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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Convention against torture and other cruel inhuman or degrading treatment or punish- ment. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

regstered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traites

Trait.s et accords internatiolLaux

enregistres ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organaisation des Nations Unies

Copyright © United Nations 1996

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Copyright © Nations I.inies 1996

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreentents

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Trait6s et accords internationaux

euregistrs ou classes et inscrits alL r6pertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 1996

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1465 1987 I. Nos. 24833-24846



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 24 June 1987 to 1 July 1987 Page

No. 24833. Mexico and China:

Agreement on co-operation in economic and social planning. Signed at Beijing on

7 D ecem ber 1986 ..................................................


No. 24834. Spain and Ecuador:

Supplementary Agreement on international technical co-operation regarding labour and social affairs. Signed at Madrid on 25 October 1985 ............... 15

No. 24835. Spain and Federal Republic of Germany:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning extradition. Bonn, 11 and

14 M arch 1986 .................................................... 27

No. 24836. Spain and Peru:

Agreement for the establishment of a food aid counterpart fund (with annexes). Signed at Lima on 20 October 1986 ................................. 33

No. 24837. Brazil and German Democratic Republic:

Basic Agreement concerning scientific and technological co-operation. Signed at Brasilia on 22 November 1984 ...................................... 47

No. 24838. Brazil and C6te d'Ivoire:

Additional Protocol to the Agreement on technical and scientific co-operation. Signed at Brasilia on 12 M ay 1987 ......................................... 59

No. 24839. Brazil and Mozambique:

Agreement in the field of communications Supplementary to the General Agreement on co-operation. Signed at Maputo on 15 May 1987 .................... 67

No. 24840. Brazil and Benin:

Additional Protocol to the Agreement on technical co-operation. Signed at Brasilia on 26 M ay 1987 .................................................. 77

Vol. 1465

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classes et inscrits au r~pertoire au Secrtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1465 1987 I. NIs 24833-24846



Trait~s et accords internationaux

enregistr~s du 24 juin1987 au Jer juillet 1987 Pages

No 24833. Mexique et Chine:

Accord de cooperation en mati~re de planification dconomique et sociale. Signd A Beijing le 7 d~cembre 1986 ....................................... 3

No 24834. Espagne et ltquateur :

Accord compldmentaire relatif A la cooperation technique internationale dans le domaine social et du travail. Sign A Madrid le 25 octobre 1985 ........ 15 NO 24835. Espagne et Ripublique f~d~rale d'Allemagne : tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A l'extradition. Bonn, 11 et 14 mars 1986, 27 N O

24836. Espagne et Prou :

Accord relatif A 1'6tablissement d'un fonds de contrepartie d'aide alimentaire (avec annexes). Signd A Lima le 20 octobre 1986 ........................... 33 No 24837. Br~sil et R~publique d~mocratique allemande : Accord de base relatif A la cooperation scientifique et technologique. Sign A Brasflia le 22 novem bre 1984 ............................................... 47

No 24838. Brksil et C6te d'Ivoire

Protocole additionnel h l'Accord de cooperation technique et scientifique. Sign6 A Brasflia le 12 m ai 1987 ........................................... 59

No 24839. Br~sil et Mozambique :

Arrangement dans le domaine des communications compldmentaire A lAccord g~ndral de cooperation. Sign A Maputo le 15 mai 1987 ....................... 67

NO 24840. Brksil et B~nin :

Protocole additionnel A 'Accord de cooperation technique. Sign6 A Brasflia le 26 mai

19 87 ............................................................. 77

Vol. 1465

VI United Nations-Treaty Series • Nations Unies-Recueil des Trait~s 1987 Page

No. 24841. Multilateral:

Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punish- ment. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10 December

1984 ............................................................. 85

No. 24842. France and Brazil:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the project "France-Brazil". Brasilia, 14 October 1985 ........................................... 211

No. 24843. Nicaragua and Costa Rica:

Pact of Amity (with annex). Signed at Washington on 21 February 1949 ...... 217

No. 24844. Nicaragua and Costa Rica:

Agreement pursuant to article IV of the Pact of Amity signed on 21 February 1949 (with a declaration by the Government of Costa Rica). Signed at Washington on 9 January 1956 ................................................. 227 No. 24845. United Nations (United Nations Children's Fund) and China: Agreement on co-operation (with exchange of letters). Signed at Beijing on 22 June

1981 ............................................................. 243

No. 24846. Mexico and Belize:

