[PDF] Advertising and Sales Promotion Unit -1 Part - A


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[PDF] Advertising and Sales Promotion Unit -1 Part - A 3038_1AdvertisingandSalesPromotion.pdf

Advertising and Sales Promotion

Unit -1

Part - A

1. What is advertisement? Ans: Advertisement is any paid from of communication intended to convey a

message to the target audience (reader, listener, and viewer) in a non-personal way. It's the process of convincing the customers who seeks to sell goods, ideas, services, on the behalf of the paying sponsor.

2. Why advertisement is needed? Ans: To stimulate sales To communicate with consumers To retain the loyalty To increase support To project a image

3. What is copyright? Ans: copyright is legal right created by the Law of a country that grants the

creator of original work exclusive rights for its use and distribution.

4. What do you mean by message placement cost? Ans: creative development is one of tow major spending considerations for

advertising. The other cost is for media placement; the purchase of ad time, space or location with media outlets that deliver the message.

5. Define the characteristics of good copy of advertisement?

Ans: Attention value,

Suggestive value, Memorizing value, Conviction value, Sentimental appeal value, Education value, Instinctive value,

6. Who is target audience? Ans: The target audience is the demographic of people who are most likely to

show interest in the product or service.

7. Define advertising media. Ans: Advertising media refers to the various media channels through which

advertising is done. Advertising media is used for showcasing promotional content which communicated in various forms such as text, speech, images, videos using TV, radio, online, outdoor etc.

8. What is advertisement budget? Ans: An advertising budget is the money a company is willing to set aside to

accomplish is marketing objectives. An advertising budget is an estimation of a company's promotional expenditures over a period of time.

9. Define advertising? Ans: The word advertising originates from a Latin word advertise, which

means To turn to. The meaning of the term is ''to give publicly''.

10. What is competitive advertising? Ans: It is useful where the product has reached the market growth and

especially the market maturity stage. It stimulates "selective" demand.

11. What is retail advertising? Advertising marketers of pharmaceutics, cosmetics, scooters, detergents and

most of the consumer goods product are all package goods that the consumer will often buy during the year. Soaps, cigarettes and alcoholic beverages are banks.

12. What is the process of advertisement? The advertisements that we see in the newspapers, magazines, and roadside

hoardings or watch on television.

13. What are the segments of advertisement? Following are the three major segments of advertisement

14. What are the principles of web advertising? *Keep ads for outside companies on the periphery of page.

*keep ads as small and discreet as possible relative to the core home page content

15. What are the types of advertisement? *Banners (static, animated, interactive) *interstitial (pop ups and similar pages that interrupt the user)

16. What are objectives of media? after media planners define the target audience for free and in exchange

displays advertising banners within the software interface

17. What is the media strategy in advertising? Media strategy, as used in the advertising or content delivery (online

broadcasting) industries.


1. Explain the objectives of advertising?

Advertising objective is set with the aim of increasing the sales , seeking for the favorable reaction from the consumer. Setting objective is the integral part of tha planning process that affects various strategic and tactical decisions for a singl promotional program.

2. Define target audience and state about targeted market.

A target audience in the intended audience or readership of a publication, advertisement, or other message. in marketing and advertising, it is a specific group of people within the target inarket at which a product or the marketing message of a product is (kotler 2000).

3. What do you mean by task process?

Advertising objectives. The main objectives of advertising is to aid the selling process through communication with existing and prospective the customers. Most advertisements inform and persuade.

4. What do you mean by message structure?

The appeal-this refers to the underlying idea that captures the attention of a message receiver, appeals can fall into such categories as emotional, fearful, humorous, and sexual.

5. Explain product advertisement detail.

Product Advertising most advertising is product advertising, designed to promote the sale or reputation of a particular product or service that organization sells. indene's cooking gas is a or scale in point.

6. Explain in the advertisement based on area of operation.

It is classified as follow.

A. National Advertising

B. Regional Advertising

C. Local Advertising

A. National advertising

It is practiced by many firms in our country .It encourage the consumer to by their product wherever they are sold most national advertisements concentrate on the overall image and desirability of the product.

