[PDF] Website Strategy Guide Waqa Studios



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[PDF] Website Strategy Guide Waqa Studios

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[PDF] Website Strategy Guide  Waqa Studios 138288_3web_strategy_guide_waqastudios.pdf

A guide to creating a Website

Strategy to launch successful



Copyright © 2019

Waqa Studios. All rights reserved.


Website Strategy Guide


Welcome to this guide to creating a

Website Strategy

that will help you launch a successful website. You"re probably thinking about putting together or choosing a team to build a website for your business, and if so, this ebook is for you. Whether you"ll be replacing an existing website or creating a completely new website for an altogether new venture, the same basic rules of the game apply. As concisely as possible, I"m going to take you through each step of the process and explain what you need to consider and why. I"ll include some helpful examples so you can see the concepts in action and use them to help you dene your own

Website Strategy.


Website Strategy Guide

Stuart Starrs is CEO and Technical Director

of Waqa Studios, a digital agency with a team spread over two continents. he finds great satisfaction in mixing design, technology and marketing strategy together to get results better than his clients had hoped for.

About the author

Waqa Studios has worked with thousands of small and medium businesses and has experience serving clients in almost every industry and in many countries. 4

Website Strategy Guide



What is a Website Strategy?

7. Navigation.1. Introduction.

6. Goal Driven Design.

A call-to-action - what will yours be?

Let people nd what they are looking for

3. Dening your objectives.

8. Keep them coming back.

4. Identifying your audience.

9. Measure the results.

5. Matching the Brand.

10. The Perfect Launch.


Website Strategy Guide




Website Strategy Guide

Creating a new website from scratch, whether as a replacement for an older website or for a completely new business, isn"t something you just go ahead and do. It has to be planned properly. You need to have a Website Strategy. Large businesses pay thousands or tens of thousands for consulting just to nd out what you"re about to be told in this book for free. But why do they pay so much? Many people are confused about what Web Design really is or what it means. It can be all too easy to focus on making a website look nice while completely forgetting to make sure it serves your business and helps it achieve its goals. Web Design isn"t about art. It"s not about making things look nice. It actually involves many dierent skillsets.


A website"s main purpose is to communicate

and provide access to content.

That"s right.

A website exists to communicate with a visitor and to allow them to easily find what they're looking for. But it also exists for you to direct them to the content or the function that most benets you. This could be, for example, your most protable product or it could be the most important message you need to convey. But only once you understand this and build your strategy accordingly do you bring design into the mix. To fuse concepts of communication, interaction, and of guiding the audience according to your objectives... all in a way that gets positive results, you have to have a clear direction... a plan... a guide to keep you working towards your goals.

You have to have a strategy!


Website Strategy Guide


What is aWebsite Strategy?


Website Strategy Guide

The purpose of a website strategy is to blend your business goals with the website design process.

Remember, we"re not designing a website just to

look pretty. We"re designing an interface that is usable and accessible, one that helps your business meet its objectives. A plan that takes this into account is called a Website Strategy. At Waqa Studios, we consider dening this to be the most important step of any online venture... and it doesn"t matter whether you"re replacing an existing website or creating a completely new one. In many larger projects we"re involved in, if they involve building a website, the actual designing an d building of the website itself can sometimes be a smaller task compared to everything that we do to plan for its success beforehand.

What is a Website



Website Strategy Guide

A Website Strategy must include:

A denition of your objectives

Careful study and identication of your audience

How to apply your branding, adapting it for digital use

Planning the Launch

Measuring Results

Continuous Improvements

And if you're replacing an existing website:

Benchmarking of your current metrics rst

Planning to avoid SEO issues

When this is not done, when an inexperienced web designer just installs and changes the colors of a downloaded WordPress theme, or drops-and-drags default elements onto a page with a tool like Divi, the end result could look good (though often it looks like a basic template!) but it probably won"t be very eective at all.

The purpose of a website strategy is to

blend your business goals with the website design process. 10

Website Strategy Guide


Dening your objectives


Website Strategy Guide

So what are your goals?

