[PDF] Signals and Systems - Lecture 9: Infinite Impulse Response Filters


Appendix A Butterworth Filtering Transfer Function - Springer

Butterworth [18] Using these equations, besides specifying the order of the filter and the cutoff frequency, it is also necessary to select the desired

[PDF] IIR Filter Design Example

Note that the magnitude response of the Butterworth filter decreases monotonically with increasing ?, that the falloff in response as we transit from passband

[PDF] How to Design 10 kHz filter (Using Butterworth filter design

The frequency response of the Butterworth Filter approximation Equation 1 is used to calculate capacitor values for the lowpass filter side


The Butterworth filter is normalized for a –3 dB response at ?o = 1 The values of the elements of the Butterworth filter are more practical and less critical

[PDF] Signals and Systems - Lecture 9: Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation CT Butterworth filter design Transfer function and frequency response calculated from difference equation:

[PDF] The Butterworth Low- Pass Filter

Butterworth filter (maximally flat magnitude filter) is a type of signal processing filter designed to have as flat a frequency response as possible in the 

[PDF] Lecture 16: Filter design and Butterworth filters

We then set Z = e?i??t to get the complex- valued filter response as a function of angular frequency ? Using eqn (??), the Z-transform of the running mean 


Problem 3 Design an analog Butterworth filter that has a -2DB pass band attenuation at a frequency The equation for the critical frequency then becomes

[PDF] First order lowpass filter

versions of it You should try to relate what you hear to the frequency response, impulse and step responses, and snapshots of the input and output signals

[PDF] Signals and Systems - Lecture 9: Infinite Impulse Response Filters 39592_3Lecture9_sigsys.pdf

Signals and Systems

Lecture 9: Infinite Impulse Response Filters

Dr. Guillaume Ducard

Fall 2018

based on materials from: Prof. Dr. Raffaello D"Andrea

Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control

ETH Zurich, Switzerland

G. Ducard1 / 41


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard2 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter DesignIIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard3 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter DesignIIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

IIR: Difference equation

The class of causalinfinite impulse response (IIR) filters can be captured by the difference equation y[n] =M-1? k=0b ku[n-k]-N-1? k=1a ky[n-k],

Characteristics :

Minput coefficientsbk?R,

N-1output coefficientsak?R.

filter order: is given by max(M-1,N-1) and corresponds to the number of delay elements an implementation of the filter would require; it is also the size of the state in a state-space description of the system.

G. Ducard4 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter DesignIIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function


Key differences :

1theoutputof a causal IIR filter isdependent on boththe filter"sinput

and onprevious outputs(if one or more coefficientsakare non-zero).

2Dependence on previous output(s) generally implies that the impulse

response hasinfinitelength(hence the name: IIR filter).

3IIR filters arenot necessarily stable: the stability depends on the


Advantages of IIR filters :

1they usually meet filter specifications with a lower filter order,

2this corresponds to lower computation and storage cost compared to FIR


G. Ducard5 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter DesignIIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard6 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter DesignIIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

IIR filter : transfer function

Transfer function and frequency response calculated from difference equation:

H(z) =M-1?

k=0b kz-k

1 +N-1?

k=1a kz-kz=ejΩ----→H(Ω) =M-1? k=0b ke-jΩk1 +N-1? k=1a ke-jΩk The goal of IIR filter design :find coefficientsakandbksuch that the filter meets given specifications and is stable.

IIR filter design :

often employs established continuous-time (CT) filter design methods, for example

Butterworth filterdesign,

and then transforms the resulting CT filter into DT.

In this lecture, we introduce:

1the concepts underlying IIR filters;

2how to design a CT Butterworth filter; and finally,

3how to convert a CT filter into DT using the bilinear transform.G. Ducard7 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard8 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

IIR 1st order low-pass filter

Consider the causal, first-order, low-pass IIR filter, which has the difference equation y[n] =αy[n-1] + (1-α)u[n], where0≤α <1.

Intuition :

Forα?= 0, this is an infinite impulse response filter. Ifα= 0the output is equal to the input and no filtering occurs. Asα→1, the output becomes increasingly constant.

G. Ducard9 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

IIR 1st order low-pass filter

Transfer function

H(z) =1-α


Stability discussion:

The filter has asingle pole atz=α.

It immediately follows that the filter isstable if0≤α <1.

Frequency response

H(Ω) =1-α

1-α e-jΩ.

G. Ducard10 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard11 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

IIR 1st order low-pass filter : behavior

Low - frequency signals remain unaltered since

H(Ω = 0) =1-α

1-αe-j0= 1.

The magnitude response is:

|H(Ω)|=1-α ? (1-αcosΩ)2+α2sin2Ω. Furthermore, one can show that the magnitude is monotonically non-increasing: d|H(Ω)| dΩ≤0,for0≤Ω≤π.

The phase is

?H(Ω) = arctan?Always negative? ???-αsinΩ


Always positive?




Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

A plot of the magnitude and phase response follows:


Ω |H(Ω)|

α= 0.3

α= 0.5

α= 0.8

α= 0.9


Ω ?H(Ω)

G. Ducard13 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard14 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

Choice of parameterα

To choosen, let :

Tsbe the sampling time,

andT0be the desired time for the continuous process to decay toe-1, i.e.,T0=n Ts. n=T0


n=e-TsT0, we assume thatT0is an integer multiple ofTs(if this is not the case,nmay be rounded).

Example :

sampling timeTs=0.01s chosen decay timeT0=1s,

α= exp(-0.01)≈0.99.

Usually,T0is large relative toTsand we may use a first-order approximation to obtain


T0.G. Ducard15 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard16 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

A connection to CT systems can be made: In CT, the transfer function of a first-order low-pass filter is given by

H(s) =1

τs+ 1.

The differential equation for the output is

y(t) =-1


Assumingu(t) = 0fort≥0, we obtain the time-domain system response y(t) =y(0)e-t τ.

Choosingy(0) = 1, we obtain the system response:

τe -11 t

Therefore, the time to reache-1isτ.

G. Ducard17 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

Another connection to CT can be made by discretizing y(t) =-1


assuming the inputuis constant over a sample periodTs, i.e. a zero-order hold device is used:?y u? =?-1

τ1τ0 0??

y u?

0≤t < Ts,

which we solve using the matrix exponential and obtain ?y(T-s) u(T-s)? = exp??-Ts τT sτ0 0??? y(0) u(0)? =? e -Tsτ1-e-Tsτ 0 1? ?y(0) u(0)? . As discussed in Lecture 1, this solution is valid on any time interval because the system is time invariant. Substituting the decay timeT0for the time constant

τ, the resulting difference equation becomes

y[n] =e-Ts T0y[n-1] + (1-e-TsT0)u[n-1] =αy[n-1] + (1-α)u[n-1] which closely resembles the first-order, low-pass IIR filter, except that the input is delayed by one sample.

G. Ducard18 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard19 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

IIR filter design

FIR filter design only makes sense in DT.

In contrast,

1IIR filters are often designed in CT using an establishedmethod, for example

a Butterworth, or Chebyshev method.

2they are then converted to DT using thebilinear transform

(sometimes also called Tustin method).

We will see in the following section,

the bilinear transform has properties that make it a useful tool for the above design procedure.

G. Ducard20 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard21 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

CT design: Butterworth filter

It is a general purpose low-pass filter. The starting point isthe desired frequency response, with corner frequency 1 rad/sec:

R(ω) =1

⎷1 +ω2K, where

Kis the order of the filter.


-40 -80 -120 -160 ω |R(ω)|(dB)K= 2 K= 3 K= 8

G. Ducard22 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Butterworth filter design: properties

This frequency response has two very desirable properties:

1it has no ripples,

2and is maximally flat.

R(ω) =1

⎷1 +ω2K= (1 +ω2K)-12,

First, let us calculate the derivativedR/dω.


2(1 +ω2K)-3


=-KR3ω2K-1≤0for allω≥0.


This means that the Butterworth filter has

no ripples. In other words, all derivatives ofRup to2K-1are0at0and the filter is said to be maximally flat.

G. Ducard23 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Transfer function

LetH(s)be the transfer function of a filter with frequency responseR(ω).

We then have that

|H(jω)|2=R(ω)2= (1 +ω2K)-1.

The only stable transfer function

that achieves this is

H(s) =1

K? k=1(s-sk), wheresk=ej(2k+K-1)π

2K, k= 1,...,K.

Filters with a transfer function of this structure are knownas Butterworth filters.

G. Ducard24 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Second-order Butterworth low-pass filter

Consider one of the most common Butterworth filters: a second-order(K= 2)low-pass. We have, s

1=ej3π/4=-1 +j

⎷2,(135◦) s


⎷2,(225◦) which results in the transfer function

H(s) =1

(s+1-j⎷2)(s+1+j⎷2)=1s2+⎷2s+ 1.

G. Ducard25 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Second-order Butterworth low-pass filter

The poles of the CT filter lieon the unit circle in thes-plane (not to be confused with thez-plane) and are represented by the black crossesbelow.

Remark: The gray crosses represent the poles ofH(-s)and are useful to visualize the pole-placement pattern.

K= 2 Re(s) Im(s)



G. Ducard26 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Third-order Butterworth low-pass filter

If, instead, a third-order low-pass filter is chosen (K= 3), the pole plot looks as follows: K= 3 Re(s) Im(s)



G. Ducard27 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Corner frequency specification

The design method introduced above assumed a corner frequency of1rad/sec. However, other corner frequenciesωccan be chosen. In that case, we proceed with the following change of variable s→s


For example, the second order filter becomes

H(s) =ωc2

s2+⎷2ωcs+ωc2, which has the same response as a mass-spring-damper system with sub-critical damping1/⎷

2and natural frequencyωc.

G. Ducard28 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform


1Infinite Impulse Response Filters

IIR filter : difference equation

Transfer function

2First-Order Low-Pass Filter



Design considerations

Connection to CT systems

3IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

G. Ducard29 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Bilinear transform or Tustin"s method

Once a CT filter has been designed,?thebilinear transform(also known as Tustin"s method) can be used to convert it into a DT filter.

