit you should be able to

2.3.1 Factorise polynomial expressions

2.3.2 Divide a polynomial by a linear or quadratic factor

2.3.3 Apply the remainder theorem

2.3.4 Apply the factor theorem


Some terminology (1)

Identity: a statement that two mathematical expressions are equal for all values of their variables (symbol ). Irreducible quadratic: a quadratic expression which cannot be written as a product of two linear factors using the set of real numbers, R, e.g., ݔʹ൅ͳൌͲ. In other words, it is a quadratic with a negative discriminant (ܾʹȂͶܿܽ Linear: a function or expression containing a variable with a first degree power, e.g., ݔ൅ͳǡʹݔ൅ݕ.

Some terminology (2)

Polynomial: the general form of a polynomial expression is the sum of terms, ܽ݊ݔ݊൅ܽ݊െͳݔ݊െͳ൅ǥ൅ܽ

The highest power, n is the degree or order of the polynomial (it is also the dominant term). The powers in each term are non-negative. ܽ݊is called the leading coefficient and ܽ

Quotient: the result of dividing one number (or polynomial) by another.

2.3.1. Factorise polynomial

expressions Factorisationis the process of rewriting an algebraic (often a polynomial) expression as a product of simpler, irreduciblefactors. The original expression is divisible by its factors. Eg1, a quadratic expression can sometimes be expressed as a product of two linear factors:


Eg2, an irreducible quadratic is a quadratic expression that cannot be factorised, x2+ 1, for instance.


Cannot be simplified further in the real number system Note

Any polynomial with real coefficients can be written as a product of linear factors and irreducible quadratic factors.

Most polynomials that arise in real world applications cannot be factorisedfactorisebut to find the roots of the polynomial. This is done numerically with software.

Clearly, if we can factorisethe polynomial manually, we can also write down the roots. For now, we are concerned only with real roots.

There are general algebraic solutions to cubic and quartic polynomial equations (analogous to the quadratic formula).

Some useful identities

Using the greatest common factor

(GCF) to factorise

Factorisingby grouping

Factorisationusing identities

Using a substitution to factorise


In general, only relatively simple expressions can be factorised easily. We can sometimes use GCF, grouping, identities or substitutions to help.

Trial and error may be involved!

There are other useful techniques available to us for finding any factors of polynomial expressions and solving polynomial equations. These will be considered next.

Your turn! (1)

Factorise the following,


ݔସെ͵ݔଷെݔ൅͵ #universityofsurrey15




ൌݔݔଷെͳെ͵ሺݔଷെͳሻ ൌݔെ͵ሺݔଷെͳሻ #universityofsurrey16

2.3.2. Divide a polynomial by a linear or

quadratic factor

How can we use this to solve


Example long division

Example: long division

The quotient factorises so we can write the

polynomial as a product of three linear factors

Example: Long division


Your turn! (2)

Divide ݔଷെ͵ݔଶ൅Ͷݔെͳʹܾ #universityofsurrey22


Quotient = ݔଶ൅Ͷ

Remainder = 0


2.3.3. Apply the remainder theorem

The remainder theorem

Example: Remainder theorem

Example: Remainder theorem

Your turn! (3)

Find the remainder when ݔଷെͷݔଶെʹݔെͷis divided by ሺݔ൅͵ሻ





2.3.4. Apply the factor theorem

Why the factor theorem is useful

We can use the factor theorem to help us

factorisepolynomials and to solve polynomial equations!

Knowing ሺݔെܽ

also know ܽ

Example: Factor theorem

Example: Factor theorem

Your turn! (4)

Find all the solutions to ݔଷ൅ݔଶെ͵͹ݔ൅͵ͷ= 0 #universityofsurrey34


Try ݂ሺͳሻfirst

݂ͳൌͳ൅ͳെ͵͹൅͵ͷൌͲฺሺݔെͳሻis a factor

Now try ݂ሺͷሻ

݂ͷൌͳʹͷ൅ʹͷെͳͺͷ൅͵ͷൌͲฺሺݔെͷሻis a factor

Finally try ݂ሺെ͹ሻ

݂ͷൌെ͵Ͷ͵൅Ͷͻ൅ʹͷͻ൅͵ͷൌͲฺሺݔ൅͹ሻis a factor

Roots: ݔא


Further examples: Factor and

remainder theorem

Further examples: Factor and

remainder theorem

Further examples: Factor and

remainder theorem

Further examples: Factor and

remainder theorem

2.3 Summary

You should now be able to,

2.3.1Factorise polynomial expressions

2.3.2Divide a polynomial by a linear or quadratic factor

2.3.3Apply the remainder theorem

2.3.4Apply the factor theorem

#uniofsurrey40 41

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