College of Engineering and Computer Science


Internships-Abroad - Anna University

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE &ENGINEERING, CEG CAMPUS ANNA UNIVERSITY INTERNSHIP DETAILS - 2015 - 2016 ( VIII SEM / BATCH - G ) Sl Reg No Name Company Duration Internship Period No 1 2012103516 Bala Lakshmi N Accolite Software India Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru 2 months 11 May 2015 - 11 July 2015 2 2012103522 Devanand J Samsung R&D Institute

Engineering & Computer Science - Studies Abroad

Get hands-on experience abroad An international internship through ISA can help you stand out in the increasingly competitive job market Available for a variety of majors, we offer full-time internships (in-person or online) or add a part-time internship alongside your courses Discover internship opportunities available by visiting

L3 and M1 internships for the Computer Science Department of

Especially if you are looking for an internship abroad, explain that the school trains future researchers, and that the department teaches theoretical computer science Always mention the curriculum year your are in (note that L3 and M1 are french acronyms) If you contact someone as a reaction to an internship proposal found on their web page,

College of Engineering and Computer Science

Internship Application Germany 2019 Group A Opportunities for International internships with Siemens Co or with MDC Power Co Documents required with this cover sheet: • Resume (two-page maximum) • Essay on ‘How this international internship will impact my educational experience ’ (500 words maximum)


one of three tracks: Engineering and Science; Entrepreneurship and Innovaon; and Industrial Design UCEAP UK, Imperial College London This year?long program is open to Engineering and Computer Science majors only Unique course available in Material Science & Computer Science, and Chemical, Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Engineering

Searches related to computer science abroad internship filetype:pdf

Throughout your time abroad, you will work with your instructor via various online media to achieve these goals and to make your international experiences as valuable as possible UWP 198: Engineering/Computer Science Internship Reflection Summer Internship in Barcelona, Spain Course Syllabus June 16–July 29, 2022 University of California

College of Engineering and Computer Science 60330_3International_Internship_briefing.pdf

College of Engineering and Computer Science

University of Central Florida


•Internships while studying very valuable for students and employers alike •Provide practical experience as part of student"s engineering/CS education. •Provides for foot in the door for intern at sponsoring company •Provide potential employers with opportunity to closely evaluate a prospective employee

International Internships

•Value of internship rises dramatically if international •Provides a wealth of experiences that go much beyond technical and corporate experience of domestic internship

•Cultural enrichment

•Possibly learning a second language

•Evidence of risk-taking by the student

•Multi-national companies highly value employees who have international experience

•Will give them priority in the hiring process

International Internships at UCF

•The UCF CECS offers a limited number of

international internship positions •Very limited at this time, but hope to grow the number of positions available. •We are actively seeking candidates for next year

•Summer 2019

•Spring 2019 (if you hurry!)

•Fall 2019.

•This session is to discuss these opportunities.

Can be part of IE Minor

Total of 18-20 hours

1.Six to eight credits of a foreign language, preferably at


2.Three credits of cultural coursework at overseas partner institution

3.An experience abroad consisting of either:

•Nine credits of engineering/technical coursework or

•Nine credits of internship overseas


Employer #1 -Siemens Corp

Energy Systems Department

Erfurt, Germany

Electrical generator manufacturing plant

Location: Erfurt, Germany

•The provincial capital of Thuringia -central Germany •Part of the old German Democratic Republic (communist East Germany). •Very pleasant mid-size city of about 200,000 inhabitants, •Located almost in the north-south geographic center of Germany. •Makes it a good location for travel within Germany. •Escaped much of the war damage in WWII several examples of medieval buildings all around town.

•Easily accessible by train from Frankfurt and Berlin (2.5 hrs each). A bit farther to Munich and Cologne.

•But has no meaningful airport

Views of Erfurt

General Requirements

•Must be at least 3 months duration

•Preferably 4 or 5 months

•Not more than six months

•Salary of €500/month -enough to live on

•However, Air fare must be paid by intern

•No need for visa prior to departure (with US Passport)

•Must get it there upon arrival

•You will be an exchange student at FH Erfurt

•Student must enroll for experiential learning credits at UCF •Six credits if during summer and not seeking IE minor •12 credits if not during summer or if seeking IE Minor (3 of these are for cultural class)


UCF undergraduate in:

Mechanical Engineering

(Can also be Aerospace engineering)

Electrical Engineering


Or a very strong recommendation

from a UCF faculty member

The higher the better

Positions are competitive!!

Can also accept graduate

students, but that is much more complicated

Position #1

•Mechanical Engineering student (or Aerospace)

•Calculations Department (Dr. Thomas Walbeck)

•Ability to speak/understand basic German is

required (but not necessarily be fluent in German) •Intimate Knowledge of CAD system use is required

•Knowledge of ANSYS highly desirable.

