[PDF] AP Computer Science A Summer 2019 - Unit 5


[PDF] SOPH S1: AP Computer Science Quizes

SOPH S1: AP Computer Science Quizes Flashcards Quizlet https://quizlet com/32628100/sophs1apcomputersciencequizesflashcards/

[PDF] AP Computer Science Principles Course and Exam Description

own curriculum for AP Computer Science Principles, selecting appropriate college-level readings, assignments, and resources This course and exam

[PDF] AP Computer Science A Summer 2019 - Unit 5

1) Join the Google Classroom for AP Computer Science A with your school email 3) Join our Quizlet class at https://quizlet com/join/KUvqjEYnA

[PDF] AP Computer Science Principles Vocabulary The following terms

Assignment 2: Become familiar with the AP CSP vocabulary terms listed on the below You may want to check out the Quizlets at quizlet com or reference the PC 

[PDF] ap-computer-science-apdf

Accessing the Curriculum The AP Computer Science A Curriculum GitBook is located at Students will be entering the AP CS A course with varying

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AP Courses offered at Ridgewood High School AP Computer Science Principles Quizlet: https://quizlet com/ (vocabulary and culture)

[PDF] AP Computer Science A Summer 2019 - Unit 5 15341_3APComputerScienceASummer2019.pdf

AP Computer Science A Summer 2019

Teacher: Ms. Schermann N-mailJ VcUermaa@uniW5.org Here are a few WUingV you neeT Wo To WUe nexW Veveral weekV Wo prepare for AP CSA.

1) Join the Google Classroom for AP Computer Science A wiWU your VcUool email

a) https://classroom.google.com/u/0/c/NDA4MTY0NzIwMzFa code: 78k643 b) regularly check your school email and the Google Classroom page for updates

2) Join Remind to get important messages

Go UereJ https://www.remind.com/join/west-ap-cV or text the message @west-ap-cV Wo WUe number 81010

3) Join our QuiYleW claVV aW https://quizlet.com/join/OUvqjNYnA

4) You will learn one language in this class - Java. Pe will uVe WUe ŁlueJ IMN (InWegraWeT MevelopmenW

NnvironmenW). Ńeel free Wo TownloaT iW on your perVonal lapWop! https://www.bluej.org/

**if you only have a Chromebook, anT you will be able Wo uVe WUe claVVroom lapWopV for programming in ŁlueJ

5) Practice programming in Java. TUe Vummer goal iV 20 UourV of programming pracWice. GeW inWo WUe UabiW of

VpenTing abouW 30 minuWeV 4 WimeV a week on programming. TUere are many online programming WuWorialV

WUaW can Uelp improve your VkillV. If you cannoW commiW Wo WUiV mucU pracWiceH To aV mucU aV you can!

I would like you Wo learn a liWWle Java before we VWarW WUiV year.

Here are Veveral opWionV (feel free Wo Wry Veveral of WUem Wo Vee wUicU WuWorialIcourVe you like beVW)J

a. Go to https://www.learnjavaonline.org/ i. Start with ͞Learn the Basics" anT compleWe all WUe leVVonV. ii. Try some of the ͞Advanced Topics" aV well! iii. Note: TUiV courVe will NOT aVk you Wo TownloaT VofWware Wo your compuWer anT can eaVily be Tone on a CUromebook. b. Go Wo https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-java i. If you are new to Codecademy , you need Wo creaWe a free accounW ii. Choose the Learn Java courVe anT VWarW learning! iii. Note: TUiV courVe will NOT aVk you Wo TownloaT VofWware Wo your compuWer anT can eaVily be

Tone on a CUromebook.

c. Go to UWWpVJIIwww.uTemy.comIjava-WuWorialI i. Enroll in this free course. ii. Note: TUiV courVe will aVk you Wo TownloaT VofWware Wo your compuWer anT cannoW be Tone on a CUromebook.
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