B. Regional advertising

It is geographical alternative for organizations.f0r example; Regional agencies have been around for decades, relying largely on local retail brands and corporate houses for business.

C. Local advertising

It is generally done by retailers rather then manufacturers. these advertisements save the customer time and money by passing along specific information about products, prices, location, and so on. Retailer advertisement


27. What are the steps involved in the process of advertising?

Advertising is an information strategy and is designed to influence the purchasing reach behavior and/or thought patterns of the audience. Briefing- Advertising process starts with briefing- a document confirming understanding between clients and advertising agency on- what product to SWOT analysis of the company is also made to find out the key areas Market research- After briefing market research being done. Research activities are enabled which include- comparison of advertiser's product or service with competitor's or service. Media selection- using the research the advertising agency or the media agency will select the media that should be used the target audience in the most cost effective way. Ad designing & Ad creation- at this the creative people of advertising agency will convert the advertising communication into words and pictures. Execution- finally the advertisement will be executed. Performance check- Once the advertisement is executed, the media agency will check its performance.

28. Discuss the market segmentation of advertisement?

1. Geographical spread- basis National offers a product or service to the general consumer audience across the country Local: firms may like to restrict their business to very small geographical area-state or a region.

2. Target group- basis

Consumer aims at directly meeting the needs of the target segment to promote the sales of the advertised product. Industrial refers to those advertisement which are sponsored by the manufacturing or country distributed and is aimed at buyers of the industrial products. Professional is directed towards people who are not the actual users of a product but influence the purchase decision for their customers.

3. Impact- basis

Demand aims to stimulate the overall demand of the whole product category. Action that stresses persuades immediate buying of the product eg ice creams, chocolates.

4. Product basis

Pioneering- explain new product

Competitive- compare competition

Remind- remind, reinforce, encourage repeat purchase

5. Non product-m basis

Idea- aims to convey the idea about some topic Service- service sectors 29. What are the qualities of advertisement copy?
1. Attention value,- An advertisement copy must attract the attention of the potential consumers. If it fails in this mission, the money and efforts will go waste though it possess all other values because everything else follows this. 2. Suggestive value- The next task would be to offer a suggestion about the use and the utility of the product that may remain inscribed on the mind of the reader even when he forgets where he really saw the advertisement. 3. Memorizing value- The copy of the advertisement copy can prove effective and desired end when the suggestion contained in it is backed by convincing arguments. 4. Conviction value- Sentiments play a very important role in advertising, particularly in the case of food Articles. 5. Sentimental value- A good copy of advertisement must possess educative value because the object of modern advertising is not merely to satisfy existing demand but to create future demand. 30. What is the importance of measuring the effectives of advertising?
1. It act as a safety measure, testing effectiveness of advertising helps in finding out ineffective advertisement and advertising campaigns.

2. Provide feedback for remedial measures, testing effectiveness of advertising of

advertising provides useful information to the advertisers to take remedial steps against advertisements.

3. Avoid possible failure, advertisers are not sure of advertising from a particular

advertising campaign.

4. To justify the investment in advertising, the expenditure on advertisement is

considered to be an advertisement.

5. To know the communication effect, the effectiveness of the advertisement can the

measured in terms of their communication effects on the target consumers or audience.



1. What do you mean be coy media? Media refers to the general category of delivery systems available to carry advertising message

to a selected audience such as print, broadcast, outdoor etc..

2. What is media planning? The process of choosing the vehicle of mass communication in which to place an advertiser's

message, purchasing that time or space, and insuring that the advertising message runs smoothly.

3. Explain the term "media scheduling" Scheduling refers to the pattern of advertising timing, represented as plots on a yearly

flowchart. These plots indicate the pattern of scheduled times.

4. Explain the importance of web advertising.

• rapid a medium of connectivity • Provides more interactivity with customers. • Consumers can interact with a product &build their own experience with it.

5. What is integrated advertising?

Integrated advertising is a combination of many media resources (think TV, radio, print,

search, social, mobile, etc...)

6. Explain advertising budgeting.

An advertising budget is an estimation of a company promotional expenditures over a

period of time.

