[PDF] evidences of evolution - biology4isc


[PDF] Topic 51: EvIDEnCE FOR EvOLuTIOn - bioninja summary guidespptx

Biogeography is the distribution of species across an area • Related species will usually be found in close proximity • E g Monotremes are exclusive to 

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Biogeography Biogeography is the distribution of species across an area • Related species will usually be found in close proximity

[PDF] Biology Option G: Ecology & Conservation - IB Revision

Bioninja Website for the non-commercial private use of M H Tan and friends G 4 3 Outline the biogeographical features of nature reserves that promote 

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structures ? Differentiation of cells ? Stem cells o Use in therapy o Ethical considerations ? Edmodo, Notes, Bioninja, Biology

[PDF] evidences of evolution - biology4isc

The study of distribution of animals and plants on earth surface is called Biogeography Continental drifts or plate tectonics were described by Alfred Wegener

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10 nov 2020 · Keywords: Ephemeroptera, Baetidae, Taxonomy, Barcoding, Ecology, biodiversity, habitat, biogeography, distribution, Tlemcen, Algeria

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12 jui 2018 · Go to the Bioninja page to add examples of directional, disruptive and Read the following: Darwin's Evidence: Biogeography, 

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Biogeographic variation in Mytilus galloprovincialis heat shock gene expression across the (lb bioninja au, 2018) Figure 2: DNA gel preparation

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https://ib bioninja com au/standard-level/topic-3-genetics/33-meiosis/sister- Studies of biogeography help Conservationists make decisions about whether 

[PDF] evidences of evolution - biology4isc 31511_7evidence_of_evolution.pdf

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtSt http1--tges~iologycwee~lycRom-:uevidenResuofuevolutionchtml GW4NG8PGU Zk GWZ9Hz4Z8 H84z p PExKzGT : 8x6G =================== NxzG ============ Uc 8c 2LnsLgrL URhool _iology NepLrtment

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtut 4nterrelLtionship Lmong orgLnisms GvidenRes of evolutionu 6orphologiRLl evidenReS Eomology Lnd LnLlogyS vestigiLl orgLnsS xtLvism physiologiRLlS em~ryologiRLlS pLlLeontologiRLl mfossilsy missing links mxrRhLeopteryxy Lnd RonneRting links physiologiRLl evidenRe mserologyyS NLrwinas finRhes Lnd ~iogeogrLphiRLl evidenResc 94kG ZT4748xzGN 48 zEG UGx x8N KTZ7TGUUGN zZ 9x8Nccccc kTZ6 U4879G PG99GN zZ 6H9z4PG99H9xT ZT7x84U6US kTZ6 U46K9G ZT7x84U6U zZ PZ6K9GA ZT7x84U6Uccccc qG ExWG UzHN4GN zEG zEGZT4GU kZT GWZ9Hz4Z8ccc EGTG qG UzHNB zEG GW4NG8PGU Zk GWZ9Hz4Z8c xRRording to the theory of evolutionS Lll present dLy orgLnisms hLve evolved from simple forms thLt existed in the pLstc Nespite the diversity in orgLnismsS Lll living ~eings exhi~it ~LsiR unity in ~oth struRture Lnd life proRessesc zhis indiRLtes thLt Lll living orgLnisms hLve evolved from L Rommon LnRestorc UimilLrities RLn ~e seen in struRturLl orgLnizLtion1 pc xll orgLnisms Lre mLde up of one or more Rellsc :c Nifferent types of Rells Llso hLve sLme ~LsiR struRture with sLme orgLnellesc /c zhe mLRromoleRules forming the protoplLsm Lre Llso similLr in Lll Rellsc zEG UPZKG Zk UB99x_HU 48zGTuTG9xz4Z8UE4K _GzqGG8 ZT7x84U6U

