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PKR 30,000/-for ICAP Member & Affiliates (inclusive of Sales Tax @ 5%) PKR 35,000/-for Non-Member (inclusive of Sales Tax @ 5%) Early Bird: 20 % Discount (Applicable till ( March 08, 2022)

Group Discount

On 4 paid registration from an organization, the 5thone is complementary

Starting from: Saturday, 12 March, 2022

Every Saturday (4 weeks)-Online Via Zoom

09:00 AM -01:00 PM

CPD Credit: 16 CPD Hours

Financial Modelling

Southern Regional Committee


CALL: 111 000 422 (EXT 315) 021-99251646 | EMAIL: SRCICAP@ICAP.ORG.PK


Thiscourseaimstoprovideparticipantswithathoroughunderstandingofhowtobuildarobust financialmodelfromstarttofinish.Calculationscoverrevenues,operatingandmaintenance costs,capitalexpenditure,depreciation,debtandequityfinancingandtaxation,leadingtothe build-upofintegratedfinancialstatementsfortheentityinquestion. Themodelisdynamicinnature,withtheabilitytorundifferentscenariosandadjustthetiming of keyevents. Duringthecourse,participantsalsogainaninsightintohowtotailortheoutputsofthemodelto endusers,interprettheresultsandrunsensitivities,aswellasperformsomedegreeoftestingto reducetheincidenceofmodellingerrors. Thecourseutilizestriedandtestedmodellingapproachesadoptedworldwide.Thetechniques coveredaimtoproducemodelsthatareflexible,robust,transparentanduse-friendlyinnature.



Thecourseishighlyinteractive,comprisingofa mixoftheory,groupdiscussions, instructor-leddemonstrationsandExcel-basedexercisesforparticipantsto undertake. Participantsareprovidedwithacomprehensiveslidepack,anillustrations bookletcoveringkeyExcelformulae,instructionstomodellingexercisesand exercisesolutionfiles. These willbeusedduringthecourseandwillserveas valuablereferencematerialfollowingthecourseshouldparticipantswishto refreshtheirskillsatalaterdate.Additionalhomeworkexercisescanalsobe provideduponrequest.


The courseisdesignedtocoverthefollowingkeyobjectives: ჭAppreciatethedifferencebetweenwhatmakesagoodmodelandabadone ჭFollowalogical,structuredanddisciplinedapproachtowardsmodelbuilding ჭBuildamodel(orsignificantpartsof one)fromstarttofinish ჭLearnhowtotranslatekeyfinancialandcommercialaspectsintoExcel ჭUnderstandbetterhowtotailortheoutputsofthe modeltowardsendusers andinterprettheresults ჭImprove knowledgeofExcelfunctionality ჭLearnwaystoreducethe incidenceof modellingerrors



The courseisidealforthoselookingtoachievethefollowing: ჭRefreshtheir financialmodellingskills ჭGainan understandingofleadingapproachestowardsfinancialmodelling, in ordertobuildmodels thatarerobustanduser-friendly innature ჭBeabletouseexistingmodels morecompetently,interprettheresults and have greatercomfortovertheintegrityandaccuracyof themodel͛s calculations


Somepriorknowledgeandexperienceisassumed.Forexample,participants shouldhave: ჭTheabilitytonavigateeasilyaroundEdžcel͛smenuoptions ჭWorkingknowledgeoffinancialstatements andrudimentaryaccounting ჭA basicunderstandingof leadingapproachestowardsfinancialmodelling


Southern Regional Committee


Modelling basics

AE What financial models do and the risks associated with financial modelling AE Leading approaches to model building, the benefits they bring and the importance of formatting


Model design

AE Overall model development process and items to cover during the design phase AE Typical layout, structure and flow of a suitable financial model AE Adopting a template approach to achieve consistency between model worksheets AE Using 'control accounts' as the key building blocks for the calculations of a model


Assumptions, sensitivities and scenario cases

AE Alternative layouts for model inputs and scenarios using range names and data validation to increase model robustness

and improve the user interface

AE Creating one and two variable data tables to assess the potential impact of various assumptions on key output measures


Fixed assets and depreciation

AE Different ways of modelling capital expenditure relating to different asset classes

AE Depreciation methodologies including a more streamlined method for straight-line depreciation where multiple asset

acquisitions take place across the model timeline

Operations modelling

AE Generating forecasts for revenues, operating and maintenance costs and working capital

AE Using indexation factors based on different cash flow timing assumptions to convert real cash flows to nominal

Debt and equity financing

AE Modelling different drawdown approaches to service funding needs AE Costs related to debt financing such as interest

AE Different debt repayment methods



AE Various approaches for modelling with adjustments for capital allowances, disallowable costs & loss carry-forwards

AE Other taxes such as consumption taxes, alternative minimum taxes and withholding tax


Financial statements, other schedules and graphs

AE The importance of integrated financial statements and how to set them up

AE IRR & NPV calculations, using both project & equity cash flows, calculated using Excel's in-built functions

AE Other key output measures such as lending & profitability ratios / industry KPls, tailoring these towards the end users

AE Graphing tips

Implementation and use

Using the model

AE Creating dashboards, hyperlinks and contents pages for easier use and navigation AE Interpreting the model's outputs and monitoring key measures such as KPls and covenants

AE Performing stress testing on a model based on designated sensitivities and in-built scenario cases

Model review and testing

AE Use of a checks sheet to automatically detect and quickly identify potential modelling errors AE Using a toolkit of model review techniques including delta views and flex testing AE Common modelling errors including tips on how to spot them


Dealing with circularities

AE Why circular references are bad

AE Typical circularities seen in financial models AE Methods for circumventing circularities, including implementing 'copy-paste' macros

General house keeping

AE Workbook protection, printing, version control and project management



WorkinginaleadingPharmaceuticalcompany,asDirectorFinance,Saadisa memberofICAPandCIMA(UK)aswellasMicrosoftOfficeSpecialist2016.He enjoys20+yearsofexperienceofpreparingFinancialModels,theiranalysisand presentationusingMSExcelbothwithinthecountryandabroad. HehasalsobeenavisitingfacultyinaleadingbusinessschoolinKarachiin CorporateFinanceandFinancialModellingcourses.Saadhasconductednumerous trainingcourses,inwhichhundredsofindustryprofessionalshavebenefitedsofar.


Youwouldwant tohavecoachingfromSaad,sincehe:

9is anexpertinnumbercrunchingusingMSExcel;

9isabletocombinedatamodellingtechniqueswithfinancial concepts


9cangiveyouinsightsontacklingcomplexproblems;speedup work;


9isavailabletotroubleshootyourexcelissuesevenafterthe workshop


Saad Usman

CALL: 111 000 422 (EXT 315) 021-99251646 | EMAIL: SRCICAP@ICAP.ORG.PK



PKR 30,000/-ICAP Member & Affiliates

(inclusive of Sales Tax @ 5%)

PKR 35,000/-Non-Members

(inclusive of Sales Tax @ 5%)

Early Bird: 20 % Discount

(Applicable till ( March 08, 2022)
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