How to Test a Capacitor - Learning about Electronics


Frequency response of a capacitor - Eclecticon

frequency range 0 to 3,000Hz 5 Also record and plot the RMS current vs frequency 6 Fixing the frequency at 200Hz, find the RMS current for the full range of capacitances You should find that current is proportional to capacitance 7 For a 4 7mF capacitor, keep the frequency at 3,000Hz and switch to a square wave, and

Effect of various capacitors on frequency response - RCET

drops the signal voltage across the capacitor and reduces the circuit gain As signal frequencies decrease, capacitor reactance increase and gain continues to fall, reducing the output voltage 2 Effect of Bypass capacitors: At lower frequencies, bypass capacitor C E is not a short So emitter is not at ac ground X c in parallel with R E

How to Test a Capacitor - Learning about Electronics

A capacitor is a device that stores electric charge (memory devices) A capacitor is a device that stores energy Capacitors are easy to fabricate in small sizes (µm), use in chips How to combine capacitance: capacitors in parallel adds like resistors in series: € C tot=C 1+C 2=?C i € E= Q2 2C = CV2 2 L2: Resistors and Capacitors

Circuits in the frequency domain - Stanford University

Recall that, in a capacitor, i = Cdv dt:What happens if the voltage across the capacitor happens to be sinusoidal with amplitude V and frequency f, that is, with v(t) = Vsin(2?ft+ ?)? We would then have i(t) = C dv dt = 2?fCVcos(2?ft+ ?) = 2?fCV {z } I sin 2?ft+ ?+ ? 2 : That is, the current is also sinusoidal with the same frequency

Frequency Response - Docceptornet

Jan 10, 2021 · I-V signal in the circuit have the frequency of ?(rad/s) •That is, any voltage and current can be represented as •Suppose the voltage across a cap is v C (t) = V 0 cos(?t) then, •We can see the higher the frequency is, the larger the current flow in a capacitor is 7 t) 0 ZT V) t ZT I () C C t C dt qZt 00)+ 90°in phase ×?Cin magnitude

Searches related to frequency across a capacitor filetype:pdf

and a capacitor together as a voltage divider We will put the resistor in first, so we can connect the capacitor to ground By applying Kirchhoff’s Laws to this circuit, we can see that: 1 The same current flows through both the resistor and the capacitor, and 2 The sum of the voltage drops across the two

How to Test a Capacitor - Learning about Electronics 113325_3Lec2.pdf

K.K. Gan1

Lecture 2: Capacitors and Inductors


●Capacitance (C) is defined as the ratio of charge (Q) to voltage (V) on an object: ◆ C = Q/V = Coulombs/Volt = Farad ☞ Capacitance of an object depends on geometry and its dielectric constant. ◆ Symbol(s) for capacitors: ◆ A capacitor is a device that stores electric charge (memory devices). ◆ A capacitor is a device that stores energy ◆ Capacitors are easy to fabricate in small sizes (µm), use in chips

●How to combine capacitance: ◆ capacitors in parallel adds like resistors in series: € C tot =C 1 +C 2 =C i ∑ € E= Q 2 2C = CV 2 2

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

Total capacitance is more than individual capacitance!

◆ capacitors in series add like resistors in parallel: ●Energy and Power in Capacitors ◆ How much energy can a "typical" capacitor store? ■ Pick a 4 µF Cap (it would read 4 mF) rated at 3 kV ■ This is the same as dropping a 2 kg weight (about 4 pounds) 1 meter ◆ How much power is dissipated in a capacitor?

■dV/dt must be finite otherwise we source (or sink) an infinite amount of power!

K.K. Gan2

€ 1 C tot = 1 C 1 + 1 C 2 = 1 C i ∑ €


dE dt = d dt CV 2 2 " # $ % & ' P=CV dV dt € E= 1 2 CV 2 = 1 2


-6 •3000 2 =18 J

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

Total capacitance is less than individual capacitance!THIS WOULD BE UNPHYSICAL.

■ the voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantaneously ☞ a useful fact when trying to guess the transient (short term) behavior of a circuit ■ the voltage across a resistor can change instantaneously ❑ the power dissipated in a resistor does not depend on dV/dt: P = I


R or V


/R ◆ Why do capacitors come in such small values? ■ Example: Calculate the size of a 1 Farad parallel capacitor with air between the plates. ☞square plate of 6.5 miles per side❑ breakthroughs in capacitor technologies (driven by laptop/cell phone industries)☞10 µF capacitor in 0402 package (1.0 mm × 0.5 mm × 0.5 mm) costs only 3 pennies◆ How small can we make capacitors?

