[PDF] Directory - Community Legal Centres NSW



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[PDF] WORKING COLLABORATIVELY: - Community Legal Centres Australia

In 1972, the first community legal centre (CLC) was established in Australia by a group of dedicated volunteers Forty years on, there are around 200 CLCs 

[PDF] Joint Review of Community Legal Centres

WA CLC Review 2003 Key Findings 1 Community legal centres (CLCs) enhance citizenship, make a positive contribution to the

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CLC community legal centre EJA Environmental Justice Australia Lawyers at the centre and beyond: Strategic casework helps lawyers

[PDF] Directory - Community Legal Centres NSW

earning a medium to high income, and action beyond just obtaining legal advice is required, a CLC will generally indicate it cannot take the matter further

[PDF] Reclaiming Community Legal Centres

The inherent value in, and benefits of, planning for policy and law reform work in a strategic way are well-recognised in Australia in (and beyond) the CLC 

[PDF] Directory - Community Legal Centres NSW 29408_1020180130PUBLICCLCNSW2018Directory.pdf







What are Community Legal



What is Community Legal

Centres NSW?


Using this Directory4

Frequently Asked Questions

(FAQs) 6

Other Useful Services8

Crisis Hotlines10

Specialist Community Legal



Generalist Community Legal



Suburb and Town Index50


What are Community

Legal Centres?


Community legal centres (CLCs) are

independent community organisations that provide access to legal services, with a particular focus on services to disadvantaged and marginalised people and communities and matters in the public interest.

CLCs have a distinctive role in the NSW

community and legal sector by: • Providing general legal advice and assistance for socially and economically disadvantaged people. This includes taking on strategic casework on matters that may affect many in the community; • population groups through dedicated centres (e.g. tenancy, credit and debt, domestic and family violence); • Encouraging capacity building for people to develop skills for self-advocacy; and • Advocating for improved access to justice and more equitable laws and legal systems.

There are currently 36 CLCs in NSW that are

full members of the peak body, Community

Legal Centres NSW (CLCNSW). CLCNSW also

has several associate members who support the aims and objectives of the organisation. 3

What is Community

Legal Centres NSW?

Being members of this peak body means

that CLCs are able to be accredited by the

National Association of Community Legal

Centres (NACLC), and bear the NACLC

that the organisations are committed to

Community Legal Centre Service Standards,

Risk Management Guidelines, community

involvement principles, and professional standards for CLCs.

What a CLC can do

Individual CLCs provide advice and assistance

on a range of legal issues. Most centres provide face-to-face legal advice as well as information over the phone. Many centres hold day-time and evening interview and advice sessions. Please contact the centre the times for advice sessions.

Along with individual cases, community legal

centres can take on cases for large groups of people (e.g. class actions) or test cases where part of the community.

CLCs often take on cases where NSW

government legal aid is not available or where a centre may have particular expertise in an area of law (e.g. discrimination).

Community Legal Centres NSW

(CLCNSW) is the peak body representing the network of community legal centres (CLCs) throughout NSW.

Its 36 members include generalist and

specialist CLCs. provides services to member CLCs in the areas of: • Sector support and development; • Communications and information; and • Legal policy development and advocacy.

CLCNSW represents the interests of CLCs

in NSW, coordinates strategic direction and development for the sector as a whoWWle, and liaises and negotiates with government on relevant legal, equity, funding and program issues. and referrals to appropriate CLCs or other not provide legal advice. 4 4

This directory provides contact details

for community legal centres in New

South Wales. It has three sections.


All specialist community legal centres

in alphabetical order

Specialist centres are those which service

the whole state and provide assistance to a by a particular area of the law.


All generalist community legal

centres in alphabetical order

Generalist centres are those which offer

a broad range of legal assistance and information to their local community, and are located across NSW. NOTE: If a CLC has provided an administration phone number, this is not to be given to members of the public.

Administration numbers are provided

in this directory so that a community or government worker may contact a centre directly; this could be in the case of an urgent need to discuss a 'warm referral'.

If a client requests a CLC's contact

number, please provide them with the advice line number or refer them to the website.


Suburb and town index

The third section provides an alphabetical list

of suburbs and towns across NSW to help locate the nearest generalist community legal centre for a client. NOTE: There are some geographic areas of NSW that do not have a generalist

CLC. These are listed in the index,

with 'No Generalist Community Legal

Centre' in the Centre column. All people

needing assistance with a NSW legal problem, including those who live outside of a CLC catchment area, can contact

LawAccess on

1300 888 529

for free legal information.

Culturally and linguistically diverse


Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS National)

Ph: 131 450 or 1800 131 450

If a person needs an interpreter:

• Call TIS National on 131 450 (this is the human service) or 1800 131 450 (this is automated voice-prompted service). • Tell them the language the person speaks • Give TIS the telephone number of the community legal centre the client wishes to contact.

TIS National is an interpreting service

provided by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection for people who do not speak English, and for agencies and businesses that need to communicate with their non-English speaking clients.

The TIS National immediate phone

interpreting service is available 24 hours a day, every day of the year, for the cost of a

Using this Directory

5 5 local call for any person or organisation in

Australia who needs an interpreter.

Multicultural NSW Language Services

Ph: 1300 651 500

Multicultural NSW Language Services

provides comprehensive interpreting and translation services in

104 languages and

dialects, including Auslan (Australian sign language).

CLCs should use TIS National for interpreting

needs where possible. If this is not possible, contact Multicultural NSW Language Services.

In some circumstances where interpreting is

required or arranged through a CLC, a fee- waiver may be available. For bookings that do not have their fee waived, Legal Aid NSW will, in many circumstances, reimburse the costs of interpreters for CLC appointments. To receive reimbursement of interpreting costs, the CLC should send the request to the State

Program Manager at Legal Aid NSW.

Clients with disability

Access for people with disability varies

between centres. Please contact the centre suitable arrangements if needed.

Clients with tenancy problems

Tenants' advocacy and advice services across

the state provide free legal information and related services to support disadvantaged tenants. Some tenants' advocacy and advice services are in CLCs, and others are stand- alone services.