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwt.t UimilLrities in life proResses1 pc xll living orgLnisms o~tLin mLtter Lnd energy from their surroundingsc :c zo mLintLin life Lll living orgLnisms use energy to synthesize new Rompounds for growthc /c xll orgLnisms grow Lnd reproduRec xll these similLrities indiRLte thLt orgLnisms hLve evolved from one Rommon LnRestorc zhis is RLlled 6onophyletiR orginc zhis proRess hLs oRRurred resulting in more thLn L million speRies from one Rommon LnRestor Lnd is desRri~ed Ls VdesRent with modifiRLtionVc zhe desRent with modifiRLtion of stLtes thLtu ¥ kirst orgLnisms to LppeLr were uniRellulLrc ¥ 6ultiRellulLr orgLnisms evolved from the uniRellulLr orgLnismsc ¥ zhe eLrliest orgLnisms were simple forms Lnd grLduLlly evolved Lnd ~eRLme Romplex orgLnismsc zhis is supported ~y evidenRe from different ~rLnRhes of _iologyc EZ6Z9Z7B UtruRtures thLt Lre em~ryologiRLlly similLrS ~ut hLve different funRtionsS Lre RLlled homologous struRturesc zhey hLve different LppeLrLnReS perform different funRtions ~ut hLve Rommon origin Lnd sLme ~LsiR pLtternc zhis phenomenon of similLrity ~etween orgLns of different LnimLls hLving Rommon origin is RLlled Eomologyc EZ6Z9Z7B Zk kZTG 946_U Ponsider forelim~s of whLle mflippersyS ~Lt mwingsyS ~ird mwingsyS horse Lnd mLnc zhe forelim~s of whLle is modified for swimmingS the fore lim~s of ~irds Lnd ~Lts Lre modified for flyingS horse for running Lnd mLn for grLspingc zhe funRtions of the fore lim~s of these LnimLls Lre Rompletely 6Z8ZKEB9Gz4P ZT4748 GW4NG8PGU kTZ6 6ZTKEZ9Z7B x8N x8xzZ6B

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtIt different Lnd they Llso differ in their externLl LppeLrLnRec Eowever they hLve the sLme pentLdLRtyl pLtternS with Llmost the sLme skeletLl elements or ~ones mhumerusS rLdiusuulnLS RLrpLlsS metLRLrpLls Lnd phLlLngesyS musRlesS nerves Lnd ~lood vessels LrrLnged on the sLme pLtternc zhe existenRe of homology in the struRturLl plLn of lim~s of verte~rLtes RLn ~e explLined on the ~Lsis thLt Lll of them hLve evolved from Rommon LnRestorsc zhusS homology in struRturLl orgLnisLtion provides L RonvinRing evidenRe for the RonRept of desRent with modifiRLtionc EZ6Z9Z7B 48 UzTHPzHTG Zk EGxTz zhe heLrt is two RhLm~ered in fishesS with one LuriRle Lnd one ventriRlec zhe LuriRles reReive ~lood from the entire ~ody Lnd ventriRle pumps it to the gillsc 4n Lmphi~iLns Lnd lower reptilesS the heLrt is three RhLm~eredc zhere Lre two LuriRles Lnd one ventriRlec zhe oxygenLted ~lood from lungs is RolleRted in the left LuriRle Lnd deoxygenLted ~lood from rest of the ~ody in the right LuriRlec zhus the oxygenLted Lnd deoxygenLted ~lood is stored sepLrLtelyc Eowever these get mixed in the ventriRle while ~eing pumped to the ~ody orgLnsc 4n higher reptilesS ~irds Lnd mLmmLls heLrt is four RhLm~ered Lnd the oxygenLted Lnd deoxygenLted ~lood is Rompletely sepLrLtedc zhis presents L grLduLl modifiRLtion in the heLrt of verte~rLte series while the fundLmentLl struRture of heLrt remLins sLme in Lll the groupsc EZ6Z9Z7B 48 48UGPzU 6ZHzEKxTzU 6outhpLrts in inseRts Llso show homology0 the ~LsiR struRtures of the mouthpLrts Lre the sLmeS inRluding L lL~rum mupper lipyS L pLir of mLndi~lesS L hypophLrynx mfloor of mouthyS L pLir of mLxillLeS Lnd L lL~iumc Uome struRtures Lre enlLrged Lnd modified while some Lre lostc 4n RoRkroLRh Lnd grLsshopper the mouthupLrts Lre modified for ~iting Lnd RhewingS they hLve strong mLndi~les Lnd mLxillLe for mLnipulLting foodc 4n mosquitoes mouthupLrts Lre modified for pierRingS the

