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The aim of this study was to obtain about the empirical evidence from the effectiveness of crossword puzzle game towards students' vocabulary mastery

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iv ABSTRACT SUCI KURNIA SARI, 2016, The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle Game Study at the Second Grade of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat). Skripsi of The Department of English Education, The Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, State Islamic

University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016.

Keywords: vocabulary, crossword puzzle game, effectiveness, vocabulary mastery. The aim of this study was to obtain about the empirical evidence from the effectivene This study was conducted at the second grade of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. The method of this study is an experimental by taking the sample 70 students from

99 students of populations which divided into two classes: 35 Students for

experimental class and 35 students for controlled class. Before giving the treatment, the writer gave pre-test. Then the writer taught in experiment class with crossword puzzle game, and in controlled class without crossword puzzle game. After three meetings, the writer gave the post-test to both classes. The scores of pre-test and post-test were collected from twenty-five multiple-choice questions, after it was analyzed by using t-test. The finding of this study led into the conclusion that using crossword puzzle game was effective vocabulary mastery at the second grade of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. This was based on the T-test result which showed that t count > ttable (4.11 > 2.38) in the degree significance 1%. It means that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. Therefore, it can be concluded crossword puzzle game is effective towards v


SUCI KURNIA SARI, 2016, The Effectiveness of Crossword Puzzle Game Study at the Second Grade of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat) Skripsi Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan, Universitas Negeri Islam Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2016.

Kata Kunci: kosakata, permainan teka-teki silang, pengaruh, penguasaan kosakata. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan bukti empiris mengenai pengaruh permainan teka-teki silang terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukakan pada siswa kelas dua SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu dari jumlah sampel 70 siswa sebagai sampel dari 99 populasi yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelas: 35 siswa untuk kelas eksperimen dan 35 siswa untuk kelas kontrol. Sebelum memberikan perlakuan, peneliti memberikan pra-tes. Kemudian peneliti mengajar di kelas eksperimen dengan permainan teka-teki silang dan dikelas kontrol tanpa permainan teka-teki silang. Setelah tiga pertemuan, peneliti memberikan purna-tes kepada kedua kelas. Pada analisis data penilaian pra-test dan purna-test menggunakan dua puluh lima pertanyaan pilihan ganda disetiap test, setelah itu di analisis dengan menggunakan rumus t-test. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bahwa permainan teka-teki silang adalah efektif di dalam pembelajaran kosakata pada siswa kelas dua SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. Hal ini berdasarkan hasil T-test yang menunjukkan bahwa t hitung > ttabel (4,11 > 2,38) pada signifikan

1%. Ini berarti bahwa Ha diterima dan Ho ditolak Oleh karena itu dapat

disimpulkan bahwa permainan teka-teki silang berpengaruh terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa. vi


All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has given the Mercy and Blessing to us. Peace and Blessing from Allah b Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, his companions and his followers who are loyal to him. Alhamdulillah, finally the writer has finished the entitled (IIHFWLYHQHVVRI&URVVZRUG3X]]OH*DPHWRZDUGV6WXGHQWV¶9RFDEXODU\0DVWHU\. The primary objective of writing this skripsi is to complete a partial fulfillment for Degree of Sarjana (S-1) in Faculty of Educational Sciences. First of all, the writer would express the warm gratitude to the parents, Mr. Pairan Iwan and Mrs. Supriyatin for supporting the writer as studies at Department of English Education. The great gratitude is dedicated to the M.Ed., who always give their helps and guidance to complete this Also for the examiners, Nida Husna, M.Pd., M.A.TESOL. and Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum., thanks for the valuable correction and suggestion to make this better. Her gratitude also goes to these following people who have assisted her very kindly. They are:

1. All lecturers at the Department of English Education for their knowledge,



2. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., the Dean of Faculty of Educational Sciences.

3. Dr. Alek, M Pd. as the Head of the Department of English Education.

4. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum.. as the Secretary of the Department of English Education.


5. Ashim Baha El Haq, S. HI. as the Headmaster of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat, and Setiana S.W Sitepu, M.Pd. as the English teacher of second grade of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat who has given the writer help and permission to do the research at their school. Also, all the second grade students of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat for their participation.

6. All of her friends at the Department of English Education Academic Year 2010, especially students at the class B and all the people who contributed in this study.

The words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help and contribution in this . May Allah, the Almighty bless them all. Moreover, the writer also realized that this is far from perfect. It is a pleasure for the writer to get critiques and suggestions to make this better.

Jakarta, September 6

th, 2016

The writer


APPROVAL .......................................................................................... i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ................................................................... ii CERTIFICATION OF ORIGINALITY ............................................. ii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................... iv

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................... viii

LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................. xi


A.Background of the Study ........................................................ 1 B.Identification of the Problem .................................................. 5 C.Limitation of the Study ........................................................... 5 D.Formulation of the Problem ................................................... 5 E.Objective of the Study ............................................................ 5 F.Significances of the Study ...................................................... 5


A.Vocabulary ............................................................................ 7

1.The Definition of Vocabulary .......................................... 8

2.Types of Vocabulary ........................................................ 9

3.How to Remember Vocabulary ........................................ 11

4.Teaching Vocabulary ....................................................... 14

5.Learning vocabulary ......................................................... 16

6.The Problem Face in Teaching-Learning Vocabulary ..... 17

7.Some Techniques in Teaching Learning Vocabulary ...... 18

ix 8.Vocabulary Rubric Assessment ........................................ 20 B.Crossword Puzzle Game ....................................................... 21