People with tenancy problems should visit

www.tenants.org.au and use the Contact Us

Alternatively, call the Tenants' Union on

8117 3700 for referrals and back-up by CLC

staff. Clients can also call 1800 251 251 on

Mondays only for initial advice.

6 6

The answers to these questions may then

restrict the service offered. If a person is earning a medium to high income, and action beyond just obtaining legal advice is required, a CLC will generally indicate it cannot take the matter further. Referrals to private practitioners will then be made.

Is the service free?

CLC services are usually offered for free.

Some centres may charge for costs or

disbursements associated with casework.

That is, if a case is taken to court, the CLC

may ask the person to pay the costs of the other disbursements.

Some CLCs provide fee-based training to

organisations and communities to cover the costs of providing the training, such as printing and venue hire.

Does a person have to go to the CLC

located in the area they live in, or can they go to any of them?

Generally a CLC will provide services only

to those people who live in their geographic catchment area. Some CLCs see clients who both live and work in their catchment areas.

In exceptional cases a CLC may refer a client

to another CLC, however this would only occur after the two CLCs have discussed the matter and have agreed to refer the matter.

What is a ‘warm referral"?

A 'warm referral' occurs where an

organisation, such as a CLC, has discussed an individual's matter with another organisation, and that second organisation then agrees to consider the matter in more detail and decide whether it is able to assist. The referring

Frequently Asked

Questions (FAQs)

Who can a person contact if they

have a legal problem and are not sure where to start?

LawAccess NSW is the best place to start to

resolve a legal problem in NSW, as they will be able to provide legal information and a referral to the most appropriate service to assist your client. In some cases they may provide legal advice over the telephone.

Phone LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529.

Who can get help from a CLC?

Community Legal Centres can give free legal

information to almost everyone who lives in their local area or is looking for advice in an area of law they specialise in. However, due to limited resources, CLCs often cannot provide further ongoing assistance. Where a centre can help, they usually help people who cannot afford a private solicitor and/or are unable to access Legal Aid NSW.

Many CLCs have a client intake policy. These

are questions a CLC will ask a person to help the CLC decide whether it is able to assist the person with their legal issue. CLCs have this intake policy to ensure they are providing services to those in most need.

For instance, a CLC may ask the person

where they live to ensure that they are in their catchment area. They will also likely ask what area of law they have a problem in to ensure that they are the right people to help them. Some CLCs will ask questions about the person's employment status or income level. 7 7 organisation must ask for permission from the individual to pass on their details to the other organisation.

Why may a local CLC not help a


There may be a number of reasons why a

CLC is unable to assist. These can include:

• The centre does not deal with the legal issue in question; see the listing for a particular CLC to see if it covers the area of law the person is looking for. • CLCs are generally chronically underfunded and unable to meet all the demands on their services. If they are unable to assist, they should refer the person to another organisation. • All CLCs have a client intake policy to determine who they can provide services to. The CLC will ask a person a number of questions to help the CLC decide whether it can help them. CLCs have this intake policy to ensure they are providing services to those in most need. • The client may earn too much to qualify for assistance from the CLC. • the CLC in dealing with the matter: for example, the CLC is representing, or has represented, the 'other party' in the legal matter. Legal professional conduct rules state that a legal practice cannot represent both parties in a matter, other than in exceptional circumstances. Due to privacy law, the CLC is unable to provide arises. • If a person has gone back to the centre with the same issue and they were advised that they could not assist them, this might be because the centre believes the matter has been resolved, or the person has been abusive, or just because there is nothing further they can assist them with.

How does someone make a complaint

about a CLC?

If a person wishes to make a complaint about

a CLC, they should lodge a formal complaint with the CLC directly. Most CLCs have a procedure for handling complaints set out on their website. If the client is not happy with the outcome of the complaint with the CLC, they

Commissioner to make a complaint. This

barristers and licensed conveyancers in NSW. • Ph: (02) 9377 1800 or 1800 242 958 (outside Sydney).

What does a person do if a legal issue

took place in NSW but they have since moved to another state? Is the legal centre in the area in which they originally resided able to assist them?

If they are ringing from outside NSW about

a legal issue which occurred in NSW they should ring LawAccess NSW on 1300 888

529. LawAccess may be able to assist them

over the phone with legal advice, or can provide them with a referral to the most appropriate service to assist them.

The suburb I"m looking for is not

serviced by a Community Legal

Centre. What can I do?

There are some geographic areas of NSW that

do not have a generalist CLC. If the person's suburb is not covered, they should contact

LawAccess to seek assistance.

• Ph: 1300 888 529. 8 8

Are CLCs the same as Legal Aid?

No, they are not the same.

organisations that work closely with their local communities to provide a range of legal services. This includes legal information and advice, casework, community education and law reform. CLCs focus particularly on providing services to those in most need in the community.

Generally CLC services are free. In some

cases they may charge for costs related to casework or charge a small fee for community education.

Legal Aid NSW is an independent statutory

body providing legal aid and other services to people who cannot afford private lawyers.

The majority of their representation work is in

criminal and family law. While they do provide advice in other areas, if someone needs more than initial advice on their matter, they need to apply for a grant of legal aid. Legal Aid

NSW applies a means test when assessing

grant applications. This includes looking at a person's income, such as salary or government pensions, and any assets owned by the person. If they are successful with their grant application, a lawyer from Legal Aid

NSW or a private lawyer, paid for by Legal Aid,

will work on the matter. The client may also need to pay a contribution to Legal Aid NSW. 9 9

Community Justice Centres

Provide quick and impartial dispute resolution

services for minor matters e.g. neighbourhood disputes. • Ph: 1800 990 777 • Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Criminal Justice Support Network

Provides support to people with intellectual

disability who are victims or witnesses in criminal or AVO matters and have been asked to attend a police station or are going to court. • Ph: 1300 665 909 • Hours: 9am to 10pm, seven days a week.

