Frequency Correction - DESCANSO


Frequency Correction - DESCANSO

Frequency Correction - DESCANSO descanso jpl nasa gov/monograph/series9/Descanso9_04 pdf 4 1 2 Optimum Frequency Estimation over an AWGN Channel We desire an estimate of the frequency offset ?f based on the received ob-

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GSM 05 01 - ETSI www etsi org/deliver/etsi_gts/05/0501/05 04 00_60/gsmts_0501v050400p pdf It is broadcast together with the frequency correction burst The repetition of synchronization bursts is also named synchronization channel (SCH); - access

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GSM 05 02 - ETSI www etsi org/deliver/etsi_gts/05/0502/05 01 00_60/gsmts_0502v050100p pdf Mapping in frequency of logical channels onto physical channels The frequency correction channel carries information for frequency correction of the

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Les Canaux et Trames du réseau GSM rsaid uae ma/doc_chakkor/Les 20Canaux 20et 20 20Trames pdf Channel Control puissance, MS envoie des mesures : chanel Informations des cellules: Cell Id et la liste Frequency Correction Burst

Principles for Channel Allocation in GSM - DiVA portal

Principles for Channel Allocation in GSM - DiVA portal www diva-portal org/smash/get/diva2:17406/FULLTEXT01 pdf 30 jan 2008 SDCCH can also share channel with the BCCH • Frequency Correction CHannel (FCCH), is a downlink only channel and is used to allow the MSs to

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System Design and Calibration for Wideband Channel Sounding ieeexplore ieee org/iel7/6287639/7859429/07811265 pdf 6 mar 2017 With this scheme, a channel sounder is developed on a software-defined radio platform that employs an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing


FREQUENCY OFFSET CORRECTION IN A SOFTWARE DEFINED ris utwente nl/ws/files/5374812/mmsa2002b pdf Simulation results for an AWGN channel show that the method is capable of correcting frequency offsets up to the boundary defined in the standard [1] It was

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About GSM Dm-Channels - informatik hu-berlin de www informatik hu-berlin de/~goeller/isdn/GSMDmChannels pdf Frequency Correction Channel with which it can adjust to the BTS From the Synchronisation Burst (8 BP after the Frequency correction Burst) the Mobile

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ECE 463 Lab 7: Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation and Correction courses engr illinois edu/ece463/fa2018/Lab/ECE463_Fall2018_Lab07 pdf BPSK with CFO & Channel Correction 2 6 Questions 1 2 Report Submit the answers, figures and the discussions on all the questions

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Multi-Channel Antenna Calibration Reference Solution - Keysight www keysight com/us/en/assets/7018-04414/brochures/5991-4537 pdf Typical solution performance Measurement throughput Up to 1M narrow-band measurements per second (40 channels) Frequency range DC to 40 GHz

Frequency Correction - DESCANSO 113451_3Descanso9_04.pdf

Chapter 4

Frequency Correction

Dariush Divsalar

Over the years, much effort has been spent in the search for optimum syn- chronization schemes that are robust and simple to implement [1,2]. These schemes were derived based on maximum-likelihood (ML) estimation theory. In many cases, the derived open- or closed-loop synchronizers are nonlinear. Linear approximation provides a useful tool for the prediction of synchronizer perfor- mance. In this semi-tutorial chapter, we elaborate on these schemes for frequency ac- quisition and tracking. Various low-complexity frequency estimator schemes are presented in this chapter. The theory of ML estimation provides the optimum schemes for frequency estimation. However, the derived ML-based scheme might be too complex for implementation. One approach is to use theory to derive the best scheme and then try to reduce the complexity such that the loss in perfor- mance remains small. Organization of this chapter is as follows: In Section 4.1, we show the derivation of open- and closed-loop frequency estimators when a pilot (residual) carrier is available. In Section 4.2, frequency estimators are de- rived for known data-modulated signals (data-aided estimation). In Section 4.3, non-data-aided frequency estimators are discussed. This refers to the frequency estimators when the data are unknown at the receiver.