•Skills in freehand drawing of parts

•High GPA


Position #2

•Mechanical Engineering student (or Aerospace)

•Mr. Dirk Petzoldt

•Ability to speak some German highly desirable, but not required •Intimate Knowledge of CAD system use is required

•High GPA


Position #3 (not confirmed)

•Electrical Engineering student

•High Voltage Laboratory

•Ability to speak German not required, but highly desirable

•Knowledge of Insulation and high voltage


•High GPA


Employer #2 -MDC Power Co.


, Germany (near Erfurt)

Automotive Engine Manufacturing Plant us/locations/location-detail-page-5196.html

MDC Power Co.

•MDC Power stands for Mitsubishi Daimler Chrysler. •Was originally a joint venture between Daimler Chrysler and Mitsubishi , but is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Daimler •They make (assemble) 50% of all automotive engines for

Mercedes Benz automobiles and vans

•4-cyl, 6-cyl, gasoline, diesel and AMG engines

•5,000 engines produced per day

•Large modern plant with several manual as well as semi-automated assembly lines

•Looking for two interns from UCF

General Requirements

•Two to three months duration

•May through August 2019 would be fine

•Could be Fall 2018, but timing is very tight

•Salary of €800/month -enough to live on while there

•However, air fare must be paid by intern

•No need for visa prior to departure (with US Passport)

•Must get it there upon arrival

•You will be an exchange student at FH Erfurt

•Student must enroll for experiential learning credits at UCF •Six credits if during summer and not seeking IE minor •12 credits if not during summer or if seeking IE Minor (3 of these are for cultural class)


UCF undergraduate in:

Mechanical Engineering or Industrial Engineering

Interest in automotive manufacturing processes and processoptimization


Or a very strong recommendation from a UCF faculty member

The higher the better

Positions are expected to be highly competitive!!

Interns will live in Erfurt (FH Erfurt student housing). Interns will commute to the plant (15-20 minute drive) MDC Power will set up carpooling arrangement for interns

There will likely be a cost involved

Positions #1 and #2

•Engineering Department (Mr. Peter Tschugg)

•Must have a strong interest in manufacturing

•High GPA


•Ability to speak/understand basic German is not required (but desirable)

Employer #3 -Several of them

through Bremen City University

Bremen, Germany

(northern Germany)

Bremen, Germany

•This opportunity is different in that our arrangement is with the university partner and not directly with the companies as in the case of Siemens and MDC Power

•The university partner is Hochschule Bremen -City University of Applied Sciences (HS Bremen) •This institution has agreements for internships with several big-name companies in the area •UCF students can participate in these internships as exchange students with HS Bremen

•No positions have been specifically defined, but will be identified for students that show interest

General Requirements

•Bremen is a port city in the north of Germany

•Some very well-known companies!

•Minimum pay range 450 Euros per month (US$525.00)

•Depends on the employer

•March to August / March to December

•May to August / May to December

recommended commitment

•February -German classes

•Spring 2019 Application and resume by August 6, 2018


•Positions available with:

•AIRBUS -IT/database students, possibly Industrial Engineering. •InPro-electronic mechanics / robotics students

•Ariane Group -TBD


•Daimler (Mercedes Benz) -TBD


•OHB System -TBD

•AES Aero -TBD


Or a very strong recommendation from a UCF faculty member

The higher the better

Employer #4 -Well,

none just yet

But, we're looking...

Other Opportunities

Albeit Unpaid ...

Other Opportunities -Unpaid

•There are two other opportunities for the adventurous student who does not need funding

•Not many details available at this time, but university partner running these opportunities is very reliable

•Will require special arrangements and are not part of our official internship offerings, but very interesting opportunities.

•If anyone is interested, please let me know and we will begin the conversations to get the details

Opportunity #1

•Participate in a team at Jonkoping University (Sweden) that will compete in an international solar car competition -The Bridgestone World Solar Challenge

•They participated last year and came in 7

th place internationally •One-year commitment: January 2019 through at least October 2019 (when the race concludes) •Unpaid, but they will cover travel costs to Australia. •Electrical, electronic, mechanical, solar engineers

The Bridgestone

World Solar


Darwin to Adelaide


Build a car, race a continent, compete with theworld.


Opportunity #2

•Internships in Bangkok, Thailand

•Through Jonkoping University

•Unpaid but low cost of living

•Can take classes in the Jonkoping Univ. Bangkok campus (in English) and do the internship part time at the same time. •If interested, the person in charge of this program will be at UCF on August 16 and 17.

•Great opportunity to ask questions


•Each opportunity is different

•May have to move quickly for some

•We have some good prior experience with Siemens but not so with the others

•May have to figure things out as we go

•Deadlines will vary according to program and desired date of start. •Most importantly, we need to gauge your interest and your desired starting dates

•Contact: Ms. Maureen Waked,

-823-2455,ENG I 107


1.Applications completed and submitted by student candidates.