1.Games ................................................................................ 21

a.Definition of Games .................................................... 21 b.Types of Games........................................................... 22 c.Principles of Choosing and Using Language Games .. 24 d.Procedure of Playing Games ....................................... 27 e.The Advantages and Disadvantages Using Games ..... 28

2.Crossword Puzzle Game ................................................... 29

a.Definition of Puzzle .................................................... 29 b.Kinds of Puzzle ........................................................... 29 c.History of Crossword Puzzle Game ............................ 31

d.Variation of Using Crossword Puzzle Game in Teaching Vocabulary .................................................. 34

e.How to Play Crossword Puzzle Game ........................ 35 f.Advantage of Crossword Puzzle Game....................... 37 C.Previous Related Studies ........................................................ 37 D.Thinking Framework .............................................................. 39 E.Hypothesis .............................................................................. 39


A.Place and Time of the Study ................................................... 40 B.Method and Design of the Study ............................................ 40

1.Method of the Study .......................................................... 40

2.Design of the Study ........................................................... 40

C.Population and Sample ........................................................... 41 D.Technique of Collecting Data ................................................. 42 E.Technique of Data Analysis ................................................... 43 F.Statistical Hypothesis ............................................................. 45 x CHAPTER IV: RESEARCH FINDING AND INTERPRETATION A.Research Finding ................................................................... 46

1.Data Description................................................................ 46

2.Data Analysis .................................................................... 50

3.Testing Hypothesis ............................................................ 55

B.Interpretation .......................................................................... 59


A.Conclusion ............................................................................ 62 B.Suggestions ............................................................................. 62

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................... 63

APPENDIXES ..................................................................................................... 66

xi LIST OF TABLES Table 3.1 Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design ........................................ 41 Table 4.1 The Test Result of Experimental Class by Using Crossword

Puzzle Game........................................................................................ 46

Table 4.2 Table Frequency Gained Score of Experimental Class ..................... 47 Table 4.3 The Test Result of Control Class without Using Crossword Puzzle

Game ................................................................................................... 48

Table 4.4 Table Frequency Gained Score of Control Class ............................... 49

Table 4.5 Table of Recapitulation ...................................................................... 50

Table 4.6 Calculation of Normality Pre-test in Experimental Class .................. 51 Table 4.7 Calculation of Normality Post-test in Experimental Class ................ 52 Table 4.8 Calculation of Normality Pre-test in Control Class ........................... 53 Table 4.9 Calculation of Normality Post-test in Control Class .......................... 54

Table 4.10 Standard Deviation Table................................................................. 56



A. Background of Study

In teaching-learning of English language, one of component or sub skill that must be taught to the learners is vocabulary. Vocabulary is central and important to language learner. Richard said a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write was vocabulary.

1 It means words help us to share our ideas and

they also help us to understand other peo We listen, speak, read and write with words. It can be said that the students will find difficulties in mastering English skills if they have limited vocabulary. Without a sufficient vocabulary, someone cannot communicate effectively or express ideas because we think with word. Moreover, Rivers said learning a language without vocabulary mastery was not easy.

2 Learning vocabulary is an essential part for mastering a second

language. If students want to master language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, students need to have a large number of vocabularies. With a limited vocabulary students will also has a limited understanding in skills of language. In other word, mastery of a language means the ability to use or even to understand the words of a language. At this point, students are considered to master a language, if they can understand what the others say or write and if they can produce the language in spoken or written. It means that the purpose of teaching a language is students can master the four skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing. To cover these four language skills, students need to master vocabulary. Schmitt said reading skill depends on vocabulary mastery. More vocabulary students have, more proficient they are in applying vocabulary in reading skill. Vocabulary is not

1 Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Reynanda, Methodology in Language Teaching,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), p. 255.

2 Wilga M. Rivers, Teaching Foreign-Language Skills, (Chicago and London: The

University of Chicago Press, 1986), p. 462.

2 only related to reading skill but also three other languages.

3 It means that

vocabulary has strong relationships with the language skills. Vocabulary is needed for expressing meaning and in using the receptive (listening and reading) and the productive (speaking and writing) skills. Students need to have lexical knowledge in that language in order to communicate use that language. Acquiring a large and varied vocabulary is one the largest challenges in learning a second language. The more we mastered the vocabularies, the better our performances in all aspect of

English will be.

In addition, Thornbury mentions about a large extent number that students, as foreign language learners, need in mastering vocabulary as soon as the students can use the vocabulary in daily conversation. He the students can communicate with other people using vocabulary if they achieve about 2000 words of vocabulary mastery targets. 4 To achieve that number of vocabulary to be mastered by the students, Indonesia has established English as one of the subjects that should be taught from junior high school up to university level. In this study, the writer focused on secondary or junior high school level. Based on Curriculum KTSP (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan), there is standard competence which has to be reached by students at second grade junior high school in learning English involved: Understanding the meaning of functional text and simple short essay in the form of descriptive and recount text to interact with people in their nearest environment.5 Above of all, junior high school students need to understand some of text such as recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive and report. It means that the

3 Norbert Schmitt, Vocabulary in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2000), p. 155.

4 Scott Thornbury, How To Teach Vocabulary, (Edinburgh: Pearson Education,

2002), p. 20.

5Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan

Menengah (Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar SMP/MTs, BSNP), (Badan Standar

Nasional Pendidikan, 2006), p. 124.

3 students need to master a large number of vocabularies to understand some of those texts. In contrast, based on observation at SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat, especially at the second grade, the problem in teaching-learning English is vocabulary mastery. The students sometimes did not get the point from a text, confused and cannot answered the question from the text because they did not know the meaning of the vocabulary. It was proved by the result o English test, the Minimum Mastery Criterion - Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) was 70.0 while the mean score of the students was under the KKM. It was vocabulary mastery target as Thornbury said. There are many factors that make mastery is low. There are coming from the internal and external factors. The internal factors come from the inside of students themselves such as motivation, interest, intelligence, etc., and the external is the factors that come from the outside of students which affect their learning process such as teaching methods. From the observation, the writer noted the English teacher at SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat only use the easiest and simplest ways in teaching learning process. If students find new words or difficult words that the students did not know yet, the teacher just asked the students to check the word up in the English especially in mastering vocabulary. The English teacher has to find the understand an The teacher and the students need to have suitable strategy to vocabulary mastery. Harmer said that teaching vocabulary is an important element of

6 Hatch and Brown

6 Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Fourth Edition, (England:

Pearson Education Limited, 2007), p. 229.

4 vocabulary and recognize it works is always exciting for the teachers.

7 It means

that mastering vocabulary should be interesting and satisfying for both teacher and students. The English teacher has to think a suitable way, subject material and how to apply it in classroom. Teacher must have a fun and creative strategy to teach vocabulary that can make students have interest and pay attention in vocabulary mastery. Considering that situation, the writer gave a solution to increase the vocabulary mastery for the second grade students of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat, so later the students will able to mastery English well. The solution is by using crossword puzzle game. Crossword puzzle game offers a challenge that will motivate the students to try to fulfill the puzzle. It gives much opportunity for the students to practice and repeat the sentences pattern and vocabulary. Certainty, the crossword puzzle game is a kind of game that will makes the teaching-learning process more attractive than before. The students will feel fun, relaxed and enjoyable, and they will memorize the vocabulary in different way, that is by rewriting them. This study is important to be done because it hopefully can give many benefits to English teacher, students and the other researcher. The writer expects appropriate strategy in teaching vocabulary. The researcher hopes this study can help students in vocabulary mastery. To other researcher, the writer hopefully can give information about vocabulary and crossword puzzle game. To sum up, the writer wants to propose a technique that hopefully can mastery. The proposed technique is crossword puzzle game bulary mastery EFFECTIVENESS OF CROSSWORD PUZZLE GAME TOWARDS

7 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 372. 5

B. Identification of the Problem From the background of the study above, it can be identified some problems:

1. Students get difficulty in understa

2. Students get difficulty in answering the question based on the text from

3. Students get low score in English test.

C. Limitation of the Study

In order to avoid misunderstanding and to clarify the study, it is necessary to make the limitation of the study. The writer limits the study in vocabulary mastery and it will be taught toward crossword puzzle game at the second grade students of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. The vocabulary that the students have to s Time to Holiday and My

Dear Friend.

D. Formulation of the Problem

According to the limitation of the problem above, the writer formulates the research problem cabulary mastery at

E. Objective of the Study

The objective of the study is to find out whether the crossword puzzle game is effective toward vocabulary mastery at second grade of SMP Puspita Bangsa

Ciputat or not.

F. Significance of the Study

The result of the study is expected to provide useful information about the the second grade students of SMP Puspita Bangsa Ciputat. It is expected that the findings can contribute to the group of people, they are:

1. For English teacher

It gives the alternative technique in vocabulary mastery, especially using crossword puzzle game. It is also help the teacher to increase t. 6 2. For students This study assists them to solve their problem in vocabulary mastery and enrich their vocabulary. It is also expected to be a useful input to help

3. For further research

For the further research who are interested in doing research about vocabulary at Junior High School level can get the basic information about the use of crossword puzzle game. Moreover, they can apply crossword puzzle game for other English material. 7 CHAPTER II


A. Vocabulary

The first thing that we are hoped in learning a new language is having vocabulary because it is one element that links the four skills; speaking, listening, reading and writing altogether. In order to communicate well in a language, students are hoped acquire a sufficient number of words and need to know how to use them accurately. Without having enough vocabularies, communication will end up in unpleasant situation and make the students reluctant to continue their sentence or idea. In the other words, vocabulary is a basic of language and it is very important to be mastered. We cannot speak well and understand written materials if we do not master it. Everyone cannot master a language if he/she does not learn vocabulary and expression of word has meaningful way in communication, like Schmitt stated, one of necessary skill of language is vocabulary. If we do not understand it, we cannot speak well. By lacking words, the interaction in other language cannot be done no matter how successfully the sound of the foreign language is mastered. 1 Moreover, Scott Thornburry stated that ability in using the language will not be improved if the concern of study is only on grammar without practice in other skill. On the other side, if the concern is more on words and expressions, the ability in using the language can be improved.

