Time and Cosmology - University of Lausanne


On holographic braneworld cosmology - ResearchGate

end-of-world (ETW) brane cutting o the left (or right) region of the black hole and replac- ing the asymptotic boundary therein [13] It is known that a two-sided wormhole geometry

Time and Cosmology - University of Lausanne

Does the world have a beginning? And does time itself have a beginning? Our aim: Answer these questions Use physical theories NB: There are other questions about time in cosmology: - End of time? - Cosmic time? - Cosmological explanation of arrow of time?

le d-ib td-hu va-top mxw-100p">International OA Journal - Journal of Cosmology

COSMOLOGY IS NOT COSMETOLOGY Cosmology: The science or theory of the universe as an ordered whole, and of the general laws which govern it Also, a particular account or system of the universe and its laws Cosmetology: The art and practice of beauty culture

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