Before You Invest The use of money is all the advantage there


Ask Questions: Questions You Should Ask About Your Investments

ginner or have been investing for many years, it’s never too early or too late to start asking questions It’s almost impossible to ask a dumb question about how you are invest-ing your money Don’t feel intimi-dated Remember, it’s your money at stake You are paying for the as-sistance of a financial professional

Is it worth considering investing at all-time highs?

The U S dollar continued its decline, and bond markets made major moves The yield curve steepened, with 10-year Treasury yields rising over 10bps to 0 76 and 30-year yields rising close to 20bps to 1 53 —both the highest since June

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Saving Versus Investing The main different between “saving” and “investing” is the amount of risk and time involved If you are saving money for a goal that’s just 3 or 4 years away (like a down payment for a home), cash and cash investments like bank CDs make the most sense – you won’t make a lot, but you won’t risk any money

Before You Invest The use of money is all the advantage there

among others, when considering investing in a crowdfunding opportunity: • Finances: Review closely the financial projections in the company’s offering, as well as any other financial statements from the company or the offering’s intermediary • Timeline: Review closely the projections for bringing the product or service to the market,

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Real Estate investing is one of the most simplistic ways to earn money With a relatively small monetary investment and some sweat equity, you can turn a substantial profit The future outlook on real estate investing is positive and constantly evolving For new investors, one of the most difficult hurdles to overcome is learning the

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Considering how many years you expect to work, how long you need your money to last afterward, and setting up tax-advantaged accounts, such as a 401(k) or IRA Purchasing one’s home, such as by taking out a mortgage loan to pay off over 15–30 years Money received in exchange for work or through investing Money set aside for unplanned expenses

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Are you considering investing in mortgage funds through a private lender? Learn more about this investment opportunity to see if it’s right for you What is a mortgage fund? A mortgage fund, or mortgage REIT, pools capital and invests in real estate debt, sometimes called hard money loans Key benefits from investing in hard money include:

Before You Invest The use of money is all the advantage there 63282_2CrowdfundingFINAL.pdf

17 North Second Street | Suite 1300

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101

1.800.PA.BANKS (1.800.722.2657) DE



pennsylvaniaThe use of money is all the advantage there is in having it." -Ben Franklin > protect > regulate > inform DE




Additional Resources

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

1-800-SEC-0330 (800-732-0330)

Pennsylvania Of?ce of Attorney General


North American Securities

Administrators Association

PA Investor Education on Facebook You will not "get rich quickly" by investing through equity crowdfunding. You will be making a long-term investment and are not likely to see any

return on your investment for years. Additionally, expect your ability to sell your ownership stake in

the company to be limited for many years.

Money invested through equity crowdfunding

should be money that you do not need in the near future. Like all forms of investing, crowdfunding involves risk - you could potentially lose some or all of the money you invest.

As with any investment, you should "investigate

before you invest." Actual offerings found on crowdfunding websites have not been registered through federal or state regulators. Not all companies whose offerings will be found on crowdfunding websites will succeed, not all will have sound business plans and some may not even be legitimate operations. It is important that you do your homework and/or seek trusted professional advice before investing your money in an equity crowdfunding opportunity.Equity crowdfunding will work for some investors, but not others. It is important for individuals seeking to invest in a crowdfunding opportunity to review all of the available information in order to ?nd investments that are right for their situations, goals and levels of risk tolerance.

Before You Invest...

Crowdfunding is a way for an organization,

company or individual to raise money over the

Internet for a cause, a project, a service or a

product. Until recently, crowdfunding has been used only to raise contributions over the Internet.

Individuals who contributed did so because they

wanted to support a project or product - without expecting any type of substantial ?nancial return.

For example, individuals would contribute to

support an artist's or non-pro?t's project, or to support the launch of a small business that could help revitalize a town's economy.

However, new rules in some other states (not

including Pennsylvania), have created "equity crowdfunding," a non-traditional way for small businesses and start-up companies to raise capital over the Internet in their own states by offering equity, or ownership interest, in the company to investors.

When the ?nal rules are issued by the U.S.

Securities and Exchange Commission, small

business owners and entrepreneurs will be allowed to offer and sell up to $1 million in ownership interests in their companies across state lines over any 12-month period. Individual investors will have limits placed on the amount of money they can invest in relation to their level of income and/or net worth.

These offerings will be made over the Internet

using websites run by "intermediaries." These intermediaries will be either licensed broker- dealers or registered as online "funding portals."

The intermediaries are independent of those

business owners and entrepreneurs seeking investors. The intermediaries simply serve as the online venue to connect business owners and entrepreneurs with interested investors.

Potential investors should expect to be sent a

questionnaire from the intermediary that includes questions about their own personal ?nances.

How Does Equity Crowdfunding Work?

By using equity crowdfunding, investors will be

taking a ?nancial stake in the company as a partial owner. However, investors should expect to have limited voting rights and limited, if any, input regarding business decisions made by the company's management. The federal Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act was signed into law in 2012. The JOBS Act was

designed to assist small business and startup funding by easing federal restrictions on solicitation and

investing through the process called "crowdfunding." Crowdfunding allows businesses to accept

investments from private individuals without having to go through the formal initial public offering

(IPO) process.





Net worth or annual

income LESS than $100K Can invest $2,000 or 5% of annual income



Net worth or annual

income MORE than $100K Can invest 10% of annual income


from Investors


1per year

What is Crowdfunding?

You may want to consider the following factors,

among others, when considering investing in a crowdfunding opportunity: • Finances: Review closely the ?nancial projections in the company's offering, as well as any other ?nancial statements from the company or the offering's intermediary. • Timeline: Review closely the projections for bringing the product or service to the market, as well as other issues such as strategies, costs, manufacturing and distribution. • Capitalization: Assess whether the company will raise suf?cient capital to ensure success, as well as any information about future capital needs. • Management: Assess the backgrounds of the managers and directors to satisfy yourself that they have pertinent experience and skills to successfully start, build and grow a business or bring a new product or service to market.

Crowdfunding Investment Basics

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