4.1 Frequency Correction for Residual Carrier

Consider a residual-carrier system where a carrier (pilot) is available for tracking. We consider both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and Rayleigh fading channels in this section. 63

64Chapter 4

4.1.1 Channel Model

Let ˜r

c [k] be thekth received complex sample of the output of a low- pass filtered pilot. The observation vector˜r c with components ˜r c [k];k=0,

1,···,N-1 can be modeled as

˜r c [k]=Ae j(2πΔfkTs+θc) +˜n[k](41) where the ˜r c [k] samples are taken everyT s seconds (sampling rate of 1/T s ). In the above equation, ˜n[k],k=0,1,···,N-1, are independent, identically distributed (iid) zero-mean, complex Gaussian random variables with varianceσ 2 per dimension. The frequency offset to be estimated is denoted by Δf, andθ c is an unknown initial carrier phase shift that is assumed to be uniformly distributed in the interval [0,2π) but constant over theNsamples. For an AWGN channel,


2P c is constant and represents the amplitude of the pilot samples. For a Rayleigh fading channel, we assumeAis a complex Gaussian random variable, where|A|is Rayleigh distributed and argA ? = tan -1 ?Im(A)/Re(A)?is uniformly distributed in the interval [0,2π), where Im(·) denotes the imaginary operator and Re(·) denotes the real operator.

4.1.2 Optimum Frequency Estimation over an AWGN Channel

We desire an estimate of the frequency offset Δfbased on the received ob- servations given by Eq. (4-1). The ML estimation approach is to obtain the conditional probability density function (pdf) of the observations, given the fre- quency offset. To do so, first we obtain the following conditional pdf:


c |Δf,θ c )=C 0 e -(1/2σ 2 )Z (42) whereC 0 is a constant, and Z= N-1 ? k=0 ???˜r c [k]-Ae j(2πΔfkTs+θc) ??? 2 (43)


Y= N-1 ? k=0 ˜r c [k]e -j(2πΔfkTs) (44)

ThenZcan be rewritten as

Frequency Correction 65

Z= N-1 ? k=0 ??˜r c [k]?? 2 -2ARe(Ye -jθc )+ N-1 ? k=0 A 2 (45) The “rst and the last terms in Eq. (4-5) do not depend on fandθ c . Denoting the sum of these two terms byC 1 , thenZcan be written as Z=C 1 -2A|Y|cos(θ c -argY)(46) Using Eq. (4-6), the conditional pdf of Eq. (4-2) can be written as


c |Δf,θ c )=C 2 exp?A Δ 2 |Y|cos(θ c -argY)? (47) whereC 2 =Ce -(C1/2σ 2 ) . Averaging Eq. (4-7) overθ c produces


c |Δf)=C 2 I 0 ?A|Y| σ 2 ? (4 8) whereI 0 (·) is the modified Bessel function of zero order and can be represented as I 0 (x)=1


2π 0 e xcos(ψ) dψ(49)


0 (x) is an even convex cup?function ofx, maximizing the right-hand side of Eq. (4-8) is equivalent to maximizing|Y|. Thus, the ML metric for estimating the frequency offset can be obtained by maximizing the following metric:


? ? ? ? N-1 ? k=0 ˜r c [k]e -j(2πΔfkTs) ?????(4 10)

4.1.3 Optimum Frequency Estimation over a Rayleigh

Fading Channel

We desire an estimate of the frequency offset Δfover a Rayleigh fading channel. The ML approach is to obtain the conditional pdf of the observations,

