History and Mission of the NIA - National Institute on Aging


History and Mission of the NIA - National Institute on Aging

Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology Evan C Hadley M D DirectorOffice of the Director The Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology (DGCG) supports clinical and translational research on health and disease in the aged and research on aging over the life span, including its relationships to health outcomes

CLINICAL PEARLS: GERIATRICS - American College of Physicians

CLINICAL PEARLS: GERIATRICS January 31, 2014 Colorado ACP Chapter Meeting Colorado Springs, CO Wendolyn S Gozansky, MD, MPH Operations Chief, Regional Specialties & Geriatrics Investigator, Institute for Health Research Physician, Continuing Care Department Kaiser Permanente Colorado

What does a geriatrician do? - healthdirect

problem In clinical practice, it is often unclear which strategies are suitable and effective in counter-acting these key health threats Aim: To provide evidence-based recommendations for clinical nutrition and hydration in older persons in order to prevent and/or treat malnutrition and dehydration Further, to address whether weight-


develops recommendations for clinical preventive services While most of the recommendations are for both child and adult populations, there are also recommendations for older patients This web site is a very important one for physicians and physicians-in-training who wish to remain up-to-date on preventive strategies

Clinical GuidanceStatement - aptageriatricsorg

external clinical evidence from sys-tematic research ”1(p71) Tools for implementing evidence-based prac-tice include documents that synthe-size available evidence, such as sys-tematic reviews, and documents that guide decision making, such as clin-ical practice guidelines (CPGs) and clinical guidance statements (CGSs), also known as clinical

Searches related to clinical geriatrics pdf filetype:pdf

0 2 to 0 5 in adults However, anecdotal clinical experience suggests that the frequency of seizures in frail geriatric patients could be higher Aim: We sought to estimate the rate of seizures with the use of ertapenem in older hospitalized patients and to identify possible predisposing factors for their occurrence

History and Mission of the NIA - National Institute on Aging 53355_7division_of_geriatrics_and_clinical_gerontology_brochure_v4.pdf

National Institute on


Division of Geriatrics


Clinical Gerontology

Evan C. Hadley M.D.

Director The

Division of Geriatrics and Clinical

Gerontology (DGCG)

supports clinical and translational research on health and disease in the aged and research on aging over the life span, including its relationships to health outcomes.

DGCG foci include

translational research for the development of new interventions for age-related conditions, prevention and treatment of multiple chronic conditions, and studies that help to promote evidence-based geriatric care and inform policies affecting older adults. Research relating to the aged (the focus of the Geriatrics Branch) and research on aging (the focus of the Clinical

Gerontology Branch) have many interconnections,

with m any research projects relating to both these issues, and both areas are also foci of the Clinical Trials Branch. Division-wide emphases also include research training and career development for investigators across a wide range of specialties to expand their capabilities to address clinical aging issues, and the application of new technologies to expand opportunities for clinical aging research. History and Mission of the NIA The National Institute on Aging (NIA), one of the 27
institutes and centers of the National Institutes of Health, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. Formed in 1974 by Congressional mandate, the National Institute on Aging provides leadership in aging research, training, health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to aging and older people. The NIA"s mission is to improve the health and well- being of older Americans through research, and specifically to: Support and conduct high quality research on, aging processes, age related diseases, and the special problems and needs of the aged Train and develop highly skilled research scientists form all population groups Develop and maintain state-of-the-art resources to accelerate research progress Disseminate information and communication with the public and interested groups on health and research advances and on new directions for research

The NIA sponsors research on aging through

extramural and intramural programs. The extramural program funds research and training at universities, hospitals, medical centers, and other public and private organizations nationwide. The intramural program conducts basic and clinical research in

Baltimore, MD, and on the NIH campus in

Bethesda, MD.

National Institute on Aging

Division of

Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology

7201 Wisconsin Avenue, 3W200
Bethesda, MD 20892

Express Mail 20814

Phone: 301-496-6761

Fax: 301-402-1784
Email: gcgquery@nia.nih.gov Website: www.nia.nih.gov

Division Staff

Office of the Director

Evan C. Hadley, M.D.