7. What are the methods of setting advertising budget?

• Affordable method • Percentage method • completive parity method • Objective & task method

8. State the advantages of outdoor media.

• High exposure frequency • Moderate cost • flexibility • Gographic selectivity

9. What are the tools used in media planning?

online Advertising research tools online advertising competitive intelliange tools Demand-said platforms

10. What are the steps in media planning process?

1 .Market Analysis

2. Establishing media objective

3. Evaluation and follow-up


1.Explain the special characteristics of media

• In- depth coverage & permanence:

Basically the media should have good coverage and should be a permanent source i.e can ered,

re-red and retained: in this regard magazines are a good example. • Variety of subjects covered: It should not be restricted and should take care of variety • Mobility: The media should be in a position to carry the message across to where ever desired. • Results assessable:

Basically it is the afford of evolution which is possible by divining cost space by the number of

replies received.

2. What are the types of scheduling?

i. Steady pulse ii. period pulse iii. start pulse iv. promotional v. erratic pulse

3.Explain the types of web advertising.

a. World wide web home page: b. banners c. logos d. email ads e. keywords f. classified ads g. interstitials h. sponsored mailing list 4. What are different types of online advertising? Button As


Cost per click

cost per click impressions

Ad views



Rich media

5. What is budgeting? How to plan budget?

Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend the money. This is spending plan is called a


To keep the finance on track, they on track the company want to map out the spending plan or

budget for 6 months to a year down the road. By doing this it can easily forecast which months the finances may be tight and which ones will have extra money

Extending the budget out into the future also allows. to forecast how much money will be also

to able to save for important things like vacation, a new vehicle, first home or home renovations, an

emergency savings account for the retirement.


1. What is media plan & explain its strategy step 1: Situation Analysis:

Analysing and defying the marketing problem What are the company's strengths and weakness What are the opportunities and threats step 2: Marketing strategy Marketing objectives Target market segments Marketing mix decisions step 3: Advertising strategy Detailed profiling of target audience product and its positioning decision communication message and appeal step 4: Setting media objectives set media goals that can achieve advertising objectives

Step 5: Determining media strategy

Set guidance for the selection and use media Select the best strategy alternative Media mix & target market coverage Media scheduling

2. What is media scheduling & classify its model? 1. Continuity This model is primarily for non-seasonal products, yet sometimes for seasonal products.

Advertising runs steadily with little variation over the campaign period


Works as a reminder Covers the entire purchase cycle positioning advantage within media

2. Fighting

In media scheduling for seasonal product categories. For instance, all of 2000 Target rating pioneered in a single month, "going dark" for the rest year. Advantages: Advertisers buy heavier weight than competitors for a relatively shorter period of time

3. Pulsing pulsing combines fighting and continuous scheduling by using a low advertising level all year

round and heavy advertising during peak selling periods.


covers different market situations Advantages of both continuity and fighting possible

4. Explain the different types of media. 1. Broad cast media Television Doordarsan Star Tv Sun TV B.B.C 2. Non Broad cast media Video cassettes Audio casettes Cinema 3. Print media National Regional Daily weekly 4. Direct Reponse Mailers as letters Mailers as pamphlets 5. Outdoor Media Posters Hoardings Wall painting 6. Vehicular Media Mainline trains Buses 7. Internet portal Independent websites screen savers

5. What are the advantages of web advertising? Cost Efficiency: Advertising on the Internet is much more cost-efficient than using traditional mass market

and niche media, Using an ad- placement savings, since as google's Ad words can help you to realize even more significant cost savings, outlet individually,

Target Marketing:

Market segmentation and target marketing are effective on the internet than any other advertising medium.

Interactivity and feedback:

The internet facilities true two-way communication in advertising messages. by placing interactive ads on the internet, marketers can use surveys, comments and usage statistics to fine-tune their campaigns midstream and maximize their effectiveness.

Captive Audience:

Digital video Recorders (DVR) makes it easy for television viewers to skip advertisements, dramatically reducing the impact of this traditional medium.



1. What is an advertising agency? An advertising agency is an independent organization set up to render specialized services

in advertising in particular and in marketing in general.

2. state the steps in implementing advertising. Positioning statement Target consumer Communication media Implementation

3. What is advertising coordination? Advertising coordination implies establishing unity of thought, purpse and action between

the advertising efforts and those of others who implement.