66Chapter 4

given the frequency offset. To do so, first we start with the following conditional pdf:


c |A,Δf,θ c )=C 0 e -(1/2σ 2 )Z (411) whereC 0 is a constant, andZandYare defined as in Eqs. (4-3) and (4-4). SinceAis now a complex random variable, thenZcan be rewritten as Z= N-1 ? k=0 ??˜r c [k]?? 2 -2Re(YAe -jθc )+ N-1 ? k=0 |A| 2 (412) The “rst terms in Eq. (4-12) do not depend onA. Averaging the conditional pdf in Eq. (4-11) overA, assuming the magnitude ofAis Rayleigh distributed and its phase is uniformly distributed, we obtain


c |Δf,θ c )=C 3 exp?C 4 2σ 2 |Y| 2 ? (4 13) whereC 3 andC 4 are constants, and Eq. (4-13) is independent ofθ c . Thus, maximizing the right-hand side of Eq. (4-13) is equivalent to maximizing|Y| 2 or equivalently|Y|. Thus, the ML metric for estimating the frequency offset can be obtained by maximizing the following metric:


? ? ? ? N-1 ? k=0 ˜r c [k]e -j(2πΔfkTs) ?????(4 14) which is identical to that obtained for the AWGN channel case.

4.1.4 Open-Loop Frequency Estimation

For an open-loop estimation, we have


Δf= argmax



However, this operation is equivalent to obtaining the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the received sequence, taking its magnitude, and then “nding the maximum value, as shown in Fig. 4-1.

Frequency Correction 67

Fig. 4-1. Open-loop frequency estimation,

residual carrier. r c FFT Find Max~ Δ f •[k]

4.1.5 Closed-Loop Frequency Estimation

The error signal for a closed-loop estimator can be obtained as e=∂ Δfλ(Δf)(4 16) We can approximate the derivative ofλ(Δf) for smallεas ∂ Δfλ(Δf)=λ(Δf+ε)-λ(Δf-ε)2ε(4 17) Then, we can write the error signal as (in the following, any positive constant multiplier in the error signal representation will be ignored) e=|Y(Δf+ε)|-|Y(Δf-ε)|(4 18) where


N-1 ? k=0 ˜r c [k]e -j(2πΔfkTs) e -j(2πεkTs) (419) The error-signal detector for a closed-loop frequency correction can be imple- mented based on the above equations. The block diagram is shown in Fig. 4-2, where in the “gureα=e -j2πεTs . Now rather than using the approximate derivative ofλ(Δf), we can take the actual derivative ofλ 2 (Δf)=|Y| 2 , which gives the error signal e= Im(Y ?



68Chapter 4

Fig. 4-2. Approximate error signal detector, residual carrier. α

Close Every

N Samples

Close Every

N Samples

α? S + - e e -j2πΔfkTs Delay T s Delay T s • • r c ~[k] U= N-1 ? k=0 ˜r c [k]ke -j(2πΔfkTs) (421) Note that the error signal in Eq. (4-20) can also be written as e= Im(Y ?


2 -|Y+jU| 2 (422) or for a simple implementation we can use e=|Y-jU|-|Y+jU|(4 23)
The block diagram of the error signal detector based on Eq. (4-23) is shown in

Fig. 4-3.

The corresponding closed-loop frequency estimator is shown in Fig. 4-4. The dashed box in this “gure and all other “gures represents the fact that the hard limiter is optional. This means that the closed-loop estimators can be imple- mented either with or without such a box. Approximation to the Optimum Error Signal Detector.Imple-

mentation of the optimum error signal detector is a little bit complex. To reduce the complexity, we note that

Frequency Correction 69

Fig. 4-3. Exact error signal detector, residual carrier.Close Every

N Samples

jClose Every

N Samples

+ - e k e -j2πΔfkTs Σ ++ + Š kx N - 1 k Σx k Σ x k = 0 N - 1 k = 0 • • r c ~[k] Fig. 4-4. Closed-loop frequency estimator, residual carrier.j

Close Every

N Samples+-

e k e -j2πΔfkTs x Loop





Oscillator (NCO)

