Lesson Plan  – Brandon Hartman Hinduism and Buddhism


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Lesson Plan  – Brandon Hartman Hinduism and Buddhism

Lesson Plan #3 – Brandon Hartman Hinduism and Buddhism hartmanedtpa weebly com/uploads/2/3/2/7/23275034/lesson_3_-_hinduism_buddhism_-_trumph pdf This lesson will introduce students to the stories and historical origins of Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as their beliefs and deities Also of discussion

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Lesson Plan   – Brandon Hartman Hinduism and Buddhism 36023_1lesson_3___hinduism_buddhism___trumph.pdf

Lesson Plan #3 - Brandon Hartman

Hinduism and Buddhism Foundations


This lesson will introduce students to the stories and historical origins of Hinduism and Buddhism, as well as their beliefs and deities. Also of discussion will be the changing of Hinduism and Buddhism to appeal to the masses as time went on, such as the condensing of Hindhu deities and the advent of Boddhisatvas in Buddhism.


Content/Knowledge (Head)

1.Students will be able to describe the main ideological differences

between Buddhism and Hinduism.

2.Students will be able to explain the "condensing" of Hindu deities and

why the change occurred.

3.Students will be able to explain the changes that Buddhism went

through to appeal to a wider audience, including the work done by


Process/Skills (Hands)

1. Students will be able to explain the changes that Buddhism went through

to appeal to a wider audience, including the work done by Bodhisattvas in their communities.

Values/Dispositions (Heart)

1.Students will learn that the value we put on products influences our

economy, religion wealth, and livelihood

2.Students will understand that ideological differences (especially in

religion) have influenced history greatly, and are still as relevant today as they were 2,600 years ago.


State - Illinois Learning Standards

16.A.3b Make inferences about historical events and eras using historical maps

and other historical sources.

18.A.3 Explain how language, literature, the arts, architecture and traditions

contribute to the development and transmission of culture.

18.C.4a Analyze major cultural exchanges of the past (e.g., Colombian

exchange, the Silk Road, the Crusades). State - Illinois Revised Social Science Standards (2015) SS.EC.10.9-12. Explain how globalization trends and policies affect social, political, and economic conditions in different nations. SS.G.2.K. Identify and explain how people and goods move from place to place. State - Common Core State Standards: Grades 6-12 Literacy in History/Social


CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including vocabulary specific to domains related to history/social studies. National - Align with National Standards Germane to Lesson Plan Content Focus NCSS Culture 1.a - explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs and concerns; Culture 1.e - give examples and describe the importance of cultural unity and diversity within and across groups. Individuals, Groups, and Institutions 5.b - give examples of and explain group and institutional influences such as religious beliefs, laws, and peer pressure, on people, events, and elements of culture Science, Technology, & Society 8.a - identify and describe examples in which science and technology have changed the lives of people, such as in homemaking, childcare, work, transportation, and communication

Syntax - Procedures

1. Whole-Class Instruction:

a.Teacher Instructions

1.Teacher will discuss with students depictions of Hinduism and

Buddhism in the media as shown on SMARTBoard(Resource 1 - Depictions Pictures). With each picture, the class should discuss differences from what they know about Buddhism and Hinduism so far, what questions they have, and differences and similarities from other religions that they know about (such as Christianity).

2.Discussion questions:

"What do you already know about (Hinduism/Buddhism) that is presented in this image?" "What questions do you want answers to for this image?" (Such as why Vishnu has four arms, etc.) "What, if any, similarities do you see to other religions we have studied? Differences?" b.Resource

1.Resources 1-6 - Depictions (6 images)

a. Lakshmi, Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Purity b. Brahma, Hindu Creator of the World c. Shiva, Hindu Destroyer of the World d. Vishnu, Hindu Preserver of the World e. Buddha Statue at Kathmandu, Nepal f. Lotus Position Example - Meditation c.Student Activity

1.Students will view images on board with Teacher, and answer the

discussion questions as an anticipatory set to set the stage for the readings.