Some people aren"t all that clear about what they want to achieve, but until you get this down in writing, you simply can" t start working on the website. Let"s think about your business for a second. What is your business model? What are you looking to sell, for how much, and how many how often? Let"s say you"re not selling a product or service, are you then looking to provide information that"s easy to access? Is this as a long-term resource, or are you trying to build a loyal audience for with regular publications?

The answers to these basic questions

(and the many more we ask you in our own project questionnaires when you start a project with us) puts into writing what you want to achieve with your website. Whatever the function of your website is, your design must focus on enabling it.

Defining your objectives


Website Strategy Guide

I need more visitors to my website

That"s not an objective but a means to an objective. What do you want them to do once there? That"s your objective. It"s not trac you want, it"s conversions. Once you have the conversion issue sorted out then you work on ways to pull in the trac (and it will be more worthwhile at that point). I want my website to be more dynamic with more animations Trust me, you probably don"t. Distracting your users and taking their eyes away from your prot generators is not a good objective. Modern web technology is great, and you can implement really creative designs. But these should always serve a purpose, which is to meet your true objectives. Flashy stu should only be add ed to help the users and never to hinder them.

My competition just launched a new website

How does this aect you or your website strategy? If they have ideas that you want to implement too, then buy all means, take the initiative to implement something similar or better. If not, then a refresh for the sake of a refresh isn"t an objective on its own. I need people to subscribe to a mailing list so I have leads to convert I need to sell a product/service and have customers pay via the website I need to attract a bigger audience of regular readers I need customers to be able to nd specic information quickly I need leads to register interest with an email address I need customers to call a number or use a form to contact meGOOD OBJECTIVES


Here are some examples of good and bad objectives for a website strategy. 13

Website Strategy Guide

Her goals here are simple. Firstly she needs to show her clients that she is an expert in the service she is providing, that"s her rst goal. This would suggest that she needs to explain clearly and concisely early on who she is and why she is qualied to oer this service. It might also mean adding a blog to the website - often considered a great way to demonstrate expertise because you"re releasing helpful and detailed articles on a regular basis. Her second goal is to capture the contact information of potential clients, namely names and email addresses. Studies show that as few as 2.35% of visits to a website result in conversions and that it"s far easier to get

someone to subscribe to a mailing list after being oered something for Your objectives will inuence every aspect of your website, from its layout

to its content. Without understanding what you want to accomplish you could end up building the wrong website altogether - lacking focus, lacking information or being a mess of overwhelming excess of information. Being clear on your goals, and dening them beforehand helps you make the right decisions on what your website needs to be/contain/do in order for you to meet those goals. Pur POSE D ETE rm INES CONTENT

An example:

A lifestyle coach wants to present herself as an expert in her eld. She needs to show people she"s an expert so that they purchase access to her membership site where she oers monthly course material. She would like to capture future clients from a teaser page promoting the course while it"s being developed, that way she can contact them when it"s ready and allow for the possibility of later re-marketing. 14

Website Strategy Guide

free. This freebie gives them a taste of what they"d receive if they made a purchase, and your capturing of their details gives you the chance to increase that conversion rate over time. The important thing to consider here though is that these two important goals completely determine what the website will look like and what it will contain. Remember your goals decide these factors for you, your preferences and a cool design don"t yet come into the equation.


Studies show that as few as 2.35% of visits to a

website result in conversions and that it"s far easier to get someone to subscribe to a mailing list after being ofiered something for free. If you don"t have any goals, how do you know if your website is successful?

You may have made

conversions, but was that good or bad? Should you have made more? Was this a good return-on-investment? If you are unsure whether you"ve been successful or not, how would you know what needs to change or be improved?

Measuring success allows you to make plans and

decisions, which lead to ever greater success. 15

Website Strategy Guide


Identifyingyour audience


Website Strategy Guide

Do you know who your customers are?

Knowing your audience is key

to delivering them the information and experience they are looking for. If your website doesn"t look like it will deliver what they want within the rst few seconds, you"ve lost them, they hit that back button and they"re gone forever. There are many demographics that play a part in inuencing your design... age, gender, place, profession... you"d hopefully be able to glime a good idea about technical prociency from one or all of these and that could also play a part in the eventual website"s layout and functionality.

