[PDF] MSc & Diploma in Exploration Geophysics


[PDF] MSc & Diploma in Exploration Geophysics

MSc Diploma in Exploration Geophysics Foreword: This is a guide to the content of the MSc degree programme in Exploration Geophysics

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[PDF] MSc & Diploma in Exploration Geophysics 120187_7Exploration_Geophysics_DPS_v2.pdf THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH


MSc & Diploma in Exploration Geophysics

Foreword: This is a guide to the content of the MSc degree programme in Exploration Geophysics. The staff who teach this programme are committed to offering students enthusiastic and authoritative teaching, and look to students to engage with dedication in the learning process. So, the learning outcomes etc specified here are what a student who engages in this way can typically expect to achieve. Of course, every student's route through this programme and actual achievements will be unique. 1) Awarding Institution: University of Edinburgh

2) Teaching Institution: University of Edinburgh (School of Geosciences)

3) Programme accredited by:

4) Final Award: Master of Science (or Diploma)

5) Programme Title: Exploration Geophysics

6) UCAS Code:

Relevant QAA Subject Benchmarking Group(s):

7) Postholder with overall responsibility for QA:

8) Date of production/revision: 18 April 08

9) Educational aims of programme:

a. To create well-qualified Earth Resources experts to feed into higher research positions in universities and industry world-wide. b. To train geophysicists for employment within the public and commercial Earth Resources sector. c. To create the leaders of tomorrow in those sectors, with both technical and industrial knowledge and experience.

10) Programme Outcomes:

(a) Knowledge and understanding The outcomes given are specifically those that a student can learn from the core courses of the taught element of the programme, and the dissertation.


courses allow students to learn more in related areas. Core knowledge: math, geology, theory and practice of all aspects of industrial geophysics: seismic, gravity and magnetic methods. (b) Cognitive skills Critical assessment of data and information with regard to resources exploration; understanding of scientific literature. (c) Professional/subject-specific/practical skills Geophysical methods specific to the resources industry, data processing, signal analysis; and relevant software packages for data processing and interpretation. (d) Transferable skills • Research and science communication skills • Report writing and presentation • Group and team working • Interaction with specialists from different disciplines e.g. geologists and engineers • Critical assessment of data, including potentially conflicting information • Time management including making dead-lines • Use of standard office softwar


11) Programme Structure and Features:

Target Intake 10 - 15 students in the first year (2008/09), rising to 25 - 30 students per year in subsequent years. Fees Standard taught MSc for School of GeoSciences. Degree Criteria MSc is full-time (12 months) or part-time (24 months). Progression to MSc or award of a Diploma in Exploration Geophysics will be determined based on the criteria specified in the University's Assessment Regulations.

Taught Component

The taught component consists of 10-12 courses of lectures (all at SCQF level 11 and totaling

120 credits): 5-6 courses in the first semester and 5-6 in the second semester. All students

attend and complete the seven compulsory core courses, two in semester 1 and five in semester 2. Students must achieve a minimum of 50% in each of their 7 core courses to progress to the research dissertation stage. Progression of any students who do not achieve this minimum to a Postgraduate Diploma in Exploration Geophysics will be determined as specified in the University's Assessment Regulations.

Core Courses (70 credits)

• Transferable skills (central provision), Semester 1 (10 credits) • Field Excursion and Interpretation Exercise, S1 (10 credits) • Time signal analysis and inverse theory, S2 (10 credits) • Wave theory, S2 (10 credits) • Rock Physics, new course, S2 (10 credits) • Advanced exploration methods, new course, S2 (10 credits) • Seismic interpretation, new course, S2 (10 credits)

Required for non-geoscientists only:

• Introduction to Geology. Semester 1 or 1 week intensive course prior to semester (10 credits) • Introduction to Geophysics. Semester 1 or 1 week intensive course prior to semester (10 credits)

Required for less-numerate students only:

• Fundamental mathematics. Semester 1 (20 credits)

Elective Courses (50 credits total)

The optional courses are selected from a wide range offered within related MSc programmes in the School of Geosciences. Details of the elective courses are listed in the table below. Research Dissertation (60 credits) Each student conducts an individual research project on a subject chosen in consultation with and supervised by the Programme Director and/or lecturing staff. MSc candidates write up their work as a dissertation (up to 15,000 words), which is submitted by the end of August. Research dissertation costs (£500 per student) are included in the overall programme fees. A minimum mark of 50% for the research dissertation is required for awarding of the MSc. Students not achieving this minimum mark may be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Exploration Geophysics based on the criteria specified in the University's Assessment