4. Explain ASCI? Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI) is a self-regulatory voluntary

organization of the advertising industry in india.

5. Enumerate the 5 types of advertising agencies. Full service Agencies Interactive Creative Agencies Media Buying Agencies

6. How is advertising department organized? By functions By media By product By end-user and By geography

7. What is advertising implementation. An advertising plan and an advertising strategy provide the framework for small

businesses and their agencies to develop, review, and measure the effectiveness campaigns in line with advertising and marketing objectives.

8. What are the functions of an agency? Creative functions

Media selection Research functions Relationship management

9. Explain strategic planning. Strategic planning is the process that enables the campaign manger to set clear objectives,

identify and select specific audiences, set priorities and select the activities of the mass media campaign.

10. What do you mean programme co-ordinations? Program co-coordinators work with staff members, budgets, and procedures to ensure the

implementation and success of programs.

11. What is modular agency? A modular agency is a full service agency that sells its services on a piece meal basis.

thus an advertiser may commission an agency's creative department to develop an ad campaign while obtaining other agency services elsewhere.


1. Explain the functions of advertising manger. 1. Preparing the advertising budget. 2. Selection of, working with and evaluating agency. 3. Designing the advertising strategy. 4. Determine the advertising results. 5. Evaluating the advertising results. 6. Keeping areas of latest development. 7. Engaging in creative thinking.

2. What are standards of code of conduct in advertising? 1. Advertisements must be truthful. All descriptions, claims and comparisons which relate

to matters of objectively ascertained fact should be capable of substantiation.

2. Advertisements are not ethical permission from thcal without the person, firm or

instution under refernce, cotain anyreferenceto such person, firm or instution which confers an unjustfied advantae product advertisiement.

3. Advertiements shall neither distort facts nor mislead the consumer by means of

implications or omissions.

4. Advertisements shall not be so framed as to ause the trust of consumers or exploit their

lack of experience or knowlwdge.

3. What are campaign planning and implementation stages? 1. A campaign manger to over see the team and the total campaign.

2. An advertising manger to mange the work of the advertising agency or the direct development of materials. 3. A press secretary or media relations officer to mange the work of the PR firm or handle relations with the news media directly. 4. A manger of stakeholders, community relations or local programmes, This role often involves leveraging the support of non-govermental and local health organisations.

5. An evalution manger to commission and report on the measurment of the campaign.

A financial mangerto administer the montery aspects of the campaigns support in the agreementof supplier contracts.

4. Name the department and staffs depended in the ad agency. Complete a marketing analysis Prepare a creative strategy Devlop an advertising plan Develop and implement a media plan Handle billing and payments Integratenothernmarketing communications

5. List out the factors affecting IMC.

Nature of products State of product life cycle Nature of target market Size of promotion budget Push & pull strategy Promotional objectives price policy Distribution policy Availablity of promotional methods Level of competition Degree of brand familiarity Seasonal products


1. State the adventage of using agencies. 1. The marketer gains a number of beneties by employing agencies. 2. The lessons which agency leared in working with various areas of other clients are

useful inputs for the marketer.

3. An agency may empliy specialists in the barious areas of prepartion and

implemention of advertising plansand strategies.

4. The personnel are not members of the market's mangement team. They bring objective

and unbaised viewpoints problems.

5. The discounts that the media offer to agen services ycies are also avaliable to advertisets.

6. The company normaly does not have asmany types of specialists as a large or

medium-sized it can do more for the same amount of money.

7. The company can also get an objective, outside viewpoint from an agency, advertiser's


2. What are the process in evaluating advertising agencies? 1. Select a shortlist of agencies to evaluate. Search for suitable agencies as the website

of an assocition such as the American Assocition of advertising Agencies,

2. Assess the agencies experience in your sector. Sepsrte agencies with consumer or

business - to- business experience as a starting point.

3. Review the agencies creative work. An effective advertisement should create attention

for a product and deliver measurable results

4. Compare the range of agency services with the services you need. The majority of

agencies provide basis advertising -related seevices such as acount management, creative work, media planning and buying, andadvetisisement production.