Identifying your


Who your audience is defines how your

website will look and function. 17

Website Strategy Guide

Consider these questions:

Who is the website for?

How do they expect to interact with your website?

Are they there to calmly read something or to quickly access information and move on? Would they respond better to video, to images or to text? Do they arrive from search engines or some other method? What do you need to oer to make them keep coming back? What would they need to see to be convinced to make a purchase? What does research into their demographics tell you?

An example:

A orist has an online catalogue of available ower arrangements that people can click to purchase via PayPal. She knows her clients want to see her arrangements rst and they want to see high quality photos of them. The audience is a healthy balance of men and women - she nds they are mostly men around special occasions and mostly women throughout the year. Some clients are regulars, but most arrive via search results. This is information that is crucial to getting results and needs to be applied directly when deciding on layout and content for the website, as well as for her marketing strategy. It tells us that the ower arrangements need to be immediately visible so that people arriving from search engines know they"re in the right place and can perform the action they were looking to perform, i.e. purchase owers for immediate delivery for that anniversary they forgot about. 18

Website Strategy Guide

Professional user experience designers and marketers both need to build detailed models of their intended users and customers. The reason is that although it should be fairly easy to identify broad groups that make up your audience, keeping your audience and their demographics (and all the details associated with them) in the forefront of your mind throughout every stage of developing a marketing plan or a website layout is near-impossible, especially if you have multiple types of audience to satisfy. Developing personas is a way to document your audience, a way to get representations of them down on paper as realistically as possible so that

they can be referred to again and again.The website design needs to appeal to both men and women. This shouldn"

t particularly aect layouts, but it would play a part in the branding of the website. Special oers and event-specic arrangements would need to be clearly visible, for example, a valentine"s day special would be the rst ower arrangment shown on the page during that season and so the functionality for temporarily positioning items would need to be taken into account and discussed with your developer.


The website design needs to appeal to both

men and women. This shouldn"t particularly aect layouts, but it would play a part in the branding of the website. 19

Website Strategy Guide

An example:

Mary, 32 year old female. College graduate, upper middle class background. Urbanite, lives in San Francisco or New York. Earns $120,000 per year. Liberal leaning, votes democrat. Took up social causes in college, now prefers to donate. Homeowner for 4 years. Buys organic, fair trade goods. 35% more likely to pay up to twice the market price if associated with a social or ecological cause. Something like this was likely based on extensive research, and there might be a few accompanying personas to go with this one, each representing a typical client. As you could imagine this would be good data to have if you were opening a boutique organic produce store in a wealthy neighborhood of San Francisco. In practical terms, for a website project, you can build your personas in two ways.

Proto-Personas -

you might not have the time and resources to actually conduct any kind of market study, but that"s OK. You"ll obviously have already researched your business extensively if you are a startup, and if you"re already established you may already have a very good idea who your customers are. With Proto-Personas, we take our best educated guess as to what the audience prole is for your website and refer back to it to see if these made-up people, if you were in their place, are able to interact with

your website in a way that would satisfy their (your) needs.Personas can be very detailed. Take this one for example, which would be

little more than an introduction: 20

Website Strategy Guide

m arketing and/or Design Personas - the rst type deals with representations derived from pure demographic research. The focus is on what each type of persona is going to buy, what their motivations for buying are and basically explain their behaviour. The second is derived from observations of user interactions, how they use interfaces and what gets in the way of them achieving their goals. If you"ll be doing one of these, you"d likely have the resources to do the other too, and a marketing and UI/UX team behind you to carry it out. (Pssst... Waqa Studios) Ultimately your website is for your clients, not for you. Take this into account at every stage and the results will speak for themselves. 21

Website Strategy Guide


Matching the Brand


Website Strategy Guide

matching the Brand Your business has been branded by experts. Lots of thought has gone into the colors that were chosen, the typefaces, the iconography, the eventual logo, the writing style... and countless other things... because your br anding was conducted based on a

Brand Strategy

. Right?