In addition to in-house expertise, the programme boasts excellent contacts with the energy industry. Dissertation projects will be preferentially operated in partnership with industrial stakeholders, and as internships where adequate support exists

Lists of courses and time-table:

Courses Existing/A

dapted/new Contents Credits Semester/Bl ock/Week Option/core (a) Transferable skills (central provision) Adapted from RDPM Research, design, project management

10 2 hours/pw

through out

S1 core

(b) Fundamental maths New ODE, PDE,... 20 S1: B1 option (c) Introduction to Geophysics Adapted Seismic, EM, gravity, borehole 10 S1-B1 option (d) Introduction to geology CCS Oil, gas, minerals... 10 S1-B1 option (e) Time signal analysis and inverse theory Adapted 10 S1-B2 core

Wave theory Adapted 10 S1-B2 core

(f) Structural geology GeoSEAD 10 S2-B3 option

Seismic sequence

stratigraphy GeoSEAD 10 S2-B3 option

Petroleum systems GeoSEAD 10 S2-B3 option

Reservoir diagenesis GeoSEAD/

CCS 10 S2-B3 option

(g) Carbon Storage geology CCS 20 S2-B3 option (h) Field Trip in exploration geophysics NEW Practical application in the field; 10 W12 core (i) Rock Physics New 10 S2-B4 core (j) Advanced exploration methods New

4D, anisotropy,


CSEM 10 S2-B4

core (k) Seismic interpretation New

Well tie, 3D


Kingdom Suite 10 S2-B4


Thesis, projects,

dissertation New 60 S3 core


The main headline courses are "rock physics", "advanced exploration methods", and "seismic interpretation", and these courses are mostly un-available in the UK at MSc level, and will be our selling points.

12) Further comments:

a. Transferable skills. This is a generic existing course, and will be shared with other courses. Suggest to use the college "Research, Design and Project Management" which spread through out Semester 1, with 2 hours per week. Note that the students taken on this courses will not attend the PG conference in W12 , and will be accessed differently. W12 is reserved for the field trip. b. Fundamental this is a new course with 20 credits, and it is recommended for students with a first degree in geology, and it is a optional for other students from physics or geophysics background. It could be taught by any numerate member of the school. c. Introduction to Geophysics, 10 credits. This course was given by Andrew Curtis for GEOSEAD, which will be withdrawn. It will be adapted for this degree and is recommended for students with a geology background. d. Introduction to geology. This is new course created for CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), and it is recommended for students from a physics/geophysics background. e. The next two course, time signal analysis/inverse theory and wave theory will be adapted from the existing 4 th year courses. The teaching contents are mostly the same as the 4 th year courses, but they will be assessed differently at level 11 (MSc). f. The next four course, namely, structural geology, seismic sequence stratigraphy, petroleum systems and reservoir digenesis, are all existing GeoSEAD course which can be shared with this degree course, if appropriately time-tabled! g. The next course, carbon storage geology, is created for CCS, and is also available for

Exploration Geophysics.

h. This field course is a revised version of the existing EU field trip for the 4 th year geophysics. The existing course is held across EU, but the adapted course will be held around Edinburgh to accommodate the MSc time table. It is a core course i. Rock Physics is a new course, and the course will be shared between Ian Main and

Mark Chapman, and attached for more details

j. Advanced Geophysics Methods is a new course, and will be given jointly by Xiang- Yang Li and Professor Colin MacBeth from Herriot-Watt University. This new course will be part of the collaboration under ECCOSS. k. Seismic interpretation is a new course.

13) Outline of new courses:

13. 1 Fundamental Mathematics

20 credits Taught Semester 1: Block 1

The course is recommended for students with a geology background. Available to all graduates in the school (MSCs + PhDs)


On completion of this module, the student should master the basic mathematical skill such as

integration, ordinary and partial differential equation, solution of linear and non-linear equations,

and all of which are required in the core course, such as exploration methods, inverse and wave field theory, and rock physics.