Basic Agreement of scientific and technical co-operation. Signed at Mexico City on 22 February 1985 ............................................... 261 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., concern- ing treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations No. 4789. Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of approval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts. Done at Geneva on 20 March 1958:
Entry into force of amendments to Regulation No. 6 annexed to the above-mentioned A greem ent ........................................................ 272 Entry into force of amendments to Regulation No. 48 annexed to the above-mentioned Agreement of 20 March 1958 ....................................... 287 Proc~s-verbal concerning modifications to Regulation No. 6 annexed to the above- mentioned Agreement of 20 March 1958 ............................. 288 No. 7247. International Convention for the Protection of Performers, Pro- ducers of Phonograms and Broadcasting Organisations. Done at Rome, on 26 October 1961: Declaration by France ................................................. 307

Vol. 1465

1987 United Nations-Treaty Series • Nations Unies-Recueil des Traitis VII


NO 24841. Multilateral

Convention contre la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou d~gradants. Adopte par IAssemble g~ndrale des Nations Unies le 10 d~cembre

19 84 ............................................................. 85

NO 24842. France et Br~sil :

tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif au projet o France-Brdsil .. Brasflia,

14 octobre 1985 ................................................... 211

NO 24843. Nicaragua et Costa Rica :

Pacte d'amiti6 (avec annexe). Signd A Washington le 21 f~vrier 1949 ......... 217

NO 24844. Nicaragua et Costa Rica :

Accord complmentaire A l'article IV du Pacte d'amiti6 sign6 le 21 f~vrier 1949 (avec une d~claration du Gouvernement costa-ricien). Sign6 A Washington le 9 janvier 1956 .................................................. 227 NO 24845. Organisation des Nations Unies (Fonds des Nations Unies pour

I'enfance) et Chine :

Accord de coop6ration (avec 6change de lettres). Sign6 6 Beijing le 22 juin 1981 243

No 24846. Mexique et B1ize:

Accord de base relatif A la coopdration scientifique et technique. Sign6 A Mexico le 22 f6vrier 1985 ................................................. 261 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, accords ultgrieurs, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistrgs au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies NO 4789. Accord concernant l'adoption de conditions uniformes d'homo- logation et la reconnaissance r6ciproque de 1'homologation des

6quipements et pices de v~hicules A moteur. Fait A Gen~ve

le 20 mars 1958 : Entree en vigueur d'amendements au R~glement no 6 annex A l'Accord susm entionnd ..................................................... 289

Entr6e en vigueur d'amendements au R~glement n

48 annex A l'Accord sus-

mentionn6 du 20 mars 1958 ......................................... 305 Proc~s-verbal relatif A des modifications au R~glement no 6 annexd A l'Accord susmentionn6 du 20 mars 1958 ...................................... 306 N 0

7247. Convention internationale sur la protection des artistes inter-

prates ou exkcutants, des producteurs de phonogrammes et des organismes de radiodiffusion. Faite hi Rome, le 26 octobre

1961 :

D~claration de la France .............................................. 307

Vol. 1465

VIII United Nations-Treaty Series ° Nations Unies-Recueil des Traitis 1987 Page No. 10714. Agreement between the French Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning adjoining national fron- tier clearance offices and joint or transfer railway stations at the Franco-German frontier. Signed at Paris on 18 April 1958:
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Agree- ment, confirming the Arrangement of 30 September 1985 concerning the estab- lishment of frontier clearance offices at Grosbliederstroff-Kleinblittersdorf. Paris, 1 February 1986 ............................................ 316 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Agree- ment of 18 April 1958, confirming the Arrangement of 21 August 1985 con- cerning the establishment of frontier clearance offices at Marckolsheim-Sasbach. Paris, 19 February 1986 ........................................... 319 No. 14152.Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic

Drugs, 1961. Done at New York on 8 August 1975:

A ccession by N epal .................................................... No. 14287. Regional Convention on the recognition of studies, diplomas and degrees in higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean. Concluded at Mexico City on 19 July 1974: Denunciation by Chile ................................................. No. 14583.Convention on wetlands of international importance especially as waterfowl habitat. Concluded at Ramsar, Iran, on 2 Feb- ruary 1971: Definitive signature by Niger ........................................... Participation by Niger in the above-mentioned Convention, as amended by the Protocol of 3 December 1982 ....................................... Ratification by Spain and accession by Tunisia to the Protocol of 3 December 1982 to amend the above-mentioned Convention of 2 February 1971 .......... No. 14668.International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 16 Decem- ber 1966: Notification by Panama under article 4 (3) ............................... No. 18291.Convention concerning the establishment and operation of a military post office for the benefit of French forces stationed in Djibouti. Signed at Djibouti on 3 September 1979: Am endm ent to article 18 ............................................... No. 21139. Sixth International Tin Agreement. Concluded at Geneva on

26 June 1981:

Extension of the Agreement ............................................