Now that we"re working on the

Website Strategy

and planning to use your branding in a digital space, if it hasn"t been done yet, we may have to take the brand and digitize it. What does this mean? 23

Website Strategy Guide

W EB S TY l E Gu IDE In any website we build there are a number of components that are repeated. Some of these are simply native to HTML, the language used to diagram your website. For example, by default there are 6 heading types, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6, along with a standard paragraph type, p. These are used throughout the body of your website content. Someone needs to actually decide what font each of these will be, what size, what color, with what text decoration, with what margins... and countless other congurations. This must all be done according to your brand. To digitize your branding, we need to convert CMYK color values to RGB, we need to transform fonts into valid web font formats (or buy new licenses), and we need to responsify your logo (which basically means create a few sub variants for smaller spaces/screens and social media). If you"re lucky, that would have all been done for you and delivered with the rest of your brand materials. But there"s still more to do. 24

Website Strategy Guide

You might sometimes see these same tags in other contexts. For example, the heading 3 tag will look one way in a main body of text, but might look completely dierent as the heading for a widget in your sidebar. And it may be that the heading 1 in your main body of text looks quite dierent from the heading 1 in the ‘hero" bar of your homepage. This too must be documented. 25

Website Strategy Guide

You could also have opt-in forms, pop ups, footer areas, special page templates, special panels to divide text and countless other custom objects in your specic design that may contain loads of variants of these styles, but also have styles themselves... their own background colors, paddings and margins, for example. 26

Website Strategy Guide

At Waqa Studios, the nal document that we

create is called a Web Style Guide and is added as a new section or an appendix to your main brand style or corporate identity document. 27

Website Strategy Guide

6 Goal Driven Design. A call-to-action - what will yours be? 28

Website Strategy Guide

Understanding your goals and knowing your audience are two huge and important steps. But how do you get your audience to help you reach your goals? If you don"t tell your audience what you want them to do, how can you expect them to do it? If one of your goals is to increase the number of subscribers to your mailing list, and you are doing this by adding a prominent area to your website oering a free downloadable, this is your call-to-action. You are telling your visitor that to take the next step, they have to click this button to download the material now.

Goal Driven Design. A

call-to-action - what will yours be? 29

Website Strategy Guide

A successful website guides its users to the areas that help them take that next step. Your call- to-action is defined by your principal business objectives. Your layout, content and design must fit around this, directing your visitors into performing a specific action.

An example:

An accountant has developed a subscription service to help people calculate their monthly expenses, manage their spending and use savings they make from this to put towards recommended investments. Professional and personalized nancial recommendations are made at the end of each month based on the information submitted. The concept is new and nding the rst clients is dicult - a website and an online advertising campaign is the rst part of the accountant"s marketing plan. But once he has the trac coming into the website, what does he need to do? With the monthly fee being a signicant investment for most people, it has been suggested to him that he oer a free report to interested clients to give them a taste of what they could expect as a paying customer. Looking at what this would entail, he decides that he"ll have to just take the hit and oer the rst month of the service for free until he has enough clients to consider other options, marketing it as a “free trial, for a limited time". 30

Website Strategy Guide

Analysis of his audience suggests a targeted landing page or series of landing pages would work well, with the benets of the service displayed prominently. His goal is to get 25 clients to sign up during his rst month of promotion. With this decided, he now needs to settle on a call-to-action. The action he would like visitors to perform is to click on the button that says “Start Free Trial" at the end of a features/pricing table showing the basic service and the premium service. This is his call-to-action area, the button is his call-to-action button.

Calls-to-action can be anything. Clicks to a

button, calls to a telephone number, purchases of an App, Likes on a Facebook page - it all depends on your goals. 31

Website Strategy Guide



- let people nd what they are looking for 32

Website Strategy Guide

It"s no good working on a beautiful and functional website if the imp ortant information, the information visitors came looking for, is hidden behind a maze of navigational menus or if the gems on a page are hidden among the ramblings of someone who means well but doesn"t get to the point. (I know

I"ve been guilty of this at times!)

If your business is a “personal brand", (i.e. you are the face of your company and your visitors decide to become your customers because of who you are as much as what your company can oer), you should bare in mind that as interesting as you may be you should not hide your call-to-action below a six paragraph life story. Unless you"re a superstar like Oprah, even your most ardent fans won"t make it all the way down.