1 Powers, Roots, Logarithms and Exponential Functions

1.1 Index Laws

1.2 Roots and Root Equations

1.3 Quadratic Equations

1.4 Logarithms

1.5 Exponential Equations

1.6 Polynomial Equations

2 Trigonometric Functions

2.1 Degrees and Radians

2.2 Definition and Basic Properties of Trigonometric Functions

2.3 Sine Rule and Cosine Rule

2.4 Addition Theorems and Multiples of Angles

2.5 Goniometric Equations

2.6 Inverse Trigonometric Functions

3 Statistics

3.1 Descriptive Statistics of One Property

3.1.1 Description Based on a Sorted Data Set

3.1.2 Means, Variances and Deviations

3.1.3 Frequency Distributions

3.1.4 Comparing Frequency Distributions

3.2 Descriptive Statistics of Several Properties

3.2.1 Pictorial Representations

3.2.2 Statistical Measures

3.3 Regression Analysis

4 Differentiation

4.1 Definitions

4.2 Rules of Differentiation

4.3 Higher-order Derivatives

4.4 Taylor Series

5 Integration

5.1 Definitions

5.2 Rules of Integration

5.3 Improper Integrals

5.4 Applications

6 Ordinary Differential Equations

6.1 Definitions and Geometrical Interpretation

6.2 Variation of Constants

6.3 Separation of Variables 6.4 Deriving and Solving an ODE Model for Contaminant Transport in Soil

6.5 Modelling 1D Groundwater Flow in a Heterogeneous Aquifer

7 Vectors and Geometry

7.1 Scalars and Vectors

7.1.1 Vector Function of a Scalar Variable

7.1.2 Comparison of Vectors

7.2 Basic Laws of Vector Calculus

7.2.1 Addition and Subtraction

7.2.2 Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar

7.2.3 Linear Combination of Vectors and Decomposition

7.3 Multiplication of Vectors

7.3.1 Scalar Product (Dot Product)

7.3.2 Vector Product (Cross Product)

7.3.3 Multiple Products of Vectors

7.4 Applications of Vectors in Geometry

7.4.1 Applications of Vectors for Geometrical Calculations

7.4.2 Equations of a Straight Line

7.4.3 Equations of a Plane

8 Matrices and Determinants

8.1 Definition of a Matrix

8.2 Matrix Algebra

8.3 Determinants

8.3.1 Calculation for 2x2- and 3x3-Matrices

8.3.2 Calculation Using Cofactors

8.3.3 Calculation Rules for Determinants

8.3.4 Use of Determinants in Vector Algebra and Geometry

8.4 Special Types of Matrices

9 Solving Linear Equation Systems

9.1 Definition of Linear Equation Systems

9.2 Existence of Solutions

9.3 Use of Matrix Calculus

9.3.1 With the Inverse

9.3.2 Cramer's Rule

9.3.3 With Transformation Matrices

9.4 Gaussian Algorithm

9.5 Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Systems

10 Coordinate Transformations

10.1 Definition and Types of Coordinate Systems

10.2 Polar and Cylindrical Coordinates

10.3 Spherical Coordinates

10.4 Transformation of Parallel Coordinate Systems

10.4.1 2D Transformations

10.4.2 Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix Representation of 2DTransformations

10.4.3 Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix Representation of 3D Transformations

10.4.4 Composition of Transformations

10.4.5 Inverse Transformation

10.4.6 Transformation as a Change in Coordinate System

11 Solution of Non-linear Equation Systems

11.1 Determination of Initial Approximate Values

11.1.1 Graphical Method

11.1.2 Algebraic Method

11.2 Methods of Nest of Interval 11.3 Iterative Methods 11.3.1 General Behaviour of Iteration 11.3.2 Newton Method 11.3.3 Solving by Separation into Two Functions

12 Partial Derivatives

13 Fields and Differential Operators

13.1 Definitions

13.2 Scalar Fields

13.3 Vector Fields

13.4 Differential Operators for Cartesian Coordinates

14 Partial Differential Equations

14.1 Definitions and Classification

14.2 Formulation of Mathematical Models

14.3 A PDE Model for Groundwater Abstraction

14.4 Solution of a PDE via Laplace Transform

15 Inverse Problems

15.1 General Conceptions

15.2 Ill-Posedness of an Inverse Problem

15.2.1 Existence

15.2.2 Uniqueness

15.2.3 Stability

15.3 Solution Methods

15.3.1 Trial and Error Method

15.3.2 Direct Solving

15.3.3 Indirect Solving

16 Tutorials

13. 2 Rock Physics

10 credits

Taught Semester 2: Block 4


On completion of this course, the students should achieve the following learning outcomes: • A familiarity with how rocks and pore fluids behave under stress in the subsurface. • An understanding of how rock and fluid properties affect the propagation of geophysical fields, as an aid to interpreting geophysical images. • An understanding of mathematical, physical, computational and experimental concepts and tools required to model the behaviour of reservoir rocks.


