[PDF] baldur-manualpdf - Museum of Computer Adventure Game History


[PDF] Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition - Unofficial Game Manual

When you first open Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, you will see a menu with three different choices: Baldur's Gate, Tutorial, and The Black Pits

[PDF] Baldurs-Gate-MANUALpdf - RetroGamerbiz

The basic actions you can perform in the Realms are simple You can wander the landscape, speak with the denizens, and occasionally swing a sword or two These 

[PDF] Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition

The Baldur's Gate interface has many facets designed to make playing the game easier once you have mastered the basic controls Most of the features are self- 

[PDF] baldur-manualpdf - Museum of Computer Adventure Game History

Configure The hotkcys usccl wl1ile playing Baldur's Gate can be moclified using Tl1 basic actions you can perform are cescribed below along with a

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3 Ancient Gold Dragon 4 Archivist of Oghma 5 Ascend from Avernus 6 Astral Confrontation BASIC LANDS COMMANDER LEGENDS: BATTLE FOR BALDUR'S GATE

[PDF] Murderin baldur's gate™ - Wizards of the Coast

logos, and Murder in Baldur's Gate, all other Wizards of the Coast can make a basic attack against the target as a free action Triggered Actions

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BAlDUR's GATe™: DARK AlliAnce™ BlAcK Isle STUDios - 11 - CONTROLLING YOUR CHARACTER Once in the game world, you'll need to know the basics of moving

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Baldur's Gate is a huge and varied computer role-playing game – but the game didn't happen out of thin easier once you have mastered the basic controls

[PDF] Mastering Melee & Magic - Beamdog Files

Baldur's Gate uses the same weighting system for spells and weapons as in the Advanced The basic actions you can perform in the Realms are simple

Baldur' s gate enhanced edition sorcerer guide - szekszardportalhu

The Basics: Character generation Your basic picks should be Human (so you will Experience Cap The experience cap in Baldur's Gate II is set to 2,950,000 

[PDF] baldur-manualpdf - Museum of Computer Adventure Game History 26382_3baldur_manual.pdf

Table of Contents

Manual I -The Game Guide

Installation ........................................................................................................ 4

I lovv

to get I lclp ............................................................................................... 5

Character Creation ........................................................................................... 6

Tl1e lntcrfa e .................................................................................................... 8

Multi player Games ......................................................................................... 2 1

Manual 2 -Volo's Guide to Baldur's Gate

Part I: Backgrouncl ......................................................................................... 28

Overview of tl1e Realms ............................................................................ 28

Tl1e Sworcl Coast ................................................................................... 29

Cancllekccp ............................................................................................ 29

Baldur's Gate ......................................................................................... 30

Bcregost ................................................................................................ 3 I

Tl1e Friendly

Arm lnn ............................................................................. 32

Monsters .................................................................................................... 33

Tirnc .......................................................................................................... 36

Part 11: Rules ................................................................................................... 37

AD&D Rules ............................................................................................... 37

l1aractcr Actions ....................................................................................... 38

Combat ...................................................................................................... 40

Experience and Gaining Levels .................................................................. 45

Character Attributes ................................................................................... 46

I\ Iagic and 111e pell System ....................................................................... 54

Spclls ......................................................................................................... 55

!age ..................................................................................................... 56

Priest ..................................................................................................... 68

Tablcs ............................................................................................................ 77

Credits ............................................................................................................... 89

Balouris Gate l

Cbe @ame @uide

---Manual 1---

2 Balour,l's Gate

3 4

How to Install and Start Playing

C o install Balclur's Gate, first insert the CD-ROl\l labelecl Disc 1 into your CD ROM drive and follow 1l1e onscreen instru tions. If your Autorun is no1 enabl cl. click on the icon representing your CD-ROM Drive unclcr 'My Computer'. This 'vVill bring up a listing of 1hc fil s on Baldur's Ga1e Dis t. Find AUTORU .EXE and double click to launch in install appli ation. Af1er installing t11e game. 01hcr options will be available on 1l1e launct1ing menu: View Readme Tl1e Readme file coniains las1 minute information and changes that could not IJe printed in tl1is manual. Plea c take the tim to view the Rcadmc file if you arc having any problems with this product. Register Please take t11e time to register Baldur's witl1 Black Isle Studios. Your feedback is appreciated and will put you on tl1c mailing list for spc ial offers and game promotions.

Exit will close the launcl1 window.

View Demos Demos of ot11cr Black Isle S1uclios products l1ave been inclucled witl1 Baldur's Gat . Please sec the Readmc file for descriptions ancl instructions on how to run them.


ure The hotkcys usccl wl1ile playing Baldur's Gate can be moclified using tl1is utility. Select the hotkey you would like to change and enter the new hotkey assignment. Play After you l1ave cverytl ing set, click on the Play button to begin playing.


viewing tl1e logo and introcluction movies, select "Sing! Player" and "New Game" to go clirectly inio Character Creation and begin your adventure on t11e

Sword Coast!

To start playing again later, elect the Balctur's Gate appli ation from the Black

Isle Stuclios program group in your start m nu.

UninstaJI When you're reacly, the ninstall option will clean up everything except your savccl gam s wl1icl1 you an save for use with the Baldur's Gat : Tales of the

Sword Coast expansion or with Balctur's Gate II.

Gate uow to get help I


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TFCI INIC"";'-COil>: Teclinical support now offers troubleshooting guides \\"llh.complete

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