[PDF] Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics BIOKAMIKAZI


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[PDF] Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics BIOKAMIKAZI

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Principles of Gene Manipulation

and Genomics

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Principles of Gene

Manipulation and



S.B. Primrose and R.M. Twyman

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© 2006 Blackwell Publishing


350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA

9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK

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The rights of Sandy Primrose and Richard Twyman to be identiÞed as th e Authors of this Work have been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents

Act 1988.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stor ed in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photoc opying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. This material was originally published in two separate volumes: Principles of Gene Manipulation, 6 th edition (2001) and Principles of Genetic Analysis and Genomics, 3 rd edition (2003).

First published 1980

Second edition published 1981

Third edition published 1985

Fourth edition published 1989

Fifth edition published 1994

Sixth edition published 2001

Seventh edition published 2006

1 2006

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Primrose, S.B.

Principles of gene manipulation and genomics / S.B. Primrose and R.M. Tw yman.Ñ7th ed. p. ; cm. Rev. ed. of: Principles of gene manipulation. 6th ed. 2001 and: Principl es of genome analysis and genomics / Sandy B. Primrose, Richard M. Twyman. 3rd ed. 2003.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

ISBN 1-4051-3544-1 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Genetic engineering. 2. Genomics. 3. Gene mapping. 4. Nucleotide sequence. [DNLM: 1. Genetic Engineering. 2. Base Sequence. 3. Chromosome Mapping. 4. DNA, Recombinant. 5. Genomics. QH 442 P952pa 2006] I. Twyman, Richard M. II. Primrose, S.B. Principles of gene manipulation. III. Primrose, S. B. Principles of genome analysis and genomics. IV. Title.

QH442.O42 2006




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Southern blotting is the method used to

transfer DNA from agarose gels to membranes so that the compositional properties of the

DNA can be analyzed, 18

Northern blotting is a variant of Southern

blotting that is used for RNA analysis, 19

Western blotting is used to transfer proteins

from acrylamide gels to membranes, 19

A number of techniques have been devised

to speed up and simplify the blotting process, 24

The ability to transform

E. coliwith DNA is an

essential prerequisite for most experiments on gene manipulation, 24

Electroporation is a means of introducing DNA

into cells without making them competent for transformation, 25

The ability to transform organisms other

than E. coliwith recombinant DNA enables genes to be studied in different host backgrounds, 25

The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has

revolutionized the way that biologists manipulate and analyze DNA, 26

The principle of the PCR is exceedingly

simple, 27

RT-PCR enables the sequences on a mRNA

molecule to be ampliÞed as DNA, 28

The basic PCR is not efÞcient at amplifying

long DNA fragments, 28

The success of a PCR experiment is very

dependent on the choice of experimental variables, 29

By using special instrumentation it is possible

to make the PCR quantitative, 30

There are a number of different ways of

generating ßuorescence in quantitative PCR reactions, 31

It is now possible to amplify whole genomes as

well as gene segments, 34Preface, xviiiAbbreviations, xx

1 Gene manipulation in the

post-genomics era, 1

Introduction, 1

Gene manipulation involves the creation

and cloning of recombinant DNA, 1

Recombinant DNA has opened new horizons

in medicine, 3

Mapping and sequencing technologies formed

a crucial link between gene manipulation and genomics, 4

The genomics era began in earnest in 1995

with the complete sequencing of a bacterial genome, 6

Genome sequencing greatly increases our

understanding of basic biology, 7

The post-genomics era aims at the complete

characterization of cells at all levels, 7

Recombinant DNA technology and genomics

form the foundation of the biotechnology industry, 8

Outline of the rest of the book, 8

Part I Fundamental Techniques of Gene


2 Basic techniques, 15

Introduction, 15

Three technical problems had to be solved

before in vitrogene manipulation was possible on a routine basis, 15

A number of basic techniques are common

to most gene-cloning experiments, 15

Gel electrophoresis is used to separate

different nucleic acid molecules on the basis of their size, 16

Blotting is used to transfer nucleic acids

from gels to membranes for further analysis, 18

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3 Cutting and joining DNA molecules, 36

Cutting DNA molecules, 36

Understanding the biological basis of host-

controlled restriction and modiÞcation of bacteriophage DNA led to the identiÞcation of restriction endonucleases, 36

Four different types of restriction and

modiÞcation (R-M) system have been recognized but only one is widely used in gene manipulation, 37

The naming of restriction endonucleases

provides information about their source, 39

Restriction enzymes cut DNA at sites of

rotational symmetry and different enzymes recognize different sequences, 39 The G +

C content of a DNA molecule affects its

susceptibility to different restriction endonucleases, 41

Simple DNA manipulations can convert

a site for one restriction enzyme into a site for another enzyme, 41

Methylation can reduce the susceptibility

of DNA to cleavage by restriction endonucleases and the efÞciency of DNA transformation, 42

It is important to eliminate restriction systems

in E. colistrains used as hosts for recombinant

DNA, 43

The success of a cloning experiment is

critically dependent on the quality of any restriction enzymes that are used, 43

Joining DNA molecules, 44

The enzyme DNA ligase is the key to joining

DNA molecules

in vitro , 44

Adaptors and linkers are short double-

stranded DNA molecules that permit different cleavage sites to be interconnected, 48

Homopolymer tailing is a general method for

joining DNA molecules that has special uses, 49

Special methods are often required if DNA

produced by PCR ampliÞcation is to be cloned, 49

DNA molecules can be joined without DNA

ligase, 50

AmpliÞed DNA can be cloned using

in vitro recombination, 50

4 Basic biology of plasmid and phage

vectors, 55

Plasmid biology and simple plasmid

vectors, 55The host range of plasmids is determined bythe replication proteins that they encode, 57The number of copies of a plasmid in a cellvaries between plasmids and is determined bythe regulatory mechanisms controllingreplication, 57The stable maintenance of plasmids in cells requires a speciÞc partitioningmechanism, 59Plasmids with similar replication andpartitioning systems cannot be maintained inthe same cell, 59The puriÞcation of plasmid DNA, 59Good plasmid cloning vehicles share a numberof desirable features, 61pBR322 is an early example of a widely used,purpose-built cloning vector, 62Example of the use of plasmid pBR322 as avector: isolation of DNA fragments whichcarry promoters, 64A large number of improved vectors have been derived from pBR322, 64Bacteriophage