Part A - Rock deformation and fluid flow (led by Ian Main)

1. Introduction - concepts of stress, strain, elasticity of isotropic media

2. Simple rheological models - the generalised Burgers body

3. Rock failure - brittle and ductile

4. Experimental Rock deformation: laboratory methods and demonstration (Ian Butler)

5. Coulomb friction

6. Failure criteria for ideal elastic materials

7. Fracture nucleation

8. Static fatigue

9. Percolation theory and numerical modelling

10. Fluid flow in porous, fractured media

Part B - Geophysical properties of porous, fractured media (led by Mark Chapman) - include anisotropy, what determines velocity resistivity etc., damage mechanics, effective medium theory, poroelasticity, seismic wave propagation, effect of P and T, upscaling etc.

Outline of the 10 lectures:

1. Intuitive definition of anisotropy; causes of anisotropy in the Earth's crust; Importance of

anisotropy; Symmetry classes, HTI, VTI, orthorhombic, monoclinic together with likely causes; outline of the course.

2. Introduction of elastic tensor; formal definition of anisotropy in terms of invariance under rotation;

standard matrix form of the elastic tensor; Christoffel equation, plane wave solutions; slowness surfaces and polarisations; Definition of Thomsen parameters; weak anisotropy.

3. Distinction between phase and group velocity; wavefront construction; singularities; observable

seismic effects, shear-wave splitting, AVO vs azimuth, azimuthal variations in interval traveltime.

4. Mathematical description of fractured media through use of equivalent medium theories; energy

approaches; volumetric averaging approaches, Backus averaging technique; fundamental limitations of equivalent medium theory.

5. The Eshelby inclusion; Budiansky-O'Connell model; Hudson's theory for fractured rock; high

concentration extensions, self-consistent, coherent potential, differential scheme; Linear-slip model;

estimates of


6. Poroelasticity; Biot-Gassmann theory; dispersion/attenuation and the slow P-wave; concept of

effective stress; experimental basis, role of fluid mobility; squirt-flow concept; fractures in porous

media; frequency-dependence

7. Resistivity of porous rock; Formation factor; Hashin-Shtrikman bounds on resistivity; simple

inclusion models; Archie equation, generalized Archie; Humble formula; empirical relations;

resistivity anisotropy; importance of resistivity anisotropy in light of modern resistivity logs- 3D


8. Effects of fluids and stress on seismic and electrical properties; Gassmann/anisotropic Gassmann;

fluid estimates from Hudson, effect of aspect ratio; Nur's theory for closing of microcracks and

extensions; pressure sensitivity of fracture compliance; laboratory measurements of stress and fluid


9. Fracture characterisation in applied geophysics; shallow seismic refraction for civil engineering

applications; Rock damage, RQD index; Barton-Bandis model; construction of fracture maps for oil reservoirs from anisotropy measurements; coherencey cube; techniques based on curvature attributes and geostatistics; estimation of fracture spacing from analysis of coda.

10. Finite difference modelling of wave propagation in fractured rocks; Coates-Schoenberg technique;

building discrete fracture network (DFN) models from seismic and log data; flow simulations

through DFN models, link to anisotropic permeability; future directions - fracture characterization from seismic to simulator.


3 tutorials on suitably constructed problems along the following lines (all of these should be able to be done

with pen and paper):

1. Manipulation of elastic tensor; construction from Thomsen parameters; identification of symmetry

class from standard matrix form; demonstration of invariance of TI tensor under certain rotations, but not others.

2. Calculations of effective elastic tensors for a) a given layered medium using Backus, b) a given

fractured medium using Hudson. Solve the Christofell equation for various directions of propagation. Develop relationships between crack properties and resulting variations of velocity with direction.