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwt1t lL~rum Lnd mLxillLe form tu~e Lnd mLndi~les form pierRing styletsc 4n housefly Lnd ~utterfly the lL~rum is reduRed0 mLndi~les Lre lost Lnd mLxillLe ~eRome long forming suRking tu~ec EZ6Z9Z7B Zk K9x8z KxTzUu zhorns of _ougLinvilleL Lnd tendrils of pLssiflorL Lre homologous struRturesc zhese Lre modified ~rLnRhes Lnd Lre loRLted Lt the sLme position Lnd serve the funRtion of helping in Rlim~ingc Khyllode of ZpuntiLS phylloRlLde of TusRus Lnd RlLdode of xspLrLgus Lre modified stem Lnd RLrry out photosynthesisc KresenRe of homologous orgLns Ronfirms Rommon LnRestory Lnd interrelLtionship ~etween orgLnismsc zhose individuLls from the sLme group hLve undergone LdLptive divergenRe or Llso RLlled divergent evolutionc x8x9Z7B xnLlogous orgLns perform the sLme funRtion Lnd hLve Llmost similLr LppeLrLnReS ~ut they develop in totLlly different groups Lnd hLve different ~LsiR struRturec zhusS LnLlogy is the superfiRiLl similLrity in LppeLrLnRe ~etween orgLns of different LnimLl groups ~eRLuse they RLrry out the sLme funRtionc x8x9Z7B 48 q487U zhe wings of Ln inseRt mdrLgonflyyS ~ird meLgleyS mLmmLl m~Lty Lnd reptile mpterodLRtyly perform the sLme funRtion of Lssisting in the flight ~ut differ RonsiderL~ly in their struRturec zhe wings of Ln inseRt Lre just extensions of ~ody wLll without Lny skeletLl supportS the wings of pterodLRtyl Lnd ~Lt Lre skin folds supported ~y fingers Lnd the wings of L ~ird Lre modified forelim~sc zhis shows thLt these orgLns hLve developed to perform the sLme funRtion in response to the sLme need ~ut their ~LsiR LrRhiteRture is different ~eRLuse these ~elong to different groups of LnimLlsc Nefine homologous orgLnsc :hh. p6

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwt0t x8x9Z7B 48 _ZNB UExKG x fishS Ln lRhthyosLur Lnd L whLle hLve streLmulined ~ody Lnd Lre LdLpted for LquLtiR existenRec Eowever these orgLnisms ~elong to three different RlLsses of verte~rLtes with no trLRes of Rommon LnRestryc x8x9Z7B 48 K9x8zU 9eLves of plLnts Lnd RlLdode of TusRus Lre LnLlogousc zhese look Llike Lnd RLrry out photosynthesis ~ut the RlLdode of TusRus is stemc xnLlogous orgLns Lre developed in the evolutionLry proRess through LdLptLtions of distLntly relLted orgLnisms to the sLme mode of lifec zhis is RLlled LdLptive RonvergenRe or Ronvergent evolutionc N4kkGTG8PGU _GzqGG8 EZ6Z9Z7ZHU x8N x8x9Z7ZHU ZT7x8U Eomologous orgLns xnLlogous orgLns p xre LdLpted to perform different funRtions xre LdLpted to perform similLr funRtions : hLve different LppeLrLnRes hLve similLr LppeLrLnRes / hLve sLme ~LsiR struRturLl plLn hLve different ~LsiR struRtures n hLve Rommon origin hLve different origin i exhi~it divergent evolution exhi~it Ronvergent evolution v exu fore lim~s of verte~rLtes exu wings of ~irdS ~Lt Lnd inseRtc PlLdode of TusRus NifferentiLte ~etween homologous Lnd LnLlogous orgLns with Ln exLmple of eLRh typec :hhh /6 NifferentiLte ~etween homologous Lnd LnLlogous orgLnsc :hhn :6 UtLte three differenRes ~etween Eomologous Lnd xnLlogous orgLns Lnd give Ln exLmple of eLRhc :hph n6 GxplLin Ronvergent Lnd divergent evolution with suitL~le exLmplesc :hp: nR6

