[PDF] Spatial trajectories in Boost Geometry


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what is Boost Geometry? • a library dedicated to programmers • collection of types and algorithms • solving computational geometry problems • written in 

[PDF] Spatial trajectories in Boost Geometry

MySQL (since 5 7) relies on Boost geometry for GIS support (geographic support since 8) ? no homegrown set of GIS functions for MySQL ? both aim in OGC 

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28 jui 2019 · strategies in order to make the problem available to parallel comput- ing, thus speeding up the computing The issue with boost geometry

[PDF] Spatial trajectories in Boost Geometry 34865_6FOSDEM20_vissarion.pdf

Spatial trajectories in Boost Geometry

Vissarion Fisikopoulos




Part of Boost C++ Libraries




C++03 (conditionally C++11)


Metaprogramming, Tags dispatching


Primitives, Algorithms, Spatial Index


Standards: OGC SFA

I used by MySQL for GIS

How to Get Started?




Mailing list:lists.boost.org/geometry



Who is Boost.Geometry?

I Boost.Geometry is an open source project (as any other Boost library) I

Anybody can, and is welcome, to contribute


Core development team:


Barend Gehrels

IBruno Lalande

IMateusz Loskot

IAdam Wulkiewicz

IMenelaos Karavelas

IVissarion Fysikopoulos

I Contributions from about a dozen of other developers I

See Boost.Geometry website for credits and GitHub

repositorys history

Boost.Geometry &

I MySQL (since 5.7) relies on Boost geometry for GIS support (geographic support since 8) I no homegrown set of GIS functions for MySQL I both aim in OGC standard compliance I compatible licences I

MySQL bene t from BG open source community

(maintenance, bug xing, gsoc) I BG is C++/header only!no problems with versions of a shared library on di erent platforms for MySQL

Hello, world!

# include < boost/geometry.hpp> # include < boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp> # include < iostream> namespace b g= b oost::geometry; int m ain(){ using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; std::cout << bg::distance( point( 2 3 . 7 2 5 7 5 0 , 3 7 . 9 7 1 5 3 6 ), / /



A cropolis

point( 4 . 3 8 2 6 1 6 9 , 5 0 . 8 1 1 9 4 8 3 )); / /


, U LB }result=2088:389km

Hello, world!

# include < boost/geometry.hpp> # include < boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp> # include < iostream> namespace b g= b oost::geometry; int m ain(){ using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; std::cout << bg::distance( point( 2 3 . 7 2 5 7 5 0 , 3 7 . 9 7 1 5 3 6 ), / /



A cropolis

point( 4 . 3 8 2 6 1 6 9 , 5 0 . 8 1 1 9 4 8 3 )); / /


, U LB }result=2088:389km

Hello strategies!

# include < boost/geometry.hpp> # include < boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp> # include < iostream> namespace b g= b oost::geometry; int m ain(){ using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; std::cout << bg::distance( point( 2 3 . 7 2 5 7 5 0 , 3 7 . 9 7 1 5 3 6 ), / /



A cropolis

point( 4 . 3 8 2 6 1 6 9 , 5 0 . 8 1 1 9 4 8 3 ) / /



U LBbg::strategy::distance::vincenty<>()) ;

}result=2088389m result with strategy=2088384m

Boost Geometry Algorithms=

CS-indep endentpa rt


CS-sp eci c

part (strategies)

Hello strategies!

# include < boost/geometry.hpp> # include < boost/geometry/geometries/geometries.hpp> # include < iostream> namespace b g= b oost::geometry; int m ain(){ using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; std::cout << bg::distance( point( 2 3 . 7 2 5 7 5 0 , 3 7 . 9 7 1 5 3 6 ), / /



A cropolis

point( 4 . 3 8 2 6 1 6 9 , 5 0 . 8 1 1 9 4 8 3 ) / /



U LBbg::strategy::distance::vincenty<>()) ;

}result=2088389m result with strategy=2088384m

Boost Geometry Algorithms=

CS-indep endentpa rt


CS-sp eci c

part (strategies)

Models of the earth and coordinate systems

I Flat boost::geometry::cs::cartesianI

Sphere (Widely used e.g.google.maps)

boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial I Ellipsoid of revolution (geographic GIS state-of-the-art) boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic I

Geoid (Special applications, geophysics etc)

Models of the earth and coordinate systems

I Flat boost::geometry::cs::cartesianI

Sphere (Widely used e.g.google.maps)

boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial I Ellipsoid of revolution (geographic GIS state-of-the-art) boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic I

Geoid (Special applications, geophysics etc)

Models of the earth and coordinate systems

I Flat boost::geometry::cs::cartesianI

Sphere (Widely used e.g.google.maps)

boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial I Ellipsoid of revolution (geographic GIS state-of-the-art) boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic I

Geoid (Special applications, geophysics etc)