, 66

The genetic organization of bacteriophage 

favors its subjugation as a vector, 66

Bacteriophage has sophisticated control

circuits, 66

There are two basic types of phage 

vectors: insertional vectors and replacement vectors, 69

A number of phage

vectors with improved properties have been described, 69

By packaging DNA into phage

in vitroit is possible to eliminate the need for competent cells of

E. coli

, 70

DNA cloning with single-stranded DNA

vectors, 71

Filamentous bacteriophages have a number of

unique properties that make them suitable as vectors, 72

Vectors with single-stranded DNA genomes

have specialist uses, 72

Phage M13 has been modiÞed to make it a

better vector, 72

5 Cosmids, phasmids, and other advanced

vectors, 75

Introduction, 75

Vectors for cloning large fragments of

DNA, 75

Cosmids are plasmids that can be packaged

into bacteriophage particles, 75 á á

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BACs and PACs are vectors that can carry

much larger fragments of DNA than cosmids because they do not have packaging constraints, 76

Recombinogenic engineering

(recombineering) simplifies the cloning of

DNA, particularly with high-molecular-

weight constructs, 79

A number of factors govern the choice of

vector for cloning large fragments of DNA, 81

Specialist-purpose vectors, 81

M13-based vectors can be used to make

single-stranded DNA suitable for sequencing, 81

Expression vectors enable a cloned gene to be

placed under the control of a promoter that functions in

E. coli

, 81

Specialist vectors have been developed that

facilitate the production of RNA probes and interfering RNA, 82

Vectors with strong, controllable promoters

are used to maximize synthesis of cloned gene products, 85

Purification of a cloned gene product can be

facilitated by use of purification tags, 87

Vectors are available that promote

solubilization of expressed proteins, 92

Proteins that are synthesized with signal

sequences are exported from the cell, 93

The Gateway

® system is a highly efficient method for transferring DNA fragments to a large number of different vectors, 94

Putting it all together: vectors with

combinations of features, 94

6 Gene-cloning strategies, 96

Introduction, 96

Genomic DNA libraries are generated

by fragmenting the genome and cloning overlapping fragments in vectors, 97

The first genomic libraries were cloned in

simple plasmid and phage vectors, 97

More sophisticated vectors have been

developed to facilitate genomic library construction, 99

Genomic libraries for higher eukaryotes

are usually constructed using high- capacity vectors, 101

The PCR can be used as an alternative to

genomic DNA cloning, 101

Long PCR uses a mixture of enzymes to amplify

long DNA templates, 102Fragment libraries can be prepared frommaterial that is unsuitable for conventionallibrary cloning, 102Complementary DNA (cDNA) libraries aregenerated by the reverse transcription ofmRNA, 102cDNA is representative of the mRNApopulation, and therefore reflects mRNA levels and the diversity of splice isoforms inparticular tissues, 102The first stage of cDNA library construction isthe synthesis of double-stranded DNA usingmRNA as the template, 105Obtaining full-length cDNA for cloning can bea challenge, 107The PCR can be used as an alternative tocDNA cloning, 110Full-length cDNA cloning is facilitated by therapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE), 111Many different strategies are available for library screening, 111Both genomic and cDNA libraries can bescreened by hybridization, 111Probes are designed to maximize the chancesof recovering the desired clone, 113The PCR can be used as an alternative tohybridization for the screening of genomic and cDNA libraries, 115More diverse strategies are available for thescreening of expression libraries, 116Immunological screening uses specificantibodies to detect expressed gene products, 116Southwestern and northwestern screening areused to detect clones encoding nucleic acidbinding proteins, 117Functional cloning exploits the biochemical orphysiological activity of the gene product, 119Positional cloning is used when there is nobiological information about a gene, but itsposition can be mapped relative to other genesor markers, 121Difference cloning exploits differences inthe abundance of particular DNAfragments, 121Library-based approaches may involvedifferential screening or the creation ofsubtracted libraries enriched for differentiallyrepresented clones, 122Differentially expressed genes can also beidentified using PCR-based methods, 122Representational difference analysis is a PCR-based subtractive-cloning procedure, 124

· ·

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7 Sequencing genes and short stretches

of DNA, 126

The commonest method of DNA sequencing

is Sanger sequencing (also known as chain- terminator or dideoxy sequencing), 126

The original Sanger method has been greatly

improved by a number of experimental modifications, 128

It is possible to automate DNA sequencing by

replacing radioactive labels with fluorescent labels, 130

DNA sequencing throughput can be greatly

increased by replacing slab gels with capillary array electrophoresis, 131

The accuracy of automated DNA sequencing

can be determined with basecalling algorithms, 131

Different strategies are required depending

on the complexity of the DNA to be sequenced, 132

Alternatives to Sanger sequencing have been

developed and are particularly useful for resequencing of DNA, 134

Pyrosequencing permits sequence analysis

in real time, 134

It is possible to sequence DNA by

hybridization using microarrays, 136

Massively parallel signature sequencing

can be used to monitor RNA abundance, 140

Methods are being developed for sequencing

single DNA molecules, 140

8 Changing genes: site-directed

mutagenesis and protein engineering, 141

Introduction, 141

Primer extension (the single-primer method)

is a simple method for site-directed mutation, 141

The single-primer method has a number of

deficiencies, 142

Methods have been developed that

simplify the process of making all possible amino acid substitutions at a selected site, 143

The PCR can be used for site-directed

mutagenesis, 144

Methods are available to enable mutations to

be introduced randomly throughout a target

gene, 146Altered proteins can be produced by inserting unusual amino acids during protein synthesis, 147Phage display can be used to facilitate theselection of mutant peptides, 148Cell-surface display is a more versatilealternative to phage display, 149Protein engineering, 150A number of different methods of geneshuffling have been developed, 153Chimeric proteins can be produced in theabsence of gene homology, 154