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwt3t WGUz474x9 ZT7x8U ZrgLns thLt Lre rudimentLry or poorly developedS nonufunRtionLl or useless to the possessor ~ut were funRtionLl in the LnRestors Lre RLlled vestigiLl orgLnsc krom the point of view of desRent with modifiRLtionS the existenRe of vestigiLl orgLns RLn ~e explLined in terms of RhLnges in L desRendLnt speRiesS perhLps RonneRted to RhLnges in the environment or modes of life of the speRiesc zhose orgLns Lre thought to hLve ~een funRtionLl in the LnRestrLl speRies ~ut hLve sinRe ~eRome unneRessLry Lnd nonufunRtionLl in some of the present dLy orgLnismsc GxLmples1 4n mLnuuu 8iRtitLting mem~rLneS eLr musRlesS vermiform Lppendix etRc GxLmples of vestigiLl orgLns in other LnimLls hind lim~s of whLlesS the hLltere mvestigiLl hind wingsy of flies Lnd mosquitosS vestigiLl wings of flightless ~irds suRh Ls ostriRhesS Lnd the vestigiLl leLves of some xerophytes mecgc RLRtusy Lnd pLrLsitiR plLnts mecgc dodderyc WestigiLl struRturesS Ls defined ~y evolutionistsS Lre ~ody struRtures thLt hLve no funRtion in L presentudLy orgLnism ~ut were pro~L~ly useful to Ln LnRestorc WestigiLl orgLns in plLnts inRlude sRLle leLves of TusRus Lnd underground stemc Nefine WestigiLl orgLns :hhpS :hhI p6 qhLt is L vestigiLl orgLng Eow does the presenRe of L vestigiLl orgLn support the doRtrine of evolutiong :hhh :6

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtlt xzxW4U6 TeLppeLrLnRe or reufunRtioning of RertLin LnRestrLl RhLrLRters Lfter severLl generLtions is RLlled LtLvismc xtLvisms Lre trLits of distLnt LnRestors thLt reLppeLr in the modern dLyc 4n order for the trLit to ~e Ln LtLvismS Ln orgLnismas pLrents RLnat hLve the trLitS Lnd neither RLn reRent LnRestorsc Gcgc Uhort tLil in some humLn ~L~iesS power of moving eLr pinnLe in some personsS long dense ~ody hLir kossils Lre the preserved remLins of LnimLlsS plLnts or their pLrts found in vLrious strLtL of eLrthc kossils mLy ~e of entire orgLnisms or L pLrt whiRh got ~uriedS L mould or RLstS foot prints or imprints of L leLf on L stonec zhe study of fossils is RLlled pLleontologyc KLleoLnthropology is the study of humLn fossils Lnd pLleo~otLny is the study of plLnt fossilsc kossils RLn result ~y severLl methodsc Eowever these methods Lre purely LRRidentLlc zhere Lre mLny methods of fossilizLtionc pc KetrifLRtion1 u 4t is the Rommonest methodc 4n this method deLd Lnd ~uried orgLnisms turn into stonesc zhis is due to formLtion of sedimentLry roRks under wLterc qhile the soft pLrts disLppeLr due to deRLyingS hLrd pLrts get preserved due to minerLlizLtionc zhe preservLtion hLppens in the originLl strLtLc :c KetrifLRtion of soft pLrts1 u Hnder RertLin Ronditions musRles Lnd other soft orgLns mLy get minerLlized Lnd form roRky fossilsc UeverLl suRh plLnt fossils hLd ~een o~tLinedc /c KreservLtion of foot prints1 u 6oving LnimLls on soft mud RLn leLve foot printsc zhese printsS if left undistur~edS RLn get hLrdened Lnd form roRky fossilsc x study of suRh imprints RLn provide Rlues regLrding the ~ody form Lnd RhLrLRteristiRs of the extinRt LnimLlc nc 6oulds Lnd RLsts1 u kossilized moulds Lre found in volRLniR Lshesc UeverLl inverte~rLte fossils hLd ~een o~tLined Ls mouldsc zhey provide detLils L~out the exLRt physiRLl feLtures of the LnimLlc qrite L short note on LtLvismc :hhpS :hhwS :hp: p6 Kx9GZ8zZ9Z7B

