[PDF] Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science


[PDF] python-basepdf

a un point décimal a est l'identifiant de la variable (attention à ne pas utiliser le mots réservés comme identifiant), = est l'opérateur d'affectation

[PDF] Algorithmes - Exo7 - Cours de mathématiques

Pour obtenir plus de décimales que la précision standard de Python, il faut utiliser le module decimal qui permet de travailler avec une précision arbitraire 

[PDF] Rounding Methods in Different Software - ISD Scotland

2 jui 2019 · Python also uses a “round half to even” method Analysts in ISD often have to round numbers to a smaller number of decimal places

[PDF] Une petite référence Python - SAVOIR

Le module decimal permet d'effectuer des calculs exacts sur les nombres décimaux, dans les limites d'une précision fixée par l'utilisateur (mais par défaut 

[PDF] Programmer en lycée avec Python

de Python comme support à l'apprentissage de la programmation en lycée général et On peut contourner le problème à l'aide de la bibliothèque decimal

[PDF] Python Numbers

float (floating point real values) : or floats, represent real numbers and are written with a decimal point dividing the integer and fractional parts Floats 

[PDF] Initiation au langage PYTHON - Académie de Poitiers

comparativement à d'autres langages, le Python est assez proche d'un Le module decimal « est basé sur un modèle en virgule flottante conçu pour les 

[PDF] We Need To Talk About Floating Point Arithmetic - UCL Wiki

Python stores 53 bits for the mantissa of each floating point number, so this series is truncated The truncated series, converted back to decimal is:

[PDF] Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science

To be able to use the Python math library A numeric literal without a decimal point produces an intvalue us around the limitations of ints?

[PDF] Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science 19200_6Chapter03.pdf                               ! " #  $   % #$ &          % #  $  &   &$        %     ! "'%( # &  &  % #    &       % # &            &  %    )   *  # # $        &       $     % #   $$ + $   , '-).( &  - " " $   &  '%-%/%/-%/(  &$      -   *  #    &     &$     0   $$ &, 1   &$   &     $$    % #  $ !   " &   "       $  %    .   *  # 1&           ' $  (  % #" &   "    "&  %     2   *  #      "$   &      $&    '  $& (" &% 3 &&   4   &  &   &     " & &  &    &     $& '" $ $   &  /(    5   *  #    &$ &&   $ " &% >>> type (3) >>> type (3.1) >>> type(3.0) >>> myint= -32 >>> type(myint) >>> myfloat= 32.0 >>> type(myfloat) >>> mystery = myint* myfloat >>> type(mystery)    6   *  # 1  4 7 &    "$   & ' " "½0  ( 8    & &    " $$        #$&  &   9    &      ,  $&  "9   "   &,    /   *  #          $&  $& % >>> 3.0+4.0 7.0 >>> 3+4 7 >>> 3.0*4.0 12.0 >>> 3*4 12 >>> 10.0/3.0


>>> 10/3 3 >>> 10%3 1 >>> abs(5) 5 >>> abs(-3.5) 3.5       *  #    "            $   & &% # "/:, # +$  ' ;  " /:   ;  '  (/  '     $( /<:    $    "  $/%       *  # + 

6%/-%/   6-

 &  =   "    ,  :' ('(>' <(      ?  8 @   A '>BCCC< (  "&$  $  " & &   &  % &     &  $& $   $ %    ) ?  8 @   @"      $ 0   0  , #& $ "+  $  0  ... "  &  , 24
2 bbacxa -±-=    - ?  8 @   # &   +   &               &   + "  $  $     " & &   %    . ?  8 @   # 0 &         %0 '9(% ?     && 0 $ $   &   &% # &&     D: %0 'C-)C C(    2 ?  8 @   # quadratic.py # A program that computes the real roots of a quadratic equation. # Illustrates use of the math library. # Note: This program crashes if the equation has no real roots. import math # Makes the math library available. def main(): print "This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic" print a, b, c = input("Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): ") discRoot= math.sqrt(b* b -4 * a * c) root1 = (-b + discRoot) / (2 * a) root2 = (-b -discRoot) / (2 * a) print print "The solutions are:", root1, root2 main()    5 ?  8 @   This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic

Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): 3, 4, -1

The solutions are: 0.215250437022 -1.54858377035

1    4 This program finds the real solutions to a quadratic

Please enter the coefficients (a, b, c): 1, 2, 3

Traceback(most recent call last):

File "", line 1, in -toplevel-

main() File "C:\Documents and Settings\Terry\My Documents\Teaching\W04\CS

120\Textbook\code\chapter3\quadratic.py", line 14, in main

discRoot= math.sqrt(b* b -4 * a * c)

