[PDF] Itemized Deductions - IRS


[PDF] Above the Line vs Below the Line Deductions

Below the Line Deductions ? An “above the line” deduction is a deduction from income that occurs before the calculation of the taxpayer's adjusted gross

[PDF] Federal Deductibility of State and Local Taxes

18 sept 2015 · Under current law, taxpayers who itemize can deduct state and local real estate taxes, personal property taxes, and income taxes from 

[PDF] Tax Deductions for Individuals: A Summary

17 mar 2017 · These deductions are commonly referred to as above-the-line deductions, because they reduce a tax filer's adjusted gross income (AGI, or the 

[PDF] Income Tax Deductions - New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station

12 items · Tax exemptions were eliminated from 2018-2025 by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) They are still described below because they were taken 

[PDF] Itemized Deductions - IRS

Not all taxes are deductible and some items aren't actually classified as taxes Some examples include employment taxes, federal income taxes, and license fees

[PDF] Schedule A – Itemized Deductions

below) • Special items (artificial limbs, false teeth, eyeglasses, The itemized deduction for state and local taxes and sales and property taxes is 

[PDF] Connecticut Adjusted Gross Income

12 jan 2022 · Alternatively, federal “below-the-line” exemptions and deductions are not included in Connecticut's state income tax calculation because they 

[PDF] Taxpayer's Guide - Michigan Legislature

1 jan 2022 · Tax credits are subtracted after taxes are calculated, while tax deductions are subtracted from income before taxes are determined TAX 

[PDF] Itemized Deductions - IRS 19079_24491_itemized_deductions.pdf

Itemized Deductions20-1

Itemized Deductions


This lesson will assist you in determining if a taxpayer should itemize deductions. Generally, taxpayers should itemize if their total allowable deductions are higher than the s tandard deduction amount.


At the end of this lesson, using your resource materials, you will be ab le to: • Determine if a taxpayer should itemize deductions • en-USDetermine the type of expenses that qualify as itemized deductions • Accurately report itemized deductions on Schedule A, Itemized


• Explain the recordkeeping requirements for claiming charitable contributions

What do I need?

ƑForm 13614-C ƑPublication 4012 ƑPublication 17 ƑForm 1040 ƑSchedule A ƑPublication 502 ƑPublication 526 ƑPublication 936


ƑPublication 529 ƑPublication 530 ƑPublication 561

What are itemized deductions?

Itemized deductions are subtractions from a taxpayer"s Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) that reduce the amount of income that is taxed. Most taxpayers have a choice of taking a standard deduction or itemizing deductions. Taxpayers should use the type of deduction that results in the lowest tax.

Who must itemize?

Taxpayers who have a standard deduction of zero should itemize their dedu ctions. Taxpayers who normally fall within this category are: • • Filing a return for a short tax year due to a change in the annual accou nting period (out of scope)

• Considered to be nonresident aliens or dual status aliens during the year (and not married to a U.S.

citizen or resident at the end of the tax year) (out of scope) How do I decide if a taxpayer should itemize deductions? In general, taxpayers who have deductible mortgage interest or a very la rge amount of unreimbursed en-US

Use the

Interview Tips - Itemized Deductions in the Volunteer Resource Guide, Tab F, Deductions, to

select the larger of itemized versus standard deduction. For taxpayers using the Married Filing Separately status, if one spouse

itemizes, the other must also itemize

Itemized Deductions20-2

example Stewart and Carmen are divorced. Their son, Raymond, lives with Carmen, who claims him as a dependent. Carmen paid for and deducted Raymond"s standard medical and dental bills. Stewart deducted the emergency bill he paid when Raymond broke his arm. • Medical and dental expenses • Certain taxes paid • • Gifts to charity • Casualty and theft losses (only losses derived from federally declared disaster area s are allowed) • Certain miscellaneous deductions

Casualty and theft losses are outside the scope of the VITA/TCE programs. Refer taxpayers with these losses

to a professional tax preparer.

What medical and dental expenses are deductible?

Taxpayers can deduct only the amount of unreimbursed medical and dental e xpenses that exceeds 7.5% of their Adjusted Gross Income (AGI).

The standard mileage rate allowed for out-of-pocket expenses for a car when used for medical reasons can be

found in the Volunteer Resource Guide, Tab F, Deductions. Taxpayers can also deduct parking fees and tolls.

Whose expenses are covered?

• The taxpayer • The taxpayer"s spouse • Dependents claimed at the time the medical services were provided or at the time the expenses were paid • Individuals who could be the taxpayer"s dependent except: ɾThey do not meet the gross income test, or ɾThey do not meet the joint return test, or ɾ return

If a child of divorced or separated parents is claimed as a dependent on either parent"s return, each parent

may deduct the medical expenses that they individually paid for the chil d.

What types of expenses are covered?

Refer to the Volunteer Resource Guide or Publication 17 for the medical and dental exp enses checklist, and Publication 502, Medical and Dental Expenses, for more information o n medical, dental, and other expenses.

Itemized Deductions20-3


Answers are at the end of the lesson summary.

Question 1:


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