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtjt ic kossilizLtion in resins Lnd Lm~er1 u 8ormLllyS inseRts get entLngled in soft stiRky seRretions of trees RLlled resinc zhe dried mLteriLl RLn get fossilizedc zhese fossils RLn even reveLl the Rolour of the orgLnismc xrRhLeopteryx lithogrLphiRL xrRhLeopteryx mmeLning VLnRient wingVy is L very eLrly prehistoriR ~irdS dLting from L~out pih million yeLrs Lgo during the furLssiR periodS when mLny dinosLurs livedc zhe fossil wLs disRovered ~y xndreLs qLgnerc 4t is one of the oldestuknown ~irdsc zhis Rrowusized LnimLl mLy hLve ~een L~le to flyS ~ut not very fLr Lnd not very wellc xlthough it hLd feLthers Lnd Rould flyS it hLd similLrities to dinosLursS inRluding its teethS skullS lLRk of L horny ~illS Lnd RertLin ~one struRturesc xrRhLeopteryx hLd L wingspLn of L~out pci feet mhci my Lnd wLs L~out p foot m /h Rmy long from ~eLk to tLilc 4t pro~L~ly weighed from pp to p. ounRes m/hh to ihh grLmsyc TeptiliLn RhLrLRters KresenRe of teeth in jLwsS fingers hLving RlLwsS long tLil with free RLudLl verte~rLeS KresenRe of sRLles Lnd sternum without keelc xviLn RhLrLRters KresenRe of feLthers on the ~odyS forelim~s modified to form wingsS jLws drLwn into ~eLkS presenRe of W shLped furRulL or wish ~oneS 9im~ ~ones Lnd girdles Lre ~ird likec Kseudomorphs PLsts of ~odies of individuLls living in the pLstc Kseudofossils ToRks showing mLrkings or outlines resem~ling pLrtiRulLr plLnt or LnimLl struRtures ~eRLuse of minerLl su~stLnResc

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtSgt UignifiRLnRe of study of fossils pc Nistri~ution in suRRessive strLtLuu when fossils Lre LrrLnged from old to reRentS there is grLduLl suRRessive RhLngesc zhese RhLnges show thLt LnRient fossils Lre simple forms Lnd the reRent ones in the upper strLtL Lre highly evolvedc zhe highly evolved fossils or the fossils of mLn Lre found in the reRent roRksc :c 6issing linksÐ zhese Lre fossils mextinRt orgLnismsy thLt hLd RhLrLRters of two Ldjoining phylL mgroupsy Lnd Lre RLlled trLnsitionLl fossilsc Ggc xrRhLeopteryxuuu link ~etween Teptiles Lnd _irdsc UeymouriLÐ fossils from RLr~oniferous period with RhLrLRteristiRs of ~oth xmphi~iLns Lnd Teptilesc Kteridospermsuuufossils from RLr~oniferous Lnd KermiLn periods with RhLrLRters of kerns Lnd 7ymnospermsc zhe leLves were like ferns Lnd stem showed seRondLry growth like gymnospermsc UeymouriLÐ xmphi~iLns Lnd Teptiles Kteridospermsuuu kerns Lnd 7ymnosperms /c PonneRting linksuu zhe present dLy living orgLnism hLving RhLrLRters of orgLnisms of two Ldjoining phylL mgroupyc zhese LnimLls estL~lish Rontinuity in the series ~y proving thLt one group hLs evolved from the otherc Ggc Krotopterus or lung fishes show RhLrLRters of kishes Lnd xmphi~iLnsS pLired fins Lnd dermLl sRLles like fishes Lnd / RhLm~ered heLrt Lnd lungs for ~reLthing Lir like Lmphi~iLnsc NuRk ~illed plLtypus Lnd spiny Lnt eLter shows RhLrLRters ~etween reptiles Lnd mLmmLlsS PhimLerL or rL~~it fish ~etween RLrtilLginous Lnd ~ony fishesS KeripLtus ~etween Lnnelids Lnd LrthropodsS Lnd 8eopilinL ~etween xnnelids Lnd 6ollusRsc Krotopterus uukish Lnd xmphi~iLns 6LmmLls Lnd Teptilesu NuRk ~illed plLtypusc