Σ +++ Š


kx k Σ N - 1 k = 0 N - 1 x k Σ k = 0 • • r c ~[k] e=Im(Y ? U)= N-1 ? i=0 Im(X ?0,i X i+1,(N-1) )≂=C 5 Im(X ?0,(N/2)-1 X (N/2),N-1 ) (4 24)
where X m,n = n ? k=m ˜r c [k]e -j(2πΔfkTs) (425) The closed-loop frequency estimator with the approximate error signal de- tector given by Eq. (4-24) is shown in Fig. 4-5. The parametersN w =N/2 (the

70Chapter 4

e -j2πΔfkTs Gain





Im { }



-1+1 Delay NT s 2 N -1 Σ k=N/2( ) Fig. 4-5. Low-complexity closed-loop frequency correction, residual carrier.• •r c ~[k]

Microcontroller (μC)

number of samples to be summed, i.e., the window size) andδ(gain) should be optimized and updated after the initial start to perform both the acquisition and tracking of the offset frequency. Digital Loop Filter.The gainδthat was shown in the closed-loop

frequency-tracking system is usually part of the digital loop filter. However, here we separate them. Then the digital loop filter without gainδcan be represented as


1-z -1 (426) The corresponding circuit for the digital loop “lter is shown in Fig. 4-6. Now in addition to the gainδ, the parameterbalso should be optimized to achieve the best performance. Simulation Results.Performance of the closed-loop frequency esti-

mator in Fig. 4-5 was obtained through simulations. First, the acquisition of the closed-loop estimator for a 10-kHz frequency offset is shown in Fig. 4-7. Next the standard deviation of the frequency error versus the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for various initial frequency offsets was obtained. The results of the simulation are shown in Fig. 4-8.

Frequency Correction 71

Fig. 4-6. Loop filter for frequency-tracking loops. z -1 b




Fig. 4-7. Frequency acquisition performance.TIME (ms)

Frequency Error, |Δf - Δf |

SNR = -10.0 dB

Initial Integration Window 32 Samples

Subsequent Itegration Window = 32 × 2


Frequency Offset = 10,000 Hz

Sampling Rate = 1 Msps

Initial Update After 1024 × 32 Samples

Subsequent Update = 256 × 2


Initial Delta = 1024 Hz

Subsequent Delta = 1024/2


72Chapter 4



Standard Deviation of Frequency Error (Hz)

Fig. 4-8. Standard deviation of frequency error.

Initial Window = 32 Samples

Subsequent Window = 32 × 2


Max Window = 256

Initial Update = 256

Δf = 100 HzΔf = 15,000 Hz

Δf = 10,000 Hz

Δf = 5,000 Hz

Subsequent Update = 128 × 2


Initial δ =1024 Hz

Subsequent δ =1024/2

i Hz

Min δ = 2 Hz

Sample SNR (dB)

4.2 Frequency Correction for Known Data-Modulated


Consider a data-modulated signal with no residual (suppressed) carrier. In this section, we assume perfect knowledge of the symbol timing and data (data- aided system). Using again the ML estimation, we derive the open- and closed- loop frequency estimators.

4.2.1. Channel Model

We start with the received baseband analog signal and then derive the discrete-time version of the estimators. Let ˜r(t) be the received complexwave- form, anda i be the complex data representing anM-ary phase-shift keying (M-PSK) modulation or a quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM). Letp(t) be the transmit pulse shaping. Then the received signal can be modeled as


∞ ? i=-∞ a i p(t-iT)e j(2πΔft+θc) +˜n(t)(427)

Frequency Correction 73

whereTis the data symbol duration and ˜n(t) is the complex AWGN with two- sided power spectral densityN 0