Anti-Discrimination Board NSW

Investigates complaints of discrimination,

not take sides but tries to help both parties involved come to an agreement about how the problem can be resolved. • Ph: (02) 9268 5544 or 1800 670 812 (outside Sydney) • Hours: 9am to 4pm, closed 1pm to 2pm,

Monday to Friday.

Australian Human Rights Commission

Investigates complaints about discrimination

on the grounds of race, colour or ethnic origin, sex, marital status, pregnancy, or disability, harassment. • Ph: (02) 9284 9600 • Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. • National Information Service: 1300 656 419
• Hours: 10am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, closed public holidays

Other Useful Services

LawAccess NSW

Is a free NSW government telephone service

that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases legal advice for people with a NSW legal problem. The LawAccess information about a wide range of legal issues. • Ph: 1300 888 529 • TTY: 1300 889 529 • Website: www.lawaccess.nsw.gov.au • Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Legal Aid NSW

Is a NSW government legal service dealing

with family law, criminal legal matters, and some civil law matters. They provide free legal advice as well as court representation, and grants of legal aid to pay for a Legal Aid lawyer or a private solicitor. Whether someone can get legal aid depends on the type of legal problem the person has and their income.

Staff at LawAccess NSW can help people

work out whether legal aid may be available application form over the telephone.

Call LawAccess NSW, as above.

Legal Aid Hotline for Under 18s

Provides telephone legal advice for young

people facing criminal charges. • Ph: 1800 10 18 10 • Hours: 9am to midnight on weekdays,

24 hours on Friday to Sunday and public

holidays. 10

Commissioner (OLSC)

Receives all complaints about solicitors,

barristers and licensed conveyancers in NSW.

The OLSC also oversees the investigation of

complaints about the conduct of practitioners and plays a major role in resolving consumer disputes. • Ph: (02) 9377 1800 or 1800 242 958 (Australia only) • Email: olsc@justice.nsw.gov.au

Family Relationship Centres

want information about relationship and separation issues. Where families separate, the centres provide information, advice and dispute resolution (such as mediation) to help them reach agreement on parenting arrangements. Some Family Relationship

Centres also have lawyers through CLC.

• Ph: Freecall 1800 050 321 • Hours: 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm Saturday, closed public holidays • Website: www.familyrelationships.gov.au

Investigates complaints about the conduct of

NSW government agencies and departments

and their employees, as well as some non- government agencies. • Ph: (02) 9286 1000 or 1800 451 524 (outside Sydney) • Hours: 9am to 4pm, Monday to Friday for complaints enquiries.

Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT)

Limited (ALS)

Is a community-controlled organisation

responsible for providing legal assistance to Aboriginal people in NSW and the ACT.

The ALS provides legal advice, referral

criminal and family law (including care and protection), and in some cases civil law. Local be found on the ALS website. • Crime Ph: 1800 765 767 • Care Ph: 1800 733 233 • Hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. • Website: www.alsnswact.org.au

The Solicitor Referral Service of the

Law Society of New South Wales


Service pivots around a unique referral

ENABLESTHEENQUIRYOFlCERSTOREFERCLIENTS who can pay for legal services to appropriate • Ph: (02) 9926 0300 or 1800 422 713 (outside Sydney) • Hours: 9am to 4pm, closed 12pm to 1pm,

Monday to Friday, closed public holidays

• Email: ereferral@lawsociety.com.au 11


Provides services in suicide prevention, crisis

support and mental health support. • Ph: 13 11 14 • Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

NSW Health - Crisis Mental Health


Directs anyone with a severe mental health

issue to the right care for them. • Ph: 1800 011 511 • Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Provides free or low cost early intervention

mental health services to 12-25 year olds, along with assistance in promoting young people's wellbeing. Headspace also offers an online and telephone service called 'eheadspace'. • • Website: www.headspace.org.au

Eheadspace: www.eheadspace.org.au

• Hours (eheadspace): 9am to 1am, 7 days a week

Kids Helpline

Is a free telephone counselling service for

children and teenagers. • Ph: 1800 55 1800 • Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Gambling Help NSW

Is a telephone, face to face and online service

to assist those who have gambling problems as well as their families and communities. • Ph: 1800 858 858 • Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


Is a free telephone online and video

professional counselling service for men who are experiencing family and relationships concerns and need support. • Website: www.mensline.org.au • Ph: 1300 78 99 78 • Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week


aims to support parents and carers of children aged 0-18 in NSW. • Ph: 1300 30 1300 • Hours: 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week

Homeless Persons Service

Is a telephone information and referral

service for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. It provides referrals to accommodation and support services in NSW. • Ph: 1800 234 566 • Hours: 8:30am to 10pm, Monday to Friday;

9am to 4pm Saturday; 10am to 4pm Sunday

Domestic Violence Line

Provides state-wide telephone counselling,

information and referrals for people who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence. Trained female caseworkers are aware of the special needs of Aboriginal women and women from other cultures, as well as those living in rural and remote areas.

They make referrals to women's refuges.

• Ph: 1800 65 64 63 • Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Crisis Hotlines

12 (ADO) www.ado.org.au

Street address

Postal address

GPO Box 2259, Canberra ACT 2601

Email contact@ado.org.au Phone

0428 416 857

NOT FOR PROlTLEGALCENTRETHATSPECIALISESIN animal law and animal protection matters.

ADO offers free advice and representation

for individuals and groups that want to take action for animals. They also assist people with other animal issues e.g. impounded dogs, therapy dogs, etc.

ADO provides information to raise community

awareness about animal protection, and advocate for law reform to advance animal interests. This includes wildlife, pets and farmed animals, and establishing animal sanctuaries, charities and organisations.


• Monday to Friday, 10am-6pm via phone • otherwise by appointment


• ADO accepts calls on animal law and animal protection matters from NSW and

ACT, but will also assist callers from other

jurisdictions. Provision of legal advice and assistance is subject to ADO's eligibility criteria. • ADO accepts warm referrals from other

CLCs and community organisations.