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtSSt Kro~lems in formLtion of fossils ¥ No not get fossilized properlyS destroyed ~y ~LRteriLS soft ~odied LnimLls Lre not fossilizedc ¥ Neeper fossils not LvLilL~le RLn get destroyed ~y nLturLl forResc ¥ Uome destroyed due to lLRk of LwLreness ~y humLn ~eingsc ¥ kossils in the seL floor Lnd in mountLins or lLnd Rovered with jungles RLnnot ~e LRRessedc GvolutionLry history of EZTUG Ztheneil P 6Lrsh desRri~ed the fossil history of horsec xRRordingly it ~egLn L~out vh million yeLrs Lgo in 8orth xmeriRLc zhe LnRestors of present dLy horse were smLllusizedS fox like formsc zhese forms grLduLlly RhLnged Lnd evolved into the present dLy horsesc zhe stLges in the evolution Lre desRri~ed Lsu GohippusS 6esohippusS 6eryRhippusS Kliohippus Lnd Gquusc Krogressive trendsÐ pc 7enerLl inRreLse in size Lnd weight :c 9engthening of lim~s /c 4nRreLse in height nc 4nRreLse in neRk length ic GnlLrgement Lnd Romplexity of ~rLin Tetrogressive trendsÐ ¥ 9oss of toes in fore Lnd hind lim~s ¥ 9oss of RLnines in upper Lnd lower jLws ¥ 9oss of hLir from ~odyc

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtSut Uzx7GU 48 GWZ9Hz4Z8 Zk EZTUG URientifiR nLme Rommon nLme GpoRh RhLrLRters p Gohippus dLwn horse GoRene :. Rms heightS with n fingers Lnd / toesS molLrs Lre short Rrownedc : 6esohippus 4ntermediLte horse ZligoRene vh Rms heightS with / fingers Lnd / toesS molLrs Lre short Rrownedc / 6eryRhippus TuminLnt horse 6ioRene phh Rms in heightS with :nd Lnd nth digits Ls splints in fingers Lnd only /rd toeS molLrs Lre long Rrowned n Kliohippus KlioRene horse KlioRene ph. Rm heightS with only /rd digit in finger Lnd toeS long Rrowned molLr i Gqqus 6odern horse KleistoRene pih Rm in heightS with only the /rd digit in fingers Lnd toesS long Rrowned molLrs _riefly explLin pLleontology :hhhS :hh:S :hhnS :hpp p6 Eow does pLleontologiRLl evidenRe support the theory of orgLniR evolutiong GxplLin with Ln exLmplec :hhw /6 qhLt Lre the importLnt RhLnges in the evolution of the modern horse from the Gohippus mLnRestrLl horseyg :hhv /6 NifferentiLte ~etween RonneRting links Lnd missing linksc :hhp p6 xrRhLeopteryx is Ronsidered L RonneRting link ~etween reptiles Lnd ~irdsc fustify the stLtement ~y giving two RhLrLRteristiRs of eLRh groupc :hhI n6

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtS.t pc UimilLrity in eLrly development of LnimLls1 xll LnimLls stLrt their life RyRle Ls L zygote Lnd develop to form morulLS ~lLstulL Lnd gLstrulLc zhe gLstrulL shows three germ lLyersu GRtodermS mesoderm Lnd endodermc zhese germinLl lLyers Llso develop to form sLme types of pLrts in Lll LnimLlsc :c UimilLrity in verte~rLte em~ryos1 zhe em~ryos of fishesS Lmphi~iLnsS reptilesS Lves Lnd mLmmLls resem~le Rlosely in the eLrly stLgesc 4n fLRt it is diffiRult to distinguish themc Uhow presenRe of similLr heLd with rudiments of eyes Lnd eLrsc Kossess phLryngeLl RleftsS notoRhord Lnd em~ryoniR tLilc 8otoRhord is replLRed ~y verte~rLl Rolumn in Lll verte~rLte em~ryos /c zemporLry em~ryoniR struRturesÐ Gm~ryos of RertLin LnimLls possess temporLry non funRtionLl thLt disLppeLr or reduRe ~efore ~irthc GxLmplesu gill Rlefts Lre seen in em~ryos of Lll lLnd verte~rLtes thLt is not present in Ldultc zoothu~uds Lre present in em~ryos of toothless whLles Lnd ~irdsS em~ryos of Lll verte~rLtes hLve notoRhord whiRh is replLRed ~y verte~rLl Rolumn in Ldultsc GW4NG8PGU kTZ6 G6_TBZ9Z7B Vertebrate embryos