2 It means that more vocabulary will

make someone be better in communication. In conclusion, students cannot practice or build that language if they are lack of vocabulary because vocabulary is the key to students understanding what they hear and read i]kn school and to communicate successfully with other people. For this reason it is very important for the students to quickly build up a large store of words. 1Norbert Schmitt and Michael Mc Cartney, , (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000), p. 5. 2 Scott Thornbury, , (Oxford University Press, 2002), p. 13. 8

1. The Definition of Vocabulary There are many definitions can be found about vocabulary from some

experts, but the writer only choose several of them which are important to discuss. According to Laurie Bauer, vocabulary is the words concern of the original of the words (e.g. cable from Arabic word of or cartoon from Italian word of ), the change of the words (e.g. verb + ion becomes noun: act + ion = action or verb + ive becomes adjective: collect + ive = collective), the relation of the word (e.g. hyponym: apple-fruit, car-vehicle, cow-animal) and the application of the word in daily life. All of us have been using word to know what someone desires and to express our desire to others since we were about a year old.

3 It is explains that vocabulary is truly the main

component of language that will help us to communicate well although in several situations we will need another component like meaning, pronunciation and grammar put together in use. Penny Ur said the words that are taught in foreign language defined as vocabulary.

4 In other words, Ur illustrated if we teach a new words in a

foreign language that is a vocabulary. For example, today SDN 07 Pagi will learn English about stationeries. Stationeries include paper, pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, book, table, etc. Those words about stationeries are called vocabulary. Moreover, Hatch and Brown described vocabulary is a tool that have been using by someone to communicate with other people.

5 In this sense,

vocabulary is an important part for the individual person to share their idea or their willingness to the others. From all the definitions given above, we know that some experts have difference ideas in giving the definition of vocabulary, because every person has different ways in expressing and showing their ideas. However, it can be concluded from those definition above that vocabulary is a set of words which 3 Laurie Bauer, Vocabulary, (Routledge: London and New York, 1998), p. VIII.

4 Penny Ur, , (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 1996), p. 60.

5 Evelyn Hatch and Cheryl Brown, , (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 1. 9

used in a language and the user knows it. Thus, vocabulary is one of the components of a language where there is no language without words. From these statements, vocabulary mastery and development of the student is important in language teaching beside grammar and pronunciation to reach the goal of English learning and teaching itself.

2. Types of Vocabulary Harmer6 and Jo Ann Aeborsold7 distinguish two types of vocabulary;

active vocabulary and passive vocabulary.

a. Active vocabulary is the words that have been learned and used by the students in their daily life to interact with others. The learners can use this appropriately in speaking or writing and it is also called as productive vocabulary. To use the productive vocabulary, the students must know how to pronounce it well, able to use grammar of the target language and also must be familiar and understanding the meaning of the word. In fact, the active vocabulary is more difficult to practice. This type is often used in speaking and writing.

b. Passive vocabulary refers to all words that the students can be recognized and understood them when they interacted with others. The learners can

use it appropriately in listening or reading and it is also called as receptive vocabulary. It means that passive vocabulary is all of the words heard or read by the students. Hearing the vocabulary used prompts the students to recall its meaning. In other words, you are being made to recall it. Another opinion came from Nelson Brooks; vocabulary is divided into three, namely: a. Little or empty words: Little or empty words belong to grammatical category and it has only grammatical meaning. Grammatical meaning cannot stand alone but is always associated with other words or even the

6 Jeremy Harmer,

(New York: Longman Publishing, 1991), p. 159

7 Jo Ann Aeborsold and Mary Lee Field, ,

(New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998), p. 139 10 whole sentences. The example of little or empty words: a, an, these, but, although and the. b. Content words: Content words are words that have the content or meaningful word. It can be expected to find its meaning in the dictionary. They are also called open-class words. Open classes accept the addition of new morphemes such as compounding, derivation, and inflection. The example of content words: nouns (Nicky, class, tree), adjectives (red, old, small), verbs (look, sit, sing), and adverbs (frequently, very, also).

c. Cluster of words such as verb that convey special concept when used with given pronoun or preposition.8 The writer called it idiom. Idiom is a short

group of words which are often used together and have particular meaning or an expression that has a representative, or sometimes exact meaning.

The examples:

- This is a piece of cake! = A task will be easy. - It takes two to tango = Actions or communications need more than one person Based on frequency and range vocabulary often occurs in the language, it can be divided into four levels as follow 9: a. High frequency words: High frequency words are the 2000-3000 most frequent word families. The first priority is in vocabulary learning because these words in account for 80% or more of the running words in any written or spoken text. We might not exactly remember using high frequency words because those are appear most commonly in everyday usage. High frequency words are used so often that our brains even have their own place for them. The example of high frequency words are I, and, the, that, not and is.

b. Low frequency words: Low frequency words are all the rest of the word families which of these words are known or are worth learning depend on

8 Nelson Brooks, (New York: Harcourt, Brace &

World Inc, 1964), p. 182.

9 I. S. P. Nation, , (New York: Heinle and Heinle Publisher, 2008). pp. 7-12. 11

of employment; social, cultural natural environment and so on. The words just occur rarely and not commonly used. The example of low frequency words are aptitude (synonym: ability; inherent ability), resurrect (synonym: revive; become alive again), and burgeon (synonym: grow; flourish).

c. Academic word: Academic words are the words families occur much more frequently in academic texts (textbook, lectures, hand-outs, journal article, reference manual, seminar presentation) than in non-academic usage, across of different disciplines. The example of academic words are derived (formed or developed from something else; not original), assessment (the

act of judging a person or situation or event), and formula (a group of symbols that make a mathematical statement).

d. Technical words: technical words are low frequency word families which are used in particular discipline, profession, sport, culture or other special filed. They are normally known only by people with an interest or expertise in relevant area. The example of technical words are hot spot - In the world of IT this term refers to places that have wireless Internet connections), PDFing (an example of a word morphing, this term once described the process of turning a document), and user (a term that defines the online audience, it also refers to anyone who "uses" a computer). Teaching vocabulary is not just presenting the new words to the students,

but the teacher needs to decide which words to teach before the students learn specific area of lesson. It may help the teacher teach vocabulary that is really necessary for the students. The teacher must be smart to select appropriate vocabulary to his/her students.

