[PDF] Morphology Homework 1 Draw tree diagrams for each of the


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as Isthmus Zapotec, plural marking is fairly obligatory (except when a quantifier is present, when it is not possible); in many of these languages, however, 

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In 2 we discuss the basic features of Isthmus Zapotec syllable structure Although previous work (Pickett 1967) has done this in some

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Isthmus Zapotec is an Oto-Manguean language spoken in Oaxaca, Mexico, by about 85,000 speakers Swahili, a member of the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo 

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23 mar 2020 · An overview of the revised course and details about what has changed ? The first of two morphology lectures Note: Your TAs are standing by on 

[PDF] The Syllable Structure and Aspect Morphology of Isthmus Zapotec

13 fév 2006 · STRUCTURE AND MORPHOLOGY OF ISTHMUS ZAPOTEC for certain facts The analysis of certain irregular verb classes appeals to

[PDF] Morphology - WordPresscom

It is critical that you realize that morphological surface forms are not derived from one another The Answer to the Isthmus Zapotec Problem

[PDF] Morphology Homework 1 Draw tree diagrams for each of the

Justify your answer teacher stapler baker juicer singer copier writer toaster fighter hole-puncher painter lighter 3 Isthmus Zapotec

[PDF] Morphology Homework 1 Draw tree diagrams for each of the 151712_7morphologyhomework.pdf

Morphology Homework

1. Draw tree diagrams for each of the following words:

a. disappearance f. unmistakable b. impersonal g. insincerity c. reconstruction h. unrespectable d. restatement i. overgeneralization e. inflammability j. reformer

2. Consider the two columns of words below. What do the words in each column have in

common? Come up with two more words that go in each column. Do the words in both columns have the same suffix, or do the words on the right have a different suffix from those on the left? Justify your answer. teacher stapler baker juicer singer copier writer toaster fighter hole-puncher painter lighter

3. Isthmus Zapotec

Examine the following data form Isthmus Zapotec, a language spoken in Mexico.

Answer the questions that follow.

a. [palu] 'stick' g. [spalube] 'his stick' m. [spalulu] 'your stick' b. [ku:ba] 'dough' h. [sku:babe] 'his dough' n. [sku:balu] 'your dough' c. [tapa] 'four' i. [stapabe] 'his four' o. [stapalu] 'your four' d. [geta] 'tortilla' j. [sketabe] 'his tortilla' p. [sketalu] 'your tortilla' e. [bere] 'chicken' k. [sperebe] 'his chicken' q. [sperelu] 'your chicken' f. [doo] 'rope' l. [stoobe] 'his rope' r. [stoolu] 'your rope' i Isolate the morphemes that correspond to the following English translations: ___________ possession (genitive) ___________ third person singular ___________ second person plural ii List the allomorphs for the following translations: _________ _________ 'tortilla' _________ _________ 'rope' _________ _________ 'chicken' iii What phonological environment triggers the alternation between these allomorphs ?
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