9 Bioinformatics, 157

Introduction, 157

Databases are required to store and

cross-reference large biological datasets, 158

The primary nucleotide sequence databases

are repositories for annotated nucleotide sequence data, 158

SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL are databases of

annotated protein sequences, 158

The Protein Databank is the main repository

for protein structural information, 160

Secondary sequence databases pull out

common features of protein sequences and structures, 160

Other databases cover a variety of useful

topics, 163

Sequence analysis is based on alignment

scores, 163

Algorithms for pairwise similarity searching

find the best alignment between pairs of sequences, 164

Multiple alignments allow important

features of gene and protein families to be identified, 166

Sequence analysis of genomic DNA

involves the de novoidentiÞcation of genes and other features, 166

Genes in prokaryotic DNA can often be found

by six-frame translation, 166

Algorithms have been developed that find

genes automatically, 168

Additional algorithms are necessary to find

non-coding RNA genes and regulatory elements, 171

Several in silicomethods are available

for the functional annotation of genes, 173 · ·

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Caution must be exercised when using

purely in silicomethods to annotate genomes, 175

Sequencing also provides new data for

molecular phylogenetics, 175

Part II Manipulating DNA in Microbes,

Plants, and Animals

10 Cloning in bacteria other than

Escherichia coli

, 179

Introduction, 179

Many bacteria are naturally competent

for transformation, 179

Recombinant DNA needs to replicate or be

integrated into the chromosome in new hosts, 183

Recombinant DNA can integrate into the

chromosome in different ways, 183

Cloning in Gram-negative bacteria other

than E. coli, 185

Vectors derived from the IncQ-group plasmid

RSF1010 are not self-transmissible, 185

Mini-versions of the IncP-group plasmids have

been developed as conjugative broad-host- range vectors, 186

Vectors derived from the broad-host-range

plasmid Sa are used mostly with


tumefaciens , 187 pBBR1 is another plasmid that has been used to develop broad-host-range cloning vectors, 188

Cloned DNA can be shuttled between

high-copy-number and low-copy-number vectors, 188

Proper transcriptional analysis of a cloned

gene requires that it is present on the chromosome, 188

Cloning in Gram-positive bacteria, 189

Many of the cloning vectors used with

Bacillus subtilisand other low-GC bacteria

are derived from plasmids found in

Staphylococcus aureus

, 190

The mode of plasmid replication can

affect the stability of cloning vectors in

B. subtilis

, 191

Compared with

E. coli

, B. subtilishas additional requirements for efÞcient transcription and translation and this can prevent the expression of genes from Gram-negative organisms in

ones that are Gram-positive, 194Specialist vectors have been developed thatpermit controlled expression in B. subtilisand

other low-GC hosts, 194

Vectors have been developed that facilitate

secretion of foreign proteins from

B. subtilis

, 195

As an aid to understanding gene function in

B. subtilis

, vectors have been developed for directed gene inactivation, 195

The mechanism whereby B. subtilisis

transformed with plasmid DNA facilitates the ordered assembly of dispersed genes, 196

A variety of different methods can be used to

transform high-GC organisms such as the streptomycetes, 196

Most of the vectors used with streptomycetes

are derivatives of endogenous plasmids and bacteriophages, 199

Cloning in Archaea, 200

11 Cloning in

Saccharomyces cerevisiaeand

other fungi, 202

There are a number of reasons for cloning

DNA in

S.cerevisiae, 202

Fungi are not naturally transformable and

special methods are required to introduce exogenous DNA, 202

Exogenous DNA that is not carried on a vector

can only be maintained by integration into a chromosome, 203

Different kinds of vector have been developed

for use in

S.cerevisiae, 204

The availability of different kinds of vector

offers yeast geneticists great ßexibility, 205

Recombinogenic engineering can be

used to move genes from one vector to another, 207

Yeast promoters are more complex than

bacterial promoters, 208

Promoter systems have been developed to

facilitate overexpression of recombinant proteins in yeast, 209

A number of specialist multi-purpose

vectors have been developed for use in yeast, 211

Heterologous proteins can be synthesized

as fusions for display on the cell surface of yeast, 212

The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastorisis

particularly suited to high-level expression of recombinant proteins, 212 á á

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Cloning and manipulating large

fragments of DNA, 213

Yeast artificial chromosomes can be used to

clone very large fragments of DNA, 213

Classical YACs have a number of deficiencies

as vectors, 213

Circular YACs have a number of advantages

over classical YACs, 214

Transformation-associated recombination

(TAR) cloning in yeast permits selective isolation of large chromosomal fragments, 214

12 Gene transfer to animal cells, 218

Introduction, 218

There are four major strategies for gene

transfer to animal cells, 218

There are several chemical transfection

techniques for animal cells but all are based on similar principles, 219

The calcium phosphate method involves the

formation of a co-precipitate which is taken up by endocytosis, 219

Transfection with polyplexes is more efficient

because of the uniform particle size, 220

Transfection can also be achieved using

liposomes and lipoplexes, 222

Physical transfection techniques have

diverse mechanisms, 222

Electroporation and ultrasound create

transient pores in the cell, 222

Other physical transfection methods pierce the

cell membrane and introduce DNA directly into the cell, 223

Cells can be transfected with either

replicating or non-replicating DNA, 223

Three types of selectable marker have been

developed for animal cells, 224

Endogenous selectable markers are

already present in the cellular genome, and mutant cell lines are required when they are used, 224

There is no competing activity for dominant

selectable markers, 225

Some marker genes facilitate stepwise

transgene amplification, 226

Plasmid vectors for the transfection of

animal cells contain modules from bacterial and animal genes, 228

Non-replicating plasmid vectors persist

for a short time in an extrachromosomal

state, 228Runaway polyomavirus replicons facilitate theaccumulation of large amounts of protein in ashort time, 230BK and BPV replicons facilitate episomalreplication, but the plasmids tend to bestructurally unstable, 231Replicons based on Epstein-Barr virusfacilitate long-term transgene stability, 236DNA can be delivered to animal cells usingbacterial vectors, 236Viruses are also used as gene-transfervectors, 238Adenovirus vectors are useful for short-termtransgene expression, 238Adeno-associated virus vectors integrate intothe host-cell genome, 239Baculovirus vectors promote high-leveltransgene expression in insect cells, but canalso infect mammalian cells, 240Herpesvirus vectors are latent in many celltypes and may promote long-term transgeneexpression, 243Retrovirus vectors integrate efficiently into the host-cell genome, 243Retroviral vectors are often replication-defective and self-inactivating, 244There are special considerations for theconstruction of lentiviral vectors, 245Sindbis virus and Semliki forest virus vectorsreplicate in the cytoplasm, 246Vaccinia and other poxvirus vectors are widely used for vaccine delivery, 248Summary of expression systems foranimal cells, 249