W/Hz per dimension. The conditional pdf of

the received observation given the frequency offset Δfand the unknown carrier phase shiftθ c can be written as p(˜r|Δf,θ c )=C 6 e -(1/N0) ? ∞ -∞ |˜r(t)- ? ∞ i=-∞ aip(t-iT)e j(2πΔft+θc) | 2 dt (428) whereC 6 is a constant. Note that ? ? ? ? ?˜r(t)- ∞ ? i=-∞ a i p(t-iT)e j(2πΔft+θc) ????? 2 =|˜r(t)| 2 +? ? ? ? ? ∞ ? i=-∞ a i p(t-iT)? ? ? ? ? 2 -2 ∞ ? i=-∞ Re? a ?i


-j(2πΔft+θc) ? (4 29)

The “rst two terms do not depend on fandθ

c . Then we have p(˜r|Δf,θ c )=C 7 e (2/N0)Re ?? ∞ i=-∞ a ? i zi(Δf)e -jθc ? (4 30)
whereC 7 is a constant and z i (Δf)=? (i+1)T iT


-j(2πΔft) dt(431) The conditional pdf in Eq. (4-30) also can be written as p(˜r|Δf,θ c )=C 7 exp?2 N 0 |Y|cos(θ c -argY)? (432) where Y= ∞ ? i=-∞ a ?i z i (Δf)(433)

Averaging Eq. (4-32) overθ

c produces

74Chapter 4


8 I 0 ?2 N 0 |Y|? (434) whereC 8 is a constant. Again, sinceI 0 (x) is an even convex cup?function ofx, maximizing the right-hand side of Eq. (4-34) is equivalent to maximizing|Y|or equivalently|Y| 2 . Thus, the ML metric for estimating the frequency offset over theNdata symbol interval can be obtained by maximizing the following metric:


? ? ? ? N-1 ? k=0 a ?k z k (Δf)? ? ? ? ?(435)

4.2.2 Open-Loop Frequency Estimation

For an open-loop estimation, we have


Δf= argmax



but this operation is equivalent to multiplying the received signal bye -j(2πΔft) , passing it through the matched filter (MF) with impulse responsep(-t), and sampling the result att=(k+1)T, which produces the sequence ofz k "s. Next, sum thez k "s, take its magnitude, and then find the maximum value by varying the frequency Δfbetween-Δf max and Δf max , where Δf max is the maximum expected frequency offset. The block diagram to perform these operations is shown in Fig. 4-9.

4.2.3 Closed-Loop Frequency Estimation

The error signal for closed-loop tracking can be obtained as e=∂ Δfλ(Δf)(4 37)
We can approximate the derivative ofλ(Δf) for smallεas in Eq. (4-17). Then we can approximate the error signal as e=|Y(Δf+ε)|-|Y(Δf-ε)|(4 38)

Frequency Correction 75

Fig. 4-9. Open-loop frequency estimation for suppressed carrier, known data.r (t)~ e -j2πΔf t p (-t)MF Close at t = (k+1)T Find


f a k ? N -1 Σ k=0( )




N-1 ? k=0 a ?k z k (Δf+ε)(439) The error signal detector for the closed-loop frequency correction is implemented using the above equations and is shown in Fig. 4-10. In the “gure, DAC denotes digital-to-analog converter. Now again, rather than using the approximate derivative ofλ(Δf), we can take the derivative ofλ 2 (Δf)=|Y| 2 to obtain the error signal as e= Im(Y ?


and U= N-1 ? k=0 a ?k u k (Δf)(441) where u i (Δf)=? (i+1)T iT


-j(2πΔft) dt(442)


k (Δf) is produced by multiplying ˜r(t)bye -j2πΔft and then passing it through a so-called derivative matched filter (DMF)-also called a frequency- matched filter (FMF)-with impulse responsetp(-t), and finally sampling the result of this operation att=(k+1)T. Note that the error signal in Eq. (4-40) also can be written as

76Chapter 4

Fig. 4-10. Error signal detector and closed-loop block diagram for suppressed carrier, known data.r (t)~ e -j2πΔf t e -j2πεt e j2πεt t = (k+1)T k MF MF Close at t = (k+1)TClose at a k ?a k ? DACe Loop


- )p (-t


Oscillator (VCO)

)p (-t -1+1 N -1 Σ k=0( ) N -1 Σ k=0( )



e= Im(Y ?