Specialist Community

Legal Centres


Arts Law Centre of Australia13

Australian Centre for

Disability Law


Australian Pro Bono Centre14


Financial Rights Legal



HIV/AIDS Legal Centre16

Human Rights Law Centre16

Immigration Advice and

Rights Centre


Intellectual Disability Rights



Justice Connect18

National Children"s and

Youth Law Centre


Public Interest Advocacy



Refugee Advice and

Casework Service


Seniors Rights Service22

Tenants" Union of NSW23

Welfare Rights Centre23

Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal

Women's Legal Centre


Women"s Legal Service NSW25



Arts Law Centre of Australia



The Gunnery, 43-51 Cowper Wharf Road,

Woolloomooloo NSW 2011

Email artslaw@artslaw.com.au


(02) 9356 2566

Toll free: 1800 221 457

Fax (02) 9358 6475

The Arts Law Centre of Australia is a

specialist legal centre for artists and arts organisations throughout Australia, with arts-related queries including contracts, copyright, defamation, business structures and insurance.



Indigenous artists and arts organisation.

Artists in the Black employs an Indigenous

coordinator. Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander clients should ask if an Indigenous

staff member is available.


• Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm


• Arts Law Centre of Australia accepts referrals and is a nationally based legal advisory and referral service for artists and arts organisations throughout Australia.

Australian Centre for

Disability Law


Postal address

PO Box 989 Strawberry Hills NSW 2012




(02) 9370 3135

Toll free: 1800 800 708

TTY: (02) 9211 5549

Toll free TTY: 1800 644 419

Fax (02) 9370 3131

The Australian Centre for Disability Law

provides free legal information, advice and representation for people with disability and their associates in relation to claims of disability discrimination occurring in NSW.

It also undertakes policy and law reform work

and provide community legal education in relation to disability discrimination and other disability rights issues.


• Monday to Friday 9am-5pm • Phone advice: Tuesday, Wednesday and

Friday 9:30am-12:30pm


• Australian Centre for Disability Law accepts warm referrals from other CLCs and community organisations. 14

Environmental Defenders



Level 5, 263 Clarence Street,

Sydney NSW 2000




(02) 9262 6989 or

1800 626 239 (NSW only)


02) 9264 2414

EDO NSW is a community legal centre

specialising in public interest environmental law. It helps people who want to protect the environment through law. It gives free initial telephone advice on matters of environmental law and policy and, if appropriate, provides written advice and ongoing assistance.

EDO NSW also has a wealth of legal

resources on its website. Its core functions are legal advice and litigation, policy and law reform, community engagement, and education.




• EDO NSW operates an Aboriginal service, and a professional development program. • EDO NSW has a number of plain English legal guides and fact sheets, with particular emphasis on Aboriginal culture and heritage, mining and CSG, conservation on private land, legal rights and obligations of landholders, planning and development, and native plants and animals.

Australian Pro Bono Centre



The Law Building, University of NSW,

Sydney NSW 2052




(02) 9385 7381 Fax (02) 9385 7375

The Australian Pro Bono Centre does not give

legal advice.

The Australian Pro Bono Centre works with

the legal profession and the community sector to produce and promote resources that directly enhance the delivery of pro bono legal services. The Centre encourages the development of innovative programs to make pro bono legal services more accessible to the community sector.


• The Australian Pro Bono Centre does not provide legal advice or referrals. Please contact the Australian Pro Bono Centre for information relating to referring matters pro bono. The Australian Pro Bono Centre has a National Law Firm Directory accessible via its website to those working in a CLC, listing pro bono policies, areas of law and 15


Financial Rights Legal Centre


Postal address

PO Box 538 Surry Hills NSW 2010


Phone (for clients)

National Debt Helpline: 1800 007 077

Aboriginal Advice Service: 1800 808 488

Insurance Law Service: 1300 663 464

Advice for Financial Counsellors only

1800 650 084

Phone (admin - not for clients)

(02) 9212 4216 Fax (02) 9212 4711

Financial Rights Legal Centre provides free

and legal advice to individual consumers on credit, debt and insurance issues.


• Monday to Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm


• National Debt Helpline: within NSW • Insurance Law Service: National • Aboriginal Advice Service (for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients only):


• Financial Rights Legal Centre accepts warm referrals from other CLCs and community organisations.


• Monday to Friday, 9am-5:30pm


• EDO NSW accepts calls on environmental and planning law matters. • EDO NSW accepts warm or direct referrals from other CLCs and community organisations on relevant matters. 16

Human Rights Law Centre

(HRLC) www.hrlc.org.au


Level 5, 175 Liverpool Street,

Sydney, NSW 2000



Phone (admin - not for clients)

(02) 8599 2110

The Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC)

protects and promotes human rights in

Australia and in Australian activities overseas.

This is done through an integrated strategic

combination of legal action, advocacy, research and capacity building.

HRLC works in coalition with key partners,

and barristers, academics and experts, and international and domestic human rights organisations.


• Monday to Friday, 9am-5.30pm

HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (NSW)

(HALC) www.halc.org.au


414 Elizabeth Street,

Surry Hills NSW 2010




(02) 9206 2060 Fax (02) 9206 2053

The HIV/AIDS Legal Centre (NSW) (HALC)

provides advice and representation across all aspects of a legal matter, from initial advice to trial preparation, representation and, where necessary, appeal in HIV and Hep C related legal matters.

Practice areas of strength include

discrimination, disclosure & privacy, employment, migration, asylum seeker, insurance and access to super, tenancy, estate planning, social security, minor criminal matters (with an emphasis on people with mental health and cognitive conditions), and some family.

HALC provides community education,

outreach, student and health sector training.

They also participate in law reform and policy



• Monday to Friday, 10am-6pm


• HALC accepts referrals of people with HIV or Hep C related legal problems. • HALC accepts warm referrals from other

CLCs and community organisations



Immigration Advice and

Rights Centre (IARC)


Street address

Level 5, 362 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000

Postal address

PO Box Q1283,

Queen Victoria Building NSW 1230

Email iarcadmin@iarc.asn.au


Information and admin line: (02) 8234 0700

Advice line: (02) 8234 0799

Fax (02) 9299 8467

The Immigration Advice and Rights Centre

(IARC) helps vulnerable people navigate

Australian migration law. IARC provides free

immigration legal advice to asylum seekers, refugees and vulnerable migrants in NSW.

