


To convert a decimal to a percentage multiply by 100 (just move the decimal point 2 places to the right). For example

Place Value Decimals & Percentages: Teacher's Handbook

By providing additional guidance in the teaching and learning of place value decimals and percentages

Visual Representations of Fractions Decimals and Percentages

Aim: I can write percentages as a fraction and as a decimal. Write the percentage fraction and decimal represented by the following: %. %. %. %.

Place Value Decimals & Percentages: Teacher's Manual

teaching and learning of place value decimals and percentages


Question 1: Match up any decimal and percentage that are equivalent. Not all the decimals and percentages will match up. Question 2: Arrange in order from 

A Guide to Teaching Fractions Percentages and Decimals

teaching and learning of place value decimals and percentages

Fractions decimals percentages

This activity is about converting between fractions decimals and percentages. Information sheet. Converting between decimals and fractions. To change a decimal 


Convert Between Fractions Decimals and Percentages. Key Skills. Complete the daily exercises to focus on improving this skill. Day 1. Q Question.

Book 7: Teaching Fractions Decimals


Decimals to Percentages

Decimals to Percentages. Percentages to Decimals. Corbettmaths. Ensure you have: Pencil pen

Quick-Guide-to-Percentages-and-Decimals.pdf 822_6Quick_Guide_to_Percentages_and_Decimals.pdf Adapted from Dansmath.com

Quick Guide to Percentages and Decimals

The % is a percent sign, meaning divided by 100.

So 25% means 25/100, or 1/4.

To convert a percentage to a decimal, divide by 100.

So 25% is 25/100, or 0.25.

To convert a decimal to a percentage, multiply by 100 (just move the decimal point 2 places to the right).

For example, 0.065 = 6.5% and 3.75 = 375%.

To find a percentage of a number, say 30% of 40, just multiply.

For example, (30/100)(40) = 0.3 x 40 = 12.

To find what percent a number is of another, divide. For example, 3/4 = 0.75 = 75%, so 3 is 75% of 4.

To make a fraction into a decimal, you divide.

For example, 3/4 = 0.75 = 75%, to recycle a recent example.

Decimals already stand for fractions.

For example, 0.23 means 23 / 100 , and 0.6 means 6/10 or 3/5.

More Decimals

Rounding decimals to a certain accuracy or number of decimal places. For example, 5.1837 to the nearest hundredth would be 5.18 (round down), while to the nearest 3 places would be 5.184 (round up because of the 7) Order matters when calculating and rounding (vs. rounding then calculating).

3.7 + 2.6 --> 4 + 3 --> 7 rounding first to nearest whole number then adding

3.7 + 2.6 --> 6.3 --> 6 adding first and then rounding at the end.

Which is correct? The second one really, but the first one is quicker for rough work! Significant digits measure overall relative accuracy of a value. For example, the approx. number 3.85 has 3 sig digs, while 0.00034 has only two. In this case we would consider 18.40 as more accurate than 18.4 (4 sig digs to 3).
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