[PDF] Thermal Processing of Food - Tiselab


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[PDF] Thermal Processing of Food - Tiselab

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[PDF] Thermal Processing of Food - Tiselab 107260_3Thermal_Processing_of_Food.pdf

Thermal Processing o? FoodPage 1

Sa?e?ood 360, Inc. 2014Part o? Our Pro?essional Whitepapers SeriesThe use o? high tempera- tures to preserve and ensure the sa?ety o? ?ood is based on the eect o? microbial destruction. Thermal pro- cessing is one o? the most widely used unit operations employed in the ?ood indus- try and is ?requen deter- mined as a Critical Control

Point (CCP). This whitepaper

covers the main science be- hind the unit operation and should be used to underpin the development and design o? thermal processing steps.




2.1 Blanching and enzyme inactivation

2.2 Me thods o? blanching

2.3 Tes ting o? the e?ectiveness o? blanching


3.1 Purpose o? pasteurization

3.2 Me thod ?or pasteurizing


4.1 Canned ?oods

4.2 Conditions a ?ecting the growth o?


4.3 Micr o-organisms in retorted ?oods

4.4 Micr obial spoilage o? canned ?oods

4.5 St erilisation process and equipment

4.6 Con tainers ?or thermally treated products

4.7 Cleaning o? containers prior to ?illing

4.8 Seaming o? cans

4.9 Death rate curve (D value)

4.10 Thermal death time (TDT) curve

4.11 Some ?actors a?ecting heat resistance

4.12 Design o? heat sterilization processes

4.13 The “F

0 value"

4.14 The lethality ?actor “l"

Sa?e?ood 360° is the provider o? ?ood

sa?ety management soware ?or industry leading businesses.


Thermal Processing o? Food

Thermal Processing o? FoodPage 2

Sa?e?ood 360, Inc. 2014Part o? Our Pro?essional Whitepapers Series

1.In troduction

There are two main temperature

categories employed in thermal processing:

Pasteurization and Sterilisation. The basic

purpose for the thermal processing of foods is to reduce or destroy microbial activity, reduce or destroy enzyme activity and to produce physical or chemical changes to make the food meet a certain quality standard. e.g. gelatenization of starch & denaturation of proteins to produce edible food. There are a number of types of heat processing employed by the food industry.


The primary purpose of blanching is

to destroy enzyme activity in fruit and vegetables. It is not intended as a sole method of preservation, but as a pre- treatment prior to freezing, drying and canning. Other functions of blanching include:

Reducing surface microbial


Softening vegetable tissues to

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