IARC provides advice on family visas,

protection visas and citizenship. This includes partner visas, carer visas, child visas, visitor visas, citizenship and visa cancellation. Almost

50% of IARC's work involves assisting people

(predominantly women) on partner visas where there is domestic and family violence.

IARC also provides community legal

education to vulnerable communities and education and training to professionals.

IARC undertakes advocacy and law and

policy reform to ensure a just and equitable migration system.


• Monday to Friday 9am-5pm • Phone advice line open Tuesday and

Thursday 2pm-4pm


• Immigration Advice and Rights Centre accepts warm referrals from other CLCs and community organisations, as well as individual requests.

Intellectual Disability Rights

Service (IDRS)


Street address

Suite 2C, 199 Regent Street,

Redfern NSW 2016

Postal address

PO Box 3347 Redfern NSW 2016




(02) 9318 0144

1300 665 908

After hours: 1300 665 908

Fax (02) 9318 2887

IDRS provides legal advice and case work;

support persons at police station and court; education; assistance with appeal of NDIS decisions; peer support and resources and publications to people with intellectual disability. IDRS is a state-wide service.


• Contact for further info and to make appointments: Wollongong, Newcastle


• IDRS Justice Support (formerly known as CJSN) offers support persons and advocacy for people with intellectual disability who are victims or defendants in criminal matters. The service operates after-hours until 10pm, 7 days a week for people with intellectual disability under arrest. • Parents with Intellectual Disability Project: advice and assistance for parents with intellectual disability who are at risk of losing their children through Care and

Protection proceedings.


Justice Connect

www.justiceconnect.org.au www.nfplaw.org.au

Postal address

GPO Box 436 Darlinghurst NSW 1300



Phone (for clients)

1800 637 529

Self-representation service: 1800 727 550

Public interest referrals:

(02) 8599 2100

Phone (admin - not for clients)

(02) 8599 2100 Fax (02) 8599 2105

Justice Connect is a community legal centre

that delivers access to justice through pro bono legal services to people experiencing disadvantage and to the community organisations that support them.


Justice Connect has several programs in

NSW which target the unmet legal needs of

particular client groups. • LOWCOSTLEGALASSISTANCETONOT FOR PROlT community organisations. Assistance is telephone advice, legal information, and training. • Public interest referrals: receives and assesses requests for pro bono legal assistance for community organisations and individuals experiencing disadvantage or who have a public issue legal matter and refers them to pro bono solicitors and barristers. • NDIS Appeals - assistance to seek a review of decisions of the National Disability

Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or to appeal

NDIS decisions.

• Rights Education


• Monday to Friday 9am-5pm • Custody advice and support 7 days,



• IDRS accepts referrals of people with intellectual disability who live in NSW, or whose legal matter arises in NSW for all services.

Intellectual Disability Rights Service (cont.)



National Children's and

Youth Law Centre (NCYLC)



Law Building, First Floor,

University of New South Wales 2052


Clients should visit lawmail.org.au

Admin (not for clients): admin@ncylc.org.au


(02) 9385 9588

National Children's and Youth Law Centre

(NCYLC) is a free, independent community legal centre for children and young people and their advocates. It provides legal information (Lawstuff), referral and advice principally by email (Lawmail). It undertakes policy, law reform and research on children and young people's legal and human rights issues at a national level. It also provides

TeachLaw, a national schools-based legal

education initiative.


• Lawstuff and Lawmail are available

Australia-wide to eligible clients with an

internet connection.


• Lawstuff, Lawmail and TeachLaw


• Monday to Friday 9am-5pm


• NCYLC accepts referrals of children and young people under 25 years of age. It accepts referrals of adults appropriately acting on behalf of children under 18, e.g. youth workers, teachers, parents. • Self-Representation Service: provides free legal assistance to unrepresented litigants in civil court proceedings in the Federal

Court and Federal Circuit Court. The

Service assists in federal matters such as

bankruptcy and Fair Work.


• Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm


• Justice Connect accepts warm referrals from other CLCs, government agencies, and community organisations. 20


• Indigenous Justice Program: discrimination and police complaints


• Homeless Persons' Legal Service • Energy & Water Consumers' Advocacy



• Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm


PIAC accepts warm referrals from other CLCs

and community organisations when public interest related.

Public Interest Advocacy

Centre (PIAC)



Level 5, 175 Liverpool Street, Sydney NSW





(02) 8898 6500 Fax (02) 8898 6555

Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) is

a legal and policy centre promoting public interest issues. Public interest matters are those of broad public importance or concern that affect more than individuals or small groups.

PIAC undertakes strategic campaigns on

access to justice (including for homeless people, and people with mental illness), consumer protection, and government accountability (including freedom of information, detention, energy and water, human rights, and indigenous justice).

PIAC's Homeless Persons' Legal Service

provides free legal assistance to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

PIAC provides training and capacity building

workshops, gives legal advice and conducts test case litigation, and undertakes research and public policy development and law reform. 21



People seeking asylum wanting help to lodge

a protection visa in Australia who are at either

DIBP or AAT stage, should be referred to


RACS accepts warm referrals by email for

plane arrival clients at Department and

Tribunal stages and so plane arrival clients

should be ideally directed towards their caseworker for a warm referral. If they do not have a caseworker already, they should be directed to the Asylum Seekers Centre in

Newtown where a RACS lawyer provides full

time outreach services.

RACS accepts warm referrals by email for

plane arrival clients who: • are hoping to make a protection visa application in Australia; or • have already made an application but have not yet had a decision from the

Department; or

• have had an application refused by the

Department and need help appealing to

the Tribunal; or • have applied to the Tribunal but have not yet had a decision from the Tribunal; or • hold a permanent protection visa and would like help bringing family members to


Refugee Advice and Casework

Service (RACS)



1-3 Eurimbla Avenue, Randwick NSW 2031


Legal or client related enquiries:


Non-legal/client related enquiries:


Phone (for clients)

(02) 8355 7227

Phone (admin - not for clients)

(02) 8317 6500 Fax (02) 8004 3348

The Refugee Advice and Casework Service

(RACS) is an independent community legal centre that provides a free, specialist legal service for people seeking asylum.