Navigation - let people

find what they are looking for 33

Website Strategy Guide

Let the user nd your call-to-action! If they can do this without even knowing who"s website they are on or what it"s about, you"ve made it easy enough. Congratulations! Remember that navigation is essential to user experience. If you"re hosting articles that are going to change a visitor"s life, they better be able to reach them with just two clicks or they"ll never see them. Three clicks is usually way too much. You might want to think about arranging the content of a large website that has lots of information and lots of services into summarized bite-sized chunks on the home/landing page. Here they can be skimmed over quickly so the visitor can decide where to go next. For example, if you oer three main services, you could place these on your homepage graphically and let people click through to see more information or to make a purchase. In many of the projects that Waqa Studios deliver, we use this technique as part of our component-based design processes. This sees the home page become something of a navigation tool to access the main parts of the website. It works well. let the user find your call-to-action! If they can do this without even knowing who's website they are on or what it's about, you've made it easy enough. Congratulations! 34

Website Strategy Guide


Keep them coming back


Website Strategy Guide

Did you know the best source of new customers are your past and existing customers? These are people who already know how good you are at what you do. They took the leap, parted with cash and got their money"s wo rth, right? Keeping some kind of regular contact with them is a must - you"ve got a captive audience of customers where 100% have been willing to pay you for what you oer. You can"t get better than that. When planning your website, think about how you might keep customers coming back for more. Could you oer a subscription service with monthly premium information? Are you able to build a community, whether in the comments section of regular informative blog posts or in communities and groups tied to social media sites actively promoted on your website? What about potential customers? There are people who responded positively to your marketing and clicked through to your website because keep them coming back 36

Website Strategy Guide

they were legitimately interested in what you have to oer, though for whatever reason, decided not to go through with the purchase right away. Wouldn"t it be a good idea to get these people to come back again, for you to be able to take another shot at convincing them to buy from you? Remember those statistics we talked about in a previous chapter? That the average conversion rate is just 2.35% - this means that for every 100 people that land on your website, just two of them are going to ‘convert" from visitors into customers by following through on your call-to-action. You should target those people who didn"t convert but have already expressed an interest. They may just need a little more convincing or might be interested in taking you up on a special oer some time in the near future if you were to just remind them again. You should work the following ideas into your website strategy where they are appropriate: Capture client details with a mailing list, oer something in return Get users to interact with you on social media - make links to these proles easy to nd on your website Try to build a community of people who keep coming back, either on the website itself or on other platforms linking back to the website Produce regular content to keep the website fresh and ever-changing A plan to keep customers coming back, to follow up on those interested and to stay in touch over the longer term could be key ways to positively aect your sales! 37

Website Strategy Guide


Measure the

results 38

Website Strategy Guide

B ENC hm A rk ING O f YO ur C urr ENT m ET r ICS

If your

new website is a replacement for your old website you might already have years of metrics that tell you how parts of your website were performing. Tools like Google Analytics provide you with a wealth of information about popular pages, visitor demographics, peak visit times and key trac sources. If this was congured for you as part of an online marketing strategy, you might have even more detailed information relating to sales funnels. Your website is looking great, and most importantly, it"s very functional. You"ve just launched and you couldn"t be more excited! You"re sure you"re going to get those extra subscriptions, convert more leads or make more sales. But how will you know what exactly to attribute the success to? You"ll need to have planned in advance for measuring the results and have a plan for the changes you"ll go on to make to ne tune your success.

Measure the results


Website Strategy Guide

If not though, or if this is going to be a new website for a new project, now"s the time to start recording metrics, working out patterns and planning ideas for A/B testing. A/B testing, or split testing, is when you make a change and measure the results when compared to the way it was before. Some people do this on a gradual basis, make a change one month and seeing if it has a negative or a positive eect for the next. They then repeat this process by making another change, and so on. On the web, we have another way to A/B test that reduces the associated risks of implementing a bad idea by 50% or to test ideas faster by testing two of them at a time. This is done by showing two versions of the website at the same time to dierent sets of visitors. Half of your visitors will see one version with a change in one direction, and the other half will see another version with a change in another direction. For example, if you aren"t sure that the green ‘Buy" button is working all that well, you can show a red button to half your visitors, a yellow button to the other half and see which one leads to the most improvements. Whichever works best, you keep.