■A wire near a ground plane has C ~ 0.1 pf = 10 -13 F.

K.K. Gan3

€ C= kε 0 A d k=dielectric constant (=1 for air) ε 0 =8.85×10 -12 N -1 m -2 d=distance between plates (assumed 1 mm)

A=area of plates = 1.1×10

8 m 2 !!!

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

"Stray capacitance" slow down signal or induces cross talk by capacitive coupling!

K.K. Gan4

◆ Some words to the wise on capacitors and their labeling.■ Typical capacitors are multiples of micro Farads (10

-6 F) or picoFarads (10 -12

F).☞Whenever you see mF it almost always is micro, not milli F and never mega F.☞picoFarad (10


F) is sometimes written as pf and pronounced puff.■ no single convention for labeling capacitors❑Many manufacturers have their own labeling scheme (See Horowitz and Hill lab manual).● Resistors and Capacitors ◆ Examine voltage and current vs. time for a circuit with one R and one C. ■ Assume that at t < 0 all voltages are zero, V

R = V C = 0. ■ At t ≥ 0 the switch is closed and the battery (V 0 ) is connected. ■ Apply Kirchhoff's voltage rule: ■ Solve the differential equation by differentiating both sides of above equation: € V 0 =V R +V C =IR+ Q C =R dQ dt + Q C € dV 0 dt = 1 C dQ dt +R d 2 Q dt 2 0= I C +R dI dt dI dt =- I RC

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

Why we care about the DC behavior?Want to know how a circuit (characterizeas R & C) responses to a pulse!

K.K. Gan5

■ This is just an exponential decay equation with time constant RC (sec). ■ The current as a function of time through the resistor and capacitor is:

◆ What's V R (t)? ■ By Ohm's law: ■ At t = 0 all the voltage appears across the resistor, V R (0) = V 0 . ■ At t = ∞, V R (∞) = 0. € V R (t)=I R ⋅R =I 0 R e -t/RC =V 0 e -t/RC €


0 e -t/RC

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

K.K. Gan6

◆ What's V C (t)? ■ Easiest way to answer is to use the fact that V 0 = V R + V C is valid for all t. ☞At t = 0 all the voltage appears across the resistor so V C (0) = 0. ☞At t = ∞, V C (∞) = V 0

. ◆ Suppose we wait until I = 0 and then short out the battery. ■ Solving the exponential equation yields,

■ We can find V C using V = Q/C, ■ Finally we can find the voltage across the resistor using V R = -V C, € V C =V 0 -V R V C =V 0 1-e -t/RC () € 0=V R +V C V R =-V C R dQ dt =- Q C dQ dt =- Q RC €


0 e -t/RC € V C (t)=V 0 e -t/RC € V R (t)=-V 0 e -t/RC

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

K.K. Gan7

◆Suppose V C (t) = V 0 sinωt instead of DC ☞What happens to V C and I C ? ☞ current in capacitor varies like a sine wave too, but 90 0 out of phase with voltage. €


=CV 0 sinωt I C =dQ/dt =ωCV 0 cosωt =ωCV 0 sin(ωt+π/2)

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

K.K. Gan8

■We can write an equation that looks like Ohm's law by defining V*: ☞the relationship between the voltage and current in C looks like:

☞ 1/ωC can be identified as a kind of resistance, capacitive reactance: X C ≡ 1/ωC (Ohms) ❑X C

= 0 for ω = ∞ ☞high frequencies: a capacitor looks like a short circuit ☞"bypass capacitor" on power supply "short circuit" ripple (noise) to ground ❑X


= ∞ for ω = 0 ☞low frequencies: a capacitor looks like an open circuit (high resistance).

☞look at AC output of a circuit via a capacitor (use AC coupling on scope) Inductance:

● Define inductance by: V = LdI/dt ◆Unit: Henry ◆Symbol: ◆Inductors are usually made from a coil of wire ■ tend to be bulky and are hard to fabricate in small sizes (µm), seldom used in chips. ◆Two inductors next to each other (transformer) can step up or down a voltage ■no change in the frequency of the voltage ■provide isolation from the rest of the circuit

€ V*=V 0 sin(ωt+π/2) € V*=I C /ωC =I C R*

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

10 Gb/s VCSEL (Laser) Array Driver

●4-channel test chip (65 nm CMOS)2 mm240 µm●Capacitance and inductance onlong transmission lines degrade signal

K.K. Gan10

●How much energy is stored in an inductor? ☞ ●How much power is dissipated in an inductor? ☞

❑dI/dt must be finite as we can't source (or sink) an infinite amount of power in an inductor!

