

ale University I Department of Geology and Geophysics era of tectonics research at Yale weekly postdoctoral seminar series that is popularly

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MICHELLE MARIE SELVANS (née Stempel) Hampton University, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Seminar, Relationship between prominent tectonic features and global-scale geophysical aspects of

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MICHELLE MARIE SELVANS (née Stempel) 120172_7mselvans_cv.pdf

MICHELLE MARIE SELVANS (née Stempel) Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, P. O. Box 37012, Washington, DC 20013-7012; selvansm@si.edu, (202) 633-2476, http://airandspace.si.edu/staff/michelle-selvans EDUCATION Ph.D. Geophysics, California Institute of Technology (2011) M.S. Geophysics, California Institute of Technology (2008) B.A. Physics (magna cum laude) and Sociology, Minor in Astrophysical and Planetary Science, University of Colorado at Boulder (2004) RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Postdoctoral Fellow (2011 - present) Center for Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum (NASM), Smithsonian Institution • Spatial analysis and modeling of tectonic features and surface stresses on Mercury and the Moon • Investigating formation of the Basal Unit of the north polar ice cap on Mars • Constraints on exoplanet tectonic activity, and implications for habitability • Mentoring student researchers: Undergraduate research assistant, NASM Summer Internship Program (2012); Summer research assistants, Smithsonian Institution Youth Engagement through Science (YES!) Program, DC area students from communities traditionally underrepresented in science careers (2013) Graduate Research Assistant (2005 - 2011) Department of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology • Inferred Mars climate history, using radar data to map gross structure of polar ice • Investigated continental rifting mechanisms in the West Antarctic Rift Zone, using seismic data and finite difference modeling to map crustal structure • Constrained continental rifting rates in western Mexico using GPS data • Fieldwork: collected geophysical data at Dumont Dunes, CA (seismic, GPR); served as geophysical data collector and analyst onboard R/V Palmer, Antarctica (seismic, echo sounder, magnetometer, gravity, water P/T profiles) Undergraduate Research Assistant (2001 - 2004) Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder • Constrained opening rates of bands in the icy shell of Europa using an analogue model of mid-ocean ridge spreading on Earth • Compared stresses in the ice shell of Europa to mapped orientations of surface lineaments

Michelle Selvans 2 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Adjunct Faculty (2008, 2013 - 2014) Northern Virginia Community College, Alexandria, VA Summer 2014 (in preparation) • Elements of Astronomy (with Lab), 8 contact hours/week (12-week session): selected text, developed course curriculum, syllabus, and schedule, selected lab assignments to make use of online data resources, night observing opportunities, and physics lab equipment • Environmental Geology of Prince William Forest Park (Field Studies in Geology), 1 day: developed curriculum around land management and natural resource use of an area that was turned over to the National Park Service in 1936 Spring 2014 • Historical Geology (with Lab), 6 contact hours/week: teaching basics of Earth System processes and history of the Earth, developed course objectives and curriculum, using Blackboard for student assignments, incorporating inquiry-driven activities into lecture, designing lectures and labs based on reform teaching methods, grading all material, will mentor final projects and assign final grades Summer 2013 • Physical Geology (with Lab), 14 contact hours/week (6-week session): developed course objectives and curriculum, aligned assessments with objectives, developed clicker questions using Turning Point software, used Blackboard to share documents and communicate with students, required use of Blackboard for student discussions and presentations, incorporated hands-on activities in lecture, assessed effectiveness of labs, held office hours, used multiple metrics to assess student comprehension, graded all work, used teaching assessments from students to improve the course over time, mentored final projects, determined final grades • Geology on the National Mall (Field Studies in Geology), 1 day: developed curriculum, guided development of student presentations, used Blackboard for communication and management of assignments, clarified and tied student presentations together during field trip, graded written/oral/visual presentations and summary assignment, determined final grades Pasadena City College, CA Fall 2008 • Introduction to Geology (with Lab), 6 contact hours/week: taught basics of physical geology, developed curriculum and course requirements, incorporated interactive and hands-on learning activities, held office hours, used multiple metrics to assess student comprehension, graded all work, mentored final projects, determined final grades Graduate Teaching Assistant (2007 - 2010) California Institute of Technology • Introduction to Geophysics (Winter 2009, 2010): helped structure course and select teaching materials, made solution sets to homework involving analysis of real data, held office hours, led programming tutorials, maintained class webpage