The bilinear transform uses the substitution that

s=2Ts? z-1z+ 1? , whereTsis the sampling time.

G. Ducard30 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Bilinear transform or Tustin"s method

Recall thatzcan be given the interpretation of a DT shift operator. If

Y(z) =zU(z),

then y[n] =u[n+ 1]. Similarly, in CT,esTscan be given the interpretation of a time shift operator. If

Y(s) =esTsU(s)

whereY(s)andU(s)are the Laplace transform ofy(t)andu(t), respectively, then y(t) =u(t+Ts).

Therefore, the two operators are equivalent:


G. Ducard31 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Bilinear transform or Tustin"s method

A rational approximation for the relation betweenzandswill map a rational CT transfer function to a rational DT transfer function. This is equivalent to converting differential equations to difference equations.We therefore use the approximation e sTs=esTs 2 e-sTs2≈1 +sTs 2


which is valid ifsTsis small. We call z=1 +sTs 2


thebilinear transform. The inverse is s=2 Ts? z-1z+ 1? and is straightforward to verify by substitution.

G. Ducard32 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

DC- CT mapping

We now evaluate the bilinear transform along the imaginary axis of thes-plane; that is, lets=jω. Using the bilinear transform, this point maps to z=1 +jωTs 2


Note that

|z|=?????1 +jωTs 2


= 1.


The bilinear transform therefore maps the imaginary axis ofthes-plane to the unit circle in thez-plane.

G. Ducard33 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

DC- CT mapping

We therefore write

z=ejΩ=1 +jωTs 2


and calculate the mapping of a CT frequencyωto a DT frequencyΩas: ?ejΩ=?(1 +jωTs


Ω = arctan(ωTs


= 2arctan(ωTs 2).


The frequency response of the CT system atω(the CT transfer function evaluated on the imaginary axis ats=jω) directly corresponds to the frequency response of the resulting DT system atΩ = 2arctan(ωTs2)(the DT transfer function evaluated on the unit circle atz=ejΩ). This is a desirable property, as we will later see.

G. Ducard34 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

DC- CT mapping

For smallωTs, theDT frequencyis approximatelyΩ≈2(ωTs2) =ωTs. This is also evident when we plot the mapping of CT frequencies to DT frequencies for z=esTsand the bilinear transform:



ωΩ =ωTs

Ω = 2 arctan(ωTs/2)

Note howΩasymptotically converges toπasω→ ∞: The bilinear transform compresses the imaginary axis of thes-plane onto the unit circle.

G. Ducard35 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Frequency warping

The underlying nonlinear relation betweenωandΩis calledfrequency warping.

A few common values are:

ω= 0?Ω = 0

ω=∞ ?Ω =π


Ts?Ω =π2


Other points are:

z= 0?s=-2

Ts, z=∞ ?s=2Ts.

G. Ducard36 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Region of stability mapping

Stable poles in the continuous domain are mapped to stable poles in the discrete domain: s-domainz-domain This is desirable, as it means that a stable CT filter is transformed into a stable

DT filter.


The bilinear transform preserves stability and maps the imaginary axis in the s-plane to the unit circle in thez-plane by compressing the CT frequencies -∞< ω <∞to DT frequencies-π <Ω< π.

G. Ducard37 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Example: Converting a CT first-order low-pass filter Consider the CT low-pass filter with time constantτ

H(s) =1

τs+ 1.

Using the bilinear transform, we obtain

H(z) =1

1 +τ2Ts?

z-1z+1? =1-α1-αz-11 +z-12 with


1 +Ts2τ.

G. Ducard38 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Example: Converting a CT first-order low-pass filter For small values ofTsτ,α≈1-Tsτ, as before.

Let us compare different discretization methods:

Method Transfer function Filter parameter

DirectH(z) =1-α1-αz-1α=e-Tsτ(decay timeτ) Sample and HoldH(z) =(1-α)z-11-αz-1α=e-Tsτ(time constantτ)

BilinearH(z) =(1-α)(1+z-12)


1+Ts2τ(time constantτ)

G. Ducard39 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Example: Converting a CT first-order low-pass filter A nice property of the bilinear transform, for this example: is that

H(z=-1) = 0

This corresponds to

z=-1 =e-jπ which is the highest possible DT frequency. Remark:Observe that the CT first-order low-pass has lim s→j∞H(s) = 0

Conclusion :

the frequency responses at the highest possible frequencies are the same for the CT and the DT system when using the bilinear transform. ?It follows that their high-frequency behavior is similar, which is one of the advantages of the bilinear transform.

G. Ducard40 / 41

Infinite Impulse Response Filters

First-Order Low-Pass Filter

IIR Filter Design


CT Butterworth filter design

Bilinear transform

Example: Converting a CT first-order low-pass filter This can be seen by looking at the frequency response plots ofthe resulting filters forTs= 1andτ= 2: 00.51 |H(Ω)|


Bilinear transform




Frequency (rad)


G. Ducard41 / 41

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