☞the current across an inductor cannot change instantaneously.  € dE=VdQ I= dQ dt dE=VIdt V=L dI dt dE=LIdI


0 I ∫ E= 1 2 LI 2 €


dE dt = d dt LI 2 2 " # $ % & ' P=LI dI dt

L2: Resistors and Capacitors


K.K. Gan11

◆Two inductors in series: ■ Apply Kirchhoff's Laws, ☞ Inductors in series add like resistors in series.  € V=V 1 +V 2 =L 1 dI dt +L 2 dI dt ≡L tot dI dt L tot =L 1 +L 2 =L i ∑

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

The total inductance is greater than the individual inductances. ◆Two inductors in parallel: ■ Since the inductors are in parallel, V 1 = V 2 = V ■ The total current in the circuit is ☞If we have more than 2 inductors in parallel, they combine like: ❑Inductors in parallel add like resistors in parallel.

K.K. Gan12

€ I=I 1 +I 2 dI dt = dI 1 dt + dI 2 dt = V L 1 + V L 2 ≡ V L tot 1 L tot = 1 L 1 + 1 L 2 L tot = L 1 L 2 L 1 +L 2 € 1 L tot = 1 L i ∑

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

The total inductance is less than the individual inductances.

K.K. Gan13

●Resistors and Inductors ◆ Examine voltage and current versus time for a circuit with one R and one L. ■ Assume that at t < 0 all voltages are zero, V

R = V L = 0. ■ At t ≥ 0 the switch is closed and the battery (V 0 ) is connected. ■ Like the capacitor case, apply Kirchhoff's voltage rule:

■ Solving the differential equation, assuming at t = 0, I = 0: ☞ This is just an exponential decay equation with time constant L/R (seconds). ◆ What's V

R (t)? ■ By Ohm's law V R = I R

R at any time:

■ At t = 0, none of the voltage appears across the resistor, V R (0) = 0. ■ At t = ∞, V R (∞) = V 0 . € V 0 =V R +V L =IR+L dI dt € I(t)= V 0 R 1-e -tR/L () € € V R =I(t)R=V 0 1-e -tR/L ()

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

K.K. Gan14

◆ What's V L (t)? ■ Easiest way to answer is to use the fact that V 0 = V R + V L is valid for all t. ■ At t = 0, all the voltage appears across the inductor so V L (0) = V 0 . ■ At t = ∞, V L (∞) = 0.

Pick L/R = 1 ms

€ V L =V 0 -V R V L (t)=V 0 e -tR/L

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

K.K. Gan15

◆ Suppose V L (t) = V 0 sinωt instead of DC, what happens to V L and I L ? ☞ The current in an inductor varies like a sine wave too, but 90 0

out of phase with the voltage. ■We can write an equation that looks like Ohm's law by defining V*: V

* = V 0 sin(ωt - π/2) ☞ V * = I L

ωL = I

L R * ❑ ωL can be identified as a kind of resistance, inductive reactance: X L ≡ ωL (Ohms) ❍ X L

= 0 if ω = 0 ☞ low frequencies: an inductor looks like a short circuit (low resistance). ❍ X


= ∞if ω = ∞ ☞ high frequencies: an inductor looks like an open circuit. ☞ connect a circuit to the power supply via an inductor to filter out ripple (noise).

! ! V=L dI L dt I L = 1 L Vdt 0 t " =# V 0 $L cos$t I L (t)= V 0 $L sin($t#%/2)

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

Choke on power cord

K.K. Gan16

● Some things to remember about R, L, and C's. ◆ For DC circuits, after many time constants (L/R or RC): ☞ Inductor acts like a wire (0 Ω). ☞Capacitor acts like an open circuit (∞ Ω).

◆ For circuits where the voltage changes very rapidly or transient behavior:

☞ Capacitor acts like a wire (0 Ω). ☞ Inductor acts like an open circuit (∞ Ω). ◆ Example, RLC circuit with DC supply: ■At t = 0, voltages on R, C are zero and V

L = V 0. ■At t = ∞, voltages on R, L are zero and V C = V 0.

L2: Resistors and Capacitors

V capacitor V input V


L2: Resistors and Capacitors

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