Michelle Selvans 3 • Applied Geophysics Field Course (Summer 2007, 2008): tested field equipment, led students' data collection, mentored analysis and interpretation, archived data • Applied Geophysics Seminar (Spring 2007): helped students with GIS lab assignments, graded homework, held office hours, maintained class webpage Educator, K-12 Teacher Professional Development (2009 - present) • Developed and exhibited Climate Change in the Solar System classroom activities (grades 6 - 8), Geophysical Information for Teachers (GIFT) Share-a-thon at American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting (2012) • Introduced K-12 teachers to Mercury science and online teaching materials, Earth's History & Global Change Academy, National Science Resources Center, Smithsonian Institution (2012) • Created inquiry-based plate tectonics exercise (grades 6 - 8), and provided materials and instruction (in person and video) to Pasadena, CA teachers (2010) • Presented California Earth Science curriculum concepts, and lab and demo materials, to Pasadena Unified School District 6th grade teachers (2009 - 2010) Science Advisor, Educational Materials (2010 - present) • Guided high school students (Smithsonian Institution YES! Program) in making and testing an outreach activity based on the research project they worked on with me, NASM (2013) • Gave Docent training lectures on planetary science and artifacts in Exploring the Planets exhibit, NASM (2012, 2013) • Editor and Contributor for the Encyclopedia of Planetary Landforms and Other Surface Features, Eds. H. Hargitai and A. Kereszturi (2012 - 2013) • Developed Mars content for Explainers Program's use of Google Liquid Galaxy, NASM, and trained participants (2012) • Reviewed items for the NASM Education Division: puppet show script, pre-lecture educational handout, children's book, Ask an Explainer responses (2012 - present) • Provided ideas and script review for Fairfax Network television program on Mars science, Flight School: On the Red Planet (2012) • Wrote geologic history of Burbank, CA, in book for the public and use in schools, produced by the Verdugo Mountain Centennial Committee (2010 - 2011) HONORS AND AWARDS Teaching • Certified Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol observer, Classroom Observation Protocol, On the Cutting Edge (2014) • Certificate of Completion, Online Instruction 101, Extended Learning Institute, Northern Virginia Community College (2013) • Certificate of Recognition, Pasadena Unified School District (CA), Board of Education (2010)

Michelle Selvans 4 • Certificate of Completion, California Institute of Technology Project for Effective Teaching (2009) Research/Scholarship • ExxonMobil Student Science Research Grant: $7,500 (2009) • University of Colorado at Boulder Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program Grants: $4,300 (2001 - 2002) • 'One of the Top 6 Participants' (out of 40), Colorado Space Grant Consortium's Undergraduate Space Research Symposium (2001) • Member, !"! (Physics Honors Society, 2002) • Member, #$% (Sociology Honors Society, 2001) Outreach • Capital Emmy award for best Instructional/Educational Program, Fairfax Network television program Flight School: On the Red Planet (2013) SUBMITTED RESEARCH GRANT (PENDING) Composition of the north circumpolar dunes as a means to investigate past and present sand provenance Program: Mars Data Analysis, NASA Cost: $286,000 over three years Submitted: September 2013 Role: PI PUBLICATIONS Selvans, M. M., R. W. Clayton, J. M. Stock, R. Granot (2012). Using overlapping sonobuoy data from the Ross Sea to construct a 2D deep crustal velocity structure, Marine Geophysical Research, doi: 10.1007/s11001-011-9143-z. Selvans, M. M., (2011). Geophysical investigations of near-surface structure on the Earth and Mars, PhD dissertation, California Institute of Technology. Selvans, M. M., J. M. Stock, C. DeMets, O. Sanchez, B. Marquez-Azua (2010). Constraints on Jalisco Block motion and tectonics of the Guadalajara triple junction from 1998 - 2001 campaign GPS data, Pure and Applied Geophysics 168, 1435-1447. Selvans, M. M., J. J. Plaut, O. Aharonson, A. Safaeinili (2010). Internal structure of Planum Boreum, from Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionospheric Sounding data, Journal of Geophysical Research 115, E09003. Wahr, J., Z. A. Selvans, M. E. Mullen, A. C. Barr, G. C. Collins, M. M. Selvans, R. T. Pappalardo (2009). Modeling Stresses on Satellites due to Non-Synchronous Rotation and Orbital Eccentricity Using Gravitational Potential Theory, Icarus 200, 188-206. Stempel, M. M., A. C. Barr, R. T. Pappalardo (2005). Model Constraints on the Opening Rates of Bands on Europa, Icarus 177, 297-304. Stempel, M. M. (2004). Nonsynchronous and Diurnal Surface Stresses: Toward a Rigorous Analysis of Lineament Orientations on Europa, Honors Thesis, Department of Physics, University of Colorado at Boulder.