2.UCF committee meets and selects the best candidates for interviewing by committee members

3.Successful candidates are passed on to FH Erfurt for their consideration

4.Those candidates approved are passed to Siemens for their consideration and possible interviewing through Skype

5.Candidates chosen by Siemens begin employment discussions directly with Siemens to prepare for internship.

6.MDC Power internship will likely be the same

Siemens and MDC Power:

•We will use the same process for these two

opportunities •If interested in Siemens Position #1, candidate should enroll in German classes for Fall semester.

•Application deadline is October 1, 2018

•Apply online www.studyabroad.ucf.eduSummer

Engineering Internship Exchange at Erfurt


Internships through HS Bremen

•Spring 2019 Application and resume by August 6, 2018

•We have some students there now through this

avenue, and one going in Fall, but little feedback yet.

•Different process than Siemens/MDC Power.

•Again, see Maureen Waked for details

Unpaid Opportunities

•Need for much discussion.

•If interested, contact:

Dr. Avelino Gonzalez

To begin the process.

International Engineering Forum

Come share an afternoon with our guest speakers who will be discussing how their companies value an international component to an engineering/CS education

. The Impact of an International Education on your career success

Wednesday September 5, 2018;

2:00 to 5:00 PM

HEC 101

A reception will follow the Forum

Guillermo Novo -Chief Executive

Officer and President of


Materials, Inc. (not yet confirmed)

Rafael Mercado Ugarte, Chief of Staff

to the General Manager-Business

Consulting at IBM

Guest Speakers

Panel Discussion -Q&A with speakers, IEP

alumni and students returning from a study abroad experience

How to apply ?

Application for Group A and B available at:

Group A deadline October 1, 2018

Group B deadline August 6, 2018

Internship Application Germany 2019

Group A Opportunities for International internships with Siemens Co. or with MDC Power Co.

Documents required with this cover sheet:

Resume (two-page maximum) Essay on 'How this international internship will impact my educational experience.' (500 words

maximum). Please explicitly address why you are interested in the specific position* for which you have

applied. Siemens: Mechanical or Aerospace engineering majors Electrical engineering majors with power engineering coursework MDC Power: Mechanical or Aerospace majors with interest in manufacturing processes Industrial engineering majors with interest in manufacturing processes. Name: ________________________________________________ UCF ID: ______________________ Major: _________________________________ Minor (if any): _______________________________ UCF GPA: _________________ Overall GPA: _______________ Major GPA: ___________________ Expected Graduation Date: _______________________ Application date: ______________________

Internship desired * (check only one): Siemens: Pos #1____; Pos #2 ____: Pos #3____; MDC Power: _____

Please circle the date(s) desired: March to August / May to August / May to December / August to December /

January to June / Any dates

Applicants chosen will be required to interview with a committee headed by Dr. Avelino Gonzalez, faculty

coordinator for the International Engineering Program.

Additional information:

Student must enroll for experiential learning credits at UCF o 3 - 6 credits if during summer and not seeking IE minor o 12 credits if not during summer or if seeking IE Minor No need for visa prior to departure (Americans), few exceptions 3.0 GPA minimum Understanding of German language a plus; required for 1 position €500 - €800/ month salary F-1 students are not eligible

Complete this application and submit to the CECS Academic Affairs Office in ENG 1 room 107 OR by email to by 5 PM, Monday, October 1, 2018. Incomplete applications will be discarded automatically.


Internship Application Germany 2019

Group B

Opportunities for International internships with / through HSBremen

Documents required with this cover sheet:


ͻEssay on 'How this international internship will impact my educational experience.' (max 500 words)

HSBremen-Mechanical, Aerospace, Electrical, Computer Science, Information Technology, Industrial Engineering majors


Ariane Group

ABAT Daimler (Mercedes Benz)


OHB System AES Aero


Student applications will be in a pool for companies to select an intern. Name:________________________________________________ UCF ID:______________________

Email: Major:_________________________________Minor (if any):_______________________________ UCF GPA:_________________ Overall GPA:_______________ Major GPA:___________________ Expected Graduation Date:_______________________ Application date: ______________________

Please circle the date(s) desired:March to August / May to August / May to December / August to December /

January to June / Any dates

Applicants chosen will be required to interview with a committee headed by Dr. Avelino Gonzalez, faculty coordinator for

the International Engineering Program.

Additional information:

ͻStudent must enroll for experiential learning credits at UCF

3 -6 credits if during summer and not seeking IE minor

12 credits if not during summer or if seeking IE Minor

ͻNo need for visa prior to departure (Americans), few exceptions

ͻ3.0 GPA minimum

ͻUnderstanding of German language a plus; required for 1 position

ͻ€500 -€800/ month salary

F-1 students are not eligible

Complete this application and submit to the CECS Academic Affairs Office in ENG 1 room 107 ORby email to

mwaked@ucf.eduby 5 PM,Monday, August 6, 2018. Incomplete applications will be discarded automatically.



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