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtSIt nc TeRLpitulLtion theoryu zhis wLs proposed ~y Won _LerS Lnd revised Lnd renLmed _4Z7G8Gz4P 9xq ~y Grnst ELeRkelc zhis stLtes thLt VZntogeny repeLts phylogenyVS Ln orgLnism during its em~ryoniR development repeLts in Ln L~~reviLted form the evolutionLry history of Ln individuLlc Zntogeny is the developmentLl history of Ln orgLnismS stLrting from the zygote whereLs phylogeny is the ~rief evolutionLry history of Ln orgLnismc GxLmpleu Nevelopment of froguuu zhe tLdpole shows fishulike RhLrLRtersS gillsS tLil with tLilufin Lnd lLterLl linec zhis suggests thLt frogs evolved from fishesc xppeLrLnRe of the filLmentous protonemL during the development of moss Lnd fernc KrotonemL resem~les LlgLe thus suggesting the LlgLl LnRestory of ~ryophytes zhe study of distri~ution of LnimLls Lnd plLnts on eLrth surfLRe is RLlled _iogeogrLphyc PontinentLl drifts or plLte teRtoniRs were desRri~ed ~y xlfred qegenerc xll the Rontinents formed L single lLnd mLss ÐKx87xGxc zhis wLs then divided into 9LurLsiL Lnd 7ondwLnLc 9Lter qLllLReS reorgLnised the reLlms on the ~Lsis of terrestriLl Lnd fresh wLter verte~rLtesc zhese reLlms sepLrLted from eLRh other ~y mLjor ~Lrriers leLding to RhLnges in RlimLtiR Ronditionsc NisRontinuous distri~utionu qhen desRendLnts of L Rommon LnRestor inhL~it different geogrLphiRLl LreLsS it is RLlled disRontinuous distri~utionc GxLmpleu 7reLt _ritLin Lnd fLpLn hLve similLr LnimLl life even though they Lre sepLrLted ~y long NifferentiLte ~etween ontogeny Lnd phylogeny :hh:S :hh. p6 qhLt is phylogenyg :hhv p6 _4Z7GZ7TxKEB

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtS1t distLnResc PLmels oRRur in xsiL whereLs their Rlose relLtivesS 9lLmL Lre found in Uouth xmeriRLc TestriRted distri~utionc Uome LreLs of the world hLve unique orgLnisms not found Lnywhere elseS this is RLlled restriRted distri~utionc GxLmpleu Ggg lLying mLmmLl oRRur only in xustrLliLS zhe totLl life spLn of eLrth is RLlled geologiRLl timec zhis is divided into different divisionsc zhe mLjors divisions Lre RLlled erLsc zhe LrrLngement of these erLs Lnd their divisions is RLlled Ls geologiRLl time sRLlec zhis wLs developed ~y 7cxrLduiLnLc zhere Lre v erLsuu pc xzoiR GrLÐ mGrL without lifey GLrth wLs formed in this erLc zhe environment Rooled Lnd underwent RhLnges RreLting Ronditions suitL~le for lifec :c xrRheozoiR GrLÐ mGrL of dLwn of lifeyc zhis erL stLrted ~efore :hhh million yeLrs Lnd shows presenRe of uniRellulLr LnimLlsc /c KroterozoiR GrLu mGrL of primitive life or preRLm~riLn periodyc zhis erL stLrted L~out :hhh million yeLrs Lnd extended to pihh million yeLrsc zhere is less fossil reRord Ls the LnimLls were soft ~odiedc nc KLleozoiR GrLu mPrLdle of LnRient lifeyc zhis erL stLrted vhh million yeLrs Lgo Lnd lLsted for /wh million yeLrsc Gxtensive fossil reRord is present of this erL Lnd LnRestors of Lll living phylL were seenc zhe lLnd plLntsS the inverte~rLtes Lnd the first verte~rLtes LppeLredc zhis erL is divided intouu PLm~riLnS ZrdoviRiLnS UiluriLnS NevoniLnS PLr~oniferousS Lnd KermiLnc ic 6esozoiR GrLumGrL of intermediLte lifeyc zhis erL stLrted :/h million yeLrs Lgo Lnd extended for v/ million yeLrsc 6esozoiR erL is Llso RLlled ÔLge of reptilesÕ Ls reptiles evolvedS diversified Lnd ~eRLme rulers of the eLrthc zhey oRRupied the lLndS seL Lnd Lirc zhis erL is divided into zriLssiRS furLssiR Lnd PretLReousc vc PoenozoiR GrLu mGrL of modern lifeyc 4ts durLtion is Ronsidered v/ million yeLrs Lnd is still Rontinuingc PoenozoiR erL is Llso RLlled Ôxge of mLmmLlsÕ RhLrLRterized ~y LdLptive rLdiLtion ~irdsS inseRts Lnd mLmmLlsc zhe monoRot Lnd her~LReous plLnt LppeLred during this timec 7GZ9Z74Px9 z46G UPx9G