Michelle Selvans 5 PUBLICATIONS IN PREPARATION Selvans, M. M., J. M. Stock, R. W. Clayton, S. Cande, F. Davey, R. Granot (in review), Deep crustal structure of the Adare and Northern Basins, Ross Sea, Antarctica, from sonobuoy data, for submission to Earth and Planetary Sci. Letters. Selvans, M. M., T. R. Watters, P. B. James, R. J. Phillips, S. C. Solomon (in preparation), Comparison of tectonic feature locations to the crustal thickness of Mercury, for submission to Journal of Geophysical Research. INVITED LECTURES • National Museum of Natural History, Mineral Sciences Seminar, Investigating the effect of mantle dynamics on Mercury's surface faults (Jan. 2014) • Hampton University, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Seminar, Relationship between prominent tectonic features and global-scale geophysical aspects of Mercury (Nov. 2013) • Carnegie Institution, Department of Terrestrial Magnetism Seminar, A whole-planet perspective on the origins of tectonic features on Mercury (Apr. 2013) • Dickinson College, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy Colloquium, Sleuthing on the smallest planet: What is the relationship between tectonics and crustal thickness on Mercury? (Jan. 2013) • Kutztown University, Interdisciplinary Science Seminar, Detective work on Mercury: Uncovering clues to its deformation history (Nov. 2012) • Smithsonian's Stars Lecture Series, Einstein Planetarium, NASM, Mercury: Oh strange new world, that has such structures in it! (Oct. 2012) • Caltech Planetary Science Seminar, Internal structure of Planum Boreum from MARSIS data (Feb. 2010) • Southwest Research Institute Colloquium, Internal structure of Planum Boreum from MARSIS data (Jan. 2010) • Caltech Ge10: Frontiers in Geological and Planetary Sciences, From the inside out: A radar view of deep structure in the Mars north polar cap (Mar. 2009) SELECTED CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS • Statistical analysis of the distribution of tectonic features and crustal thickness in the northern hemisphere of Mercury, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC; 2014) • Relationship between prominent tectonic features and global elevation on Mercury, Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting (2013) • * Using extraterrestrial activities in the Physical Geology classroom to encourage critical thinking, GSA Annual Meeting (2013) • Comparison of tectonic feature locations and crustal thickness in the northern hemisphere of Mercury, LPSC (2013)

Michelle Selvans 6 • ** Identifying concentrated layering in the Basal Unit of Planum Boreum, Mars, using SHARAD data (first author M. Alam), LPSC (2013) • * Storytelling in the planetarium: Keeping it casual and making connections, LPSC (2013) • Tectonic Features in the Equatorial Lowlands of Mercury Viewed at High Incidence Angles, AGU Fall Meeting (2012) • Plate Tectonics: An Endmember or Outlier Process?, Life in the Cosmos Workshop, Smithsonian Institution (2012) • Thin oceanic crust in the Adare Basin, northwestern Ross Sea, determined from sonobuoy data, International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences (2011) • Deep structure in rifted crust at the ocean-continent margin in the northwestern Ross Sea, AGU Fall Meeting (2010) • Structure of the Basal Unit of the North Polar Plateau of Mars, from MARSIS, IEEE Radar Conference (2009) • Mapping the Internal Structure of the North Polar Plateau using MARSIS Radar Data, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (LPSC) (2008) • Velocity Structure of the Rifted Crust in the Northwestern Ross Sea, from Marine Seismic Data, AGU Fall Meeting (2007) • Constraints on the Opening Rate of Bands on Europa, Workshop on Europa's Icy Shell: Past, Present, and Future (2004) • Modeling Surface Stresses on Europa, LPSC (2003) • Lineament Orientations through Time on the Jovian Moon Europa: Implications for Stress Mechanisms and Rotation of the Icy Shell, LPSC (2002) * Education/public outreach abstract; ** Undergraduate research assistant as first author ACADEMIC SERVICE • Red Team Reviewer (internal review), NASA grant proposals, NASM (2013 - present) • Reviewer, Icarus (2011 - present) • Judge, LPSC Dwornik Student Awards (2013, 2014) • NASA Panel External Reviewer: Mars Data Analysis Program, Lunar Advanced Science and Exploration Research (2013) • Team Lead for MESSENGER Mission, naming proposal for 10 Mercury rupes (scarps) to the International Astronomical Union (2013) • NASA Review Panelist: Mars Data Analysis Program (2012) • Judge, AGU Fall Meeting Outstanding Student Paper Award (2011, 2012) • Member, Caltech Faculty Committee on Athletics (2009 - 2011) • Member, Caltech Athletic Director Search Committee (2010) • Co-Coordinator, Caltech Seismological Laboratory Seminar Series (2007 - 2008) • Member, Caltech Graduate Review Board, honors code violations (2007 - 2008) • Undergraduate Representative, CU Boulder Astrophysical and Planetary Science Dept. Course Committee (2002 - 2004)