13 Genetic manipulation of animals, 251

Introduction, 251

Three major methods have been developed

for the production of transgenic mice, 251

Pronuclear microinjection involves the direct

transfer of DNA into the male pronucleus of the fertilized mouse egg, 252

Recombinant retroviruses can be used to

transduce early embryos prior to the formation of the germline, 253

Transgenic mice can be produced by the

transfection of ES cells followed by the creation of chimeric embryos, 254

ES cells can be used for gene targeting in

mice, 255

Gene-targeting vectors may disrupt genes by

insertion or replacement, 256 · ·

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Sophisticated selection strategies have been

developed to isolate rare gene-targeting events, 257

Two rounds of gene targeting allow the

introduction of subtle mutations, 257

Recent advances in gene-targeting

technology, 258

Applications of genetically modified

mice, 258

Applications of transgenic mice, 258

Yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)

transgenic mice, 262

Applications of gene targeting, 262

Standard transgenesis methods are more

difficult to apply in other mammals and birds, 263

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection uses sperm

as passive carriers of recombinant DNA, 264

Nuclear transfer technology can be used to

clone animals, 264

Gene transfer to

Xenopuscan result in

transient expression or germline transformation, 266

Xenopusoocytes can be used as a heterologous

expression system, 266

Xenopusoocytes can be used for functional

expression cloning, 266

Transient gene expression in


is achieved by DNA or mRNA injection, 267

Transgenic Xenopusembryos can be produced

by restriction enzyme-mediated integration, 267

Gene transfer to fish is generally carried

out by microinjection, but other methods are emerging, 268

Gene transfer to fruit flies involves the

microinjection of DNA into the pole plasma, 269

P elements are used to introduce DNA into the

Drosophilagermline, 269

Natural P elements have been developed into

vectors for gene transfer, 269

Gene targeting in

Drosophilahas been achieved

using a combination of homologous and site- specific recombination, 271

14 Gene transfer to plants, 274

Introduction, 274

Plant tissue culture is required for most

transformation procedures, 274

Callus cultures are established under

conditions that maintain cells in an

undifferentiated state, 274Callus cultures can be broken up to form cellsuspensions, which can be maintained inbatches, 275Protoplasts are usually derived fromsuspension cells and can be idealtransformation targets, 276Cultures can be established directly from therapidly dividing cells of meristematic tissues or embryos, or from haploid cells, 276Regeneration of fertile plants can occurthrough organogenesis or somaticembryogenesis, 276There are four major strategies for genetransfer to plant cells, 277Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, 277Agrobacterium tumefaciensis a plant pathogen

that induces the formation of tumors, 277

The ability to induce tumors is conferred by a

Ti-plasmid found only in virulent

Agrobacteriumstrains, 278

A short segment of DNA, the T-DNA, is

transferred to the plant genome, 280

Disarmed Ti-plasmid derivatives can be used as

plant gene-transfer vectors, 281

Binary vectors separate the T-DNA and

the genes required for T-DNA transfer, allowing transgenes to be cloned in small plasmids, 285


-mediated transformation can be achieved using a simple experimental protocol in many dicots, 287

Monocots were initially recalcitrant to


-mediated transformation, but it is now possible to transform certain varieties of many cereals using this method, 288

Binary vectors have been modified to

transfer large segments of DNA into the plant genome, 289

Agrobacterium rhizogenesis used to

transform plant roots and produce hairy-root cultures, 289

Direct DNA transfer to plants, 290

Transgenic plants can be regenerated from

transformed protoplasts, 290

Particle bombardment can be used to

transform a wide range of plant species, 291

Other direct DNA transfer methods have been

developed for intact plant cells, 292

Direct DNA transfer is also used for chloroplast

transformation, 292

Gene targeting in plants, 293

· ·

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In plantatransformation minimizes or

eliminates the tissue culture steps usually needed for the generation of transgenic plants, 293

Plant viruses can be used as episomal

expression vectors, 294

The Þrst plant viral vectors were based on DNA

viruses because of their small and simple genomes, 294

Most plant virus expression vectors are based

on RNA viruses because they can accept larger transgenes than DNA viruses, 296

15 Advanced transgenic technology, 299

Introduction, 299

Inducible expression systems allow

transgene expression to be controlled by physical stimuli or the application of small chemical modulators, 299

Some naturally occurring inducible

promoters can be used to control transgene expression, 299

Recombinant inducible systems are built

from components that are not found in the host animal or plant, 300

The lacand tetrepressor systems are based

on bacterial operons, 301

The tetactivator and reverse activator systems

were developed to circumvent some of the limitations of the original tetsystem, 302

Steroid hormones also make suitable

heterologous inducers, 303

Chemically induced dimerization exploits the

ability of a divalent ligand to bind two proteins simultaneously, 304

Not all inducible expression systems are

transcriptional switches, 306

Site-specific recombination allows

precise manipulation of the genome in organisms where gene targeting is inefficient, 306

Site-speciÞc recombination can be used to

delete unwanted transgenes, 307

Site-speciÞc recombination can be used to

activate transgene expression or switch between alternative transgenes, 308

Site-speciÞc recombination can facilitate

precise transgene integration, 309

Site-speciÞc recombination can facilitate

chromosome engineering, 309

Inducible site-speciÞc recombination

allows the production of conditional mutants and externally regulated transgene excision, 309Many strategies for gene inactivation donot require the direct modification of thetarget gene, 312Antisense RNA blocks the activity of mRNA in a stoichiometric manner, 312Ribozymes are catalytic molecules that destroy targeted mRNAs, 313Cosuppression is the inhibition of anendogenous gene by the presence of ahomologous sense transgene, 314RNA interference is a potent form of silencingcaused by the direct introduction of double-stranded RNA into the cell, 318Gene inhibition is also possible at theprotein level, 319Intracellular antibodies and aptamers bind toexpressed proteins and inhibit their assemblyor activity, 319Active proteins can be inhibited by dominant-negative mutants in multimericassemblies, 320