3. How to Remember Vocabulary Understanding of vocabulary is a general matter of a number individual

items, it is not same with study of grammar that is fundamentally a rule based system. Commonly, the rule seems to be a question memory. By the time of 12

the teaching and learning process, the main problem is: how does memory work? The working memory researcher separated these following systems:

10 a. Short-term store: short-term store is a system in our brain to keep temporary information and that process of information is only required when we think. If it compared with computer components, short-term memory is similar to RAM (Random Access Memory) that is a temporary storage before being processed in the CPU (Central Processing Unit), data stored in RAM will be erased or lost re-written with the next data. For example, when someone mentions random numbers with a certain speed, and then we are asked to remember and mention of these numbers in order as it mentioned, it needs short-term store. b. Working memory: Working memory is a system that supports information for a while when complex cognitive activities take place, such as: reading comprehension in English and also in productive activities such as writing. The example in the language learning process that involves working memory is the when the students listen to hear an unknown word in English and then students are asked to repeat it a few seconds later. c. Long-term memory: is a system in our brain that has a function to keep the information permanently, organized the information, and recall information at a time when the need it at the future. Usually, the information that has stored in long-term memory will be able to remember for a lifetime. If it compared with components of computer, long-term memory is similar to the hard-disk which permanently storage the data. Just like the brain, any of the data that are inputted into a computer will be processed in RAM (short-term memory) but not all of the inputs or processing. For examples, a driver who has decade experiences will be relaxed and easy to do many things while driving a vehicles, such as turn on the radio, change the radio channel, conversing with passenger, even while determining the direction of the vehicle. All information about 10 Scott Thornburry, , (Edinburgh: Pearson Educated Limited,

2002), pp. 23-26.


driving techniques, directions, and the problems on the road has been stored in long-term memory and automatically he will be called when driving. It was not found in someone who is just learning to drive. There are several principles should be followed if we want to make sure that the new information move into long-term memory storage:

1) Repetition: Repetition is reinforcing the words, if the learners have

seen the words in intense frequency, the learners have a better chance to remember it for long time. For example: Salvador is a Mexican and a student of an aviation school. His school applied English as a prior language instead his English is not really good, but in his daily life he often heard and speaks about aircraft and aviation. Even his English is not really good he knows some word such as air screw, carry-on luggage, aisle seat, etc. He knows how to write that word and how to apply it because the frequency of the word is intense.

2) Retrieval: Retrieval is a process of searching for and finding information stored in the memory to be used again. This is another type of repetition. Applying new words in written letter, writer essay, written email, and any kind written tasks will help the learner remembering those words and applying the word again in the future.

3) Spacing: Spacing means better to divide a new word and try to

remember it in a period time than trying to remember several words in a single time.

4) Pacing: Pacing means that everyone has different learning style and

speed in acquiring new words. Otherwise, the learners should realise the suitable learning style for themselves to make their memory works well.

5) Use: Adding will make more interesting in acquiring new

word to the long-

6) Cognitive depth: The word will be better remembered if the learners

feel that word is more cognitively demanding in their needs. 14 7) Personal organizing: The probability of a new word will be increased activity in their life.

8) Imaging: It is easier to remember a new word with visualization rather

than not display it with any picture. An abstract work also can be displayed with an image.

9) Mnemonic: Mnemonic might be helpful for storage information in

long-term memory when students lack a relevant knowledge base about the topic they are studying. Mnemonics may provide visual imagery or verbal elaborations that serve as cues for recalling information that is low in imagery or in meaningfulness. Students can generate their own mnemonic devices or their teachers can provide them with mnemonic materials.

10) Motivation: The words will not be remembered only by strong motivation. The unmotivated learners surprisingly can remember the words if they must be face a task occasionally.

11) Attention: Improving vocabulary without any certain attention is impossible. The students have to pay attention to the topic that they have learnt so they can understand and input it to their long-term memory.

Based on it, we can predict how long vocabulary stays in our brain. Thornburry divides working of our memory to be three parts. First, short-term store is brain capacity that vocabulary stays in there just few second. Second, vocabulary stays in there just for a while is working memory. Last, long-term store is brain capacity that vocabulary stays in there durable over time by many activities can do.

4. Teaching Vocabulary

The purpose of teaching vocabulary is to help the students bring the meaning from word sign, signal and symbol. To achieve the goal of teaching vocabulary, the students must be taught many things about words and their 15

meaning as well as the words themselves. In teaching vocabulary, there are several principles for the teachers as consideration. The principles are:

a. Aims: Before the teacher start vocabulary teaching-learning activity, there are several aims that must be understood, such as the how many vocabulary that should be reached by the students and what kinds of vocabulary will be taught. For example: Mr. Andrew is an English teacher at 8 grades, today he teaches about transportation at his class. He has prepared about the transportation and listed what the students must be learnt at class. b. Quantity: The numbers of vocabulary that will be taught may have to decide by the teacher and the teacher also has to choose how many words that the students have learnt. For example: Mrs. Ann will teach English class at 7 grade students about animal. She determines that the students must be mastered 30 kinds of animal after the teaching-learning process. c. Need: The teacher must be concern to the vocabulary words chosen that will be taught to the students because it must be related to the aims of teaching.

