[PDF] The Normal Distribution as an Approximation to the Binomial


[PDF] The Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution

Remarkably, when n, np and nq are large, then the binomial distribution is well approximated by the normal distribution According to eq (8 3) on p 762 of Boas 

[PDF] Normal approximation to the binomial

Theorem 9 1 (Normal approximation to the binomial distribution) If Sn is a binomial variable with parameters n and p, Binom (n, p), then

[PDF] Approximating the Binomial Distribution by the Normal - DiVA Portal

21 jui 2011 · In this paper an examination is made regarding the size of the approximations errors The exact probabilities of the binomial distribution is 

[PDF] Lab Project 5: The Normal approximation to Binomial distribution

Lab Project 5: The Normal approximation to Binomial distribution Course : Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Math 113 Section 3234

[PDF] 65 The Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution

12 nov 2019 · Although it seems strange, under certain circumstances a (continuous) normal distribution can be used to approximate a (discrete) binomial 

[PDF] Normal approximation to the Binomial

In 1733, Abraham de Moivre presented an approximation to the Binomial distribution He later (de Moivre, 1756, page 242) appended the derivation

[PDF] Normal Distribution as Approximation to Binomial Distribution

Normal Approximation to the Binomial distribution IF np > 5 AND nq > 5, then the binomial random variable is approximately normally distributed with mean µ =np 


For accurate values for binomial probabilities, either use computer software to do exact calculations or if n is not very large, the probability calculation 

[PDF] Section 55, Normal Approximations to Binomial Distributions

Let x represent a binomial random variable for n trials, with probability of Since the binomial distribution is discrete and the normal distribution is 

[PDF] The Normal Distribution as an Approximation to the Binomial

For a large enough number of trials (n) the area under normal curve can be used to approximate the probability of a binomial distribution Requirements:

[PDF] The Normal Distribution as an Approximation to the Binomial 29623_6normal_bd.pdf

Middlesex Community College | Prepared by: Stephen McDonald The Normal Distribution as an Approximation to the Binomial Distribution

For a large enough number of trials (n) the area under normal curve can be used to approximate the probability of a binomial distribution. Requirements: The number of trials is fixed. Each trial is independent of the others. There are only two outcomes, success (p) and failure (q). The probability of each outcome remains constant between trials. ݊ ή݌ ൒ͷ

݊ ήݍ ൒ͷ To use the normal distribution to approximate the binomial, we must also define a mean

ሺߤ standard deviation ሺߪ ߤ ߪ ඥ݊ ή݌ ήݍ

Continuity Correction Factor:

Since the binomial distribution is not continuous whereas the normal distribution is continuous, we must apply the continuity correct factor to account for this. This is as simple as adding or subtracting 0.5 from the discrete x-value in question. For the discrete value: ݔ ൏Ǣݏݑܾݐݎܿܽ-Ǥͷ ܽ݊݀ ݑݏ݁ ܽ

ݔ ൐Ǣܽ݀݀ -Ǥͷ ܽ݊݀ ݑݏ݁ ܽሾࡳࡾࡱ࡭ࢀࡱࡾ ࢀࡴ࡭ࡺሿ

ݔ ൑Ǣܽ݀݀ -Ǥͷ ܽ݊݀ ݑݏ݁ ܽ ݔ ൒Ǣݏݑܾݐݎܿܽ-Ǥͷ ܽ݊݀ ݑݏ݁ ܽ ݔ ൌǢܽ݀݀ ࢇ࢔ࢊ ݏݑܾݐݎܿܽݐ -Ǥͷ ܽ ܽ
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