, Director

Winifred K. Rossi, M.A.

, Deputy Director Rosaly Correa-de-Araujo, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D. Senior

Scientific Advisor

to the Director

Denise Turner, B.A.,

Program Analyst

Geralyn Roland, Acting Program Specialist

Mariatu A. Sani, Extramural Support Specialist

Geriatrics Branch

Basil Eldadah, M.D., Ph.D.,


Extramural Scientist Administrators:

Lyndon Joseph

, Ph.D.

Marcel Salive, M.D., MPH

Susan Zieman, M.D.,


Clinical Gerontology Branch

Chhanda Dutta Ph.D., Chief

Extramural Scientist Administrators:

Nalini Raghavachari, Ph.D.

Giovanna Zappala, Ph.D., M.P.H.

Clinical Trials Branch

Sergei Romashkan, M.D., Ph.D.

, Chief

Extramural Scientist Administrators:

Barbara Radziszewska

, Ph.D. TBD

Geriatrics Branch


Basil Eldadah, M.D.,


Extramural Scientist Administrators:

Lyndon Joseph

, Ph.D

Marcel Salive, M.D., MPH

Susan Zieman, M.D., Ph.D

The Geriatrics Branch focuses on health issues

regarding the aged. Research emphases include: Multifactorial geriatric syndromes, such as falls, frailty, and various types of disability Effects of comorbidity and polypharmacy Effects of age-related changes on clinical or functional disease outcomes or treatment responses Effects of physical activity on disease and disability in older persons Elucidation, diagnosis, and treatment of previously unappreciated pathologic changes in old age (e.g., sarcopenia, vascular stiffening, diastolic dysfunction) Exercise Physiology and metabolism, exercise effects/ interventions in disability and disease, disability trajectory and prevention, physical therapy and rehabilitation, falls and fall prevention



Phone: 301-496-6761

Fax: 301-402-1784

Dr. Eldadah: eldadahb@nia.nih.gov


Joseph: josephlj@nia.nih.gov

Dr. Salive: saliveme@nia.nih.gov

Dr. Zieman: ziemans@nia.nih.gov

Clinical Gerontology Branch

Chief: Chhanda Dutta, Ph.D

Extramural Scientist Administrators:

Nalini Raghavachari, Ph.D

Giovanna Zappala, Ph.D; M.P.H

The Clinical Gerontology Branch focuses on

clinically-related research on aging changes over the life span. Research emphases include: Healthy aging across the life span, including exceptional longevity Protective factors against multiple age- related conditions Determinants of rates of progression of age-related changes that affect disease risk, particularly those for multiple age-related conditions Menopause and mid-life aging changes Translational human research to follow up findings from basic research on aging Long-term effects of current or new interventions that may be administered over a large part of the life span Long-term effects of physical activity throughout the life span

Contact Information

Phone: 301-435-3048



Dr. Dutta: duttac@nia.nih.gov

Dr. Raghavachari: nalini.raghavachari@nih.gov

Dr. Zappala: giovanna.zappala@nih.gov

Clinical Trials Branch

Chief: Sergei Romashkan, M.D., Ph.D

Extramural Scientist Administrators:

Barbara Radziszewska

, Ph.D TBD

The Clinical Trials Branch plans and administers

clinical trials on age-related issues. Research emphases include: Interventions to prevent or treat "geriatric syndromes", disability, and complications of comorbidity or polypharmacy Trials to detect age- or comorbidity-related differences in responses to interventions against conditions found in middle age and old age Interventions for problems associated with menopause and other mid- and late-life changes Interventions that may affect rates of progression of age-related declines in function in early and mid-life Interventions with protective effects against multiple ag e-related conditions

Contact Information

Phone: 301-435-3047

Fax: 301-402-1784

Dr. Romashkan: romashks@nia.nih.gov


Radziszewska: radziszb@nia.nih.gov

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