11 The teacher has to carefully choice the words that will be learnt

by the students based on their grade, the words supposed to be not too easy or too hard to remember by the students. d. Frequent exposure and repetition: The teacher should have made sure the students already remember the word that lately taught by repeating the word before move to the new word. After the teaching-learning process, it is necessary for the teacher to check the students about the words that they have learnt, if the students can understand and remember the word, the teacher can go on to the next material. e. Meaningful presentation: Meaningful presentation means that the word will never get ambiguity by the students and the students can understand it clearly even the word presented in its denotation. Ambiguity is when the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence is uncertain. There could be more than one meaning. One example word of ambiguity is Sarah gave a bath to

11 p. 28.


her dog wearing a pink t-shirt. Is the dog Sarah who wearing the pink t-shirt? The teacher should clear those sentences and explain it to the students.

f. Situation presentation: According to the situation, the students should learn words in any situation that are appropriate. The words choices can be presented variously based on formal and informal situation; how close we know the person and with whom we were speak to.

12 For example, let us

pretend you are in a dinner party and you need to leave for an urgent phone call. If you were eating with your manager tomer or boss, you could begin From the principles above in teaching process, the teacher should be able to identify who the students are, what their needs are, and how the teacher should teach in a simple and interesting way. Different age of students indicate that they have different needs and interest. In teaching vocabulary, the teacher must be able to select the words that will be given to the students, according to the curriculum and the goal of teaching.

5. Learning Vocabulary

Hatch and Brown describe five essential steps in vocabulary learning 13 a. Having sources for encountering new words: to enrich the new words, the students can learn it from many resources. Those resources are watching foreign language movie, listening target language song, talking with native speakers, textbooks, word lists, dictionaries, etc.

12 p. 30.

13 Evelyn Hatch and Cherryl Brown, ,

(Cambridge University press, 1995), pp. 372-391. 17 b. Getting a clear image: the students can create a picture in their mind when we learn a new word, it also called mental picture. Mental picture can be visual, auditory or both of them. We can make this mental picture relate with a new word with other foreign language or we can using phonetic script with similar sound.

c. Learning the meaning of words: We also can learn a word by recognize the meaning of the words and ask it to the native speaker, context guessing, or creating a mental image of meaning.

d. Making a strong memory connection between the forms and meaning of the words: Between word form and the meaning we can make a strong

linkage in the memory, we can apply it become memory strategy usage as long as it used.

e. Using the words; in example sentences, collocations, various contexts, conversations, etc.: of course we have to often practice the words to make a sentences, collocation, text, conversation, etc. if we want the word stay longer in our brain storage. Learning of words is a process that continues, but that change in nature as

it continues. 14 something that needs to happen over and over again, so each time something new is learnt or remembered.

6. The Problem Face in Teaching Learning Vocabulary

Penny Ur mentioned seven categories about the teaching problem that perhaps will be faced when we teach vocabulary, there are: 15 a. Discipline: There is difficult to control discipline problem in the class. To solve this problem, the students should has motivation to make themselves keep their willingness of learning language and the teacher have to force the students to be discipline. 14 Lynne Cameron, , (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2001), p. 84.

15 Penny Ur, , (Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp. 60-62.

18 b. Correcting written assignment: Some of the students feel over confident with their language knowledge, when they correct written assignment they sometimes they correcting the answer that actually right. This activity sometimes becomes a burden for students. c. Interest: To keep away boredom, the teacher has to find interest topics and activities. For example, today the class will going to learn about public place, the teacher can make over the classroom become a market, a museum, a beach or any kind of public place and if it possible the teacher can bring any kind of property to make it real. d. Effective learning for all: Not all the students have same knowledge, the teacher should be aware of this. To make the language learning effective, the task should be not too easy or not too difficult for them. e. Material: The teacher should prepare suitable material before the language learning process to make the aims of the process run well and achieved.

7. Some Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching techniques is important in teaching learning process, not only with in appropriate to appropriate technique of vocabulary teaching, it does not mean that if the teacher uses a certain technique. There are many explanation can be found about some techniques in teaching vocabulary from some experts, but the writer only choose several of them which are important to discuss. Ruth Gairns and Stuart Redman said there are many techniques of vocabulary teaching, there are:

a. Visual Aids: Visual aids include pictures, photographs, flashcards, and blackboard, etc. The teacher can apply one of them in the classroom. For example, the teacher use pictures in language learning process to introduce a new word to the students. The pictures may come from many sources; explain the meaning of vocabulary items. The purpose of using pictures is

19 to encourage because they can understand it from the pictures. b. Verbal explanation: B allocated, the teacher should select and provide words will be taught. The teacher has to know the synonym, antonym and definition of the words and explain it to the students. This process makes the students feel bored easily but this technique is an efficient way to explain unknown word.

c. Contextual guesswork: The students learn vocabulary from a text in this technique. The students can understand the meaning of difficult words from a text through deducing meaning from context, deducing meaning from form, word association and word formation. Furthermore in presenting the meaning of the words to the students, there

are four possible techniques to ease the comprehension of word by the students. The following are technique in teaching English vocabulary that can be implemented in class. a. Demonstration technique: In demonstration technique, the words can be presented with gesture, picture or physical movement by the teacher. For example: y practicing the teacher move forward to the window and open it then the teacher asked one student to demonstrate it again. b. By using song: Generally, everyone likes a song. Therefore song makes learning English more interesting. We can introduce new words related to the song, and from the song, and from the song the teacher also can teaches pronunciation. Griffee stated songs are provided a meaningful context for the vocabulary that is why songs are good in introducing vocabulary.