Part III Genome Analysis, Genomics,

and Beyond

16 The organization and structure of

genomes, 323

Introduction, 323

The genomes of cellular organisms vary

in size over Þve orders of magnitude, 323

Increases in genome complexity sometimes are

accompanied by increases in the complexity of gene structure, 326

Viruses and bacteria have very simple

genomes, 328

Organelle DNA is a repetitive

sequence, 330

Chloroplast DNA structure is highly

conserved, 330

Mitochondrial genome architecture varies

enormously, particularly in plants and protists, 331

The organization of nuclear DNA in

eukaryotes, 332

The gross anatomy of chromosomes is revealed

by Giemsa staining, 332

Telomeres play a critical role in the

maintenance of chromosomal integrity, 332

Tandemly repeated sequences can be detected

in two ways, 333 á á

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Tandemly repeated sequences can be

subdivided on the basis of size, 335

Dispersed repeated sequences are composed of

multiple copies of two types of transposable elements, 338

Retrotransposons can be divided into two

groups on the basis of transposition mechanism and structure, 339

DNA transposons are simpler than

retrotransposons, 340

Transposon activity is highly variable across

eukaryotes, 340

Repeated DNA is non-randomly distributed

within genomes, 340

Eukaryotic genomes are very plastic, 341

Pseudogenes are derived from repeated

DNA, 341

Segmental duplications are very large,

low-copy-number repeats, 341

The human Y chromosome has an unusual

structure, 342

Centromeres are filled with tandem repeats

and retroelements, 344

Summary of structural elements of eukaryotic

chromosomes, 344

17 Mapping and sequencing genomes, 346

Introduction, 346

The first physical map of an organism made

use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), 346

Sequence tags are more convenient markers

than RFLPs because they do not use Southern blotting, 348

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are

the most favored physical marker, 349

Polymorphic DNA can be detected in the

absence of sequence information, 351

AFLPs resemble RFLPs and can be detected in

the absence of sequence information, 352

Physical markers can be placed on a

cytogenetic map using in situ hybridization, 353

Padlock probes allow different alleles to be

examined simultaneously, 353

Physical mapping is limited by the cloning

process, 354

Optical mapping is undertaken on single DNA

molecules, 354

Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping involves

screening of randomly broken fragments of

DNA for specific markers, 358HAPPY mapping is a more versatile variationon RH mapping, 360It is essential that the different mappingmethods are integrated, 360Sequencing genomes, 362High-throughput sequencing is an essentialprerequisite for genome sequencing, 362There are two different strategies forsequencing genomes, 363A combination of shotgun sequencing andphysical mapping now is the favored methodfor sequencing large genomes, 368Gaps in sequences occur with all genome-sequencing methodologies and need to beclosed, 368The quality of genome-sequence data needs to be determined, 370

18 Comparative genomics, 373

Introduction, 373

The formation of orthologs and paralogs are

key steps in gene evolution, 373

Protein evolution occurs by exon shuffling, 374

Comparative genomics of bacteria, 375

The minimal gene set consistent with

independent existence can be determined using comparative genomics, 376

Larger microbial genomes have more

paralogs than smaller genomes, 376

Horizontal gene transfer may be a

significant evolutionary force but is not easy to detect, 378

The comparative genomics of closely related

bacteria gives useful insights into microbial evolution, 379

Comparative analysis of phylogenetically

diverse bacteria enables common structural themes to be uncovered, 381

Comparative genomics can be used to analyze

physiological phenomena, 381

Comparative genomics of organelles, 381

Mitochondrial genomes exhibit an amazing

structural diversity, 381

Gene transfer has occurred between mtDNA

and nuclear DNA, 383

Horizontal gene transfer has been detected in

mitochondrial genomes, 384

Comparative genomics of eukaryotes, 385

The minimal eukaryotic genome is smaller

than many bacterial genomes, 385

Comparative genomics can be used to identify

genes and regulatory elements, 385 · ·

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Comparative genomics gives insight into the

evolution of key proteins, 387

The evolution of species can be analyzed at the

genome level, 387

Analysis of dipteran insect genomes permits

analysis of evolution in multicellular organisms, 388

A number of mammalian genomes have been

sequenced and the data is facilitating analysis of evolution, 390

Comparative genomics can be used to uncover

the molecular mechanisms that generate new gene structures, 392

19 Large-scale mutagenesis and

interference, 394

Introduction, 394

Genome-wide gene targeting is the

systematic approach to large-scale mutagenesis, 394

The only organism in which systematic gene

targeting has been achieved is the yeast

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 395

It is unlikely that systematic gene targeting

will be achieved in higher eukaryotes in the foreseeable future, 395

Genome-wide random mutagenesis is a

strategy applicable to all organisms, 396

Insertional mutagenesis leaves a DNA tag in

the interrupted gene, which facilitates cloning and gene identification, 396

Genome-wide insertional mutagenesis in yeast

has been carried out with endogenous and heterologous transposons, 398

Genome-wide insertional mutagenesis in

vertebrates has been facilitated by the development of artificial transposon systems, 399

Insertional mutagenesis in plants can be

achieved using


or plant transposons, 401

T-DNA mutagenesis requires gene transfer by

A. tumefaciens

, 401

Transposon mutagenesis in plants can be

achieved usingendogenous or heterologous transposons, 402

Insertional mutagenesis in

invertebrates, 403

Chemical mutagenesis is more efficient than

transposon mutagenesis, and generates point mutations, 403

Libraries of knock-down phenocopies can

be created by RNA interference, 404RNA interference has been used to generatecomprehensive knock-down libraries inCaenorhabditis elegans, 404The first genome-wide RNAi screens in otherorganisms have been carried out, 405

20 Analysis of the transcriptome, 407

Introduction, 407

Traditional approaches to expression profiling

allow genes to be studied singly or in small groups, 403

The transcriptome is the collection of all

messenger RNAs in the cell, 409

Steady-state mRNA levels can be

quantiÞed directly by sequence sampling, 410

The first large-scale gene expression studies

involved the sampling of ESTs from cDNA libraries, 410

Serial analysis of gene expression uses

concatemerized sequence tags to identify each gene, 410

Massively parallel signature sequencing

involves the parallel analysis of millions of

DNA-tagged microbeads, 411

DNA microarray technology allows the

parallel analysis of thousands of genes on a convenient miniature device, 412

Spotted DNA arrays are produced by printing

DNA samples on treated microscope slides, 413

There are numerous printing technologies for

spotted arrays, 417

Oligonucleotide chips are manufactured by in

situoligonucleotide synthesis, 418

Spotted arrays and oligo chips have similar

sensitivities, 419

As transcriptomics technology matures,

standardization of data processing and presentation become important challenges, 421

Expression proÞling with DNA arrays

has permeated almost every area of biology, 422

Global profiling of microbial gene

expression, 422

Applications of expression profiling in human

disease, 423

21 Proteomics I - Expression analysis and

characterization of proteins, 425

Introduction, 425

Protein expression analysis is more

challenging than mRNA proÞling because · ·

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proteins cannot be amplified like nucleic acids, 425