Contact for further info and to make

appointments. • Auburn Centre for Community, 44a

Macquarie Road, Auburn

• Jesuit Refugee Service, Arrupe Place, 4

Victoria Road, Parramatta

• University of Technology Sydney (UTS)


• Phone advice: Tuesday 10am-11:30am • Auburn outreach: Wednesday 10am-12pm • Parramatta outreach: Monday & Friday


• Evening clinics at UTS on Monday and

Wednesday evenings by appointment

• Advice appointments made for Mondays and Fridays. 22


Monday to Friday 9am-5pm


SRS accepts referrals for people over 60,

or in some cases, over 54 (particularly for disadvantaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander, or Culturally and Linguistically

Diverse clients).

It does not accept referrals for

• Conveyancing issues or strata title issues unless the owner or resident is being victimised. • People who are not disadvantaged. • Adult children or friends of the older person unless they are the attorney or guardian of the older person; please advise these people to have the older person call us directly.

SRS accepts direct calls from other CLCs to

discuss a client's situation. To refer clients to

SRS, have the older person call SRS and they

will be put on the SRS intake list if a solicitor or advocate is not immediately available.

Seniors Rights Service (SRS)



Level 4, 418a Elizabeth Street, Surry Hills

NSW 2010




(02) 9281 3600

Toll free

1800 424 079

Fax (02) 9281 3672

Seniors Rights Service (SRS) provides

telephone legal advice and non-legal advocacy. SRS may offer additional legal assistance in limited Circumstances. SRS also provides education sessions and workshops, seminars and publications relating to older persons in NSW.

Areas of Advice: general legal matters

including consumer issues, human rights matters, social security matters, planning ahead, substitute decision making, aged rights advocacy and issues of physical and

SRS provides advocacy and advice services

for residents, prospective residents and their representatives, of Commonwealth funded aged care facilities.

SRS has a new strata advice service for cases

of collective sale or redevelopment only.

SRS provides advocacy for recipients of

Commonwealth funded home support, in

home services and community services.

SRS provides legal advice, and, where

appropriate at their discretion, representation, for residents of retirement villages and for older persons throughout NSW who are socially and economically disadvantaged due to their age, frailty and/or disability. 23


Welfare Rights Centre



102/55 Holt Street Surry Hills NSW 2010



Phone (for advice)

(02) 9211 5300

Outside metropolitan Sydney

1800 226 028

Phone (admin and casework clients -

not for phone advice) (02) 9211 5389 Fax (02) 9211 5268

The Welfare Rights Centre provides advice

and representation on Social Security and

Family Assistance matters. It is independent

of Centrelink.


• Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm • Phone advice: Monday and Wednesday



Welfare Rights Centre (NSW) accepts

referrals from all of NSW, however referrals for Illawarra and South Coast can also be made to the Welfare Rights worker at the

Illawarra Legal Centre.

Welfare Rights Centre accepts warm

referrals from other CLCs and community organisations.

Tenants" Union of NSW



Suite 201, 55 Holt St Surry Hills NSW 2010



Phone (for clients)

1800 251 101(Monday only) - Tenancy

inquiries should be referred to the local

TAAS. Contact details are available using the

postcode engine on the front page of www.tenants.org.au

Phone (admin - not for clients)

(02) 8117 3700 Fax (02) 8117 3777

The Tenants' Union (TU) is the peak

resource body for the Tenants Advice and

Advocacy Services (TAAS) across the state,

as well as being a specialist community legal centre. The TU represents the interests of all tenants in NSW, including those in social and private housing, boarders and lodgers, and caravan park residents.



TU also has a part-time Aboriginal paralegal

expert advice to tenancy services on housing law for Aboriginal clients and undertakes strategic litigation.


• Monday to Friday 9am-5pm • Advice line Monday 10am-1pm and



Tenancy inquiries should be referred to the

local TAAS. Contact details are available using the postcode engine on the front page of www.tenants.org.au

Please phone to discuss potential test cases.



Weekdays 9am-5pm, closing at 12:30pm on



Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women"s Legal

Centre accepts referrals from other CLCs

and community organisations from across the state. Clients may self refer. Drop ins are available, however, appointments are preferred.

Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal

Women's Legal Centre


Street address

142 Addison Road, Building 13, Marrickville

NSW 2204

Postal address

PO Box 785 Marrickville NSW 1475


wirringa_baiya@clc.net.au Phone (02) 9569 3847

Toll free

1800 686 587

Fax (02) 9569 4210

Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women's Legal

Centre is a state-wide service for Aboriginal

and Torres Strait Islander women, children, and youth. The Centre has a focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, child sexual assault and other issues relating to victims of violence.

The Centre provides information and advice

both legal and non-legal, referral, limited casework, and community legal education.

The Centre develops and distributes culturally

appropriate resources for the Aboriginal community and provides cultural awareness training for non-Aboriginal workers working with Aboriginal women, children and youth, and community in relation to violence.

Areas of work include DV and AVOs, Care

and Protection, Child and Adult Sexual

Assault, and assistance with Victims Support

claims. 25


• Liverpool Women's Health Centre • Penrith Women's Health Centre • Blacktown Family Relationship Centre • Penrith Family Relationship Centre • Emu Plains Correctional Centre • Silverwater Correctional Centre • Blacktown Local Court • Mt Druitt Local Court • Penrith Local Court


Contact for further info and to make


Indigenous Women's Legal Program

fortnightly outreaches: • Campbelltown: Macarthur Gateway • Emerton: Aboriginal Catholic Care • Cranebrook: Koolyangarra Family Centre • Blackett: Marrin Weejali Centre


Contact for further info and to make

appointments. • Domestic Violence Legal Service • Indigenous Women's Legal Program • Working Women's Legal Service • Care and Protection Service • Ask LOIS www.asklois.org.au online support for community workers


• Monday to Friday 9am-4:30pm, closed



• WLSNSW accepts referrals for women throughout NSW. • WLSNSW accepts warm referrals from