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtS0t GxplLin geologiRLl time sRLlec :hh. p6

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtS3t 7LlLpLgos 4slLnds m::y Lre RhLin of islLnds in the KLRifiR ZReLn on the west RoLst of Uouth xmeriRLc NLrwin studied different speRies of kinRhes msmLll ~lLRk ~irdsy on this islLnd during his journeyc 6LinlLnd finRhes of Uouth xmeriRL were seedueLtingS on reLRhing different islLnds their ~eLks LdLpted to the type of food LvLilL~lec 9iving in isolLtion kinRhes on eLRh islLnd evolved into L different speRiesc zhus origin of new speRies of kinRhes from pLrentLl stoRk LdLpted to new hL~itLtS this is Ln exLmple of LdLptive rLdiLtionc GxtinRtion mLy ~e defined Ls the terminLtion of L lineLge without issue or L~rupt disLppeLrLnRe of speRifiR groups of orgLnisms without leLving desRendentsc GxtinRtions Lre of two types nLmely true extinRtions Lnd pseudo extinRtionc 4n true extinRtions L pLrtiRulLr lineLge totLlly disLppeLrs without Lny progeny or evolutionLry desRendentsc Kseudo extinRtion mLy Llso ~e RLlled Ls phyletiR extinRtion or phyletiR trLnsformLtion 4n this type L group mLy disLppeLr leLving desRendents with evolutionLry modifiRLtionsc NxTq48aU k48PEGU 6xUU GAz48Pz4Z8 7ive Ln LRRount on NLrwin&s finRhesc :hh/S :hh.S :hp: /6

VertbamymVotarstSutcte-ahepsertm:te-my/ amptnivwtSlt Sources- http://universe-review.ca/I10-03-evolution1.jpg http://images.tutorvista.com/content/heredity-and-evolution/mammals-pentdactyl-limb.jpeg http://www.excellup.com/interbiology/elevenbioimage/heart_evolution.PNG http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c7/Evolution_insect_mouthparts_color.png/410px-Evolution_insect_mouthparts_color.png http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/pix/analogous.gif http://animalwise.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/convergent-evolution-marine-all-about-reptiles-com.gif http://cdn101.iofferphoto.com/img3/item/469/481/038/ruscaceae-10-seed-ruscus-hypoglossum-l-2d33.jpg http://images.tutorvista.com/content/organic-evolution/vestigial-organs-in-human.jpeg http://lh6.ggpht.com/_yItZwKwfM-I/TVUezoHWqoI/AAAAAAAABIE/cZH_Q2B4Ms8/atavism-tail%5B4%5D.jpg?imgmax=800 http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/dinosaurs/dinos/Archaeopteryx.shtml http://www.vce.bioninja.com.au/_Media/comparative_embryology_med.jpeg http://classconnection.s3.amazonaws.com/337/flashcards/85337/png/gastrulation1330300387566.png http://breatheornot.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/tadpole-to-frog1.gif?w=640&h=364 http://www.teara.govt.nz/files/McLinv2366.gif http://jersey.uoregon.edu/~mstrick/AskGeoMan/AskGeoImages/RelTimeScale.gif http://www.hras.org/sw/swnov04a.jpg

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