16 From this theory, we know that songs can be used to relax

students and provide enjoyable English class. c. By using words puppets: Puppet is defined as doll small figure of animal etc. It is means that puppet is one of teaching aid by using puppet teacher 16 Dale T. Griffee, , (UK: Frentice Hall International Ltd, 1992), p. 5. 20

can get the students attention. And it is simply to make it. The teacher can use puppet animal when explain the word of animal.

d. Gives the word clue related to the clue: The teach gives clue about something that related to the material, and the students have to guess it. In this sense, the teacher gives alternative words as the clue therefore this strategy is one of the good ways in guessing the unknown words. There are many different ways of teaching vocabulary. The writer hopes these technique can use by the teacher in teaching vocabulary success. Although there are many other factors supporting teaching and learning process, such as the using appropriate media, learning material which support teaching learning process, class manag creativity in developing and managing learning process optimal.

8. Vocabulary Rubric Assessment A rubric is a coherent set of criteria for students' work that includes

descriptions of levels of performance quality on the criteria. Rubrics are important because they clarify for students the qualities of their work that they should. This point is often expressed in terms of students understanding the learning target and criteria for success. For this reason, rubrics help teachers teach, they help coordinate instruction and assessment, and they help students learn. Here is the vocabulary rubric assessment 17:


Poor (1 point) Fair (2 points) Good (3 points) Excellent (4 points)


words to definitions Student is able to match only a few words to their definitions Student is able to match some of the words to their definitions Student is able to match most of the words to their definitions Student is able to match all of the words to their definitions



Student is able to

complete only a few sentence with the correct vocabulary words Student is able to complete some of the sentences with the vocabulary correct words Student is able to complete most of the sentence with the correct vocabulary words Student is able to complete all of the sentence with the correct vocabulary words

17 RCampus, 2016, (www.rcampus.com).




definitions Student is able to write only a few definitions Student is able to write some of the definition Student is able to write most of the definitions Student is able to write all of the definitions


original sentences Students is able to write a sentence for only a few words Student is able to write a sentence for some of the words Student is able to write a sentence for most of the words Student is able to write sentences for all of the words


Student often

misspells, does not use correct punctuation. Student sometimes misspell, does not use correct punctuation Student seldom misspell, does not capitalize, does not use correct punctuation Student never misspell, does not capitalize does not use correct punctuation

B. Crossword Puzzle Game

Crossword puzzle game is one kind of language game, the writer would like to discuss about the game before discuss about the crossword puzzle game.

1. Games

a. Definition of Games As the writer mentioned in the previous chapter, most of junior high

school students admitted that they are usually bored in vocabulary learning. They have never changed their learning habits, they just have to find out some word that they think it is unfamiliar word, asked to the teacher and let the teacher translated the word. It makes them learn passively because they have no time to interact with the new word. Additionally, translating is not always an effective way to introducing the new word to the students. In this study, the writer tried to use certain game that is crossword puzzle game to increase crossword puzzle game, we have to know what the game is. According to Hornby, the game is an activity that you do to have some fun.

18 Another definition of game is expressed on Oxford Advance Dictionary,

game is an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete again each other. Since games can present fun and enjoyment in a classroom, thus it can be a good technique in language learning. 18

Strategies, , Vol. 01, No. 02, Oct 2012, p. 253.

Such a game should be enjoyable, convenient, comfortable, and interesting usually this situation will invite the students to concentrate on learning activities. Aydan Ersoz says that games are highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting.

19 From that description, it can be concluded that the

games can be used in every field of life then relating to the English. Particularly in teaching vocabulary by using the game can encourage the students to be more active to participate in the classroom during the teaching learning process. Moreover, Lee Su Kim said on a statement that the use of games in the classroom is:

1) Games are helpful to ice- the

language class.

2) Games are challenging for the students also for the teachers

3) Games are useful to boost the


4) Games are motivated the students to apply it in their daily life.

5) Games create a meaningful context for the use of language20

Peter J. Rainbow and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr. in their journal write some characteristics of games. The game should be fun and entertain, intrinsically, motivating, and worth playing for the students. 21
Furthermore, there are many opinions supporting the idea using games in teaching vocabulary. Games are helpful because they can make students feel that certain words are important and necessary. Besides, the use of game can otivation in learning vocabulary. b. Types of Games According to Jill Hadfield which was stated in his book that the games were classifying as: 19 Aydan Ersoz, From Six Games for the EFL/ESL Classroom, , Vol. VI, June 2000.

20 Lee Su Kim, Creative Games for Language Class, , January,


21 Peter J. Rainbow and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr., Too Much Work and No Play Make

Chris a Dull Boy, , Vol.26 No.1, 1993, p. 10.

