1 Current Cosmology - Massachusetts Institute of Technology


8942 Cosmology Notes - MIT

2 Zero-order cosmology 2 1 The FLRW metric The FLRW metric is d?2 = dt 2 a(t) dr2 1 kr2 + r2d 2 + r2 sin2 d?2 : = dt 2 a(t) dr2 1 kr2 + d 2 ; where k= 0; 1 and, if k= 1, ris bounded Hubble noticed that objects seemed to recede at velocity proportional to their distance (There were all kinds of problems with his paper, but he was right in

Cosmology - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cosmology Michael Li March 26, 2017 ?e expanding universe Review of Newtonian gravity, gravitational potential, and spherical-shell theorem „e Cos-mological Principle: homogeneity and isotropy Derivation of Hubble•s law Scale factor of the universe Hubble parameter Kinematic e‡ects, including redshi› and horizons Newto-

Cosmology - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cosmology On occasion I refer back to that book (cited here as “G&C”) for material that does not seem worth repeating here Classical general relativity has not changed much since 1972 (apart from a great strengthen-ing of its experimental veri?cation) so it did not seem necessary to cover gravitation as well as cosmology in the present

1 Current Cosmology - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

PROJECT H Cosmology Edmund Bertschinger Kristin Burgess Edwin F Taylor 1 Current Cosmology We live in a golden age of astrophysics and cosmology Observational satellites above Earth’s atmosphere view the electromagnetic spectrum from microwave through gamma rays These

Inflationary Cosmology: Exploring the Universe from the - MIT

of inflationary cosmology, which draws on a blend of concepts from particle physics and gravitation The last few years have been a remarkably exciting time for cosmology, with new observations of unprecedented accuracy yielding many surprises Einstein_s legacy is flourishing in the early 21st century Inflation was invented a quarter of a century

Searches related to cosmology at mit filetype:pdf

In?ationary Cosmology and Fundamental Physics by Mark Peter Hertzberg Submitted to the Department of Physics on May 12, 2010, in partial ful?llment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Abstract This thesis is a collection of several papers at the interface between cosmology, particle physics, and ?eld theory

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