[PDF] AStroParis, the graduate program in astrophysics of PSL University


[PDF] Astrophysics Exoplanet Research Program - NASA Science

16 mar 2016 · National Aeronautics and Space Administration Astrophysics Exoplanet Research Program Astrophysics Subcommittee NASA Headquarters

Discovery and characterization of the exoplanets WASP-148b and c

9 Centre for Exoplanets and Habitability, University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory), 13

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Astrophysics of Exoplanets Extrasolar planets, a k a exoplanets, are planets orbiting other stars of exoplanets and the Fermi paradox

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Prepare the introductory activity for the exoplanets, some hypothetical questions to arise conversation among students, ? Work on the data collection and 

[PDF] AStroParis, the graduate program in astrophysics of PSL University

Title of the Master Class : Search and Characterisation of Exoplanets • Team Organisers: A -M Lagrange, J Mazoyer , B Charnay LESIA (OBSPM)

[PDF] AST 390 Special Topics in Astrophysics and Cosmology: Exoplanets

discovery marked the start of a new field of astrophysics, exoplanets, and led to Mayor and Queloz sharing last year's Nobel Prize in Physics

[PDF] AStroParis, the graduate program in astrophysics of PSL University 22511_8MC_AMLagrange_Exoplanets_0.pdf

AStroParis, the graduate program in astrophysics of PSL University Call for Master Classes of the M2 international research track

•Title of the Master Class : Search and Characterisation of Exoplanets. •Team Organisers: A.-M. Lagrange, J. Mazoyer , B. Charnay LESIA (OBSPM) Lecturers (confirmed): François Forget, Alessa ndro Morbidelli, Stephane Mazevet, Mickael Bonnefoy, Nadege Meunier, Elsa Ducrot, Anne-Marie Lagrange, Johan Mazoyer, Benjamin Charnay. Hands-on: Johan Mazoyer, Florian Philippot •Location : Paris Observatory •Dates: 22-26 Nov. 2021 •Summary of the Master class (~200 words) Since the pioneering discoveries of extrasolar disks and planets in the mid-nineties (Auman et al, 1984; Wolczan et al, 1992, Mayor and Queloz, 1995, the latter Nobel Prizes in Physics 2019), a new domain of astrophysics, exo-planetology, has emerged, that aims at exploring the diversity of extra solar planetary systems (PS), at understanding their formation and early evolution, and at ultimately detecting Earth-like planets. Intimately connected to this domain is the understanding of the origin of life & early evolution, and the search of life on other SS or extrasolar planets. The aim of the course is to present an overview of the methods used to detect and characterise extrasolar planets, and to highlight specific topics currently addressed by the experts community. •3-5 ke ywords defining the scien tific aspects of the MC : ext rasolar planets, detection, characterisation, formation •3-5 keywords defining the methodological aspects of the MC : lectures, invited talks, hands-on sessions, presentation of papers by the participants. •Description of the MC, developed in terms of scientific field & methods The Mast er Class aims at providi ng a global view of the methods of detection a nd characterisation of extrasolar planets, and the stat e of the art in the various areas. The approaches will be presented, from the instrumental, observational, data processing points of view, together wi th the associated c hallenges (eithe r instrumental or physical), and limitations. The results obtained with these met hods will be describe d, and the implica tions on the knowledge of planetary systems formation and evolution will be presented. Projects for the next decades associated to this very active field of research will be presented. Observatoire de Paris - Campus de Meudon

! 5, place Jules Janssen, 92195 MEUDON ὸ +33 (0)1 45 07 76 75 " direction.astroparis@observatoiredeparis.psl.eu

AStroParis, the graduate program in astrophysics of PSL University Many illustrations (examples) will be provided. The link with our Solar System will be highlighted. The course will highlight, as much as possible, interdisciplinary questions. Each half day will typically consist in one general lecture + one/two lectures given by an invited expert. These presentations will be followed by discussions. Presentation(s) of a related paper by participants will be given (mandatory for the participant from the International Research Track; optional for other participants). A series of papers will be proposed in advance. Finally, half-day "hands-on" sessions will be proposed on vari ous technics, where t he participants will have the opportunity to find exoplanets. •Constraints (e.g.: programming language...) Knowledge of python will be needed for the Hands-on sessions. •Headlines of the lectures Possible experts are noted in red. Some have already accepted (in principle). Day 1: Introduction 22 Nov AM Lecture: Context •Why searching for exoplanets ? •A little bit of history •Orders of magnitudes •Overview of detection methods •Habitability Focus: Link with exobiology Discussion PM Lecture: The solar system as a stellar/planetary system •Formation of the SS and planets : what does this tell us ? •Solar System planets: what do they tell us ? Discussion Day 2: Radial velocities 23 Nov AM Lecture: Radial velocities: method and results •Detection techniques : •Results: •Performances, limitations •Astrophysical results Observatoire de Paris - Campus de Meudon

! 5, place Jules Janssen, 92195 MEUDON ὸ +33 (0)1 45 07 76 75 " direction.astroparis@observatoiredeparis.psl.eu

AStroParis, the graduate program in astrophysics of PSL University Focus: The Sun as a star: Discussion PM Hands on : "Let's find a RV planet" Presentation(s) of papers Day 3: Transits AM Lecture : Transits: method and results •Detection technics •Results: •Performances, limitations •Astrophysical results Focus : Trappist Discussion Presentation(s) of papers PM Half-day Hands on : "Let's find a transiting planet" Day 4: Direct Imaging AM Lecture : Direct Imaging: method and results •Detection technics •Challenges •Techniques: AO. Coronagraphy and High Contrast techniques (brief). Spectroscopy coupled with HCI •Relevent observables •HCI data processing •Orbital characterisation (inc. a little bit of GAIA) •Results: •Performances, limitations •Astrophysical results Discussion Presentation(s) of papers PM Half-day Hands on : "Let's find an imaged planet" / "Orbital charac" Observatoire de Paris - Campus de Meudon

! 5, place Jules Janssen, 92195 MEUDON ὸ +33 (0)1 45 07 76 75 " direction.astroparis@observatoiredeparis.psl.eu

AStroParis, the graduate program in astrophysics of PSL University Day 5: Atmosphere characterisation and planet habitability AM Lecture : Atmospheres : models and observations •Atmospheric models, from SS planets to exoplanets. •Astrophysical results •Remote planets •Close planets Discussion PM Lecture : Habitability •Definitions •Models biosignatures; climats Focus: Complex molecules in astrophysics Discussion •Reference : Handbook of exoplanets. M Perryman. 2018. Cambridge.Observatoire de Paris - Campus de Meudon

! 5, place Jules Janssen, 92195 MEUDON ὸ +33 (0)1 45 07 76 75 " direction.astroparis@observatoiredeparis.psl.eu
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