There are two major technologies for

protein separation in proteomics, 426

Two-dimensional electrophoresis produces a

visual display of the proteome, 426

The sensitivity, resolution, and representation

of 2D gels need to be improved, 427

Multiplexed analysis allows protein expression

profiles to be compared on single gels, 428

Multidimensional liquid chromatography

is more sensitive than 2DGE and is directly compatible with mass spectrometry, 428

Mass spectrometry is used for protein

characterization, 431

High-throughput protein annotation is

achieved by mass spectrometry and correlative database searching, 431

Specialized strategies are used to quantify

proteins directly by mass spectrometry, 434

Protein modifications can also be detected by

mass spectrometry, 435

Protein microarrays can be used for

expression analysis, 438

Antibody arrays contain immobilized

antibodies or antibody derivatives for the capture of specific proteins, 438

Antigen arrays are used to measure antibodies

in solution, 439

General protein arrays can be used for

expression profiling and functional analysis, 439

Other molecules may be arrayed instead of

proteins, 439

Some biochips bind to particular classes of

protein, 440

Solution arrays are non-planar

microarrays, 440

22 Proteomics II Ð Analysis of protein

structures, 441

Introduction, 441

Sequence analysis alone is not sufficient to

annotate all orphan genes, 441

Protein structures are more highly conserved

than sequences, 442

Structural proteomics has required

developments in structural analysis techniques and bioinformatics, 444

Protein structures are determined

experimentally by X-ray crystallography or nuclear magnetic resonance

spectroscopy, 444Protein structures can be modeled on relatedstructures, 446Protein structures can be aligned usingalgorithms that carry out intramolecular and intermolecular comparisons, 447The annotation of proteins by structuralcomparison has been greatly facilitated bystandard systems for the structuralclassification of proteins, 448Tentative functions can be assigned based oncrude structural features, 449International structural proteomicsinitiatives have been established to solveprotein structures on a large scale, 449

23 Proteomics III Ð Protein interactions, 453

Introduction, 453

Protein interactions can be inferred by a

variety of genetic approaches, 453

New methods based on comparative

genomics can also infer protein interactions, 454

Traditional biochemical methods for

protein interaction analysis cannot be applied on a large scale, 457

Library-based screening methods allow

the large-scale analysis of binary interactions, 458

In vitroexpression libraries are of limited use

for interaction screening, 458

The yeast two-hybrid system is an in vivo

interaction screening method, 458

In the matrix approach, defined clones are

generated for each bait and prey, 460

In the random library method, bait

and/or prey are represented by random clones from a highly complex expression library, 461

Robust experimental design is necessary to

increase the reliability of two-hybrid interaction screening data, 462

Systematic analysis of protein complexes

can be achieved by affinity purification and mass spectrometry, 465

Protein localization is an important

component of interaction data, 466

Interaction screening produces large data

sets which require extensive bioinformatic support, 467

24 Metabolomics and global biochemical

networks, 472

Introduction, 472

· ·

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There are different levels of metabolite

analysis, 473

Metabolomics studies in humans are different

from those in other organisms, 473

Compromises have to be made in choosing

analytical methodology for metabolomics studies, 474

Sample selection and sample handling are

crucial stages in metabolomics studies, 475

Metabolomics produces complex data

sets, 479

A good reference database is an essential

prerequisite for preparing global biochemical networks but currently is missing, 481

Part IV Applications of Gene

Manipulation and Genomics

25 Applications of genomics: understanding

the basis of polygenic disorders and identifying quantitative trait loci, 485

Introduction, 485

Investigating discrete traits in

outbreeding populations (genetic diseases of humans), 485

Model-free (nonparametric) linkage analysis

looks at the inheritance of disease genes and selected markers in several generations of the same family, 487

Linkage disequilibrium (association) studies

look at the co-inheritance of markers and the disease at the population level, 492 Once a disease locus is identified, all the 'omics can be used to analyze it in detail, 493

The integration of global information about

DNA, mRNA, and protein can be used to

facilitate disease-gene identification, 494

The existence of haplotype blocks

should simplify linkage disequilibrium analysis, 495

Investigating quantitative trait loci

(QTLs) in inbred populations, 497

Particular kinds of genetic cross are necessary

if QTLs are to be mapped, 497

Identifying QTLs involves two challenging

steps, 498

Various factors influence the ability to isolate

QTLs, 501

Chromosome substitution strains make the

identification of QTLs easier, 501

The level of gene expression can influence the

phenotype of a QTL, 503Understanding responses to drugs(pharmacogenomics), 503Genetic variation accounts for the differentresponses of individuals to drugs, 503Pharmacogenomics is being used by thepharmaceutical industry, 504Personalized medicine involves matchinggenotypes to therapy, 506

26 Applications of recombinant DNA

technology, 508

Introduction, 508

Theme 1: Producing useful molecules, 508

Recombinant therapeutic proteins are

produced commercially in bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells, 508

Transgenic animals and plants can also be

used as bioreactors to produce recombinant proteins, 518

Metabolic engineering allows the directed

production of small molecules in bacteria, 524

Metabolic engineering provides new routes to

small molecules, 524

Combinatorial biosynthesis can produce

completely novel compounds, 526

Metabolic engineering can also be achieved

in plants and plant cells to produce diverse chemical structures, 527

Production of vinblastine and vincristine in

Catharanthuscell cultures is a challenge

because of the many steps and control points in the pathway, 528

The production of vitamin A in cereals is an

example of extending an endogenous metabolic pathway, 529

The enhancement of plants to produce more

vitamin E is an example of balancing several metabolic pathways and directing flux in the preferred direction, 532

Theme 2: Improving agronomic traits by

genetic modiÞcation, 533

Herbicide resistance is the most widespread

trait in commercial transgenic plants, 533

Virus-resistant crops can be produced

by expressing viral or non-viral transgenes, 535

Resistance to fungal pathogens is often

achieved by manipulating natural plant defense mechanisms, 536

Resistance to blight provides an example of

how plants can be protected against bacterial pathogens, 537 · ·

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The bacterium

Bacillus thuringiensis

provides the major source of insect-resistant genes, 537

Drought resistance provides a good example of

how plants can be protected against abiotic stress, 538

Plants can be engineered to cope with poor soil

quality, 539

One of the most important goals in

plant biotechnology is to increase food yields, 540

Theme 3: Using genetic modiÞcation

to study, prevent, and cure disease, 540

Transgenic animals can be created as models

of human disease, 540

Gene medicine is the use of nucleic acids to

prevent, treat, or cure disease, 541DNA vaccines are expression constructs whose products stimulate the immune system, 543Gene augmentation therapy for recessivediseases involves transferring a functionalcopy of the gene into the genome, 544Gene-therapy strategies for cancer mayinvolve dominant suppression of theoveractive gene or targeted killing of thecancer cells, 545

