[PDF] cell cycle journal impact factor

Cell Cycle

[PDF] List of Scientific Journals (Impact Factor wise) (From Special Centre

List of Scientific Journals (Impact Factor wise) (From Special Centre for Molecular Medicine) C (IMPACT FACTORS 2 0 TO 4 99) CELL CYCLE 1538-4101

[PDF] NATURE No 1 weekly science journal, with highest ever Impact

1 weekly science journal, with highest ever Impact Factor autophagy, signal transduction, DNA replication and repair, cell cycle and cell growth and

[PDF] Curriculum Vitae - Banaras Hindu University

is associated with cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cervical cancer Cellular Oncology, 38: 215-225 Journal Impact Factor: 4 761 Times Cited: 30

ZFP36L2 is a cell cycle-regulated CCCH protein necessary for DNA

KEY WORDS: Cell cycle, DNA damage response, Ubiquitin, Protein or ZFP36) and the butyrate response factors 1 and 2 (also called

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