2.Small-Group/Cooperative Learning Instruction:

a.Teacher Instructions

1.Students will read Resource 7 - Hinduism Reading and Resource

8 - Buddhism Reading in small groups of 2 or 3. Teacher should

instruct students to read out loud and discuss issues as they come up. Some of the vocabulary is somewhat difficult, so scaffolding and support by the teacher will be needed during this process. A vocabulary list on the board would most likely be helpful.

2.Teacher will instruct students to, as they read, look for the gods

and people previously mentioned in Resources 1-6, to "put a face to the name," so to speak. b.Resource

1.Resource 7 - Hinduism Reading

2.Resource 8 - Buddhism Reading

c.Student Activity

1.Students will, in groups, read through the Hinduism and Buddhism

readings out loud. By working in groups, students should be able to figure out any difficult language via context clues and discussion.

2.Students will identify the visual images from Resources 1-6 based

on their descriptions as they come up in the texts.

3.Individualized Instruction:

a.Teacher Instructions

1.Teacher will instruct students to separate back in to individual


2.Teacher will instruct students to write down the main differences

between Hinduism and Buddhism by using both readings and their prior knowledge, as well as discussion in class. These differences and similarities will be put onto their Double Bubble map (Resource

9), to be handed out by the teacher.

3.Teacher will instruct students that the two main topics will go in the

large side bubbles, while differences will go on the outside of the bubbles, and similarities will go on the connecting inside bubbles. An example has been provided in the template sheet.

4.Teacher will instruct students to hand in their sheets for a formal

assessment of what has been learned. b.Resource

1.Resource 7 - Hinduism Reading

2.Resource 8- Buddhism Reading

3.Resource 9 - Double Bubble Map

c.Student Activity

1.Students will use their readings and notes (individually) to

determine the differences and similarities between Buddhism and


2.Students will fill out a "Double Bubble" map to connect their

knowledge of each religion historically and ideologically.

3.Students will be instructed to hand these in for formal assessment

at the end of class. Assessment will be based on accuracy of details, amount of bubbles completed, and detail provided in bubbles.

Resources (Source Citations & Bookmarks)

Resource 1-6 - Depictions of Hinduism and Buddhism

1. Lakshmi, Hindu Goddess of Wealth and Purity

"BBC Religions - Hinduism: Lakshmi." BBC Religions. 2014. Accessed October

16, 2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/deities/lakshmi.shtml

2. Brahma, Hindu Creator of the World

"BBC Religions - Hinduism: Brahma." BBC Religions. 2014. Accessed October

16, 2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/deities/brahma.shtml

3. Shiva, Hindu Destroyer of the World

"BBC Religions - Hinduism: Shiva." BBC Religions. 2014. Accessed October 16,

2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/deities/shiva.shtml

4. Vishnu, Hindu Preserver of the World

"BBC Religions - Hinduism: Vishnu." BBC Religions. 2014. Accessed October

16, 2015. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/hinduism/deities/vishnu.shtml

5. Buddha Statue at Kathmandu, Nepal

"BBC Religions - Buddhism: The Buddha." BBC Religions. 2014. Accessed

October 16, 2015.


6. Lotus Position Example - Meditation

"BBC Religions - Buddhism: Meditation." BBC Religions. 2014. Accessed

October 16, 2015.


Resource 7 - Hinduism Reading

"Hinduism." Instructomania Sources. 2015. Accessed October 1st, 2015. http://instructomania.blogspot.com/

Resource 8 - The Story of Buddhism

"Buddhism." Instructomania Sources. 2015. Accessed October 1st, 2015. http://instructomania.blogspot.com/ Resources 1-6 - Depictions of Hinduism and Buddhism


VishnuBuddha StatueLotus Example

Resource 7 - Hinduism Reading

Resource 8 - Buddhism Reading

Resource 9 - Double Bubble Map

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