Models of the earth and coordinate systems

I Flat boost::geometry::cs::cartesianI

Sphere (Widely used e.g.google.maps)

boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial boost::geometry::cs::sphericalequatorial I Ellipsoid of revolution (geographic GIS state-of-the-art) boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic boost::geometry::cs::geogrphic I

Geoid (Special applications, geophysics etc)

Spatial trajectories

I trajectories are sequencies of time-stamped locations I generated by GPS, smartphones, infrastructure, computer games, natural phenomena, etc I here we study only the spatial and not the temporal

information, i.e. trajectories are modelled aslinestringsTrajetories of major huricanes in Atlantic[W anget al.'17]

Trajectories data-set

GeoLife GPS Trajectories dataset

[do wnload]https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/ uploads/2016/02/User20Guide-1.2.pdf

Two trajectories

Simple operations: size, length, distance

using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; bg::model::linestring ls 1 ,l s 2 ; std::ifstream myfile 1 ( "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 0 0 /


/ 2 0 0 9 0 5 1 6 0 9 1 0 3 8 . plt " ); std::ifstream myfile 2 ( "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 1 0 /


/ 2 0 0 8 1 2 2 4 0 1 1 9 4 5 . plt " ); read_linestring(myfile 1 ,l s 1 ); read_linestring(myfile 2 ,l s 2 ); std::cout << boost::size(ls 1 )<




Note: distances in meters, result by use of non default strategies neglectable

Closest points

using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; using l inestring= b g::model::linestring< point> ; linestring ls 1 ,l s 2 ; std::ifstream myfile 1 ( "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 0 0 /


/ 2 0 0 9 0 5 1 6 0 9 1 0 3 8 . plt " ); std::ifstream myfile 2 ( "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 1 0 /


/ 2 0 0 8 1 2 2 4 0 1 1 9 4 5 . plt " ); read_linestring(myfile 1 ,l s 1 ); read_linestring(myfile 2 ,l s 2 ); bg::model::segment sout; bg::closest_points(ls 1 ,l s 2 ,s out);

Closest points

Simpli cation of trajectories

I simpli cation using Douglas-Peucker algorithm I quadratic worst case complexity [Hershb ergeret.al'92] I lineinterpolate: interpolate points on linestring at a xed distance I sampling points on linestrings (https://github.com/boostorg/geometry/pull/618)

Simplify and lineinterpolate

using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; using l inestring= b g::model::linestring< point> ; linestring ls; std::ifstream myfile 2 ( "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 1 0 /


/ 2 0 0 8 1 2 2 4 0 1 1 9 4 5 . plt " ); read_linestring(myfile 2 ,l s); std::cout << " # points i n l s = " < Geolife_Trajectories_ 1 . 3 / Data / 0 0 0 /


/ 2 0 0 9 0 5 1 6 0 9 1 0 3 8 . plt " ); std::ifstream myfile 2 ( "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 1 0 /


/ 2 0 0 8 1 2 2 4 0 1 1 9 4 5 . plt " ); std::ifstream myfile 3 ( "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 0 0 /


/ 2 0 0 8 1 0 2 6 1 3 4 4 0 7 . plt " ); read_linestring(myfile 1 ,l s 1 ); read_linestring(myfile 2 ,l s 2 ); read_linestring(myfile 3 ,l s 3 ); std::cout << bg::discrete_hausdorff_distance(ls 1 ,l s 2 )< < " , " << bg::discrete_hausdorff_distance(ls 2 ,l s 3 )< < " , " << bg::discrete_hausdorff_distance(ls 1 ,l s 3 ) << std::endl; std::cout << bg::discrete_frechet_distance(ls 1 ,l s 2 )< < " , " << bg::discrete_frechet_distance(ls 2 ,l s 3 )< < " , " << bg::discrete_frechet_distance(ls 1 ,l s 3 ) << std::endl;919.467, 7266.3, 8175.84

1260.76, 12601.7, 12837.9

Hausdor & Frechet distance

Comparing similarity of 160 pairs of trajectoriesnamespaceb f= b oost::filesystem; using p oint= b g::model::point < double , 2 ,b g::cs::geographic< bg::degree> >; linestring = bg::model::linestring ls 1 ,l s 2 ; bf::path p{ "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 0 0 /


/ " }; bf::directory_iterator it 1 {p}; double m in_frechet= 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ; bf::directory_iterator it 2 {bf::path{ "


1 . 3 / Data / 0 1 0 /


/ " }}; for ( ;i t 2 ! =b f::directory_iterator{};i t 2 ++) { std::ifstream myfile 1 ((*it 1 ).path().string()); std::ifstream myfile 2 ((*it 2 ).path().string()); read_linestring(myfile 1 ,l s 1 ); read_linestring(myfile 2 ,l s 2 ); double f rechet= b g::discrete_frechet_distance(ls 1 ,l s 2 ); min_frechet = frechet < min_frechet ? frechet : min_frechet; }cartesian: 9.97[sec] spherical: 28.47[sec] geographic: 52.30[sec]

Most similar trajectories

Same result for cartesian, spherical, geographic

Thank you! Questions?