[PDF] Toxicology Fact Sheet


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A toxicologist is a scientist that determines the harmful effects of agents and the cellular, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms responsible for the effects

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This sub-discipline addresses the question of how various plants, animals, and humans are affected by exposure to toxic substances # Occupational (Industrial) 

[PDF] Toxicology Fact Sheet

Toxicology, or the “science of safety,” aims to understand the potential e ects that various materials can have on individuals 1 In the research and

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2 mai 2019 · Why are Toxicology Studies Done? Toxicology and safety science aims to understand the potential effects of harmful substances on

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Toxicological research and testing helps us to live safely and to derive benefit from natural and synthetic substances while avoiding harm Toxicologists are 

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The Toxicology Section is part of the Phoenix Police Department Laboratory Services Bureau (LSB) and its mission is to provide excellence in toxicological

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One of the most basic principles of toxicology is that the amount of exposure, or dose, determines the beneficial and harmful effects of a substance

[PDF] Toxicology Fact Sheet 19117_8toxicology_fact_sheet.pdf

Drug Availability

Once a drug has been through the rigors of

development, testing and clinical trials, it can then be used for its original purpose: to benefit patients. Through the work of toxicologists, physicians have a deep understanding of the adverse e?ect profiles of the drugs they prescribe and are equipped to watch for and/or manage any issues that may arise over the course of treatment. Toxicology in R&D Toxicology, or the “science of safety," aims to understand the pot ential e?ects that various materials can have on individuals. 1 In the research and development (R&D) of new therapeutics, toxicology plays a crucial role from start to finish, helping to ensure safe treatments are provided to pat ients.

Where does a toxicologist"s

role begin in drug discovery?

At the very beginning.

Target Identification

Developing a therapeutic often begins with target identification, which is the identification of a process within the body that plays a role in disease. • Toxicologists look at the target and its relation to: - The disease - Healthy cells and tissue • Understanding the target"s role beyond the disease helps uncover any potential adverse events that may occur when it is influenced. Drug Identification and Testing Targets can be modulated, or influenced, by a chemical or protein (like an antibody). • When modulation a?ects a disease process, the result is a drug. • Scientists identify potential new drugs, and then turn to toxicologists to understand the safety profile. The type of drug (e.g., small molecule, biologic, etc.) gives toxicologists an idea of the safety profile, but each drug must be carefully studied to understand potential adverse events.

Clinical Trials

Toxicologists play a critical role in determining which therapies move on to clinical trials and which don"t. And crucial to that decision is the risk/benefit profile.

Factors considered in this assessment include:

• Dose - Does the dose produce a therapeutic e?ect without intolerable adverse e?ects? • Severity - Are the adverse e?ects bothersome or harmful? • Management - Can the adverse e?ects be understood physiologically, allowing the toxicologists to help inform the clinical team of opportunities to manage them? • Condition - Is the condition being treated severe enough that patients and physicians may tolerate a higher risk profile (e.g., late stage cancer)?

1. Toxicology. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/science/toxicology/index.cfm. Accessed 11 November 2020.

2. Farrell DJ and Bower L. Fatal water intoxication. J Clin Pathol. 2003;56(10):803-804.1. Toxicology. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/topics/science/toxicology/index.cfm. Accessed 11 November 2020.

2. Farrell DJ and Bower L. Fatal water intoxication. J Clin Pathol. 2003;56(10):803-804.

So, who is responsible for making sure we understand the safety profile of the things we put into our bodies to treat diseases?


Toxicologists specialize in understanding the e?ects that chemicals might have on the human body.

In R&D, they play a

key role in all aspects of drug discovery.

What can be “toxic?"

The answer is more complex than you may think. Everything can be “tox ic," depending on the dose, or amount. Take water, for example. When consumed at extremely high amounts, water intoxication can be fatal. 2 Ultimately, the culmination of a toxicologist"s work is ensuring safe treatments are provided to patients. Toxicologists try to understand the adverse e?ect profiles of molec ules being developed very early, to help inform future development of the therapy, as well as to serve as key learnings for further research.
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