Law Access, other CLCs, and community


Women"s Legal Service NSW


Postal address

PO Box 206 Lidcombe NSW 1825



Phone (for clients)

• Women's Legal Contact Line: (02) 8745 6988 • Toll free Women's Legal Contact Line:

1800 801 501

• Domestic Violence Legal Advice Line: (02)

8745 6999

• Toll free Domestic Violence Legal Advice

Line: 1800 810 784

• Indigenous Women's Legal Contact Line: (02) 8745 6977 • Toll free Indigenous Women's Legal

Contact Line: 1800 639 784

• Working Women's Legal Service: (02) 8745 6954 • Care and Protection Legal Advice Line: (02) 8745 6908

Phone (admin - not for clients)

(02) 8745 6900 Fax (02) 9749 4433

Women's Legal Service NSW (WLSNSW)

to-face legal advice, information and referrals to women in NSW with a focus on domestic violence, sexual assault, victims' support, family law, and discrimination.

WLSNSW provides community education

and training, publications, lobbying and law reform on issues that concern women.


Contact for further info and to make

appointments. • Blacktown Women's and Girls' Health



Generalist Community

Legal Centres

Central Coast Community Legal Centre27

Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre28

Far West Community Legal Centre29

Hume Riverina Community Legal Service30

Hunter Community Legal Centre31

Illawarra Legal Centre32

Inner City Legal Centre34

Kingsford Legal Centre35

Macarthur Legal Centre36

Marrickville Legal Centre38

Mid North Coast Community Legal Centre39

North and North West Community Legal Service40

Northern Rivers Community Legal Centre41

Redfern Legal Centre42

Shoalcoast Community Legal Centre44

South West Sydney Legal Centre45

University of Newcastle Legal Centre46

Western NSW Community Legal Centre47

Western Sydney Community Legal Centre48



Areas of advice

Animal Law and Protection Apprehended Violence Orders Child Protection Consumer Credit and Debt Crime (minor) Discrimination and Human Rights Domestic Violence Employment


Family Law - Children Family Law - Divorce & Other Family Law - Property Fines Guardianship for Adults


Immigration Law Injuries Compensation Mental Health Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Neighbourhood Disputes Police Complaints Property Damage Social Security Tenancy Victim Compensation Wills and Estates

Central Coast Community Legal Centre


Street address 31 Alison Road, Wyong

Postal address PO Box 246, Wyong NSW 2259

Email centralcoast@clc.net.au

Phone (for clients) (02) 4353 4988

Fax (02) 4353 4680


Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Broadmeadow, Wyong and Woy Woy Children's

Courts: Children's Court Assistance Scheme

(CCAS) • Gosford: Central Coast Homeless Outreach Legal

Service (CCHOLS) at Coast Shelter

• Toukley Neighbourhood Centre: Central Coast

Homeless Outreach Legal Service

• Wyong Local Court: AVO Duty Service •


Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Aboriginal Access Workers; • Bigan Mob Outreach, at Mingaletta Aboriginal and Torres St Islander Corp., Umina


Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm


• For people who live, work, or study in the Central

Coast (former Wyong and Gosford councils)

catchment areas. • Central Coast Community Legal Centre accepts warm referrals from other CLCs and community organisations 28


Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Lithgow Information and Neighbourhood Centre • Lithgow Community Projects • Bathurst Neighbourhood Centre • Bathurst Family Relationship Centre • Local courts on AVO list days


• Monday to Friday, 9:30am-4:30pm • Legal advice via phone on Tuesdays and

Thursdays 9:30am - 12:30pm, and Wednesdays

1:30pm - 4:30pm


• Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre accepts self-referrals or referrals from community services in the Blue Mountains, Lithgow, Oberon and

Bathurst LGAs and from other CLCs. If in doubt,

call us to discuss.


Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Blue Mountains Tenants' Advice and Advocacy

Service provides advice and casework assistance

to tenants living in the Blue Mountains area and duty advocacy at Katoomba NCAT. • Cooperative Legal Service Delivery Regional

Coordinator for Central Tablelands.

• Family Relationship Centre Bathurst offers an outreach service at Elizabeth Evatt Community

Legal Centre.

Areas of advice

Animal Law and Protection Apprehended Violence Orders Child Protection Consumer Credit and Debt Crime Discrimination and Human Rights Domestic Violence Employment


Family Law - Children Family Law - Divorce & Other Family Law - Property Fines Guardianship for Adults Health Immigration Law Injuries Compensation Mental Health Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Neighbourhood Disputes Police Complaints Property Damage Social Security Tenancy Victim Compensation Wills and Estates

Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre


Address 4 Station Street, Katoomba NSW 2780

Email admin@eeclc.org.au

Phone (for clients) (02) 4704 0207

(02) 6331 6649

Fax (02) 4782 4384




Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Broken Hill • Wilcannia • Tibooburra • White Cliffs • Wanaaring • Menindee • Ivanhoe • Gaols in Broken Hill and Ivanhoe


• Monday to Friday 9am-4:30pm, closed 1pm-2pm, Central Standard Time


• Self-referral from people who live and work in Far

West Region.

• Far West Community Legal Centre accepts referrals with clients' permission from other CLCs and community organisations

Areas of advice

Animal Law and Protection Apprehended Violence Orders Child Protection Consumer Credit and Debt Crime Discrimination and Human Rights Domestic Violence Employment Environment Family Law - Children Family Law - Divorce & Other Family Law - Property Fines Guardianship for Adults


Immigration Law Injuries Compensation Mental Health Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Neighbourhood Disputes Police Complaints Property Damage Social Security Tenancy Victim Compensation Wills and Estates

Far West Community Legal Centre


Street address 304 Oxide Street, Broken Hill

Postal address PO Box 399, Broken Hill NSW 2880

Email reception@farwestclc.org.au

Phone (08) 8088 2020

1300 300 036

Fax (08) 8088 2060



Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Albury • Benalla • Corowa • Deniliquin • Finley • Glenroy • Henty • Holbrook • Lavington • Wangaratta • Wodonga


Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Albury Wodonga Aboriginal Health Service

Outreach twice a week


Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Tuesday evening appointments, Wodonga weekly

and Wangaratta fortnightly, 5:30pm-7:00pm


• Hume Riverina Community Legal Service accepts referrals from people who live and/or work in their catchment area. • Hume Riverina Community Legal Service accepts warm referrals from other CLCs and community organisations for clients who live and/or work in their catchment area.