5. Meet the teams at shorttlised agencies and review qualificate and experience of the

people who would be working on your account. Ensure that the agencies do not plan to change the composition of the account team if they winyour business.

3. Explain role of advertising agency. Advertising agency is a service provider that helps its clients by developing suitable ad for

them. For who is theproduct orservice designed? Who is thetarget group? What's special about the product? Unique and different? what's its "position" in relation to othersimilar product? What do you want to convey to the public about yourproduct? How should your company contact the publc? What mediumshould it use? redio? Tv?



1. Define sales promotion? According to american marketing association "those marketing activities other than

personal selling advertising and publicity that stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness such as display shows and exhibition.

2. Explain the scope of sales promotion? *exposure *attention *comprehsion *attitude change *behavior

3. State theimpact of sales promotion on sales. *brand switching *repeat buying *purchasing more *increasing consumption

4. Explain the disadvantages of sales promotion 1.increased price sensitivity 2.quality image may become tamished 3.short- term orientation

5. Explain the term "POP" a point of purchase(pop) is a place where sales are made.on a marco-level a point of

purchase may be amall mall,market or city

6. What does "sampling" means? sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermied number

observations are taken from a larger population.

7. Explain marketing communcation process. a marketing communication process is defined as message that is shared with the intent

that the consumers understand the message that the product intended to send

8. What are the elements of communication process? *source-the sender of a message *message channel-the carrier of the message

*decoding-the receiver translating the message *receiver-the potential customer

9. What do you mean by the term"the promotion mix"? *advertising *public relation *sales promotion *personal selling

10. What are the limitations of sales promotion? limitation:can lose effectiveness if overused ,easily copied ,and public

becoming increasingly cynical about whether they are being offered real value

11. List the main characters of sales promotion. *used irregularly to smooth demand *rewards the sale of company's products

12. What is personal selling? *personal communication efforts that seek to persuade consumer to buy

products *expensive ,high-involvement or industrial products favour personal selling

13. Why sales promotion is important?

Importance of sales promotion :sales promotion is an important component of the marketing program


1. State the objectives of sales promotion. the basic objectives of sales promotion are : 1)to introduce new new products to induce buyers to purchase a new product ,free samples may be


2)to attract new customers

new customers may be attracted through issue of free samples ,premium,contests and similar devices

2. Write the difference between advertising & sales promotion.

3. Explain the role of sales promotion. increase brand awareness promotions such as television ,radio and magazine advertising increase brand

awareness more people tend to learn about a particular company or its brandif they frequently see or hear about them

4. Increase profits and revence. most sales providers bring the analytics necessary to predict and identify the

best possible prospect these analytics also help them prioritize incoming customers based on the individual's buying jorney

5. What is the additional from of promotion? *ambush marketing -the paid inclusion of products in movies ,television shows,video

games,songs and books *product placement


1. What are types of sales promotion? many sales promotion tools are available to accomplish these objectives at the

consumer level, and at the middle men level.

1.Types of sales promotion directed at consumers.

2.Types of sales promotion directed at dealers and distributors

Conumer promotion tools:

The main consumer promotion tools include samples, coupons, cash refund offers, pricepacks, premiums, prizes, tie-ins, and point of purchase displays and demonstrations.


Samples are offers of a free amount or trialof a produt to consumers.The sample might be deliverd door sentin the mail,picked up in a store,sampling is the most effective and most expensive way to introduce a new product.


Coupons are certificates entitling the bearer to a stated saving on the purchase of a specific product.

Cash refund offers or febates: These are like coupons expect that the price reduction occus after the

purchase rather than at the retail shop.

Premiums or gifts:

These are merchandies offered at a relatively low coat or free as an incentive to purchase a particular product.

2. Explain important promotion tools dealer sales promotion.

1. Buying allowance: Buying allowance isgranted to those dealers who purchese in stipulated period of time.

2. Merchandise allowance:

Manufacter may often an alowance in return for the retaillers sagreement to feature the manufacture's product in some way.

3.Price deals:

Prdeals relate to the quality of purchase. In addition to regular discounts, dealers are allowed special discount for a apecified quantity of purchase.

4. Push money or premium:

Premium is a product usually offered free or at less thanits usual price. premium encourages resellers to buy a certain quantity.