2 -|Y+jU| 2 (443) or, simply, we can use e=|Y-jU|-|Y+jU|(4 44)
The block diagram of the closed-loop frequency estimator using the error signal detector given by Eq. (4-40) is shown in Fig. 4-11. Similarly, the block diagram of the closed-loop frequency estimator using the error signal detector given by

Eq. (4-44) is shown in Fig. 4-12.

The closed-loop frequency estimator block diagrams shown in this section contain mixed analog and digital circuits. An all-digital version of the closed- loop frequency estimator in Fig. 4-11 operating on the received samples ˜r[k] is shown in Fig. 4-13. In the figure,p k represents the discrete-time version of the pulse shapingp(t). We assume that there arensamples per data symbol durationT. An all-digital version of other closed-loop estimators can be obtained similarly.

Frequency Correction 77





Fig. 4-11. Closed-loop estimator with error signal detector for suppressed carrier, known data, Eq. (4-40).e -j2πΔf t tp (-t ) a ? k a? k t = (k+1)TClose at t = (k+1)TClose atp (-t ) DACr (t)~ ? N -1 Σ k=0( ) N -1 Σ k=0( )


Fig. 4-12. Closed-loop estimator with error signal detector for suppressed carrier, known data, Eq. (4-44).e -j2πΔf t e )MF tp (-t )DMF VCO



- + a? k S +++ - a? k r (t)~ t = (k+1)TClose at t = (k+1)TClose atp (-t j -1+1 N -1 Σ k=0( ) N -1 Σ k=0( )


¥ ¥

78Chapter 4

p -k MF

Close Everyy

T = nT s a i ? a i * DMF NCO e?


kp -k Loop


-j2πΔfkT Fig. 4-13. All-digital closed-loop frequency estimator for suppressed carrier, known data. -1+1 N -1 Σ i=0( ) N -1 Σ i=0( )


r ~[k]

4.3 Frequency Correction for Modulated Signals with

Unknown Data

Consider again a data-modulated signal with no residual (suppressed) car- rier. In this section, we assume perfect timing but no knowledge of the data (non-data-aided system). Again using the ML estimation, we derive the open- and closed-loop frequency estimators. In Section 4.2, we obtained the conditional pdf of the received observation given the frequency Δfand data sequencea.We repeat the result here for clarity:


8 I 0 ?2 N 0 |Y|? (445) where Y= ∞ ? i=-∞ a ?i z i (Δf)(446) and z i (Δf)=? (i+1)T iT


-j(2πΔft) dt(447)

Frequency Correction 79

Now we have to average Eq. (4-46) overa. Unfortunately, implementation of this averaging is too complex. Instead, first we approximate theI 0 (x) function as I 0 ?2 N 0 |Y|? ≂=1+1 N 20 |Y| 2 (448)

Now we need only to average|Y|

2 over the data sequenceaas E ?|Y| 2 ?=E? ? ?? ? ? ? ? N-1 ? k=0 a ?k z k (Δf)? ? ? ? ? 2 ?? ? = N-1 ? k=0N-1 ? i=0 E{a ?k a i }z k (Δf)z ?i (Δf) =C aN-1 ? k=0 |z k (Δf)| 2 (449) whereC a ? =E{|a k | 2 }and thea k "s are assumed to be zero mean and independent. Thus, estimating the frequency offset over theNdata symbol interval can be obtained by maximizing the following metric:


N-1 ? k=0 |z k (Δf)| 2 (450)

4.3.1 Open-Loop Frequency Estimation

For open-loop estimation, we have


Δf= argmax



However, this operation is equivalent to multiplying the received signal by e -j(2πΔft) , passing it through a matched filter with impulse responsep(-t), and sampling the result att=(k+1)T, which produces the sequence ofz k "s.