Areas of advice

Animal Law and Protection Apprehended Violence Orders Child Protection Consumer Credit and Debt Crime Discrimination and Human Rights Domestic Violence Employment


Family Law - Children Family Law - Divorce & Other Family Law - Property Fines Guardianship for Adults Health Immigration Law Injuries Compensation Mental Health Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Neighbourhood Disputes Police Complaints Property Damage Social Security Tenancy Victim Compensation Wills and Estates

Hume Riverina Community Legal Service


Street address 27-29 Stanley Street, Wodonga

Postal address PO Box 31, Wodonga VIC 3689

Email cls@umfc.com.au

Phone (for clients) 1800 918 377

Phone (admin - not for clients) (02) 6055 8090

Fax (02) 6056 8079




Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Nelson Bay: Yacaaba Centre • Cessnock Samaritans Neighbourhood Centre • Muswellbrook: Wanaruah Local Aboriginal Lands


• Newcastle Local Court: AVO Duty Service • • Newcastle Family Law Court: Family Law Duty



• • Telephone advice: • Monday and Friday 10am-12pm • Wednesday 2pm-4pm


• Hunter CLC accepts referrals of people who live, study and/or work in our catchment area. Please ask clients to call during telephone advice line hours. • Hunter CLC accepts warm referrals from other

CLC's and community organisations.

Areas of advice

Animal Law and Protection Apprehended Violence Orders Child Protection Consumer Credit and Debt Crime Discrimination and Human Rights Domestic Violence Employment


Family Law - Children Family Law - Divorce & Other Family Law - Property Fines Guardianship for Adults Health Immigration Law Injuries Compensation Mental Health Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Neighbourhood Disputes Police Complaints Property Damage Social Security Tenancy Victim Compensation Wills and Estates

Hunter Community Legal Centre

www.hunterclc.com.au Street address Level 2, 116 Hunter Street, Newcastle

Postal address PO Box 84, Newcastle NSW 2300

Email admin@hunterclc.com.au

Phone (for clients) (02) 4040 9120

Toll free 1800 650 073

Phone (admin - not for clients) (02) 4040 9121



Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • • Warilla: Illawarra Women's Health centre • Port Kembla Children's Court: Youth Outreach • Wollongong Homelessness Hub Tenants' Service • Wollongong: Financial Counselling • Corrimal: Financial Counselling • Warilla: Financial Counselling • Dapto: Financial Counselling • Nowra: Welfare Rights Outreach • Berkeley Neighbourhood Centre


• Aboriginal Legal Access Worker: Aboriginal clients are encouraged to drop in and where possible will be seen without an appointment.


• Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 9am-

5pm. Closed 1pm-2pm

• Thursday 2pm-5pm


• Illawarra Legal Centre (ILC) accepts referrals of people who live and / or work in the catchment area. • ILC accepts warm referrals from other CLCs and community organisations.

Areas of advice

Animal Law and Protection Apprehended Violence Orders Child Protection Consumer Credit and Debt Crime Discrimination and Human Rights Domestic Violence Employment


Family Law - Children Family Law - Divorce & Other Family Law - Property Fines Guardianship for Adults Health Immigration Law Injuries Compensation Mental Health Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Neighbourhood Disputes Police Complaints Property Damage Social Security Tenancy Victim Compensation Wills and Estates Financial Counselling

Illawarra Legal Centre


Street address 7 Greene Street, Warrawong

Postal address PO Box 139, Warrawong NSW 2502

Email illawarra_nsw@clc.net.au

Phone (for clients) (02) 4276 1939

Fax (02) 4276 1978




Contact for more information and to make

appointments. • Illawarra and South Coast Tenants Service: providing information and advice to tenants, park residents and boarding house residents.

Advocates may also assist tenants appearing

in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT). Covering Wollongong LGA and down to the Victorian border. • Welfare Rights Services: providing information and advice to Illawarra and South Coast clients having problems with Centrelink. It can assist with appeals against Centrelink decisions. • Financial Counselling and Advocacy Service: providing information and advice to clients having lNANCIALSITUATIONANDNEGOTIATEWITHCREDITORS • Children's Court Assistance Service: at Port

Kembla Children's Court every Tuesday.



• Inner City Legal Centre prioritises legal services for Aboriginal people in the catchment area and for LGBTIQ Aboriginal people in New South



• Monday to Friday 9am-5pm, closed 1pm-2pm

Advice sessions by appointment only:

• Tuesday and Wednesday evenings 6pm-8pm


• Inner City Legal Centre will only make an appointment for clients in its catchment area who are on lower incomes, as well as LGBTIQ people and sex workers in NSW. • Inner City Legal Centre receives warm referrals from other CLCs. If the CLC needs to refer a of the client to contact ICLC, and provide the client's and other party's details to ICLC. ICLC make arrangements with the client if there is no


State wide services:

• Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) legal advice • Safe Relationships Project (SRP) • Sex Workers Legal Service (SLS)

Areas of advice

Animal Law and Protection Apprehended Violence Orders Child Protection Consumer Credit and Debt Crime Discrimination and Human Rights Domestic Violence Employment


Family Law - Children Family Law - Divorce & Other Family Law - Property Fines Guardianship for Adults


Immigration Law Injuries Compensation Mental Health Law Motor Vehicle Accidents Neighbourhood Disputes Police Complaints Property Damage Social Security


Victim Compensation Wills and Estates

Inner City Legal Centre

www.iclc.org.au Street address 50-52 Darlinghurst Road, Kings Cross

Postal address PO Box 25, Potts Point NSW 2011

Email iclc@iclc.org.au

Phone 1800 244 481

Fax (02) 9360 5941


Politique de confidentialité -Privacy policy