1) Information Gap Games: This type of game may be one-sided or reciprocal, where both players have information which they must pool to solve a common problem. The games may be played in pairs or small groups, where all members of the group have some information. This is an example of information gap game: Student A and B look at a picture then describe it to the partner. Listen to the partner talking about the picture. After that the Student A and Student B find five differences between the pictures.

2) Guessing Games: Guessing games are a familiar variant on this

principle. The players with the information deliberately withhold it, while others guess what it might be.

3) Search Games: In these games, everyone in this class has one piece of

information. Players must obtain all or large amount of the information available to fill in a chart or picture or to solve a problem.

4) Matching Games: These involve matching corresponding pairs of

cards or pictures, and may be played as a whole class activity, where everyone must circulated until they find a partner with corresponding card or picture, or a pair work or small group activity, played as a card

5) Labelling Games: Labelling games involve matching labels to items in

a picture.

6) Exchanging Games: Players have certain articles, cards or ideas which

they wish to exchange for others. The aim of the game is to make an exchange which is satisfactory to both sides.

7) Board Games and Card Games: Board Games and Card Games are

familiar game types, where the aim is to be the first round a board, or to collect the most cards, or to get rid of the cards first, or to build up a story. 24
8) Role-play Games: Players are given the name and some characteristic of a fictional character. These are not role-plays in the true sense, as the role play element is always subordinate to the use of language. 22

c. Principle of Choosing and Using Language Games The teacher needs to prepare and think the games selection carefully ahead

of time before working out the lesson plan to make learning English vocabulary effectively and successfully, and on the other hand the teacher has to consider the principle of using games. According to Wright, there are five essential criteria of language games, they are:

1) Easy of preparation: the time and energy required to make the game is realistic

2) Easy of organization: using the game is easy and worth the effort

3) Intrinsic language: language must be used to play the game successfully and that same language must be useful in other situation

4) Density of language

5) Likelihood of interest for the learner.

It means that technique games must easy to be displayed in any level of students and not to long which make students bored. It can create competition and attractive the students and also have some component language skill to obtain. Peter J. Rainbow and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr. suggest some principles of games selection in TESOL, as follows 23:

1) Appeal

The game should appeal to most students in the class. There are many games with a proven track record of popularity which can be successfully used as vehicles for TESOL instruction if they are appropriate to the age level and background of the students. 22 Jill Hadfield, , (Essex: Pearson Education Limited,

1999), p. 5.

23 Peter J. Rainbow and Richard B. Baldauf, Jr., Too Much Work and No Play Make
Chris a Dull Boy, , Vol.26 No.1, 1993, pp. 10-11. 25
2) Target Language Use The game has to be designed or modified so that students are obliged to use the target language in order to participate if the game can be played in the classroom context without recourse to the language being studied then it has no educational value from an ESL point of view.

3) Simplicity

The game should be simple enough to be understood after a brief explanation ideally its structure should be based on a game with which the students are already familiar it should be remembered that the overriding intention is to inject some fun into the lesson without compromising educational objectives grappling with vague instructions can readily defeat the educational objectives of most games.

4) Monito

The teacher must be able to control the correct use of language or reliably delegate that responsibility the ease with which games can be monitored linguistically should be a significant factor in the selection pr words outside meaningful contexts preclude effective monitoring since the teacher has no way of knowing if students understand the words they have chosen.

5) Time Effectiveness

The game should be time efficient in terms of the amount of time devoted to language sue many activities involving cutting pasting and colouring in are undoubtedly enjoyable but hardly justifiable when one considers that little or no language is required.

6) Control

The game should be easy to organize and control given the type of students in the group excessive physical activities are best avoided with high spirited students who climb the walls at the slightest pretext by the same token it might be advisable to avoid such games with shy 26
sensitive introverted students who would experience a degree of embarrassment.

7) Group Participation

It is important that the whole class by engaged as players or spectators if only two students at a time can play a particular game and the linguistic or logical motivation for audience interest is low then such a game would be an unsatisfactory choice to use with a class of thirty students.

8) Language Level

The language level must be appropriate for the students if the game is to be a success normally the more advanced the students are the easier it becomes to select games for them beginners are limited to the basic vocabulary and structures they have learned and many games like beginners.

9) Materials

Materials can be expensive or difficult to produce financial putting too much strain on the teachers time or budget then they should be considered a worthwhile investment.

10) Versatility

The same game can often be applied to more than one aspect of language learning and teachers should be aware of this so that a -tac- cultureas well as just numbers.

11) Time

to always leave your audience wanting more reasonably fast action should be a feature of team games where players also spend a lot of

have very little if any value.

12) Variety

Teachers should have a wide variety of games in their repertoires if the games are very similar differing only in name and little else the element of fun can erode rapidly. From those theories, the writer concludes that principles of choosing and using games should be easy to prepare and not take too long which can make students feel bored and tired, and also games should be easy to play and have some element of language teaching besides entertained to students, also, the teachers also should look out the principle of selecting games before use it, so the game can be accepted by all students in the classroom.

d. Procedure for Playing Games The teacher should have a good plan when he/she use game, such as

choosing the suitable game for their students ability, decides what the players should do, how which the time allocated, and the teacher should know how the procedures of game are. There are many procedures for playing game such as:

1) Choose games on the basis of their suitability in terms of the language they put into practice and also with regard to the students themselves (e.g. their age and interest).

2) Prepare the game carefully beforehand; try to predict the language items that maybe needed.

3) Explain to the students (in the mother tongue if necessary) the purpose of rules for the games.

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