Michelle Selvans 7 OUTREACH EXPERIENCE Student outreach (2009 - present) Pre-K • Interactive presentations, Children's Garden, Department of Transportation building, Washington, DC: Viewing Earth from space, Venus transit of the Sun, Light and shadow, What is the moon made of? (2012, 2013) Grades 5 - 8 • Mars science expert, video conference co-instruction with Cincinnati Public Schools science teacher, hosted by NASM Education Division (2014) • Interviews with students from local middle school (Rocky Run, Centreville, VA) about becoming scientist, my research, and research at NASM (2013, 2014) • Keynote speaker, Fort Meade Earth Day Celebration (2013) • Dry ice demo, Capital Emmy award-winning Fairfax Network television program (grades 7 - 12) Flight School: On the Red Planet, aired in Fairfax County Public Schools and nationwide, reaching ~9,000,000 students (2012) • Tour Leader, Caltech Seismological Laboratory (2009 - 2011) • Hands-on activities and Q&A, Pasadena, CA classroom (2010) • Guided inquiry activity, Math and Science Night, Pasadena Unified School District (2010) • Inquiry-based Plate Tectonics Workshop, Girls' Science Day, Pasadena City College (2009) Grades 9 - 12 • Tour of NASM exhibits and discussion of remote sensing and habitability in the Solar System with sophomore science class from The Potomac School (2014) • Discussion leader for visiting Palestinian science fair winners and museum high school volunteers on the topic of effectively engaging the public, NASM (2013) • Invited speaker at local high schools, Mercury inside and out: MESSENGER answers big questions (and raises more), for Astronomy Club at Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, Astronomy classes at T. C. Williams High School (2012, 2013) • Career Panelist following public debate, National Association for Urban Debate Leagues, hosted by NASM (2012) College level • Interviews with local students from Astronomy (George Washington University) and Women and Minorities in Science (Anne Arundel Community College) courses (2012, 2014) • Tour of Center for Earth and Planetary Studies (NASM) and discussion of space science research, Caltech Y Science Policy group (2013) • YouTube interview about my experience at the Smithsonian Institution, Office of Fellowships and Internships (2012)

Michelle Selvans 8 Public outreach (2010 - present) National Air and Space Museum • Live shows in the Einstein Planetarium: The Stars Tonight (monthly), Mars Above and Below, What's New in Space Science: Water ice on Mercury (2012 - present) • Antarctica research booth for Mars Day!, including pictures of my field work and a children's book (2012, 2013) • Blog posts: Archeoastronomy of the Longest Night, The Abbreviated History of a Scientist (Namely, Myself), Climate Change in the Solar System, and Scratching Beneath the Surface (Family Day activities and related research), AirSpace blog (2012 - present) • Ask an Expert lunchtime talks: Archeoastronomy of the Longest Night, Climate Change in the Solar System, and Mercury Inside and Out (2012, 2013) • Facilitator for Geography from Space, an image-based game hosted in the Looking at Earth gallery, NASM (2011 - 2013) • Interview with freelance writer (A. Talmadge) for article on Mars research and Curiosity, published in Oregon Family Magazine and Washington Parent (2013) • Hands-on activities, Explore the Universe (~900 visitors at the booth) and Women in Aerospace Family Days (~400 visitors) (2012) California Institute of Technology • Invited presentation with interactive demos, hands-on materials, and portion of Earth Story film, Caltech Alumni Day (2011) • Interactive demos and hands-on materials, Earth Story film screening, Caltech Science Saturdays (targeting ages 8 - 12) (2010) PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Geophysical Union; Council on Undergraduate Research; Geological Society of America; National Association of Geoscience Teachers, Geo2YC Division PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Academic (general) • Moving FORWARD in Space Workshop, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference: classroom materials and proposal writing techniques, sponsored by the FORWARD to Professorship Program, National Science Foundation (NSF) (2013) • Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences workshop: research-based teaching methods and research plan development, sponsored by National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) and NSF (2012) Teaching-specific • Reformed Teaching Observation Protocol training, and selection as observer for the Classroom Observation Project, supported by NSF (2014) • Blackboard and Turning Point (clicker) training sessions, Northern Virginia Community College (2012 - present)

Michelle Selvans 9 • Online Instruction 101, Extended Learning Institute workshop, Northern Virginia Community College (2013) • Measuring Student Success: Virtual Journal Club on Assessment Methods, sponsored by NAGT and NSF (2013) • Developing Collaborative Activities, TOTAL (Topics in Online Teaching and Learning) workshop, Virginia Community College System (2013) Research-specific • Navigating the NSF System workshop, AGU Fall Meeting: funding opportunities and application guidelines, hosted by NSF (2012) • Beginning a Research Program at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution workshop, AGU Fall Meeting: involving undergraduates in research, sponsored by the Council for Undergraduate Research (CUR; 2010) Outreach • Passionate Fact Storytelling Workshop with Susan Strauss, United States Botanic Garden: development of science stories and star stories for public audiences (2013)

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