The APA is offering a number of “emerging measures” for


The APA is offering a number of “emerging measures” for

LEVEL 2—Depression—Adult (PROMIS Emotional Distress— Depression— Short Form) Rights granted: This material can be reproduced without permission by clinicians for use with their patients Any other use, including electronic use, requires written permission of the PROMIS Health Organization (PHO) Rights holder:

Initial psychiatric assessment: A practical guide to the

DEPRESSION (“Sigecaps”) MANIA (“Giddiness”) PSYCHOSIS PANIC ATTACKS Low mood for >2 weeks Grandiose Hallucinations/illusions Trembling Sleep Increased activity Delusions Palpitations Interest goal-directed/high risk Self-reference: Nausea/chills Guilt/worthlessness Decreased judgment people watching you Choking/chest pain

What DNA Tests Can Tell About Depression

care (or informant) to rate the severity of the individual’s depression during the past 7 days Scoring and Interpretation Each item on the measure is rated on a 5-point scale (1=never; 2=rarely; 3=sometimes; 4=often; and 5=always) with a range in score from 8 to 40 with higher scores indicating greater severity of depression

PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR THE Psychiatric Evaluation of Adults

• Initial drafting of the guideline by a work group that included psychiatrists with clinical and research expertise in psychiatric evaluation • Production of multiple revised drafts with widespread review (14 organizations and 64 individuals submitted significant comments) • Approval by the APA Assembly and Board of Trustees

Treating Major Depressive Disorder - Psychiatry

lack of motivation or excessive pessimism due to depression; side effects of treatment; problems in the therapeutic relation-ship; and logistical, economic, or cultural barriers to treatment • Collaborate with the patient (and, if possible, the family) to min-imize barriers • Encourage the patient to articulate concerns about treatment

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depression with PHQ-9 • For detecting Major Depression, suggest cut-off scores between 8-11 • Kroenke K, Spitzer R L, Williams J B (2001) The PHQ-9: validity of a brief depression severity measure Journal of General Internal Medicine , 16(9): 606-613 • Manea L, Gilbody S, McMillan D (2012) Optimal cut-off score for diagnosing

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