ValueError: math domain error

>>> )    6

8 @

  $ :::      +0  $    "  , ?  0 $    $$      CC%3&CC  &&  0  4    /  &   D& =  &        &  $ "  &%3       


2/BB2/ $  &$. '  " .,( =  & $   ,:'B('B(...'( .,:.C-C)CCC:2/      &   D& =  & 3&      4    +$  &$  $  &$$  $       &   D& =  & 3  && .,4 .C-:/ # + / /C):/ # + / /C:./ # + ./ ./C:2/ # + 2/ 2/C:2/      &   D& =  & 1 "  &&   4 1"      & &     " +   +$    % #  &    +    &    "  &     &       " &+   &  " &%    )  &   D& =  & #  &$ $   &   &   &+& +    & ;  &  " & @ &$  & &     " &$  &   " & -    -  &   D& =  & &+& +"&& &, fact = 1 for factor in [6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]: fact = fact * factor @"    " $    +,    .  &   D& =  & 1    & ;$ 4 #   &  ... E    & "  " &$$   && 9 " &$$ %A     & ;   +$  && " " &$     % $$        " &  4    2  &   D& =  &   & &       "     "         fact = 1 for factor in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6]: fact = fact * factor F  ,A  $ $  $  &$    44    5  &   D& =  & 1   '(  4 /...B        &  ,  ' (     >...B A ,# "  ,  ' (   >...B    6  &   D& =  & @"  9 &, >>> range(10) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> range(5,10) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> range(5,10,2) [5, 7, 9]    /  &   D& =  & ?   B        $  &  & $$  % 1 $   range(2, n+1) '1  ">4( 1 $   range(n, 1, -1) .      &   D& =  &    &$  &   # factorial.py # Program to compute the factorial of a number # Illustrates for loop with an accumulator def main(): n = input("Please enter a whole number: ") fact = 1 for factor in range(n,1,-1): fact = fact * factor print "The factorial of", n, "is", fact main()     #@ $ 1  //,4 >>> main()

Please enter a whole number: 100

The factorial of 100 is





1,# "     ,     #@ $  "  $  & ... Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] onwin32 Copyright 1991-1995 StichtingMathematischCentrum, Amsterdam >>> import fact >>> fact.main()

Please enter a whole number: 13

13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

Traceback(innermost last):

File "", line 1, in ?

fact.main() File "C:\PROGRA~1\PYTHON~1.2\fact.py", line 5, in main fact=fact*factor

OverflowError: integer multiplication

   ) #@ $ 1 "   4 1 &    $    $      $    $      % #     $    & ?      " &%#  & %    - #@ $ #  &  #      & " &  /% #    -B%1  $    $ /% 1    &"  $ %    . #@ $ Python 1.5.2 (#0, Apr 13 1999, 10:51:12) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Copyright 1991-1995 StichtingMathematischCentrum, Amsterdam >>> 2**30


>>> 2**31

Traceback(innermost last):

File "", line 1, in ?


OverflowError: integer pow()

>>> 2    2 #@ $ &/   9%  &&  B4 >>> 2**31-1

Traceback(innermost last):

File "", line 1, in ?


OverflowError: integer pow()

1  4 " &  $ ,    5 #@ $ 1  &" , :/>/ B:/B>/ 1"    $    , >>> 2**30-1+2**30


>>> 2147483647+1

Traceback(innermost last):

File "", line 1, in ?


OverflowError: integer addition

>>>    6 #@ $ 1  "& 4 #&  " &    )2)5.)2 3  "  $ & 4 Python 2.3.3 (#51, Dec 18 2003, 20:22:39) [MSC v.1200 32 bit (Intel)] on win32 Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information. >>> 2**40


   )/ 3 &  @    @  *   $&      &   $ 4 $   & ;  &  %/   >>> main()

Please enter a whole number: 15

The factorial of 15 is 1.307674368e+012

1&    9   ,    ) 3 &  @    @  7 &  "  &&    9     $  9 &    % %/2.2).5>/  %/2.2).5C /  3  & "   &&    &     &6  $     "&%    ) 3 &  @    @  =&    9   =&  &&   &    $" & &     %   & &  , @   $ 9 ;  9  & " " &  &% 5    ) 3 &  @    @  #  &  "@"$    &  &% -       $$ " -@  &      $$ " >>> 2L 2L >>> 2L**31


>>> type(2L) >>> 100000000000000000000000000000000000L + 25


   )) 3 &  @    @   &&   "&"  &   &   &%  "  $    && "   &    &  " $&% >>> x = 2147483647 >>> x = x + 1 >>> x


>>> type (x) >>> print x


   )- 3 &  @    @  1  9   &    " &  % 9     &&   &  % 1 &  '@"    1&   && 4- @$$  &       ). #"   1+                    $&   $&   $& % 1   9    $&   9  4


1  +& 4    )2 #"   = " &  9      " -%/-      "   " %/  $&     "  % "    $&    &&& $    " $&    "%/"    )5 #"   


 && "  $& %     & "  %#   && 9&    %  " :  $   "  )- .2    )   --%-, 6    )6 #"   #$ 9  & &&   $" &$&      " :$& ' ( 1&"       &&    && "    %    -/ #"   1"  +4 " :$& ' (  ::- :) $& ' (:)%/,  & "  '( & '( $ "      & %    - #"   >>> float(22/5) 4.0 >>> int(4.5) 4 >>> int(3.9) 3 >>> long(3.9) 3L >>> float(int(3.9)) 3.0 >>> int(float(3.9)) 3 >>> int(float(3)) 3    - #"   # $    $&   &  % >>> round(3.9) 4.0 >>> round(3) 3.0 >>> int(round(3.9)) 4