References, 547

Appendix: the genetic code and single-letter amino acid designations, 627

Index, 628

· ·

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The Þrst edition of

Principles of Gene Manipulationwas

published over 25 years ago when the recombinant DNA era was in its infancy and the idea of sequenc- ing the entire human genome was inconceivable. In writing the Þrst edition, the aim was to explain a new and rapidly growing technology. The basic philosophy was to present the principles of gene manipulation, and its associated techniques, in sufÞcient detail to enable the non-specialist reader to understand them.

However, as the techniques became more sophisti-

cated and advanced, so the book grew in size and complexity. Eventually, recombinant DNA techno- logy advanced to the stage where the sequencing and analysis of entire genomes became possible. This gave rise to a whole new biological discipline, known as genomics, with its own principles and associated techniques. From this emerged the Þrst edition of another book,

Principles of Genome Analysis, whose

title changed to

Principles of Genome Analysis and

Genomicsin its third edition to reßect the rapid growth of post-sequencing technologies aiming at the large-scale analysis of gene function. It is now Þve years since the draft human genome sequence was published and we are reaching the stage where the technologies of gene manipulation and genomics are becoming increasingly integrated. Genome map- ping and sequencing technologies borrow exten- sively from the early recombinant DNA technologies of library construction, cloning, and ampliÞcation using the polymerase chain reaction; gene transfer to microbes, animals, and plants is now widely used for the functional analysis of genomes; and the applications of genomics and recombinant DNA are becoming difÞcult to separate. This new edition, entitled Principles of Gene Mani- pulation and Genomics , therefore unites the themes covered formerly by the two separate books and pro- vides for the Þrst time a fully integrated approach to the principles and practice of gene manipulation in the context of the genomics era. As in previous

editions of the two books, we have written the text atan advanced undergraduate level, assuming a basicknowledge of molecular biology and genetics but no knowledge of recombinant DNA technology orgenomics. However, we are aware that the book isfavored not only by newcomers to the Þeld but alsoby experts, and we have tried to remain faithful toboth audiences with our coverage. As before wehave not changed the level at which the book is written nor the general style, but we have dividedthe book into sections to enable the book to be used indifferent ways by different readers.

The basic methodologies are presented in the Þrst part of the book, which is devoted to cloning in

Escherichia coli

, while more advanced gene-transfer techniques (applying to other microbes and to ani- mals and plants) are presented in the second part.

The reader who has read and understood the mate-

rial in the Þrst part, or already knows it, should have no difÞculty in understanding any of the material in the second part of the book. The third part moves from the basic gene-manipulation technologies to genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabo- lomics, the major branches of the high-throughput, large-scale biology that has become synonymous with the new millennium. Finally, the fourth part of the book contains two chapters that discuss how recombinant DNA technology and genomics are being applied in the Þelds of medicine, agriculture, diagnostics, forensics, and biotechnology. In writing the Þrst part of the book, we thought carefully about the inclusion of early ÒhistoricalÓ information. Although older readers may feel that some of this material is dated, we elected to leave much of it in place because it has an important bear- ing on todayÕs methods and an understanding of it is incorrectly assumed in many of todayÕs publications.

We have included such information where it illus-

trates how modern techniques and procedures have evolved, but we have tried not to catalog outmoded or redundant methods that are no longer used. This is particularly the case in the genomics section

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where new technologies seem to come and go every day, and few stand the test of time or become truly indispensable. We have aimed to avoid as much jargon as possible, and to explain it clearly where it is absolutely necessary. As is common in all areas of science, the principles of gene manipulation and genomics abound with acronyms and synonyms which are often confusing particularly now molecu- lar biology is becoming increasingly commercial in both basic research and its applications. Where appro- priate, we have provided lists of definitions as boxes set aside from the text. Boxes are also used to illustrate

key experiments or principles, historical information,and applications. While the text is fully referencedthroughout, we have also provided a list of classicpapers and reviews at the end of each chapter to easethe wary reader into the scientific literature.

This book would not have been possible without

the help and advice of many colleagues. Particular thanks are due to Sue Goddard and her library staff at HPA Porton for assistance with many literature searches. Sandy Primrose would like to dedicate this book to his wife Jill and Richard Twyman would like to dedicate this book to his parents, Irene and Peter, to his children Emily and Lucy, and to Liz for her end- less support and encouragement. · ·

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cM centimorgan

COG cluster of orthologous groups

cR centiRay cRNA complementary RNA

CSSL chromosome segment substitution

line ct chloroplast

DALPC direct analysis of large protein


DAS distributed annotation system

DAS downstream activation site

DBM diazobenzyloxymethyl

DDBJ DNA Databank of Japan

DIP Database of Interacting Proteins

DMD Duchenne muscular dystrophy

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

dNTP deoxynucleoside triphosphate

Ds Dissociation

dsDNA double-stranded DNA dsRNA double-stranded RNA

EGF epidermal growth factor

ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent

sandwich assay

EMBL European Molecular Biology


ENU ethylnitrosourea

EOP efÞciency of plating

ES embryonic stem (cells)

ESI electrospray ionization

EST expressed sequence tag

EUROFAN European Functional Analysis

Network (consortium)

FACS ßuorescence-activated cell sorting

FEN ßap endonuclease

FIAU Fialuridine (1Ð2

 -deoxy-2  -


 - d -arabinofuranosyl-5- iodouracil)