3. Anisotropic fluid substitution exercise. Give them some laboratory velocity data (5 velocity

measurements, dry), get them to construct the elastic tensor assuming transverse isotropy, use

anisotropic Gassmann to change the fluid, then calculate the same 5 velocities but for water


13. 3 Advanced exploration methods

10 credits

Taught Semester 2: Block 4


On completion of this course, the students should achieved the following learning outcomes: • A familiarity with current leading-edge geophysical methods including, 4D, anisotropy, multicomponent, and controlled source EM • An understanding of the basic principle of these methods and how they have been applied in the industry • An understanding of the limitation of these methods and future development needs


1. Time-lapse (4D) seismic

1.1 introduction

1.2 theory and feasibility

1.3 examples

2. Seismic anisotropy

2.1 Elastic tensor and basic symmetries

2.2 Origin of seismic anisotropy in rocks

2.3 Effects of anisotropy

2.4 Anisotropic imaging

2.5 Fractured induced anisotropy

3. Multicomponenent seismics

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Acquisition of multicomponent data

3.3 Processing and interpretation

3.4 Examples

4. Controled source E&M

4.1 Basic principle

4.2 Acquistion and data processing

4.3 Examples

13.4 Seismic Reflection Interpretation

10 credits

Taught Semester 2 - Block 4


On completion of this course, the students should achieved the following learning outcomes: • A familiarity of the procedures used to interpret seismic reflection data including both 2D and 3D as structural and stratigraphic geological cross-sections, and contour maps; • A familiarity of knowledge and skills in completing the above tasks in both paper forms and computer work stations. • A familiarity of the techniques used for time-to-depth conversion • A understanding of the limitation and possible interpretation pitfalls of the seismic techniques


Picking horizons, fault identification, well ties, synthetic seismograms, depth conversion, 3D seismic interpretation, seismic attributes, seismic stratigraphy. Use of Kingdom Suite for seismic interpretation. This course could also be optional for CCS, or as fifth year MSci course

13.5 Thesis, Project and Dissertation

60 credits

Taught Semester 3


Project work in related area of exploration geophysics work lasting for at least 3 months. On completion of this course, the students should achieved the following learning outcomes: • Ability to conduct geophysics work independently • Ability to write a scientific and project report • Ability to present and discuss one's own work to a wide audience


Projects can be field or laboratory-based, or jointly with industry or other research institute; project

normally lasted for three months and longer project have to be agreed with course leader and

project supervisor. The final deliverables include a thesis, a seminar, poster presentation or power-

point presentation, as well as the final viva.

Appendix B:


This form must be submitted in conjunction with a Draft Programme Specification and the

associated financial spreadsheet to GO for agreement to take a proposal for a new MSc programme to School Board of Studies. (The details requested on this form are also required by College after BoS approval.)


- please insert the requested information into the boxes below

Programme Title

MSc on Exploration Geophysics Programme qualification 1 st degree, math, physics, geology,

Host School

School of geoscienses

Name of proposer(s)

Xiang-Yang Li, Andrew Curtis, Ian Main

Name of intended Programme Director

Xiang-Yang Li

Duration of study

(tick as applicable, and give months for FT) Full time  months .12....

Part time 24 months

Mode of study / delivery

(tick as many as applicable) Resident at Edinburgh University 

Resident at another HE institution 

Collaborative  Distance learning 

Flexible training package 

Date of intended first intake

1 October 2009


(i) Explain how you have assessed the potential demand for this programme. (including where appropriate information from the Recruitment and Admissions Liaison Service; International Office; Careers Service; employers; professional bodies; students etc)

Demand for geophysicists has remained high, particular in the face of high oil-price, and

sustainable energy growth will always be a critical issue to the modern society. Career prospects for students with an MSc will be very good for the foreseeable future. Starting

salaries are around £25,000pa, with additional benefits for working overseas and/or offshore. Some

students take up related careers such as IT or finance sector jobs, government agencies, or continue

to higher degrees. Most students join service-sector, oil and gas, or minerals companies, and many have these destinations secured well before the end of the course. Employment circumstances look good for such students, therefore should be demand. Several oil company including Total expressed interest on such a course (ii) Summarize comparable provision and student numbers at competitor institutions.

there are strong competitor programmes (Leeds, IC) whose numbers total to perhaps 50, so

competition is tough. Competitors are (apparently) over subscribed.

As far as overseas students are concerned, among the three courses, Imperial College has the

geographic advantage, and Edinburgh would rank at the 2 nd place in this regards. Apparent, Leeds would be the one losing out. However, for domestic and EU students, Edinburgh would come first, ranking ahead of Imperial college, because the science leadership in this area. As stands at the moment, Edinburgh is the centre for seismic research, with the association with Edinburgh Seismic Research, and ECCOSSE.

Leeds' advantage is its track record.

Edinburgh also features a strong link to the Chinese Petroleum Industry through the Edinburgh

Anisotropy Project


See enclosed spreadsheet

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