5. Cooperative advertising:

Dealers aregiven an allowance to advertise the manufacture's product.

6.Dealer's sales contests:

A sales contest is a for dealers to encourage them to increase their sales performance over a period of time.

3. Explain the various ways of sales promotion. 1. Buy back allowance: Dealers pay the buyback allowence at the first purchase of the products.

therefore, it become a contiton a activity and helps to retain the retailers or the wholers.

2. Buying alloweances:

Manufactures allow discounts on the purchase of minimum quanitity of product for specific period of time.

3. Free goods:

Manufacteres provide free product on purchase of the specific quanityof

goods to the dealers. 4. Cooperative advertising: Coorperting advertising is where the manufacter pays the advertising

allowance to the middle for the products purchase by them.

5. Sales contests:

Dealers are often invited by the manufactures to participate in the sales contest conducted especially forthem.

6. Free foreign tour:

Dealers are givenspecific salesieved in a each target to beachieved in a certain period of time and on achievement of these targets they are gifed free foreign tour

4. List out consumer, channal,sales,force oriented sales promotion.

1. To popularize goods and services of the product among the potentialconsumers& larger purchase. 2. To motivate the exsting customers for maximum purchase. 3. To mation the sales up to normal level even during seasonal vacations & during the decling stage of PLC. 4. To increase goodwill of the firm. 5. To educate customer/dealers& salman about the techniques of sales promotion. 6. To simplify the efforts of sales force& motivate them for larger purchase. 7. To counteract competition. 8.To promote larger sales in certain specified segmentsof market. 9.To develop patronage habits among customers. 10. To prove the product better in quality & users.



1. Explain codes of ASCI. the main objective of the code is to control the coutent of every

advertisement. this is heapful to manufactures also as it reguiates ther ads

2. Explain AAAI. the advertising agencies association of india[aaai] is the official.

3. What is FCC? The federal communication commission (fcc) was established by

thecommunication Act of 1934.

4. What are the type of social advertisement? 1. Political Adverfisements 2.Charitable Advertising 3.Social cause Advertising 4.Private non profit Advertising 5.Association Advertising

5. Explain CSRin advertising. Corporate social responsiblity marketing is the practiveof

combinning a company's charite activties with its marketing campaigns.

6. What do you mean byimplemention control? Implementation control is the responsiblity of functional level

mangers with a marketing organization.Each marketing mangeris assisted by the work of accounts in their organization.

7. What are the methods of implementation control? A. Sales Analysis: Salesmcomponent analysis B. cost analysis: Nturalaccounts andfunctional accounts Allocating costs Cost Analysis by product, Geographic Area, or customer

8. Explain the term cost analysis. Just as sales analysis deals with revenues, cost analysis deals eith

expenses with markwting cost analysis various costs are broken down and classfied to determine which costs are associated with specific marketing activities.

9. What is allocating costs

Typically, functional coat are allocated to products, to geographic areas, to market segements, and even to specific customers. Accounting have the specialized traning necessary to decide the fairest and most useful method of allocated functional costs.


1. State the laid down characteristics by ASCI: 1. Extent of Application: The codes applies to all the

advertisements thatappear by any media.

2. Code and consumers: The code does not permit any ad

misleading the consumer. the consumers can bring it to the notice of


3. Aim of code: The code is laid down with the aim to ensure the

public protection and guard them against false and untruthful advertisements.

4.Responsiblity of media owner: Any media owner must view

each advertisement offered for publication to them from the point of view of the code.

5. Ads for children: The ASCI code also keeps control on ads

meantfor children.

6. Code and foreign Ads: The -ASCI code is limited to

advertisement published in india only.

2. What is the economic role of advertising? Value of products: The advertised products are not always the best products in

the market. thee are some unadvertised products also present which are good enough. but advertising helps increase value for the products by showing the positive image of the product customers to buy audit.

Effects on prices:

Somw advertising product do cost ore than unadvertisted products but the vice versa is also true. but if there is more competition in the market for those products, the various brands.

Effectsonconsumer demend and choices:

Even if the product is heavily advertisied. it does not mean that the demend or say consumption rates will also increase.