FIGE Þeld-inversion gel electrophoresis

FISH ßuorescence in situhybridization

FPC Þngerprinted contigs

FRET ßuorescence resonance energy2DE two-dimensional gel electrophoresisAc ActivatorADME adsorption, distribution, metabolism

and excretion

AFBAC affected family-based control

AFLP ampliÞed fragment length


ALL acute lymphoblastic leukemia

AML acute myeloid leukemia

AMV avian myeloblastosis virus

APL acute promyelocytic leukemia

ARS autonomously replicating sequence

ATRA all-

trans -retinoic acid

BAC bacterial artiÞcial chromosome

BCG Bacille CalmetteÐGuŽrin

bFGF basic Þbroblast growth factor

BIND Biomolecular Interaction Network


BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool

BLOSUM Blocks Substitution Matrix

BMP bone morphogenetic protein

bp base pair

BRET bioluminescence resonance energy


CAPS cleavable ampliÞed polymorphic


CASP Critical Assessment of Structural


CATH Class, Architecture, Topology and

Homologous superfamily (database)

ccc DNA covalently closed circular DNA

CCD charge couple device

CD circular dichroism

cDNA complementary DNA

CEPH Centre dÕEtude du Polymorphisme


cfu commonly forming unit

CHEF contour-clamped homogeneous

electrical Þeld

CID chemically induced dimerization

Also: collision-induced dissociation

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FSSP Fold classification based on Structure-

Structure alignment of Proteins


GASP Genome Annotation aSsessment


G-CSF granulocyte colony stimulating factor

GeneEMAC gene external marker-based

automatic congruencing

GGTC German Gene Trap Consortium

GST gene trap sequence tag

GST glutathione-

S -transferase

HAT hypoxanthine, aminopterin and


HDL high-density lipoprotein

HERV human endogenous retrovirus

HGP Human Genome Project

HLA human leukocyte antigen

HPRT hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl-


HTFHpaII tiny fragment

htSNP haplotype tag single nucleotide polymorphism ibd identical by descent

ICAT isotope-coded affinity tag

IDA interaction defective allele

IEF isoelectric focusing

Ihh Indian hedgehog

IPTG isopropylthio-

λ - d -galactopyranoside

IST interaction sequence tag

ITCHY incremental truncation for the

creation of hybrid enzymes

IVETin vivoexpression technology

kb kilobase

LCR low complexity region

LD linkage disequilibrium

LINE long interspersed nuclear element

LOD logarithm

10 of odds

LTR long terminal repeat

m:z mass:charge ratio

MAD multiwavelength anomalous


MAGE microarray and gene expression

MAGE-ML microarray and gene expression

mark-up language

MAGE-OM microarray and gene expression

object model

MALDI matrix assisted laser desorption


MAR matrix attachment region

Mb megabase

MCAT mass coded abundance tagMCS multiple cloning siteMDA multiple displacement amplificationMGED Microarray Gene Expression DatabaseMHC major histocompatibility complexMIAME minimum information about a

microarray experiment

MIP molecularly imprinted polymer

MIPS Munich Information Center for

Protein Sequences

MM 'mismatch' oligonucleotide

MMTV mouse mammary tumor virus

MPSS massively parallel signature

sequencing mRNA messenger RNA

MS mass spectrometry

MS/MS tandem mass spectroscopy

mt mitochondrial

MTM Maize Targeted Mutagenesis project

Mu Mutator

MudPIT multidimensional protein

identification technology

MuLV Moloney murine leukemia virus

NCBI National Center for Biotechnology


NDB Nucleic Acid Databank

NGF nerve growth factor

NIGMS National Institute of General Medical


NIL near isogenic line

NMR nuclear magnetic resonance

NOE nuclear Overhauser effect

NOESY NOE spectroscopy

nt nucleotide oc DNA open circular DNA

OFAGE orthogonal-field-alternation gel


OMIM on-line Mendelian inheritance in man

ORF open-reading frame

ORFan orphan open-reading frame

P/A presence/absence polymorphism

PAC P1-derived artificial chromosome

PAGE polyacrylaminde gel electrophoresis

PAI pathogenicity island

PAM percentage of accepted point


PCR polymerase chain reaction

PDB Protein Databank (database)

Pfam Protein families database of


PFGE pulsed field gel electrophoresis

PM 'perfect match' oligonucleotide

poly(A) + polyadenylated · ·

POGA01 12/8/05 8:41 AM Page xxi


PQL protein quantity loci

PRINS primed in situ

PS position shift polymorphism

PSI-BLAST Position-Specific Iterated BLAST


PTGS post-transcriptional gene silencing

PVDF polyvinylidine difluoride

QTL quantitative trait loci

RACE rapid amplification of cDNA ends

RAGE recombinase-activated gene


RAPD randomly amplified polymorphic DNA

RARE RecA-assisted restriction


RC recombinant congenic (strains)

RCA rolling circle amplification

RCSB Research Collaboratory for Structural


rDNA/RNA ribosomal DNA/RNA

REMI restriction enzyme-mediated


RFLP restriction fragment length


RIL recombinant inbred line

R-M restriction-modification

RNA ribonucleic acid

RNAi RNA interference

RNase ribonuclease

RPMLC reverse phase microcapillary liquid


RRS Ras recruitment system

RT-PCR reverse transcriptase polymerase

chain reaction

RTX repeats in toxins

SAGE serial analysis of gene expression

SCOP Structural Classification of Proteins


SCOPE structure-based combinatorial

protein engineering

SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate

SELDI surface-enhanced laser desorption

and ionization

SGA synthetic genetic array

SGDPSaccharomycesGene Deletion Project

Shh sonic hedgehog

SILAC stable-isotope labeling with amino

acids in cell cultureSINE short interspersed nuclear elementSINS sequenced insertion sitesSISDC sequence-independent site-directed


SNP single nucleotide polymorphism

SPIN Surface Properties of protein-protein

Interfaces (database)

Spm Suppressor-mutator

SPR surface plasmon resonance

SRCD synchrotron radiation circular


SRS sequence retrieval system

SRS SOS recruitment system

SSLP simple sequence length


SSR simple sequence repeat

STC sequence-tagged connector

STM signature-tagged mutagenesis

STS sequence-tagged site

TAC transformation-competent artificial


TAFE transversely alternating-field


TAP tandem affinity purification

TAR transformation-associated


T-DNAAgrobacteriumtransfer DNA

TIGR The Institute for Genomic Research

TIM triose phosphate isomerase

TOF time of flight

tRNA transfer RNA

TUSC Trait Utility System for Corn

UAS upstream activation site

UPA universal protein array

URS upstream repression site

USPS ubiquitin-based split protein sensor

UTR untranslated region

VDA variant detector array

VIGS virus-induced gene silencing

WGA whole-genome amplification

Y2H yeast two-h
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