Vol. 1465

1987 United Nations-Treaty Series • Nations Unies-Recueil des Trait~s IX

Pages NO 10714. Convention entre la R~publique franqaise et la Rkpublique f~drale d'Allemagne relative aux bureaux de contr6les nationaux juxtaposes et aux gares communes ou d'6change h la fronti~re franco-allemande. Sign~e A Paris le 18 avril

1958 :

f-change de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionnde, con- firmant l'Arrangement du 30 septembre 1985 relatif A la crdation de bureaux de contr6les nationaux juxtaposds Grosbliederstroff-Kleinblittersdorf. Paris, ler f6vrier 1986 ................................................... 308
tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionnde du

18 avril 1958, confirmant l'Arrangement du 21 aofit 1985 relatif A la cr6ation

de bureaux de contr6les nationaux juxtaposds A Marckolsheim-Sasbach. Paris,

19 f6vrier 1986 .................................................... 312

N 0

14152. Convention unique sur les stupkfiants de 1961, telle que modi-

fi~e par le Protocole portant amendement de la Convention unique sur les stup~fiants de 1961. Faite A New York le 8 aofit

1975 :

Adhesion du N dpal .................................................... 321 N 0

14287. Convention r~gionale sur la reconnaissance des 6tudes et des

dipl6mes de i'enseignement sup~rieur en Am~rique latine et dans des Cara'bes. Conclue .4 Mexico le 19 juillet 1974 : D nonciation du Chili .................................................. 322 N 0

14583. Convention relative aux zones humides d'importance interna-

tionale particuliirement comme habitats de la sauvagine. Con- clue A Ramsar (Iran) le 2 f~vrier 1971 : Signature definitive du Niger ............................................ 323 Participation du Niger A la Convention susmentionnde, telle qu'amendde par le Protocole du 3 d6cembre 1982 ...................................... 323 Ratification par 'Espagne et adhdsion par la Tunisie au Protocole du 3 d6cembre

1982 en vue d'amender la Convention susmentionnde du 2 f6vrier 1971.. 323

N 0

14668. Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques. Adopt6

par I'Assembl~e gin~rale des Nations Unies le 16 d~cembre

1966 :

Notification du Panama en vertu du paragraphe 3 de l'article 4 .............. 325 N 0

18291. Convention relative A la creation et au fonctionnement d'un

bureau postal militaire au profit des forces franqaises sta- tionn~es i Djibouti. Sign~e A Djibouti le 3 septembre 1979 : M odification de l'article 18 ............................................. 326 N 0

21139. Sixi~me Accord international sur l'6tain. Conclu A Gen~ve le

26 juin 1981 :

Prorogation de l'Accord ................................................ 327

Vol. 1465

X United Nations-Treaty Series • Nations Unies-Recueil des Trait~s 1987 Page No. 21931. International Convention against the taking of hostages. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on

17 December 1979:

Accession by the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic .................... 328 No. 22805. Agreement between the United Mexican States and the United States of America on co-operation for the protection and improvement of the environment in the border area. Signed at La Paz, Baja California, on 14 August 1983: Agreement of co-operation regarding pollution of the environment along the inland international boundary by discharges of hazardous substances, constituting annex II to the above-mentioned Agreement (with appendices). Signed at San Diego on 18 July 1985 ............................................. 346 Agreement of co-operation regarding the transboundary shipments of hazardous wastes and hazardous substances, constituting annex III to the above-mentioned Agreement of 14 August 1983. Signed at Washington on 12 November 1986 350 Agreement of co-operation regarding transboundary air pollution caused by copper smelters along their common border, constituting annex IV to the above- mentioned Agreement of 14 August 1983. Signed at Washington on 29 January

1987 ............................................................. 357

No. 24604. International Cocoa Agreement, 1986. Concluded at Geneva on 25 July 1986: Accession by Japan .................................................... 378

Vol. 1465

1987 United Nations-Treaty Series • Nations Unies-Recueil des Trait~s XI

Pages NO 21931. Convention internationale contre la prise d'otages. Adopt~e par l'Assemble g~nirale des Nations Unies le 17 dcembre

1979 :

Adhesion de la R~publique socialiste sovi~tique de Bi~lorussie .............. 328 NO 22805. Accord de cooperation entre les ttats-Unis du Mexique et lesquotesdbs_dbs42.pdfusesText_42
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