Next, take the magnitude square of eachz

k , perform summation, and then find

80Chapter 4

the maximum value by varying the frequency Δfbetween-Δf max and Δf max , where Δf max is the maximum expected frequency offset. The block diagram to perform these operations is shown in Fig. 4-14.

4.3.2 Closed-Loop Frequency Estimation

The error signal for closed-loop tracking can be obtained as e=∂ Δfλ(Δf)(4 52)
We can approximate the derivative ofλ(Δf) for smallεas in Eq. (4-17). Then, we can approximate the error signal as e= N-1 ? k=0 {|z k (Δf+ε)| 2 -|z k (Δf-ε)| 2 }(453) The error signal detector for the closed-loop frequency correction is implemented using the above equations, and it is shown in Fig. 4-15. Now again, rather than using the approximate derivative ofλ(Δf), we can take the derivative ofλ(Δf)=? N-1 k=0 |z k (Δf)| 2 and obtain the error signal as e= N-1 ? k=0 Im{z ?k (Δf)u k (Δf)}(454) where u i (Δf)=? (i+1)T iT


-j(2πΔft) dt(455) Fig. 4-14. Open-loop frequency estimation for suppressed carrier, unknown data. r (t)~ e -j2πΔf t p (-t)MF Close at t = (k+1)T Find


2 • N -1 Σ k=0( ) •

Frequency Correction 81

Fig. 4-15. Error signal detector and closed-loop block diagram for suppressed carrier, unknown data.r (t)~ e -j2πΔf t e -j2πεt e j2πεt t = (k+1)T k MF )MF Close at t = (k+1)TClose at VCO DACe Loop


- p (-t 2 2 )p (-t N -1 Σ k=0( ) -1+1 ¥ ¥ ¥ Note that the error signal in Eq. (4-54) also can be written as e= N-1 ? k=0 {|z k (Δf)-ju k (Δf)| 2 -|z k (Δf)+ju k (Δf)| 2 }(456) The block diagram of the closed-loop frequency estimator using the error signal detector given by Eq. (4-54) is shown in Fig. 4-16. Similarly, the block diagram of the closed-loop frequency estimator using the error signal detector given by Eq. (4-56) is shown in Fig. 4-17. The closed-loop frequency estimator block diagrams shown in this section contain mixed analog and digital circuits. An all-digital version of the closed- loop frequency estimator in Fig. 4-16 operating on the received samples ˜r[k]is shown in Fig. 4-18. All-digital versions of other closed-loop estimators can be obtained similarly.

82Chapter 4

Fig. 4-16. Closed-loop estimator with error signal detector for suppressed carrier, unknown data, Eq. (4-54).r (t)~ e -j2πΔf t t = (k+1)TClose at t = (k+1)TClose at e MF DMF VCO DAC




tp (-t) p (-t N -1 Σ k=0( ) -1+1 Fig. 4-17. Closed-loop estimator with error signal detector for suppressed carrier, unknown data, Eq. (4-56).e -j2πΔf t e )MF tp (-t )DMF VCO



- + jS +++ - r (t)~ t = (k+1)TClose at t = (k+1)TClose atp (-t 2 2 -1+1 ¥ N -1 Σ k=0( )


Frequency Correction 83

Fig. 4-18. All-digital closed-loop frequency estimator for suppressed carrier, unknown data.e -j2πΔf k T

T = nT


Close Every

e MF DMF NCO ? Im( ) Loop

Filter p

-k k p -k • -1+1¥ N -1 Σ i=0( ) r~[k]


[1] H. Meyr and G. Ascheid,Synchronization in Digital Communications, New

York: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1990.

[2] H. Meyr, M. Moeneclaey, and S. A. Fechtel,Digital Communication Receivers,

New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 1998.

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