[PDF] studies graduate - University of Manitoba


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Degree offered: Master of Science (MSc) • Registration status options: Full-time; Part-time • Language of instruction: English

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De p a r t m e n t

o fG e o l oGi c a l S c i e n c eS T he University of Manitoba is situated near the bound- ary between the metal-rich Precambrian Shield and the petroleum-producing Western Canadian Sedi - mentary Basin. The Department of Geological Sciences is the oldest geoscience department in western Canada. In

1985, the Department moved into its present home in the

Robert C. Wallace Building overlooking the Red River on the north side of the Fort Garry campus. The building's name


The Department of Geological Sciences is recognized worldwide as one of Canada's leading geoscience depart - ments. Our faculty members have garnered numerous university, national, and international awards in recogni - tion of their research contributions, excellence in teaching, community. The Department houses research laboratories with state of the art equipment estimated in excess of $10 million, purchased in large part through funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and CFI funding.

Program Description

The Department of Geological Sciences offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. programs in Geology and Geophysics. A four year B.Sc. Honours degree in Geology or Geophysics or its equivalent is a prerequisite for entering the M.Sc. pro - gram. Students entering Graduate Studies at the Master's level, but lacking the prerequisites, may do a pre-Master's program. Admission to the Ph.D. program is conditional on successful completion of an approved M.Sc. program. In certain circumstances, students registered in an M.Sc. pro - gram may be allowed to transfer to a Ph.D. program without completing the M.Sc. degree. Both M.Sc. and Ph.D. thesis degrees require completion of a minimum of 4 graduate courses, and an acceptable research project and thesis. of identity and community. Upon starting the program, the Wallace Building, in an area designated for graduate students, visiting research associates, and post-doctoral fel - lows. Students have access to their own lounge, a computer, and a printer. As well, faculty thesis advisors help students set up research stations in labs under their supervision. facilities during the day and after hours allows graduate

students use of ancillary facilities including necessary supplies, photocopier, and computer facilities. The Depart-ment values the contributions of graduate students and is committed to ensuring that our students are successful.

positions as lab instructors and markers, and to participate in our public awareness program to convey the science of the Earth to society. To assist with the transition to a career in academia, the Department may offer Ph.D. students the opportunity to apply for sessional teaching appointments or be used by eligible graduate students as credit towards professional registration.

Some Research Highlights of Recent Years

Research activities are ongoing in many areas of the Geo - logical Sciences. There are numerous opportunities for collaborative research including NSERC-CRD projects with mineral and oil companies. During paleontological studies of ancient tropical nearshore environments in northern Manitoba, Dr. Bob Elias was involved in the discovery of Canadian Research Chair in the Earth Sciences in Canada, and research technician Mark Cooper, have characterized the largest mineral structure. Studies by Dr. Jim Teller on glacial Lake Agassiz, once the largest lake in the world, its integral role in changing how oceans once circulated, periodically shutting down the Gulf Stream and leading to global cooling. Dr. Ian Ferguson has contributed to our understanding of the properties of the mantle and lower crust by using electric methods to observe the Moho for the

Selected Areas of Research

Mineralogy and Crystallography: crystal chemistry of new minerals, a world-wide reputation in crystallography, stable isotopic geochemistry to trace element cycling, geochro- mineralogy of igneous rocks and their relationship to the occurrence of gems, particularly diamonds; Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry: non-linear dynamic pro - cesses, environment mineralogy, microbial-mineral inter - actions, biomineralization; mineralogy and geochemistry of mine wastes, geoarcheology; Sedimentology and Qua - ternary Studies: a world leader in lake sediment research, sedimentology and paleolimnology of Quaternary lacustrine studiesgraduateFaculty of Graduate Studies

University of Manitoba

500 University Centre

Winnipeg, Manitoba



Department of Geological Sciences

240 Wallace Building

University of Manitoba

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3T 2N2

p: (204) 474-9371 f: (204) 474-7623 e: brenda_miller@umanitoba.ca web: http://www.umanitoba.ca/geoscience T he University of Manitoba (est. 1877) is the largest, most comprehensive and only research-intensive post-secondary educational institution in Manitoba. The Univer - sity attracts the brightest students and Faculty from around the world. Located in the heart of Canada, Winnipeg is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the country with nearly 100 languages represented. Winnipeg's climate of four contrasting seasons provides a multitude of outdoor activities to be explored. The campus is fully networked, and hosts over 40 Research Centres and Institutes. The 13 branch Research Library Facility ensures all of the information you need on- and off-campus housing makes the U of M one of the most af - fordable universities to study at in Canada. The University of Manitoba (U of M) attracts exceptional scholars to its 18 Faculties and 4 Schools and provides a world-class educa- tion in the Social, Medical, Natural and Applied Sciences, as well as Engineering, the Arts and Humanities. Programming in over 80 disciplines at the graduate level lead to 82 Master's degrees and 51 Ph.D.'s including: business management, engineering, agricultural

and nutritional sciences, social sciences and humanities, education, physical and earth sciences, medical and life sciences and exciting interdisciplinary opportunities. International students at the U of M have exclusive graduate funding opportunities available throughout

their graduate program including entrance scholarships, bursaries and graduate fellowships. An aerial view of the Fort Garry campus of the University of Manitoba, situated on a bow of the Red River.

About the University of Manitoba

deposits, evaporite sedimentology, glacial Lake Agassiz and model - ing future climate changes, sedimentology of Paleozoic carbonate rocks; Invertebrate Paleontology: early Paleozoic corals, environ- the end-Ordovician mass extinction; Crustal and Mantle Geophysics: electromagnetic studies of the crust and upper mantle, earthquake seismology; Applied/Environmental Geophysics: geophysical stud - ies of environmental and near-surface targets, including delineation of saline contamination from petroleum production, investigations of mine tailings; Petrology and Tectonics: thermal and mechanical behaviour of the lithosphere, studies of the Precambrian geology of Manitoba, tectonic and magmatic evolution of the Superior Boundary

Zone, studies of alkaline igneous rocks.

Research Facilities

The Department houses the most extensive analytical laboratories on the University of Manitoba campus. State-of-the-art analytical equipment in the Microbeam Research Facility, including a Cameca SX-100 electron microprobe, in the Secondary Ion Mass Spectrom - eter (SIMS) facility, and in the X-ray Diffraction Laboratories enhance our reputation as a world leader in understanding Earth materials. Other facilities include Geochemistry laboratories, Sedimentology laboratories, an Invertebrate Paleontology Laboratory, and Geo - physical laboratories. Excellent technical staff maintain the research equipment and ensure that research is done successfully without analytical prob - lems. Research staff have also developed training programs that help graduate students become technically expert in use of the instrumentation.

Admission Information

In addition to completing the admissions requirements of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, the Department of Geological Sciences re - quests that applicants also provide (1) three letters of reference from individuals familiar with the applicant's academic and employment background; (2) a short summary of general research interests and a applicant has access to external funding sources. All international applicants are required to submit a Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General score.

Funding Opportunities

Research assistantships are available to full-time M.Sc. and Ph.D. students who are undertaking thesis-related research. The assistant - ships are generally guaranteed for one year, with an additional year of funding dependent on thesis progress. Students are advised at the time of acceptance as to the level of funding that will be provided. In addition, Teaching Assistantships are available to eligible students on a sessional basis. These positions are covered by a collective agreement and salaries are competitive. Graduate students are eligible to apply for University of Manitoba Graduate Fellowships (UMGF's), and the Department strongly supports students applying for funding from outside sources, such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), professional associations and industry. UMGF and national award winners may be eligible for top up funding.
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