You want your website to be found organically, and before you pay for any long-term SEO work to be carried out on your website, it"s essentially that your website is built with SEO in mind. Professional developers know all the tricks and pitfalls. Most know that minimizing scripts to improve load times is going to help positively aect your pagerank in Google. Not so many know about tricks like margin osets on columns of text to keep you main body content as the rst thing on the page (as far as the code is concerned, so also as far as a search engine is concerned). 40

Website Strategy Guide

In this example, to visitors it looks as if there"s a sidebar on the left of the page before the made body content. See it? The content is to the right. But to Google, and anyone looking at the code, the main body content is rst because it comes rst in the code. This lets Google properly index your website considering your main body text to be what visitors are coming to see. Most downloaded themes, or drag and drop page builders used by amateurs, don"t and can"t take such things into account. It can really pay o to have a professional build your website. 41

Website Strategy Guide

For new websites you have to build with ease of indexing in mind. You need to make it easy for search engines to nd your content and rate it as a good resource for relevant search terms. You also need to do this for new websites replacing old websites, but when you"re replacing an old website there"s more to take into account... Existing websites have page structures with pages that already have pageranks. They also have lots of inbound links that have also all been indexed by search engines. When replacing an old website, all these loose ends must be meticulously tied up by someone who knows what they"re doing. This can be a tricky process but is an important one if you want to keep all the benets that have been built up over the older website"s lifespan. 42

Website Strategy Guide


The Perfect

l aunch 43

Website Strategy Guide

Launching your website can be exciting, but it can also be pretty daunting. When the time nally comes to publish the results of all this hard work, you need to do so based on... you guessed it... a plan. The launch process is a key part of your website strategy and there"s lots to take into account, maybe even things you haven"t thought of. There are a surprising number of ways a launch can go wrong and not all of them are easy to plan for. The best approach to avoiding problems is to develop a launch checklist . This is a checklist that contains a list of all the things you need to check for at dierent stages before the big day.

The Perfect Launch

The best approach to avoiding problems is to

develop a launch checklist. 44

Website Strategy Guide

Exactly what goes on your checklist can depend on a number of things: How much trac is your website likely to receive right away on launch day? If you"re replacing a heavily used older website you"ll have a much bigger list than if you"re soft-launching a new website that no-one knows about yet. You"ll have SEO work to do, as I explained in the previous chapter, but more generally, you"ll have to make doubly sure everything is tested because any mistakes are going to be found right away. At least with a soft-launch you can check for the important things, launch, then make the nal checks afterwards. Do you have key functionality on your website, say, a series of forms, maybe some payment buttons? If not, your life is going to be a lot easier and you"ll have less to test for, but if you do, you"re going to have to test these in a sandbox-staging environment prior to launch, then again in the live environment. You can"t risk messing that up. Does your website need to be secured with an SSL certicate? If it does, this must be installed in your live environment, on the server that your domain name points to. This may mean a brief period of downtime for any older site you"re replacing, and it might mean some server conguration and some SEO work is needed, with decisions to be made on whether to redirect http to https and which will become canonical. 45

Website Strategy Guide

At Waqa Studios we develop a website strategy for you. In fact, it"s built into our rapid design and build process. This includes following our internal launch checklists that we customize based on your individual circumstances. All you really need to do is answer the questions we have before the agreed deadlines, we handle the rest! There are always going to be things that don"t go quite according to plan, but having a plan at all means you can quickly recover with no serious consequences. However you plan to move forward with your new website, there are three important things you have to remember... plan, plan and plan. 46

Website Strategy Guide

Working with

Waqa Studios

This guide is designed to help you get into the right frame of mind, to get you thinking deeply about what you need and why, and to provide you with all the information you"ll need to ask any professional agency you partner with to deliver something that truly meets your needs and helps you attain the results your hard work and investment deserves. For those of you who decide that Waqa Studios is a good t for you, this guide helps you understand the thought processes that go into every recommendation that we make. If you"d like to contact the author please feel free to do so with any comments or questions at stuart@waqastudios.com , and if I"m able to, I"d be delighted to help!

Follow Waqa Studios


Website Strategy Guide

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