Effect on business ctcyle:

Advertising no doubt helps in employing more of people. it increase the pay rolls of people working in this field.

3. State the negative social effects of advertising: Misrepresentaion: Advertising aims to present a product in the best light

possible. There is some leeway in the creative process. Hefty fines can result from false advertising when levied by the federal trade

commission. Unrealistic expectations: Direct-to-consumers advertising for precription drugs has

resulted in unrealistic expections about the effectiveness of drugs and their side-effects, according to the food and drug administration's atudy pepole. False image: Advertising is ingrained in american culture. from children programes on saturday morning to talk shoes andprime time.


In his study"Reviewmof research on the sffects of foods promotion to children, It's not coincidentalthatmost heavly advertised toys during the holidy season end up being the top sellers.

4. State th statutory regulation of advertising. Complementing the ASCI code are indian laws governing specific

media, specific populations, and specific goods and services, 1. The press council Act 1978 2. Cable television network rules, 1994 3. Code for commercial advertising on doordarshanand all india radio Electronic media, monitroing centre(EMMC) 4.Norms for journalist conduct issued by the press council of india 5. Code of conduct of the newsvroadcasters associtaion.


1. What are the methods of measurements? There are two methods of measuring advertising advertising

effectiveness, viz, experimental method andsurvey method. Pretestingmethods: consumers jury storyboard tests laboratory tests tachistoscope psychogalvanmetes eye camers pupil dilation attitude test

Post- testing methods

Recall tests Aided recall unaided recall tests combiner recall tests Attitude change Semantic differential The likert scale Ranking techniques

Sles test

measure of past sales field esperiments and matchedsamples

2. What are the ways of measuring the effectiveness of advertising?

1. It acts as a saftey measure

Testing effectiveness of advertising helps in finding out ineffective advertisement and advertising campaigns.

2.Provieded feed back for remedial measures

Testing effectivenessof advertisingprovides useful information to the advertisiers to take remedial advertisements.

3. Avoids possible failure

Advertisters are not sure of results of advertisaing from a particular advertising campaign.

4.To justify the investmentain advertising

Theexpenditure on advertisement is considered to be an investment. if the expected rete of the return is achieved in the terms of additional profits, the advertisement can be considreed as effective one.

5.TO know the communciation effect

The effectiveness of the advertisement can be measured in the terms of their communication effects on the target consumers or audience.

3. State th e five principles of advertising ethics. Principle-1: Advertising, public relation, marketing

communcations, news, and editional. all share a common objective of truth and high ethical standerends in sorving the public.


Adverising, public relations, andall marketic relations communcations professionals have an obligation to exercise the highestpersonal rthics in the creation and information to consumers.


Advertisers should cleraly distribution advertising, public relations and corproate communcations from news and editional and entertainment, both online and offline.


Advertisers should clearly discose all material conditions, such as payment or recepit of a free product, affecting in social and traditional chaennals, as well as the identity creaditility of content.


Advertisers shouldmtreatmconsumers fairly based on the nature of the audience to whom the ads are directed and the nature of the product or service advertised.

4. What are ethics in sales promotion?

Ethices are the moral pricinple and value that govern the action and decision of an individual or group.For perspective, actions that are technically legal could be considered unethical. Pre-1960's caveat emptor (consumer beware) was the accepted rthical satandeard in the business world.but that standard is not longer acceptable. in fact, it was forver changed when in 1962. IN that spriit what follows is guidence, adapted from the ICC international code of Advertising. Guidence: Mrketing communications should not contain statments or visuals that offrndstandards of decenty. Reevant factors likely to affects a customers decision should be co,munication a wwy and time so they can be taken in to account. Marketing communcation should not play on fearor exploit misfortune. Mrketing communtion should should not appear to comdon unlawful. Marketing communcations should be truthful and not by implication, omission mislead the customer. When an advertisement apperas in a mediumt and the identify of the advertiser. containing news or editional matter, it should berecognizable as an advertisement Marketing communcation shoud not imitate those of any other marketer in any way likely to l ( including social media), if and or confuse the customer. IN any communcation channels .iially benetifs the statemenf an opinion is put forward that could lead to an action that finance.
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